This IS How the Left Rolls

Posted on March 27, 2010. Filed under: Enemies of The State | Tags: , |

Even though CNN annouced hundreds of people came, well over ten thousand people showed up in Harry Reid’s small Nevada town today for the Tea Party Express. In Florida, 8000 people showed up to Glenn Beck’s American Revival. Those are just two of the protests in the country today. I am so proud of my fellow Patriots for STANDING UP in defense of the Constitution.

Sadly, those on the left showed their true colors again today:

They never ceases to amaze me on the lengths they will go to in order prove what they are made of. This is what the lamestream media should be talking about, but alas, if they do report it, you can rest assured it will be said the Tea Party Express was the one throwing eggs.

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How many conservatives are being attacked, threatens and vilified, while the MSM ignores and only reports so-called attacks on the left, which are later found to be lies? A nation divided cannot stand and that’s what the left obviously wants.

I understand from friends that went Saturday they were egging peoples cars on the road in. Why isnt the media announcing this??? It’s ridiculous! Cuz it doesnt fit their agenda, it never happened. Rush and Levin, etc.. need to start their own cable channel.. even fox doesnt broadcast this info.

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