Enemies of The State

You Gotta Laugh, or You Could Cry

Posted on January 5, 2010. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info, Soapbox | Tags: , , , , , , , |

 This is out of character for me, I know. I received this email pass along today and laughed until tears were running down my cheek, then I realized how much easier it is for terrorists. 
This letter is supposed to be an actual letter to the passport office, but I didn’t “snope” it as I figured it feels accurate and makes a valid point. Be forewarned, the language is a bit rough, but you can sure feel his frustration: 
Dear Sirs, 
I’m in the process of renewing my passport, and still cannot believe this.  How is it that Radio Shack has my address and telephone number and knows that I bought a cable t.v. from them back in 1987, and yet, the Federal Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date. 
For Christ sakes, do you guys do this by hand? My birth date you have on my social security card, and it is on all the income tax forms I’ve filed for the past 30 years. It is on my health insurance card, my driver’s license, on the last eight damn passports I’ve had, on all those stupid customs declaration forms I’ve had to fill out before being allowed off the plane over the last 30 years, and all those insufferable census forms that are done at election times. 
Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother’s name is Maryanne, my father’s name is Robert and I’d be absolutely astounded if that ever changed between now and when I die!!!!!! 
I apologize, I’m really pissed off this morning. Between you an’ me, I’ve had enough of this bullshit! You send the application to my house, then you ask me for my  address. 
What is going on?  Do you have a gang of Neanderthal asses working there! 
Look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden?  I don’t want to dig up Yasser Arafat, I just want to go and park my ass on a sandy beach. 
And would someone please tell me, why would you care whether I plan on visiting a farm in the next 15 days? If I ever got the urge to do something weird to a chicken or a goat, believe you me, I’d sure as hell not want to tell anyone! 
Well, I have to go now, ’cause I have to go to the other end of the city and get another  copy of my birth certificate, to the tune of $60. Would it be so complicated to have all the services in the same spot to assist in the issuance of a new passport the same day?? Nooooo, that’d be too damn easy and maybe make sense.  You’d rather have us running all over the  place like chickens with our heads cut off, then find some idiot to confirm that it’s really me on the damn picture – you know,the one where we’re not allowed to smile?! (bureaucratic  morons)  Hey, you know why we can’t smile?  We’re totally pissed off! 
Signed – An Irate Citizen. 
P.S.. Remember what I said above about the picture and getting someone to confirm that it’s me?  Well, my family has been in this country since 1776 ……..I have served in the military for something over 30 years and have had security clearances up the yingyang……….However, I have to get someone ‘important’ to verify who I am – you know, someone like my doctor WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED IN INDIA  ! 
You Sure In The Hell Should Know Who I Am

What sank in after I got done laughing (a gesture of sympathy, I promise), was the fact Abdulmutallab, was from Nigeria and lived in Yemen in 2004 and 2005, and yet was allowed to board an airplane for the United States without a passport at all.

As a matter of fact, authorities should have been clued in for a number of reasons.

British intelligence say they had told American officials of Abdulmutallab’s reported conversations with Muslim terrorists back in 2008. British officials are said to have been convinced his student visa application was bogus and refused to renew it in May 2009, whereby they placed him on a British watch list barring reentry into the country.

In August the bomber returned to Yemen, and was reported to be attending classes at the Institute for the Arabic Language. In the fall, US intelligence picked up chatter regarding an Al Qaeda terrorist plot centered in Yemen. A recruit identified only as “The Nigerian” was said to be deeply involved. The intercepted conversations between Abdulmutallab and at least one Al Qaeda member – said to be extremist Yemeni American cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi , who also was reported to be the contact for Major Nidal Hassan, the shooter in the Fort Hood terrorist killings.

On November 19, more than a month prior to this incident,  Abdulmutallab’s respected banker father told the US embassy in Nigeria of his concerns regarding his son. He described him as “missing” and supposedly relayed to personnel at the embassy his son’s terrorist leanings including the fact the son stated he would be “sacrificing himself”.  It is reported the embassy relayed the message to the US State Department.

His name was never added to the no-fly list, nor was his US visa revoked.  As a matter of fact, nothing was done, no one in a position to stop him was notified. He was allowed to get on the plane with no hassle, allowed to stay on the plane in Amsterdam with no questions.

Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary said emphatically, immediately following the incident, the system is working.  Excuse me? I guess that depends on what your definition of ‘Is” is. 

Let’s take this one step further. These are the same people trying to mandate everything we do. They want to put all our medical records in a database and use it to deny or grant permission for treatment. They want to measure our energy usage and fine us if we don’t fall in line with their expectations. They are hiring IRS agents like mad, yet they don’t pay their taxes. 

They have screwed up every task given them. Look at any department, any division and what you will find is a bastion of inefficiency and corruption.

They have the rolls reversed. They feel they are accountable to no one.  If there is any hope and change in this country, I can only pray to hope for a change in our government!

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Maurice Strong – The Interview

Posted on December 16, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Yesterday we talked to you about the “Earth Scouts” and showed you the newly released interview from Muarice Strong. Today we have the rest of that interview.
Maurice Strong, George Soros, and others of their ilk are involved in a campaign toward One World Order. They are almost there.
While they pretend to be on a mission to empower low income and poverty stricken individuals, they are merely propelling their agenda forward into a hefty profit for
themselves. As with the Democrat party, and certain Black Activists, they merely use the guise of their David and Golliath epic battle to hypnotize another generation
into believing the lies they tell and laughing all the way to the bank.
Tomorrow we will highlight what the current administration is doing to that end, but today let’s listen to Maurice Strong in his own words.  If you are just learning about him, please see the links provided in yesterday’s column for a further education.
Maurice Strong Thoughts on RIO+20 in 2010 (birth of the Earth Charter)
Maurice Strong Thoughts on Climate Change
Maurice Strong Thoughts on Peace and Sustainability
Maurice Strong and His Motivation in Life
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Maurice Strong and the Indoctrination of Our Youth

Posted on December 16, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State | Tags: , , , |

This is a multipart series on the indoctrination of the youth of America. We will be continuing this series for the next few days. The above video is important to illustrate what history has to teach us on this issue.

Introducing The Earth Scouts

Here is the 329 page book distributed to “troop” leaders across the country for the Earth Scouts.

The Inside Cover states: Resources for families bringing up children in the spirit of the Earth Charter. Illustrations on the cover page tout Participatory Democracy, Economic Justice, Human Rights, Respect for Nature, Peace and Non-Violence

The guide was made possible through a grant from the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County, Florida. CBHC is funded through tax dollars.

It is important you visit the link provided, however, allow me to provide small snippets of the first few pages in order for you to understand their stated goals.

The Earth Scouts are groups of 5 to 15 children ages 3 to 15 and their adult facilitators, committed to live the ideals of the Earth Charter The Earth Charter is a set of principles. It is a vision for a human race that aspires to live in peace, practice respect for human rights, and pledges to consume resources with wisdom and concern for all life now and in the future.

Earth Scouts participate in planning their own activities to fulfill their mission: Changing the world one fun badge at a time.

Earth Scouts learn and practice skills that will serve them throughout their lives. They experience cooperative work and group decision making that will improves self-esteem, and offer safe-passage on each child’s journey from self-centeredness to respect for the interconnected web of life.

Earth Scouts learn about people who have identified problems and created their own strategies to act on those problems effectively. They learn about policies and practices in their own neighborhood, city, state, nation and global community that interfere with the ability of people to live together happily and healthfully. Earth Scouts co-create their own strategies to address issues of mutual concern. These strategies may be as simple as doing research or as dynamic as passing a new law.

Earth Scouts co-create these strategies in groups that are supportive and cooperative. The goal of Earth Scouts is to empower participants to be leaders, invite them to fully embrace their role as members of local and national communities and institutions, and inspire the courage to live true to your beliefs even if it means being different.

Earth Scouts learn and grow together, becoming a values-oriented peer group bonded by the shared experience of transforming concern into action.

…Our goal for Earth Scouts is to support families evolving their own sustainable lifestyles, by bringing you activities, stories of successful community service dreamed up and carried out by youth, group process tips, explanations of the Earth Charter, and the experiences of other Earth Scout Communities. Our definition of family for this book is broad: loving people who join together in the hard and important work of raising children. Living by the principles in the Earth Charter, and trying to be a caring and responsible member of our Global Human Family requires creativity and a supportive community. We hope you find tools and ideas for both in the pages of this book.

…The National Earth Scouts organization is a program of the non-profit organization Earth Charter Communities, USA, and pursues the mission of supporting Earth Scouts groups with informational resources, and networking assistance. Individual scout communities are independent both financially and authoritatively. In other words, the national organization does not determine policies, or dictate programs, fundraise for individual groups or collect money from them. The national organization does unify Earth Scout communities under one identity and purpose: the official Earth Scouts Mission Statement. As such, it is the Earth Charter document itself that provides individual scout communities with the guidelines to shape how they conduct scout activities and fundraising. The national office only supports and promotes Earth Scout communities that operate in alignment with Earth Charter values and principles.


They credit the book to Earth Charter Communities  founder, Jan Roberts. The idea for Earth Scouts, they say, was “willed into existence” via Jan Roberts by “inviting people to share her vision as a gardener would tirelessly gather, plant, and tend a fertile plot of land.”

Jan Roberts, according to zoom-info, “has been working with grassroots leaders throughout the US, where political support for the Charter has been weaker than in many other countries” and ” is a longtime civic activist, former private practice psychotherapist, and founder of several nonprofits, including women’s and behavioral health agencies.Jan serves as founder and president of the Institute for Ethics & Meaning in Tampa.The Institute serves as the national organizing body for Earth Charter grassroots activities in the United States. The Earth Charter is an international people’s Declaration of Interdependence that was written by over 100,000 people in 78 countries over the course of 12 years.The concept of the Earth Charter is that all life is interdependent,” Roberts said.”It’s not only about cleaning up the air and the water, but it’s also about economic and social justice.” Here is the one minute Public Service Announcement:

Their slogan is “Changing the world one fun badge at a time—youth working together to make the Earth Charter a reality at home and in the community.”

Who is the face behind the earth charter?  Maurice Strong.

If you don’t recognize that name, it’s crucial you make his acquantance: Maurice Strong  1 2 3 4 5 6 

Here he is in a very recent interview discussing the Earth Charter:

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Defending Our Country Against Treasonist Acts

Posted on December 14, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , |

The President took the following oath:

 “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The Constitution specifies in Article VI, clause 3:

“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

For other officials, including members of Congress, it specifies they “shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this constitution.” At the start of each new U.S. Congress, in January of every odd-numbered year, those newly elected or re-elected Congressmen – the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate – must recite an oath:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

This oath is also taken by the Vice President, members of the Cabinet, and all other civil and military officers and federal employees other than the President.

TREASON (per Black’s Law Dictionary) :

A breach of allegiance to one’s government, usually committed through levying war against such government or by giving aid or comfort to the enemy. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. Treason consists of two elements: adherence to the enemy, and rendering him aid and comfort.

TREASON (per Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)

Act of handing over, to hand over, betray.

I ask you, have they not committed treason? Our government is defined and embodied by the Constitution of the United States of America. I have shown you the oath they have willing and knowingly taken, but one they have trampled upon.

Spending our country into purposeful bankruptcy with bailout, stimulus, omnibus, omnibus II, health care non-reform, cap and trade non-solution to non-problem, possible Copenhagen agreement, amnesty to law breaking illegal aliens, trial of war criminals in the United States with Miranda rights, seizing our assets (water and natural resources), and on and on and on.

Is this NOT treason?

Take a stand America! This is not about politics. This is about YOUR COUNTRY!

How can you allow our loved ones to defend America abroad and not have the courage to defend America at home?


Today is the National Day of Prayer.

Today is Code RED.

Today give a patriots Christmas Wish for Congress.

Today the Second American Revolution Begins.

Today you can choose not only to write your Senators and Representatives, but you can expose them. Visit our sister site http://www.watchdogcentral.org and see who’s buying off your government.  You can post wrong doing by those in a position of power on our forum.

There are many ways to get involved. America needs you! Are you merely a citizen, or are you a Patriot? Only you can answer that question, but answer with your heart.


The oaths of nations worldwide can be seen on Wikipedia.

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The Indoctrination of Youth by Justin Brown

Posted on December 4, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info, Soapbox | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Today we are honored to have a guest blogger with us at Soldier For Liberty: Justin Brown is a freelance writer whose current profession is an Active Duty Infantryman. He has served three tours to Iraq in the last five years and continues to study the inner workings of politics, looking to further educate himself and others on the truth that lies behind the guise of the misleading main media. 


The Indoctrination of Youth

By: Justin Brown

Skeptics will state that there is no such thing as the implementation of indoctrinating the children of the United States of America; however from the mouths of government officials, agencies, and past Presidents’, this shows to be far from the actual truth. Do not get me wrong; am I by no means talking down upon the teachers in our education system. I am simply stating that many of us in society are willingly being used to implement the work of those behind the scenes that wish to impose power much greater than the average citizen can even begin to fathom. They do this through television, our educational system, sports, the media, etc. I’d like to place before you just one of the means by which such is and has been implemented for quite a long time. It is known as ideological subversion.

Ideological subversion is a four step plan that has been implemented upon the people for so long that even those teaching such doctrine to our kids, for the most part are unaware that they’re willingly brainwashing our youth. This goes along with them having already been indoctrinated themselves. In instances such as criminal court trials, evidence must be presented; please allow me to show you, the reader, exactly why this is to be very much true. This is but a small piece to a very much larger picture.

Ideological Subversion begins with demoralization. Demoralization begins and is approximately a fifteen to twenty year process. That is approximately the allotted time it takes to educate one generation of students. The agenda of this step is to expose your enemy to your ideology; which in this case is a conglomeration of Marxism/Leninism/Socialism/Fascism made into one single ideology. History has shown that one in and of itself hasn’t been sufficient enough to hold true and rule over a society, but there are strong points to each ideology. Take out the weak and implement the strong points; then, and only then, can you subvert a true government that can overcome the masses, or so the thought goes. According to former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov who worked in the field of subversion stated to the effect; you need to pound it (the enemy’s ideology) into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students without being challenged; neither by any outside sources nor against the basic ideology that is essentially Americanism or American Patriotism. There are many quotes from prominent sources as to educating and manipulating the youth.

 In 1919, United States Communist Party stated “Give us one generation of small children to train to manhood and womanhood and we will set up the Bolshevist form of the Soviet Government.” (“National Republic,” Volume 32, p. 35) Hitler went even further by stating to Hermann Rauschning in 1933 about his youth, “I’m beginning with the young. We older ones are used up… We are rotten to the marrow. We have no unrestrained instincts left. We are cowardly and sentimental. We are bearing the burden of a humiliating past, and have in our blood the dull recollection of the serfdom and servility. But my magnificent youngsters! Are there finer ones anywhere in the world? Look at these young men and boys! What material! With them I can make a new world.” (Hitler’s Children, The Hitler Youth and the SS,” by Gerhard Rempel, pp. 1-2) Again in 1939 Hitler again boldly declared, “When an opponent declares ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, ‘your child belongs to us already. What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, will stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.’ ” (“The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany,” by William Shirer, p. 249)

Our greater implementation of indoctrinating the youth came more in force through the Department of Education, which was created in 1980 to make school systems Federally run and regulated, thus taking the power from the states and the people respectively as our Constitution states. The guise is stating that they are state regulated, but with some research, this will show that if implementations aren’t being met on the Federal level than changes will and do occur.

How do we truly know the true nature by which the government has helped at such a feat and that this truly is what they want for the American people? One such quote of proof comes from former President Nixon when he “declared the first five years of a child’s life to be a period of special and specific federal concern.” (“Nixon, the First Year of His Presidency,” by Congressional Quarterly, p. 108) Even looking back further to the Fall of 1970, we can see how serious our government was about this indoctrinating when six children were removed from their parents and placed in a foster home because the parents refused to send them to public school teaching “sex education” in conflict with their religious beliefs. (“The Unseen Hand,” by Ralph Epperson, p. 391)  In 1985 Yuri Bezmenov again stated that this had already been completed in the United States and had been going on for 35 years already. Imagine how far we really are now. Mr. Bezmenov states, “Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards… Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person, who is demoralized, is unable to assess true information; truth and facts tell nothing to him…even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he, he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom.”

Another huge step in our indoctrination was through the new found thought (at the time) of global disaster by which human’s were to be made responsible. This implementation is known as Agenda 21; a 40 chapter document delineating the plan for literally taking over the world. It was signed into United States acceptance in 1992 through the United Nations for a Brave New World. One such implementation of this is a principle known as the “Cautionary Principle” by which you’re guilty until proven innocent.  We can now see the full initiative of this through the International Criminal Court Association. This will flow through the Transnational United Nations by which our Federal Government wants very much to be a part of. Sanctions are being opened up once again for this by President Obama after President Bush surprisingly took it off the table, worried that we troops would fall under this while fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Another principle through Agenda 21 is Sustainable Development. Some things that aren’t sustainable according to this document include fossil fuels, private property, golf course, ski lodges, consumerism, farmlands, pastures, grazing of livestock, the family unit, etc. In order to initiate such a feat, you must first indoctrinate the young to believe that they are the cause of all of this; once you’ve initiated such than you can work at ridding such thoughts from societies mind into believing it must be done for the better good. Just how involved is our government in wanting this. One such statement from Bush Sn. says it all. At the U.N. Conference for the implementation of Agenda 21 he stated, “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.” (“Controlled Chaos,” by Michael London, p. 292) After Bush Sn. Brought this back to America, Bill Clinton; then by Executive Order, without Congressional approval established the Presidents Council for Sustainable Development for exactly this. (“Environmental Policy and Politics: Toward the Twenty-First Century,” by Michael Kraft, p. 192)

Further specifics on how they’ve used this document occur by those who help implement the curriculum in our school systems. Agenda 21 has been studied closely; the government then implements it in our school systems and the slow indoctrination of how they train us up as puppets begins (or began so long ago). Goals within Agenda 21 include the end to National Sovereignty (Copenhagen Agreement), the end of Private Property, the Restructure of the Family Unit (Using Darwinism/Humanism in schools as a stepping stone which takes spirituality out and implements the carnal nature of animal in its place), and increasing restrictions on freedoms and mobility by which there is an opportunity to advance in one’s life.

Humanism is very much in our Educational systems as well; this along with Communism are the planks by which it functions. In fact one of the 34 signers of this Humanist Manifesto was none other than John Dewey who is also known as the “Father of Progressive Education.” In fact Mr. Dewey was polled for the most influential educator over the last 50 years, from 1924 to 1974. One quote about Mr. Dewey and his influence on education states, “No individual has influenced the thinking of American educators more.” The Humanism Manifesto II was then published in 1974 and states the Humanist agenda is “the building of a world community,” predicated upon, “the development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government.” (“The Unseen Hand,” by Ralph Epperson, pp. 378-381)

The next step is destabilization. This takes approximately the next two to five years. The essentials that are at stake include economy, foreign relations, and defence systems. The economy must be brought to the verge of crisis; this is the third step by which after crises you then have normalization as the final step. This step could last forever, or so the thought goes. At the brink of these crises, the mass must be promised all kinds of things whether they’ll be fulfilled or not. This is to eliminate the compromise of a free market economy (Bail Outs) and to put a big brother government in Washington D.C. (The Patriot Act).

Looking further into the third step; crises we can see some interesting details from history. Much like our Bail Out, with another one soon to follow; Mussolini did this in 1935. He bailed out Auto Manufacturer Alfa Romero and then supplanted the government to control such, thus taking away much of the free market economy. We’ve done this Fascist feat here in America and have taken it a step further by adding in the banks; while many ignorant (unknowledgeable) American’s applaud at such an Unconstitutional agenda. Big brother is very much in control now too, with the implementation of the Patriot Act so long ago. The only changing aspect to this is that it continues to get more and more pervasive within the confines of our everyday lives. This again happened in Germany with the burning down of the Reichstag Parliamentary Building, by which the Enabling Act of 1933 was enacted just like ours of today over the tragic 9/11. The Enabling Act gave Hitler and the once Democratic government total control over the people much like our Patriot Act already has today; sadly while many applaud at such a thing, believing it’s for the greater good of protecting the people against a war on a military tactic.

Mr. Bezmenov also added in 1985, civil rights movements are instrumental in the destabilization process of a nation; though after complete takeover they’re no longer needed because they know too much. History shows this has also again happened in Germany with the SA (Storm Troops). Before 1933, both the HJ (Hitler’s Youth) and the SS (The Elite Echelon) were involved, creating viable political organizations within the much larger confines of the SA until 1934. During the summer of this year Himmler and the SS were used as assassins to rid the regime of high officials in the SA, these men of course that had worked with Hitler to his grand rising. This was known specifically as the “Blood Purge” and the SA were prevented specifically by the aid of Himmler from every attaining nearly the amount of power as they had before this “Blood Purge.” (“The SS, Alibi of a Nation,” by Gerald Reitlinger, p. 71)

Much like the political organizations that were created back then are used in the same sense today; so as to further subvert the minds of Americans throughout with false Marxist/Leninist/Socialist/Fascist ideology, amalgamated into looking toward this now very apparent One World Government/Ideology. Those in power study such events feverishly in an attempt to resubvert such a thing in America so as to bring upon this One World Government, which they’re now publicly stating we’re about to have. Sadly, with the creation of television this has been made quite easy. Not only can the elite enjoy the comfort at knowing the mass of children are being indoctrinated at school; they can further enjoy the reality that the average child in America now spends an average of five hours a day watching television once they get home.

The final step will soon be upon us unless people begin further awaking to what’s going on; normalization of people. This last phase will ultimately result in the One World Government. The crisis was 9-11 and began there; these other crisis such as unemployment, health care, false flag war on a military tactic, and the global warming hoax, are all serving the respective purposes. Once we’re in normalization, we’ll either become a part of this new Regime or we’ll be exterminated; at least that’s what history tells us along with people that work in high places like John Holdren, David Rockefeller and many others that incorrectly state killing us off is a necessity if we’re to keep this planet alive.  This will further subvert us into the ultimate slavery with the promise of change and hope. Sadly, we’re fast tracking such a feat, at a level that the elites cannot even believe.

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The Greatest Scam In The History of Earth

Posted on November 28, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I recall the op-ed piece  at IBD earlier this month which read:

Control: The House and Senate climate bills contain a provision giving the president extraordinary powers in the event of a “climate emergency.” As chief of staff Rahm Emanuel says, a crisis is a terrible thing to waste.

If you thought the House health care bill that nobody read has hidden passages that threaten our freedoms and liberty, take a peak at the “trigger” placed in the byzantine innards of both the House-passed Waxman-Markey bill and the Kerry-Boxer bill just passed by Democrats out of Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Environment and Public Works Committee.

As Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation points out, the Kerry-Boxer bill requires the declaration of a “climate emergency” if the concentration of carbon dioxide and other declared greenhouse gases in the atmosphere exceeds 450 parts per million (ppm). It was at about 286 ppm before the Industrial Revolution and now sits at around 368 ppm.

That figure was picked out of a hat because the warm-mongers believe that’s the level at which the polar ice caps will disappear, boats can be moored on the Statue of Liberty’s torch and dead polar bears will wash up on the beaches of Malibu.

The Senate version includes a section that gives the president authority, under this declared “climate emergency,” to “direct all Federal agencies to use existing statutory authority to take appropriate actions … to address shortfalls” in achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions.

What the “appropriate actions” might be are not defined and presumably left up to the discretion of the White House. Could the burning of coal be suspended or recreational driving be banned? Sen. David Vitter, R-La., asked the EPA for a definition and received no response.

Competitive Enterprise Institute scholar Chris Horner says “this agenda transparently is not about GHG concentrations, or the climate. It’s about what the provision would bring: almost limitless power over private economic activity and individual liberty for the activist president and, for the reluctant leader, litigious greens and courts” packed by liberal Democrat appointees.

Speaking of litigious greens,  published by the Western Legacy Alliance:
In an open letter to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), dated November 2, 2009, members of the Congressional Western Caucus expressed great concern to Attorney General Holder regarding the ongoing and apparent abuse of the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) by certain organizations including environmental and special interest groups. The Caucus highlights the complete lack of oversight, accountability, and transparency in the overall process and allocation of funds under EAJA, which appears to have contributed to the egregious abuse.

“Environmental groups have been working to deny grazing rights to America’s ranchers for decades. They do so by claiming violations of environmental policy, suing federal environmental agencies and ultimately, tying up ranchers’ time and resources in costly, and often baseless, court battles,” said Jeff Faulkner, Western Legacy Alliance (WLA) member. “What makes this situation worse is the fact that these environmental groups such as Western Watersheds Project and the Center for Biological Diversity are shaking down federal government programs so they can access taxpayer dollars to fund their radical agendas.”

Two of the federal programs that are seemingly handing out millions, and possibly billions, to environmental groups are the EAJA and the Judgment Fund.

The EAJA was established approximately 30 years ago by Congress to ensure that individuals, small businesses and/or public interest groups with limited financial capacity could seek judicial redress from unreasonable government actions that threatened their rights, privileges or interests.

According the U.S. Department of the Treasury website, the Judgment Fund, which was created in the 1960’s, “…is available for most court judgments and Justice Department compromise settlements of actual or imminent lawsuits against the government. Congress has added a number of administrative claim awards (settlements by agencies at the administrative level, without a lawsuit). The Judgment Fund has no fiscal year limitations, and there is no need for Congress to appropriate funds to it annually or otherwise. Moreover, disbursements from it are not attributed to or accounted for by the agencies whose activities give rise to awards paid. Absent a specific statutory requirement, the agency responsible is not required to reimburse the Judgment Fund.”

Since 2003, the Judgment Fund has paid out $4.7 billion in judgments, including the reimbursement of attorney’s fees. It appears environmental groups have accessed millions of taxpayer dollars from this fund; however, the Web site reporting these payments does not indicate to whom the payments were made or for what purpose. Additional investigation reveals that the same environmental groups benefiting from EAJA payments are accessing the Judgment Fund to millions of dollars each year.

An article at Fox News about the open letter noted:

American taxpayers are being forced to fund thousands of lawsuits filed against the federal government by environmental organizations — with their lawyers clocking thousands of hours and charging fees of up to $650 an hour.

The U.S. government hands out millions of dollars each year to various environmental organizations to help protect fish, wildlife and other aspects of the environment. And every year, those same groups spend millions suing the government over everything from forest policy and carbon emissions to water quality and wolf habitats.

Who paid the attorneys fees? The American taxpayers did.

In the lucrative world of environmental law, the biggest defendant is the federal government, and taxpayers foot the bill. The nation’s ten largest environmental groups have sued the government more than 3,000 times in a nine-year period, according to legal fund the Western Legacy Alliance, an Idaho-based legal fund that defends ranchers and farmers.

Now, the growing number of cases is beginning to attract the attention of some lawmakers in Congress.

Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., has written to the Department of Justice asking for an investigation, pointing out that much of the money being paid comes out of the Equal Access to Justice Act fund, which Congress set up for the indigent and public interest groups to recover legal fees.

Right now, the government does not account for how much is paid out to whom or for what reason.

“These are taxpayer dollars that are being used by the federal government to compensate people who have sued the federal government. I believe that taxpayers have the right to know who those people are and how much they’ve been paid,” Lummis told Fox News. 

They should not expect any help from the current Administration, however.

According to the Institute for Energy Research, half of the nearly 1500 page House Cap and Trade Bill is not about carbon emissions at all, but rather completely alter America’s economy. Dr. Robert Michaels, a Senior Fellow with IER, who examined the bill, found that the rest of the bill is packed with regulations that would completely alter the United States’ economy. He argues that even without cap-and-trade, Waxman-Markey is the most repressive package of new taxes, wealth transfers and obstacles to economic activity that a Congress has ever assembled. His findings are available in a 39 page pdf document.
To further make the point this is not about science, but rather control, President Obama announced this week, after Climate gate broke, he will indeed flip-flop on attending Copenhagen and will, at the conference, obligate America to unreasonable carbon emission standards, which cut emissions by 17%, by 2020.
According to wikipedia, there are currently  five exchanges trading in carbon allowances: the Chicago Climate Exchange, European Climate Exchange, Nord Pool, PowerNext and the European Energy Exchange. Recently, NordPool listed a contract to trade offsets generated by a CDM carbon project called Certified Emission Reductions (CERs).
CCX owns the Chicago, Montreal and London Climate exchanges. CCX is 10% owned by Goldman Sachs (GS) and 10% owned by Generation Investment Management (GIM), an investment firm founded & chaired by Al Gore. This firm was co-founded by the former Treasury Secretary under George W. Bush and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson.
Goldman Sachs was the number one private donor to the Obama campaign.
An article in UK’s Telegraph earlier this month said Al Gore is positioned to be the world’s first Carbon billionaire. And a blog entitled American Everyman talks about Al Gore’s partnership with former Goldman Sachs and Leeman Brothers execs, as well as other Venture Capitalists. He posts the first of these very educational videos as well:
On it’s Board of Directors, none other than Maurice Strong.
External Advisory board chair Chicago Mayor and Friend of Obama, Richard Dailey, and among it’s members are Ed BegleyJr., Joseph P. Kennedy II, and former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Michael Zammit Cutajar.
As well, General Electric, owners of NBC and affiliate cable channels, often criticized for it’s pro-Obama stance, will help facilitate the carbon transfers through it’s arm, known as  Greenhouse Gas Services, as well as through the various “green initiatives” facilitated by the company.
Another of the big players is also involved:

Bloomberg noted: Billionaire George Soros, looking to address the “political problem” of climate change, said he will invest $1 billion in clean-energy technology and donate $100 million to an environmental advisory group to aid policymakers. [He] announced the investment in Copenhagen on Oct. 10 at a meeting on climate change sponsored by Project Syndicate. The group is an international association made up of 430 newspapers from 150 countries.

…Soros’s announcement comes two months before 190 nations will gather in the Danish capital for a final round of negotiations on a new climate treaty that includes provisions to finance clean- energy projects in developing nations. Talks last week in Bangkok were marked by a dispute between richer and poorer nations over whether to renew or abandon the Kyoto Protocol, the only existing global agreement to reduce carbon dioxide, which is blamed for global warming.

Soros, 79, also will establish the Climate Policy Initiative, a San Francisco-based organization to which he will donate $10 million a year for 10 years.

Soros made his fortune, as you’ll recall, by trashing the pound culminating in Britain’s Black Wednesday in 1992. He is systematically attempting the same thing here and has recently launched another new initiative “The Institute for New Economic Thinking“.
The fact of the matter is, while Cap and Trade deals with the corporate side of carbon, it’s just a jumping off point. Anyone familiar with United Nations Agenda 21 can plainly see it will, in short time, lead to what amounts to a “Breath Tax”, placed on every living thing. This is being undertaken the same way politicians are building Health Care “Reform” for the sole purpose of getting to a single-payer system, also called for in Agenda 21. Neither addresses any substantive issue, they only give control to the government and the UN.
In another great Canada Free Press column by Tim Ball, renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor, he points out: 

Extreme left journalist George Monbiot ignored all the facts I provided when he was pointing a finger at me. He’s ignoring them again, which forces him to assume the deniers are at fault. He wrote, “There is no point in denying it: we’re losing. Climate change denial is spreading like a contagious disease. It exists in a sphere that cannot be reached by evidence or reasoned argument; any attempt to draw attention to scientific findings is greeted with furious invective. This sphere is expanding with astonishing speed.”

The sphere is expanding for several reasons.

  • All evidence rejects the hypothesis that human CO2 is causing warming or climate change.
  • Facts are gradually getting to the public despite obstructionism by journalists like Monbiot.
  • Temperature projections of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are consistently wrong.
  • Record cold temperatures are occurring everywhere.
  • Motives of those pushing the need for reduction in CO2 are being exposed.
  • Economic costs of a completely unnecessary action are emerging.
A blogger named Granite Grok put up a couple really interesting graphs on their blog I found rather to the point, which clearly show 2009 to be one of the coldest years in recent history, and United States and European emissions are and have been fairly flat since all this started in 1970, compared to those on a global scale.
Proof global warming science is not just “not settled” it’s purely fiction.
On the heels of warnings of faulty and fraudulent “global warming science”  from Former Advisor to Margaret Thatcher Lord Monckton, President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus and 31,000 scientists , comes “Climategate”.
The Examiner.com stated on November 20, 2009:

Britain’s Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, suffered a data breach in recent days when a hacker apparently broke into their system and made away with thousands of emails and documents. The stolen data was then posted to a Russian server and has quickly made the rounds among climate skeptics. The documents within the archive, if proven to be authentic, would at best be embarrassing for many prominent climate researchers and at worst, damning.

The electronic break in itself has been verified by the director of the research unit, Professor Phil Jones. He told Britain’s Investigate magazine’s TGIF Edition “It was a hacker. We were aware of this about three or four days ago that someone had hacked into our system and taken and copied loads of data files and emails.”

The paper goes on to discuss, at length the individual emails, and if you have not yet seen them, I urge to to follow the link.

In Australia, where the story first broke, the Herald Sun noted:

…So the 1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory – a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science. I’ve been adding some of the most astonishing in updates below – emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organized resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. If it is as it now seems, never again will “peer review” be used to shout down skeptics.

This is clearly not the work of some hacker, but of an insider who’s now blown the whistle.

Not surprising, then, that Steve McIntyre reports:

Earlier today, CRU cancelled all existing passwords. Actions speaking loudly.

Hackers have broken into the data base of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit – one of the world’s leading alarmist centers – and put the files they stole on the Internet, on the grounds that the science is too important to be kept under wraps.

The ethics of this are dubious. But the files suggest, on a very preliminary glance, some other very dubious practices, too, and a lot of collusion – sometimes called “peer review”. Or even conspiracy.

Canada Free Press Added The Missing Link to the Obama Administration :
Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal.  In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms “a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people”.

“The files contain so much material that it is going to take some time t o put it all in context,” says Ball.  “However, enough is already known to underscore their explosive nature.  It is already clear the entire claims and positions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are based on falsified manipulated material and is therefore completely compromised.

“The fallout will be extensive as material continues to emerge.  Reputations of the scientists involved are already destroyed, however fringe players will continue to be identified and their reputations destroyed or sullied.”

While the mainstream media is bending into pretzels to keep the scandal under the rug, Climategate is already the biggest scientific scandal in history because of the global policy implications.

According to Fascistsoup.com, there’s more to those emails appears at first glance. I urge you to watch these two, fairly lengthy videos, together taking about 15 minutes of your time, but ending in priceless understanding. Education is a valuable thing.
Those pushing the leftist theology call all who find fault with the global warming agenda “Deniers”. I must ask now who the REAL “DENIERS” are? Remember Alinsky doctrine – if you can not dispute the facts, launch personal attacks. To them I must say,
“Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but names will never hurt me.
Deceit and lies will fuel your side,
but with facts we will subvert thee.”
Ed Note: Please read Green Hell by Steve Milloy, our first book of the month selection here at Soldier For Liberty. You will become enlightened on the truth of the “Green Agenda”.
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George Soros and the Catholic Church Align? The Devil’s In The Details

Posted on November 12, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info, Watchdog Tools | Tags: , , , , , , |

I came upon a story yesterday on the Accuracy In Media site that revealed a surprising connection between the Catholic Church and George Soros.

The critical role of the Catholic Church in passing national health care reform legislation is coming under serious media scrutiny. But the story has taken a strange turn. It has now been revealed that George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund operator and well-known atheist, has been pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into “progressive” Catholic groups that are significant players in the national debates over health care and immigration.

On the surface, it would appear that Soros would be opposed to many positions of the Catholic Church. A major financial backer of the ACLU, Soros supports such causes as drug legalization, the rights of “sex workers” and felons, euthanasia, radical feminism, abortion rights, and homosexual rights. He does all of this in the name of promoting an “open society.”

The article when on to say collections at many Catholic Churches the weekend of 11/21 and 11/22/2009 will be designated for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, which uses the money to fund ACORN, Gamaliel and other radical community activist groups around the country. ACORN donations have been suspended at present, according to the group. There are many potically progressive causes which have, for one reason or another, aligned themselves with the Catholic Church.
The article contained many surprising Soros connections, which peaked my curiousity. I was shocked when going through the list to learn how many organizations exist for the sole purpose of turning our country upside down. While going through the list, I noticed what is becoming a clear pattern for progressives, who apparently live in some alternate universe. Just as Congress is doing with bills proposed of late, the names of these foundations, in many cases, do the opposite of what they proport to do. I noticed a lot of indoctrination of our youth as well, another now familiar pattern.
It is obvious to me, more so everyday, progressives are the enemy. There is no need for a violent takeover. They are systematically impoding our country from the inside. Please check out this list. I have included the information just as I found it on the Soros Open Society website. In the days ahead we will enlighten you as to the unamerican adgena George Soros, apparently with the help of the Catholic Church and others, is currently funding.
Air Traffic Control

To provide general support to the Air Traffic Control Education Fund, which helps musicians use their talent and high profiles to effect social change by connecting them to activists, organizations, and issue campaigns.

Oakland, CA  |  $100,000  |  2 years  |  www.atctower.net

Air Traffic Control

To support Air Traffic Control, an Oakland-based organization which supports musicians and managers in lending their talents to social justice by connecting concerned artists to activists, advocacy organizations and issue advocacy campaigns. 

Oakland, CA  |  $125,000  |  3 years  |  www.atctower.net

American Rights at Work Education Fund

To support American Rights at Work Education Fund (ARAWEF), a national organization which advances workers’ rights for people seeking a voice and better conditions on the job.  ARAWEF builds diverse coalitions, conducts public education campaigns, and builds innovative engagement efforts to engage community and business support.

Washington, D.C.  |  $150,000  |  1 year  |  www.americanrightsatwork.org

Arab American Institute Foundation

To support Yalla Vote, a civic education and nonpartisan voter engagement project to increase civic engagement of the Arab American community in the 2008 election and beyond. 

Washington, D.C.  |  $75,000  |  1 year  |  www.aaiusa.org/foundation

Asian Pacific Islander American Vote

To provide general support to Asian Pacific Islander American Vote, a national non-partisan organization that encourages local nonprofits working in Asian American communities to build civic and voter engagement activities into their work. 

Washington, D.C.  |  $250,000  |  2 years  |  www.apiavote.org

Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Foundation

To support the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Foundation, which provides social justice organizations with education, research, and strategic assistance on ballot initiatives and referendums at the local and state levels across the nation.

Washington, D.C.  |  $100,000  |  2 years  |  www.ballot.org

Bus Federation Civic Fund

A grant to support the Bus Federation, a unique coalition of five state organizations in Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington that seek to engage young people in civic engagement work and develop them as leaders.

Portland, OR  |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.busfederation.com

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good

A grant to support Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a national organization that educates Catholics and the broader public about the Catholic social justice vision of the common good and connects that vision to specific advocacy efforts.

Washington, D.C.  |  $100,000  |  1 year  |  www.catholicsinalliance.org

Center for American Progress

A grant to support the Center for American Progress, one of the nation’s largest progressive think tanks.

Washington, D.C.  |  $1,000,000  |  2 years  |  www.americanprogress.org

Center for American Progress / Campus Progress

To support Campus Progress, which seeks to cultivate a new generation of writers, policy analysts, communications specialists, and activists to build a progressive movement in which young leaders play a leading role in achieving lasting gains for this country.

Washington, D.C.  |  $500,000  |  2 years  |  www.campusprogres.org

Center for Civic Policy

To support Center for Civic Policy, which utilizes innovative strategies to build 501c3 nonpartisan civic engagement capacity and advances social justice at the state and local levels. 

Albuquerque, NM  |  $200,000  |  2 years  |  www.civicpolicy.com

Center for Civic Policy

To support the national convening of the Civic Engagement Networks Project, an emerging effort that includes participation from the Center for Community Change’s Community Voting Project; National Coalition for Black Civic Participation; Pushback Network; State Voices; and the We Are America Alliance.

Albuquerque, NM  |  $25,000  |  1 year  |  www.civicpolicy.org

Center for Community Change

To provide general support for the Center for Community Change, a national organization and resource center for grassroots organizations, which seeks to build the power and capacity of low-income people, particularly people of color, to change their communities and the public policies that affect their lives.

Washington, D.C.  |  $600,000  |  1 year  |  www.communitychange.org

Center for Community Change

To support the Center for Community Change, a national resource center for grassroots social justice organizations, with a particular emphasis on groups working in low-income, people of color and immigrant communities.

Washington, DC  |  $930,000  |  1 year  |  www.communitychange.org

Center for Community Change / Fair Immigration Reform Movement

To support the Center for Community Change’s Fair Immigration Reform Movement, a national grassroots coalition of immigrant rights organizations working for comprehensive immigration reform.

Washington, D.C.  |  $250,000  |  1 year  |  www.communitychange.org

Center for Community Change / Generation Change

To support Generation Change, a project of the Center for Community Change, which recruits, trains, and sustains the next generation of community organizers and social justice nonprofit leaders. 

Washington, D.C.  |  $300,000  |  1 year  |  www.communitychange.org/our-projects/generationchange

Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest

A grant to support the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest, an advocacy organization that protects the ability of nonprofits to engage in lobbying and other forms of advocacy.

Washington, D.C.  |  $50,000  |  1 year  |  www.clpi.org

Center for Progressive Leadership

To support the Center for Progressive Leadership, a national training institute dedicated to developing the next generation of progressive political leaders through intensive training programs for youth, advocates, and future candidates.

Washington, D.C.  |  $200,000  |  2 years  |  www.progressleaders.org

Center for Public Interest Research / Student PIRGs

To support the Student PIRGs, a national organization which facilitates non-partisan student activism by recruiting and training college students to become engaged in policy campaigns, elections, and the political process.

Chicago, IL  |  $100,000  |  1 year  |  www.studentpirgs.org

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

To provide general support for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, one of the nation’s premier policy organizations working at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income families and individuals.

Washington, D.C.  |  $1,500,000  |  2 years  |  www.cbpp.org

Choice USA

To support Choice USA, an organization which mobilizes and develops the skills of young people to be the leaders of a more inclusive and effective reproductive justice movement.  This project was co-funded by the OSI Equality and Opportunity Fund.

Washington, D.C.  |  $150,000  |  1 year  |  www.choiceusa.org

Civic Engagement Fund

To provide general support to the Civic Engagement Fund, a re-granting fund dedicated to providing training, education, and technological resources to a national network of leaders and organizations that build capacity for nonpartisan civic engagement, public policy advocacy, and issue-related programs.

 |  $200,000  |  1 year

Colorado Center on Law and Policy / Colorado Fiscal Policy Institute

To support the Colorado Fiscal Policy Institute’s work as part of the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, a network run out of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and which provides state-based research and policy support around budget, tax, and fiscal issues in state capitals in ways that advance the interests of low- and middle-income Americans.  The Open Society Institute is part of a funding collaborative that divides up State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups for grantmaking purposes.

Denver, CO  |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.cclponline.org

Democracia U.S.A.

To support Democracia U.S.A., a Miami-based national organization that advances civic engagement among the nation’s fasting growing demographic group by conducting nonpartisan voter registration and voter education in Latina/o communities. 

Miami, FL  |  $500,000  |  2 years  |  www.democraciausa.org

Drum Major Institute

To support Drum Major Institute for Public Policy, a New York City-based think tank focused on conducting research and promoting progressive economic and social policies.

New York, NY  |  $350,000  |  2 years  |  www.drummajorinstitute.org

Drum Major Institute

To provide general support for the Drum Major Institute, a New York City-based think tank focused on promoting progressive economic and social policies, including DMI’s Scholars and Fellows program, focused on the development of a new generation of policy and advocacy leaders from diverse backgrounds.

New York, NY  |  $400,000  |  2 years  |  www.drummajorinstitute

Economic Policy Institute

To support Economic Policy Institute, a Washington, DC-based policy center that researches the impact of economic trends and policies on working people in the United States and around the world.

Washington, DC  |  $550,000  |  2 years  |  www.epi.org

Enterprise Corporation of the Delta / Mississippi Economic Policy Center

To support the Mississippi Economic Policy Center’s work as part of the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, a network run out of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and which provides state-based research and policy support around budget, tax, and fiscal issues in state capitals in ways that advance the interests of low- and middle-income Americans.  The Open Society Institute is part of a funding collaborative that divides up State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups for grantmaking purposes.

 |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.ecd.org

Faith in Public Life

A grant to support Faith in Public Life, a national strategy center advancing faith in the public square as a positive and unifying force for justice, compassion, and the common good. This grant is co-funded by U.S. Programs’ Equality and Opportunity Fund in recognition of Faith in Public Life’s work to advance comprehensive immigration reform.

Washington, D.C.  |  $450,000  |  2 years  |  www.faithinpubliclife.org

Four Freedoms Fund

To support the Four Freedoms Fund at Public Interest Projects, a collaborative grantmaking pool that addresses issues related to advancing the rights of immigrants, including a nonpartisan civic engagement initiative focused on building the civic engagement capacity of local immigrants’ rights organizations.  

New York, NY  |  $300,000  |  1 year  |  www.fourfreedomsfund.org

Four Freedoms Fund

A grant to support the annual immigrant civic engagement convening for the Four Freedoms Fund at Public Interest Projects, a national funding collaborative established to safeguard immigrants’ civil rights and civil liberties and promote the full participation of immigrants in a democratic society.

New York, NY  |  $80,000  |  1 year  |  www.publicinterestprojects.org/projects/partner-and-collaborative-funds/fff

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute

A grant to support the Roosevelt Institute’s work on economic policy and its student-led network of campus think tanks that connect student ideas to advocacy. This grant is co-funded by the Seize the Day Initiative in recognition of Roosevelt’s leadership in creating a new economic paradigm.

Hyde Park, NY  |  $500,000  |  2 years  |  www.rooseveltinstitute.org

Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation

A grant to support the Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation, a driving force in the donor community in advancing effective voter registration, education, and protection.

Portland, OR  |  $100,000  |  2 years  |  http://funderscommittee.org

Gamaliel Foundation

To support the Gamaliel Foundation, a network of grassroots, interfaith, interracial issue organizations working to build power and a more just society, in its Faith and Democracy Campaign, which combines faith and values work with organizing around issues at the state and national levels.

Chicago, IL  |  $300,000  |  2 years  |  www.gamaliel.org

Generational Alliance

A grant to support the Generational Alliance, a national collaboration of youth engagement organizations working to empower low-income youth, youth of color, and LGBTQ youth through community organizing and non-partisan voter engagement, arts and culture, communication and media, policy, and leadership development.

Washington, D.C.  |  $100,000  |  2 years  |  www.generationalalliance.org

Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training

A grant to support the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training, a national organization that promotes the connection between fundraising, social justice, and social justice movement building, particularly for people of color communities and organizations.

Oakland, CA  |  $100,000  |  1 year  |  www.grassrootsfundraising.org

Grassroots Policy Project

To provide general support to the Grassroots Policy Project, an educational and research organization working in partnership with grassroots community groups, activist networks, statewide coalitions and other training organizations to encourage strategic approaches to issues of social and economic justice.

Cambridge, MA  |  $100,000  |  2 years  |  www.grassrootspolicy.org

Hip Hop Caucus

To support the Hip Hop Caucus (HHC), an emerging national organization that inspires non-partisan voter participation and community engagement from the hip hop generation, specifically from young people who are not on college campuses. This grant is co-funded by U.S. Programs’ Campaign for Black Male Achievement in recognition of HHC’s work to advance civic participation from—and green jobs for—young Black men.

Washington, D.C.  |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.hiphopcaucus.org

Institute for America’s Future

To provide general support for the Institute for America’s Future, which provides research, training, and communications assistance to organizations working on a wide spectrum of issues.

Washington, D.C.  |  $500,000  |  2 years  |  www.ourfuture.org

Interfaith Education Fund

To provide general support for the Interfaith Education Fund, which provides organizing, technical assistance, training, and research support to a broad-based network of local interfaith coalitions known as the Industrial Areas Foundation.

 |  $300,000  |  18 months  |  www.industrialareasfoundation.org

Jewish Funds for Justice / Funders’ Collaborative for Youth Organizing

To support the Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing, a national intermediary that increases funding for youth organizing groups and develops strategies to promote to funders the importance of investment in the leadership of low-income youth of color in social justice organizing. 

Brooklyn, NY  |  $150,000  |  18 months  |  www.fcyo.org

Kentucky Youth Advocates / Kentucky Tax and Budget Initiative

To support the Kentucky Tax and Budget Initiative’s work as part of the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, a network run out of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and which provides state-based research and policy support around budget, tax, and fiscal issues in state capitals in ways that advance the interests of low- and middle-income Americans.  The Open Society Institute is part of a funding collaborative that divides up State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups for grantmaking purposes.

Jeffersontown, KY  |  $75,000  |  1 year  |  www.kyyouth.org

League of Young Voters Education Fund

To provide general support for the League of Young Voters Education Fund, which engages and supports young people, particularly those who do not attend college, those from low-income communities, and youth of color, helping them to lead and actively participate in creating change in their communities.

 |  $600,000  |  2 years  |  www.theleague.com

Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations / Louisiana Budget Project

To support the Louisiana Budget Project’s work as part of the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, a network run out of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and which provides state-based research and policy support around budget, tax, and fiscal issues in state capitals in ways that advance the interests of low- and middle-income Americans.  The Open Society Institute is part of a funding collaborative that divides up State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups for grantmaking purposes.

 |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.lano.org

Movement Strategy Center

A grant to support the Movement Strategy Center for its work to strengthen the social justice movement through increasing the capacity of individuals, organizations, alliances, and sectors to be more strategic, collaborative, and sustainable.

Oakland, CA  |  $150,000  |  1 year  |  www.movementstrategy.org

Movement Strategy Center

To provide general support for the Movement Strategy Center, which strengthens the progressive movement by teaching organizers and organizations training, movement building, and networking skills through capacity-building, convenings, and research and information.

Oakland, CA  |  $200,000  |  1 year  |  www.movementstrategy.org

National Domestic Workers Alliance

To support the National Domestic Workers Alliance, a New York City and Oakland-based coalition of 15 domestic worker organizations from 10 major cities that seeks to organize and build the power of domestic workers to improve their living and working conditions, bring visibility to the struggles of this unrecognized workforce, and end the exclusion of domestic workers from protection as a workforce. 

 |  $200,000  |  2 years

National Organizers Alliance

To support the National Organizers Alliance in launching a new web-based career center and job clearinghouse, “Organizers for America,” for community organizers seeking to work with civil rights, faith, issue, labor, and neighborhood organizations.

 |  $40,000  |  1 year  |  www.noacentral.org

National Training and Information Center

To support the National Training and Information Center (NTIC), a 36 year old national resource center that supports, strengthens, and coordinates multi-issue grassroots community organizations working for social and economic justice, on housing, fiscal service regulation, and immigration issues.  (This project was co-funded by the OSI Equality and Opportunity Fund’s Neighborhood Stabilization Initiative and the Seize the Day special funding initiative.)

Chicago, IL  |  $600,000  |  2 years  |  www.ntic-us.org

New America Foundation

To support the New America Foundation’s Next Social Contract initiative, a domestic policy effort to develop a new metanarrative to assess how the American social contract evolved, why it fails to meet needs today, and how it can be reinvented for the conditions of a largely post-industrial and increasingly diverse society. 

Washington, D.C.  |  $500,000  |  2 years  |  www.newamerica.net

New Democracy Project

To support the New Democracy Project—a think tank and advocacy organization that promotes democratic participation, economic fairness, and social justice—and the Center for American Progress in producing an agency-by-agency guide for a new administration relying on leading scholars, authors, and former officals. (This project was co-funded by the OSI Equality and Opportunity Fund, National Security and Human Rights Campaign, and Transparency & Integrity Fund.)

 |  $100,000  |  1 year  |  www.newdemocracyproject.org

New Jersey Policy Perspective

To support the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, a network run out of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and which provides state-based research and policy support around budget, tax, and fiscal issues in state capitals in ways that advance the interests of low- and middle-income Americans.  The Open Society Institute is part of a funding collaborative that divides up State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups for grantmaking purposes.

Trenton, NJ  |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.njpp.org

New Organizing Institute

To support New Organizing Institute, a Washington, DC-based organization that enhances civic engagement and social justice organizing by enabling nonprofit groups to take advantage of the latest advances in new technology. 

Washington, DC  |  $200,000  |  2 years  |  www.neworganizing.com

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest / National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights

To support the New York City-based National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights, a nationwide coalition of lawyers, academics, students and community activists that joined together in response to a series of Supreme Court decisions that have eroded civil rights protections, particularly in the area of federalism.

New York, NY  |  300,000  |  18 months  |  www.rollbackcampaign.org

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest / Campaign to Restore Civil Rights

To support the Campaign to Restore Civil Rights, a coalition of over eighty federal, state, and local organizations that seek restoration of key legal protections eroded by federal courts over the past decade. 

New York, NY  |  $200,000  |  1 year  |  www.rollbackcampaign.org

Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network

A grant to support the Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network, a national alliance of direct and human service providers and agencies building the civic engagement capacity of the nonprofit social service sector.

St. Paul, MN  |  $300,000  |  2 years  |  www.nonprofitvote.org

Oregon Center for Public Policy

To support the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, a network run out of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and which provides state-based research and policy support around budget, tax, and fiscal issues in state capitals in ways that advance the interests of low- and middle-income Americans.  The Open Society Institute is part of a funding collaborative that divides up State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups for grantmaking purposes.

Silverton, OR  |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.ocpp.org

Partnership for Working Families

To provide general support for the Partnership for Working Families, which provides research and technical assistance to a network of metropolitan-based economic justice organizations focused on community benefit agreements.

Washington, D.C.  |  $350,000  |  2 years  |  www.communitybenefits.org

Partnership for Working Families

A grant to support the Partnership for Working Families, a national network that provides policy, communications, research, organizing and legal resources to metro-based affiliates that are working to advance economic and social justice in their communities.

Washington, D.C.  |  $300,000  |  2 years  |  www.communitybenefits.org

People for the American Way / Young People For

To support Young People For, which provides fellowships and internships to youth in an effort to diversify the leadership of social change movements, support young people to effect change, and sustain social change leadership over the long term. 

Washington, D.C.  |  $400,000  |  1 year  |  www.youngpeoplefor.org

PICO National Network

To support the PICO National Network, a 36-year-old network of congregation-based community organizations which brings the voices of people of faith and faith leaders to the public debate on national priorities, including housing, health care, and immigration.  (This project was co-funded by the OSI Equality and Opportunity Fund’s Neighborhood Stabilization Initiative and the Seize the Day special funding initiative.)

Oakland, CA  |  $600,000  |  2 years  |  www.piconetwork.org

Progressive States Network

A grant to support the Progressive States Network for its work to provide non-partisan support to state legislators with background research on public policy and linking legislators and state advocates to each other across state lines.

New York, NY  |  $300,000  |  2 years  |  www.progressivestates.org

Pushback Network

A grant to support the Pushback Network, a national collaboration of grassroots groups and networks, that seeks to build “bottom-up” state-based alliances to increase civic participation by leaders from marginalized communities.

 |  $225,000  |  18 months  |  http://pushbacknetwork.org

Right to the City Alliance

To support the Right to the City Alliance, an emerging national network of local base-building organizations and allies committed to building a movement for urban justice, human rights, and democracy, in a strategic planning and organizational assessment process.

Brooklyn, NY  |  $100,000  |  9 months  |  www.righttothecity.org

Right to the City Alliance

To support Right to the City Alliance, a Brooklyn, NY-based emerging national alliance of more than 50 urban base-building organizations and allies committed to building a movement for urban justice, human rights, and democracy. 

Brooklyn, NY  |  $500,000  |  2 years  |  www.righttothecity.org

Rockwood Leadership Program

A grant to support the Rockwood Leadership Program, a national non-profit that promotes social change by providing individuals, organizations, and issue sectors with powerful and effective training in leadership and collaboration.

Berkeley, CA  |  $400,000  |  2 years  |  www.rockwoodleadership.org

Rockwood Leadership Program

To support the Rockwood Leadership Program in conducting an independent, thorough evaluation of its programs, and to provide underwriting support for the incoming class of its most advanced offering, Leading from the Inside Out, the Rockwood Yearlong Fellowship for Social Change Leaders. 

Berkeley, CA  |  $109,000  |  1 year  |  www.rockwoodleadership.org

Ruckus Society

To provide general support for Ruckus Society, a capacity-building and intermediary organization that provides trainings to grassroots organizations and young individuals working on environmental, human rights, and social justice issues.

Oakland, CA  |  $100,000  |  2 years  |  www.ruckus.org

Social Justice Leadership

To support the Harlem-based Social Justice Leadership which provides innovative high-quality leadership training to staff of community organizations, labor unions, and other grassroots social justice organizations in Miami, New Orleans, and New York City.

New York, NY  |  $100,000  |  1 year  |  www.sojustlead.org

State Voices

To support State Voices, a network that supports year-round state tables for 501(c)(3) organizations that foster collaborative issue policy work, economies of scale, rigorous evaluation, and efforts to engage socially responsible and historically underrepresented communities in and out of election seasons.

Detroit, MI  |  $200,000  |  2 years  |  www.statevoices.org

State Voices

A grant to support State Voices, the convener and technical assistance provider for 16 permanent, year-round state tables for more than 545 diverse non-partisan 501(c)(3) organizations that foster collaborative voter engagement and multi-issue advocacy work.

Detroit, MI  |  $600,000  |  18 months  |  www.statevoices.org

State Voices / Civic Engagement Fund

To support the Civic Engagement Fund, housed at State Voices, which provides shared voter file access, trainings, and technical and strategic support to more than 540 local, state, and national affiliate non-profit organizations seeking to enhance non-partisan voter participation in sixteen states. 

Detroit, MI  |  $400,000  |  1 year  |  www.statevoices.org

Students for a Sensible Drug Policy

A grant to  support Students for Sensible Drug Policy, a grassroots network of students who are concerned about the impact drug abuse has on communities and how the “War on Drugs” is failing.

Washington, D.C.  |  $100,000  |  2 years  |  www.ssdp.org

Tides Center

To support the We Are America Alliance, an umbrella group of partners and allies dedicated to encouraging maximum civic participation in immigrant communities across the country.

 |  $200,000  |  1 year  |  www.weareamericaalliance.org

Tides Center / Opportunity Agenda

To support the Opportunity Agenda, a social justice organization that works collaboratively with other organizations, spanning isolated issues and constituencies, to integrate strategic communications with those organizations’ advocacy and research.  This grant was co-funded by the OSI Equality and Opportunity Fund.

New York, NY  |  $400,000  |  2 years  |  www.opportunityagenda.org

Tides Center / WireTap Magazine

To support WireTap Magazine, based in San Francisco, CA, an influential independent news and culture youth web magazine which amplifies the voices of young people from diverse backgrounds in order to shape the political discourse and spotlight issues that impact their lives.

 |  $200,000  |  2 years  |  www.wiretapmag.org

Tobin Project

To provide general support to the Tobin Project, an alliance of leading academics across the social sciences and humanities that redirects and harnesses academic work for public purposes and policy debates.

Cambridge, MA  |  $450,000  |  2 years  |  www.tobinproject.org

Tobin Project

A grant to support the Tobin Project, a network of leading academics from law, economics, history, politics, and policy working to reframe fundamental debates about foreign and domestic policy.

Cambridge, MA  |  $225,000  |  1 year  |  www.tobinproject.org

United for a Fair Economy / Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative

A grant to support United for a Fair Economy’s Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative, a national network of state-based organizations that educates and organizes for fair taxation at the state and local levels.

Boston, MA  |  $150,000  |  1 year  |  www.faireconomy.org/tfoc

United States Student Association Foundation

To provide general support for the United States Student Association Foundation, which provides education and organizing materials, technical assistance, and training to students in the United States Student Association network who are organizing on issues of access on the campus, state, and federal level. 

Washington, D.C.  |  $600,000  |  2 years  |  www.usstudents.org

University of Wisconsin / Center for State Innovation

To support the Center for State Innovation, an effort to provide policy advice and research to innovative state executives (governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and treasurers, primarily).

Madison, WI  |  $250,000  |  1 year  |  www.stateinnovation.org

Voto Latino

A grant to support Voto Latino (VL), an emerging national organization that informs and motivates Latino youth to engage in civic participation by leveraging the latest technologies to promote positive change. This grant is co-funded by U.S. Programs’ Strategic Opportunities Fund in recognition of VL’s census outreach leadership and the Seize the Day Initiative in recognition of VL’s cutting edge use of new media outreach strategies.

Washington, D.C.  |  $225,000  |  2 years  |  www.votolatino.org

Wellstone Action Fund / Campus Camp Wellstone

To support Campus Camp Wellstone, a project of the Wellstone Action Fund, which runs trainings and develops curriculum for a diverse community of young people and organizations that seek to inspire greater activism from young people.

Minneapolis, MN  |  $200,000  |  2 years  |  www.wellstone.org/our-programs/campus-camp-wellstone

Western States Center

To provide general support to the Western States Center, which seeks to build a movement for political reform and economic, racial and environmental justice in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and Alaska.

Portland, OR  |  $100,000  |  1 year  |  www.westernstatescenter.org

Western States Center

To support Western States Center, a Portland, OR-based organization that builds power to advance social justice through provide training, consultation and resources to a wide range of community and constituency-based organizations in the Pacific Northwest, Great Basin, and Intermountain West states. 

Portland, OR  |  $100,000  |  1 year  |  www.westernstatescenter.org

Wisconsin Council on Children and Families / Wisconsin Budget Project

To support the Wisconsin Budget Project’s work as part of the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, a network run out of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and which provides state-based research and policy support around budget, tax, and fiscal issues in state capitals in ways that advance the interests of low- and middle-income Americans.  The Open Society Institute is part of a funding collaborative that divides up State Fiscal Analysis Initiative groups for grantmaking purposes.

Madison, WI  |  $150,000  |  2 years  |  www.wccf.org

Youth Engagement Fund and Table

To support the Youth Engagement Fund and Table, which coordinates a 501(c)(3) table of national youth groups and their field programs aimed at mobilizing and permanently engaging young voters, ages 18-29.

 |  $250,000  |  1 year

Youth Engagement Fund and Table

A grant to support the Youth Engagement Fund and Table housed at the Tides Foundation, a non-partisan 501(c)(3) collaborative table of youth civic engagement organizations that exists to increase the ability of each group to meet voter registration and mobilization goals.

 |  $150,000  |  18 months


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More Corruption Aimed Squarely At Your Vote

Posted on November 9, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , , |

What if I were to tell you the same corrupt players have found new ways to steal elections in America?

By electing clean Secretaries of State in 2010, we can ensure fair elections in 2012 across the country. We’re endorsing great candidates who support our goals – and we need your help to get them elected!

We’ve helped to elect 11 of 13 election reform candidates in key states like Minnesota and Ohio. Winning in these states has made a difference already, and now we’re gearing up for more wins in 2010.

By making a small contribution you can make sure unethical Secretaries of State like her and Ken Blackwell, never get to suppress our votes again. Dollar for dollar, the SoS Project is one of the most effective political investments you can make.

Since we launched in the fall of 2005, we have engaged in eleven races and have backed the winning candidate in nine states, including: Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Oregon, New Mexico, Montana, Nevada, West Virginia and Missouri. We lost only in Michigan and Colorado (and there by a tiny margin).

In 2008, we ran a sophisticated, highly targeted campaign in Montana which made the difference in a major upset – ousting the incumbent Republican Secretary of State. Most analysts anticipate a tough 2010 Senate race in Montana, and it is critical to have a fair Secretary of State in place. In Oregon last year we helped beat back a late unexpected surge to capture a critical open seat.

We are proud of our 2006 victory in Minnesota, where long time reformer Mark Ritchie pulled off a major upset, with our support.  He was under fierce media and legal scrutiny as he oversaw the recount of the Franken/Coleman senatorial race, and operated with transparency and integrity, such that the Minnesota Supreme Court unanimously ruled to uphold the extremely close election results, finally sending Franken to the Senate, where his vote is much needed.

We pride ourselves on being fast, nimble, and strategic in our spending. Potential donors should know that the SoS Project’s startup and overhead costs are already fully funded. So your contributions go to providing money directly to candidates in targeted races and independent expenditure campaigns in critical states, not to our operational costs.

We seek donations to our SoS Strategic Fund for three purposes:

  1. to establish state political committees that will conduct innovative independent expenditure campaigns.
  2. to build a reserve that can be deployed, where legally permissible, to benefit the races where it will matter most in the hectic final days before the election.
  3. to grow the donor base for crucial down ballot races by spreading the story to new donors through paid online and social network marketing and activism campaigns.

The Secretary of State Fund, a non-federal 527, can accept unlimited contributions.

Who are these people? According to their website, they are:

Becky Bond works for a socially progressive mobile telephone company based in San Francisco. She serves on the board of the New Organizing Institute* and ActBlue.com*.

Lola Elfman is has served as an organizer and trainer for The New Organizing Institute* since 2007, she served as Internet Director for Phil Angelides’ campaign for California Governor*, and was a consultant with M+R Strategic Services*.

Megan Hull was a Project Director for Democracy Reform at the Center for Civic Participation*. In 2004, she was a Co-Director of the coalition that investigated polling place problems and vote counting irregularities in Ohio and New Mexico.

Michael Kieschnick is a social entrepreneur based in San Francisco. He is also a board member of the League of Conservation Voters, among other progressive organizations.

What they forgot to tell you was who else is on their team.

According to Matthew Vadum at American Spectator:

The founders of the Secretary of State Project, which claims to advance “election protection” but only backs Democrats, religiously believe that right-leaning secretaries of state helped the GOP steal the presidential elections in Florida in 2000 (Katherine Harris) and in Ohio in 2004 (Ken Blackwell).

The secretary of state candidates the group endorses sing the same familiar song about electoral integrity issues: Voter fraud is largely a myth, vote suppression is used widely by Republicans, cleansing the dead and fictional characters from voter rolls should be avoided until embarrassing media reports emerge, and anyone who demands that a voter produce photo identification before pulling the lever is a racist, democracy-hating Fascist.

The group was co-founded in July 2006 by James Rucker, formerly director of grassroots mobilization for MoveOn.org Political Action and Moveon.org Civic Action. “Any serious commitment to wrestling control of the country from the Republican Party must include removing their political operatives from deciding who can vote and whose votes will count,” said another co-founder, Becky Bond, to the San Francisco Chronicle in 2006.

Its website claims, “A modest political investment in electing clean candidates to critical Secretary of State offices is an efficient way to protect the election.” Indeed. Political observers know that a relatively small amount of money can help swing a little-watched race for a state office few people understand or care about.

In 2006, the Minnesota ACORN Political Action Committee endorsed Ritchie and donated to his campaign. According to the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, contributors to Ritchie’s campaign included liberal philanthropists George Soros, Drummond Pike, and Deborah Rappaport, along with veteran community organizer Heather Booth, a Saul Alinsky disciple who co-founded the Midwest Academy, a radical ACORN clone. One article on Ritchie’s 2006 campaign website brags about the fine work ACORN did in Florida to pass a constitutional amendment to raise that state’s minimum wage.

It was revealed during a panel discussion at the Democratic Party’s convention in Denver this summer that the Democracy Alliance, a financial clearinghouse created by Soros and insurance magnate Peter B. Lewis, approved the Secretary of State Project as a grantee. The Democracy Alliance aspires to create a permanent political infrastructure of nonprofits, think tanks, media outlets, leadership schools, and activist groups-a kind of “vast left-wing conspiracy” to compete with the conservative movement. It has brokered more than $100 million in grants to liberal nonprofits including ACORN. The aforementioned Pike and Rappaport, who gave money to Ritchie’s campaign, are members of the Democracy Alliance.

According to IRS 8872 disclosure forms, the Secretary of State Project received donations from Democracy Alliance members including Soros, Rob Stein, Gail Furman, and Susie Tompkins Buell.

Who now heads the Democracy Alliance? Howard Dean.
What does SOS say of their recent victories:
In 2006, SoS Project donors helped raise over $500,000 to elect reform candidates in 5 key battleground states – Ohio, Nevada, Minnesota, Iowa and New Mexico. We raised over $200,000 in Ohio to defeat Ken Blackwell with one of the most progressive election officers in the nation, Jennifer Brunner. In the 2008 presidential election, Secretary of State Brunner made decision after decision to keep the election clean and make every vote count. In Minnesota, we helped Mark Ritchie beat a Republican incumbent. Because of Secretary of State Ritchie’s dedication to fairness and transparency, a recount in the Coleman-Franken Senate race ensured every vote was counted and resulted in the certification of Al Franken’s narrow victory in the 2008 Minnesota Senate contest. Dollar for dollar, the SoS Project was one of 2006’s most effective political investments.

The 2008 election was a magnificent one for the Secretary of State Project and our savvy group of supporters helping to win 4 of 4 races! Not only did we help oust a republican Secretary of State incumbent and win three other seats, but we also witnessed returns (as noted above) from our 2006 work to elect Secretaries of State in key presidential battleground states. In Montana alone, we launched a highly targeted campaign to put Linda McCulloch over the top by just 5,305 votes. In a state where Senator John Tester won his seat by less than 1% of the vote, Secretary of State Linda McCulloch will be able to ensure that every vote is counted when he runs for reelection in 2010. Our campaign made the difference.

According to Rebekah Chauhan in a blog on Brevard Tea Party:

Mark Ritchie, a Democrat and former community organizer, largely controlled the electoral process that seated Al Franken as the 60th Democrat in the Senate. Incumbent Republican Norm Coleman led Democrat Al Franken by 341 votes and the Democrats controlled 57 seats in the Senate, compared to the Republicans’ 40. The Minnesota seat was the only one that Democrats could try to steal. Franken was endorsed by ACORN Votes, ACORN’s federal political action committee. Minnesota’s secretary of state isn’t a Democrat by happenstance. Ritchie, who defeated two-term incumbent Republican Mary Kiffmeyer in 2006, received an endorsement and financial assistance for his run from a below-the-radar non-federal “527” group called the Secretary of State Project. The entity can accept unlimited financial contributions and doesn’t have to disclose them publicly until well after the election. The founders of the Secretary of State Project, which claims to advance “election protection” only backs Democrats. The secretary of state candidates the group endorses sing the same familiar song about electoral integrity issues: Voter fraud is largely a myth, vote suppression is used widely by Republicans, cleansing the dead and fictional characters from voter rolls should be avoided until embarrassing media reports emerge, and anyone who demands that a voter produce photo identification before pulling the lever is a racist, democracy-hating Fascist.

…In 2006, along with Minnesota’s Ritchie, SoS Project-endorsed Jennifer Brunner (Ohio), who defied federal law by refusing to take steps to verify 200,000 questionable voter registrations, trounced her opponent, 55% to 41%.

Discover the network web site says:
The idea for SoSP germinated shortly after that 2004 election, when the group’s Democrat founders blamed Kerry’s defeat on then-Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a Republican, who had ruled that Ohio (where Bush won by a relatively slim 118,599-vote margin) would not count provisional ballots — even those submitted by properly registered voters — if they had been submitted at the wrong precinct. Though the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ultimately upheld Blackwell’s decision, SoSP’s founders nonetheless received the ruling with the same bitterness they had felt regarding former Florida (Republican) Secretary of State Katherine Harris’s handling of the infamous ballot recount in 2000 (when Bush defeated Al Gore in the presidential election). Moreover, SoSP’s founders accused Blackwell and Republicans of conspiring to suppress Democratic voter turnout in Ohio. “We were tired of Republican manipulation of elections,” said SoSP co-founder Michael Kieschnick, who also serves as President of Working Assets. “It seemed like lots of decisions were made by people who were pretty clearly political operatives.”

To establish “election protection” against similar disappointments in subsequent political races, SoSP in 2006 targeted its funding efforts on the Secretary of State races in seven swing states — Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Colorado, and Michigan. Democrats emerged victorious in five of those seven elections — all except Colorado and Michigan. As USA Today reported at the time: “The political battle for control of the federal government has opened up a new front: the obscure but vital state offices that determine who votes and how those votes are counted.”

What about NY 23 and Hoffman?
Expecting a Hoffman win, based on poll results, the following statement was put out by Big Governement.com

Multiple sources on the ground in New York’s 23rd Congressional district confirm that ACORN is expected to be actively protesting the election results in Clinton County, New York tomorrow. This move comes on the heels of a legal win for the Hoffman camp today as it was ruled that all poll watchers would have to be registered voters of NY 23.

Rob Ryan, spokesman for the Hoffman campaign, states that the legal decision is all about ballot security and that the move by ACORN is not a surprise.

“The Working Family Party is desperate, Today’s poll show that Doug Hoffman is drawing votes from all Demographics”.

While the focus tomorrow will be on securing a win for Hoffman, Ryan says there are still worries about:


“voter intimidation, absentee ballot fraud and groups like ACORN/Working Families Party and big labor stealing the election from the people of the 23rd district.”

Of course, Hoffman lost to Democrat Bill Owens, by a very slight margin, estimated at under 4% of the vote. Slight enough that I wondered what impact, if any, did groups like ACORN, Democracy Alliance and others of that sort have in this election? How many votes are yet to count or set aside? I can not answer, but would love to know. Were there any irregularities?
In neighboring NY 21 there was plenty of fraud as Eric Shawn at Fox News reported October 20,2009 :
Thirty-eight forged or fraudulent ballots have been thrown out, according to records at the Rensselaer County Board of Elections in Troy, N.Y. Enough votes, an election official admits, to likely have tipped the November election to the Democrats

Brian Suozzo voted with an absentee ballot in the Working Families Party primary on Sept. 15 because, as his application stated, he was “at home recovering from medical procedure.”

Jessica Boomhower’s application said she would be attending a “work conference in Boston.”

Michael Ward couldn’t vote in person because he was “taking care of elderly parent.”

Kimberlee Truell was on a “Bus trip to casino,” as was Miguel Vazques.

The only problem with these absentee ballot records at the Rensselaer County Board of Elections in Troy, N.Y., is that they’re phony, voters and investigators say — and they’ve prompted what’s being called an unprecedented investigation of suspected voter fraud. 

Thirty-eight forged or fraudulent ballots have been thrown out — enough votes, an election official admits, to likely have tipped the city council and county elections in November to the Democrats. Candidates would have been able to run both on the Democratic and Working Families Party lines in two weeks, and that could have given the Democrats the general election.

A special prosecutor is investigating the case and criminal charges are possible. New York State Supreme Court Judge Michael Lynch ruled that there were “significant election law violations that have compromised the rights of numerous voters and the integrity of the election process.”

Among the reasons cited on the fraudulent forms for absentee voting: “traveling to Buffalo,” attending a “screen printing conference in Syracuse,” “working late shift,” “working construction,” and “home — ill.”

“Someone took my signature and voted with it and I felt extremely violated,” Suozzo told Fox News. He is a soft-spoken 28-year-old environmental engineer who says he never saw, let alone signed, the Working Families Party Absentee ballot application that carried his supposed signature. He was flabbergasted that someone would vote for him and submit it.

“The whole thing seems dirty to me,” Suzzo said. “You wonder how often this happens and people don’t get caught.”

He says he did not have any type of medical procedure, adding “I haven’t been to the hospital in years.”

“I feel that I was gypped,” Boomhower said, ruefully. “I didn’t get to cast my vote on my own.”

Boomhower, a 28-year-old home health care worker, says three men came to her door asking her to sign a ballot application. It wasn’t until after the election that a private investigator brought her the news that an absentee ballot indeed showed she had voted, when she actually had not.

“I can’t believe they thought they would get away with this,” she says angrily, noting that the false claim that she was in Boston could have jeopardized her job. “I don’t want to see this get tossed aside,” she told Fox News.

Michael Ward, whose ballot said he was taking care of an elderly parent, said “I got one parent left, and he lives in Albany and takes care of himself.”

“They tried to steal an election,” says Bob Mirch, the majority leader of the Rensselaer County legislature who suspected voter fraud and started the investigation after being alerted to a large number of absentee ballot application requests that were noticed by the Republican Board of Elections commissioner .

“Not only does it undermine the system, but if these people were allowed to do this, we could never have a fair election… I’ve been doing this for 35 years, when I saw this, it sends a chill through my body right now.”

…The Working Families Party has recently gained strength, and controversy, in New York. Republican and Democratic candidates in the Empire State can also run on third party lines, such as the Working Families Party, as well as the Liberal, Conservative, and Independence parties, among others. The extra line means extra votes that could bring victory.

Hillary Clinton garnered 2.7 percent of her total votes from the WFP line when she first ran for Senate in 2000, which increased to 5 percent of her total vote in 2006. In September, Clinton’s former campaign manager for her 2000 Senate run, New York City Councilman Bill DeBlasio, who has been endorsed by the WFP, beat two long-established politicians in the Democratic primary. Critics also accuse the Working Families Party of having a long association with the troubled activist group, ACORN. Bertha Lewis, ACORN’s CEO, is one of the party’s co-founders. The New York Times reported this month that “Patrick Gaspard, the White House political director, worked with ACORN in New York to set up the Working Families political party and sat on the party’s board with Ms. Lewis.”

The WFP has also endorsed New York Democratic Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, who was one of only seven Senators who voted against cutting federal housing funds to ACORN in September. 

…”We caught this isolated incident, but how many times has this happened?” asks Suozzo, one of the registered Working Families Party voters who didn’t even know about his vote.

 Boomhower is blunt about politicians: “They’re corrupt. I’m sure this goes on a lot in politics, but its very rare that they do get caught.”

What’s unfolding in Troy may prove voter fraud does exist, and threatens honest elections.

So, once again, George Soros, ACORN and the host of usual players are allowed to skirt the system to their own benefit. If you can’t win fair and square, win by any means necessary.
They are already formulating their campaigns for 2010. We need to keep that in mind. Watchdogs in the states touted by the SOS website as targets need to be on high alert and need to point out to fellow constituents what is really happening. Letters to the editor are a very effective tool for this as is calling local radio talk shows to bring up the subject.
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Here are the names of the 220 people who need to loose their job!

Posted on November 8, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: |

  FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 887(Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independents underlined)
      H R 3962      RECORDED VOTE      7-Nov-2009      11:16 PM
      QUESTION:  On Passage
      BILL TITLE: Affordable Health Care for America Act

  Ayes Noes PRES NV
Democratic 219 39    
Republican 1 176    
TOTALS 220 215    

—- AYES    220 —

Bishop (GA)
Bishop (NY)
Brady (PA)
Braley (IA)
Brown, Corrine
Carson (IN)
Castor (FL)
Connolly (VA)
Davis (CA)
Davis (IL)
Donnelly (IN)
Edwards (MD)
Frank (MA)
Green, Al
Green, Gene
Hall (NY)
Hastings (FL)
Jackson (IL)
Jackson-Lee (TX)
Johnson (GA)
Johnson, E. B.
Kilpatrick (MI)
Kirkpatrick (AZ)
Klein (FL)
Larsen (WA)
Larson (CT)
Lee (CA)
Lewis (GA)
Lofgren, Zoe
Markey (MA)
McCarthy (NY)
Meek (FL)
Meeks (NY)
Miller (NC)
Miller, George
Moore (KS)
Moore (WI)
Moran (VA)
Murphy (CT)
Murphy, Patrick
Nadler (NY)
Neal (MA)
Pastor (AZ)
Pingree (ME)
Polis (CO)
Price (NC)
Rothman (NJ)
Ryan (OH)
Sánchez, Linda T.
Sanchez, Loretta
Scott (GA)
Scott (VA)
Smith (WA)
Thompson (CA)
Thompson (MS)
Van Hollen
Wasserman Schultz
Wilson (OH)

—- NOES    215 —

Adler (NJ)
Barrett (SC)
Barton (TX)
Bishop (UT)
Bono Mack
Brady (TX)
Broun (GA)
Brown (SC)
Brown-Waite, Ginny
Burton (IN)
Coffman (CO)
Davis (AL)
Davis (KY)
Davis (TN)
Deal (GA)
Diaz-Balart, L.
Diaz-Balart, M.
Edwards (TX)
Franks (AZ)
Garrett (NJ)
Gingrey (GA)
Gordon (TN)
Hall (TX)
Hastings (WA)
Herseth Sandlin
Johnson (IL)
Johnson, Sam
Jordan (OH)
King (IA)
King (NY)
Kline (MN)
Lee (NY)
Lewis (CA)
Lungren, Daniel E.
Markey (CO)
McCarthy (CA)
McMorris Rodgers
Miller (FL)
Miller (MI)
Miller, Gary
Moran (KS)
Murphy (NY)
Murphy, Tim
Poe (TX)
Price (GA)
Roe (TN)
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Rogers (MI)
Ryan (WI)
Smith (NE)
Smith (NJ)
Smith (TX)
Thompson (PA)
Wilson (SC)
Young (AK)
Young (FL)

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Council on Foreign Relations Calls H1N1 Vaccine Skeptics CRAZY!

Posted on November 4, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , |

Another Reason To HATE the Council on Foreign Relations:

They are certainly not quelling fear by calling concerned citizens names. Makes you wonder just how safe it is and if they will line up first to take it.

Additional News Links for H1N1 Vaccine:

Palestine Paper Skeptical of Vaccine

Swiss Authorize Two H1N1 Vaccines

Swiss Forbid Vaccines for Pregnant Women, Youth and Elderly

See past columns on H1N1 Vaccine :

Latest H1N1 Vaccine News

Part 2 – Latest H1N1 Vaccine News

Death by Injection or By Legislation?

H1N1 Power.gov – Flu in the Age of Obama

By PAUL MICKLE / The Trentonian
On the cold afternoon of February 5, 1976, an Army recruit told his drill instructor at Fort Dix that he felt tired and weak but not sick enough to see military medics or skip a big training hike.

Within 24 hours, 19-year-old Pvt. David Lewis of Ashley Falls, Mass., was dead, killed by an influenza not seen since the plague of 1918-19, which took 500,000 American lives and 20 million worldwide.

Two weeks after the recruit’s death, health officials disclosed to America that something called “swine flu” had killed Lewis and hospitalized four of his fellow soldiers at the Army base in Burlington County.

The ominous name of the flu alone was enough to touch off civilian fear of an epidemic. And government doctors knew from tests hastily conducted at Dix after Lewis’ death that 500 soldiers had caught swine flu without falling ill.

Any flu able to reach that many people so fast was capable of becoming another worldwide plague, the doctors warned, raising these questions:

Does America mobilize for mass inoculations in time to have everybody ready for the next flu season? Or should the country wait to see if the new virus would, as they often do, get stronger to hit harder in the second year?

Thus was born what would become known to some medical historians as a fiasco and to others as perhaps the finest hour of America’s public health bureaucracy.

Only young Lewis died from the swine flu itself in 1976. But as the critics are quick to point out, hundreds of Americans were killed or seriously injured by the inoculation the government gave them to stave off the virus.

According to his sister-in-law, John Kent of President Avenue in Lawrence went to his grave in 1997 believing the shot from the government had killed his first wife, Mary, long before her time.

Among other critics are Arthur M. Silverstein, whose book, “Pure Politics and Impure Science,” suggests President Gerald Ford’s desire to win the office on his own, as well as the influence of America’s big drug manufacturers, figured into the decision to immunize all 220 million Americans.

Still, even the partisan who first branded Ford’s program a fiasco, says now that it happened because America’s public health establishment identified what easily could have been a new plague and mobilized to beat it amazingly well.

To understand the fear of the time you have to know something about the plague American soldiers seemed to bring home with them after fighting in Europe during World War I.

The Great Plague, as it came to be called, rivaled the horrid Black Death of medieval times in its ability to strike suddenly and take lives swiftly. In addition to the half million in America, it killed 20 million people around the world.

It got its name because it was a brand of flu usually found in domestic pigs and wild swine. It was long thought to have come, like so many flus, out of the Chinese farm country, where people and domestic pigs live closely together.

Recent research has shown, however, that the post-WWI flu was brought to Europe by American troops who had been based in the South before they went to war. Medical detectives, still working on the case in the 1990s, determined that a small group of our soldiers took swine flu to Europe and that it spread to the world from there.

How the swine flu got to Fort Dix in 1976 still hasn’t been tracked down. At the time, Dix military doctors knew only that a killer flu had made it to the base and that they were lucky more men hadn’t died or been sickened seriously.

Weeks after Lewis died, doctors from the Centers for Disease Control and other federal public health officials were meeting in Washington, trying to decide if they should recommend the government start a costly program of mass inoculations. … (continued at link)


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Rev. Wright, Unions, Cloward – Piven and Marxist Theology – the Hope and Change they asked for

Posted on November 3, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , , , |


People are now beginning to realize America is under attack. However, I am not sure they realize just how engrained the attack is in certain segments of our society. Today we will attempt to show you how pervasive it is. From religious institutions to unions, and how they are directly related to Cloward and Piven.

Rev Jeremiah Wright (introduced by Robert McChesney) speaking at the 60th anniversary celebration of the independent socialist magazine Monthly Review. The event was held on September 17th, 2009, at the New York Society for Ethical Culture in New York City. The full half hour presentation is available in my Vodpod theatre at right.

The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology

by Anthony B. Bradley Ph.D. at action.org

….Black Liberation theologians James Cone and Cornel West have worked diligently to embed Marxist thought into the black church since the 1970s. For Cone, Marxism best addressed remedies to the condition of blacks as victims of white oppression. In For My People, Cone explains that “the Christian faith does not possess in its nature the means for analyzing the structure of capitalism. Marxism as a tool of social analysis can disclose the gap between appearance and reality, and thereby help Christians to see how things really are.”

In God of the Oppressed, Cone said that Marx’s chief contribution is “his disclosure of the ideological character of bourgeois thought, indicating the connections between the ‘ruling material force of society’ and the ‘ruling intellectual’ force.” Marx’s thought is useful and attractive to Cone because it allows black theologians to critique racism in America on the basis of power and revolution.

For Cone, integrating Marx into black theology helps theologians see just how much social perceptions determine theological questions and conclusions. Moreover, these questions and answers are “largely a reflection of the material condition of a given society.”

In 1979, Cornel West offered a critical integration of Marxism and black theology in his essay, “Black Theology and Marxist Thought” because of the shared human experience of oppressed peoples as victims. West sees a strong correlation between black theology and Marxist thought because “both focus on the plight of the exploited, oppressed and degraded peoples of the world, their relative powerlessness and possible empowerment.” This common focus prompts West to call for “a serious dialogue between Black theologians and Marxist thinkers” — a dialogue that centers on the possibility of “mutually arrived-at political action.”

In his book Prophesy Deliverance, West believes that by working together, Marxists and black theologians can spearhead much-needed social change for those who are victims of oppression. He appreciates Marxism for its “notions of class struggle, social contradictions, historical specificity, and dialectical developments in history” that explain the role of power and wealth in bourgeois capitalist societies. A common perspective among Marxist thinkers is that bourgeois capitalism creates and perpetuates ruling-class domination — which, for black theologians in America, means the domination and victimization of blacks by whites. America has been over run by “White racism within mainstream establishment churches and religious agencies,” writes West.

Perhaps it is the Marxism imbedded in Obama’s attendance at Trinity Church that should raise red flags. “Economic parity” and “distribution” language implies things like government-coerced wealth redistribution, perpetual minimum wage increases, government subsidized health care for all, and the like. One of the priorities listed on Obama’s campaign website reads, “Obama will protect tax cuts for poor and middle class families, but he will reverse most of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers.”

Black Liberation Theology, originally intended to help the black community, may have actually hurt many blacks by promoting racial tension, victimology, and Marxism which ultimately leads to more oppression. As the failed “War on Poverty” has exposed, the best way to keep the blacks perpetually enslaved to government as “daddy” is to preach victimology, Marxism, and to seduce blacks into thinking that upward mobility is someone else’s responsibility in a free society.


Monthly Review , the subject of the celebration Rev. Wright was attending in the video above, says it “speaks to workers, labor organizers, activists, and academics. A scholarly, accessible critique of capitalism” http://www.monthlyreview.org/

Among contributing writers, you will find Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the two original authors of Cloward – Piven strategy .  In a more recent article, written, I believe, in 1997, called “The Era Of Power” they write: 



…Thus dominant interdependencies, and dominant forms of power, reflect the co-operative activities that generate the material bases for social life, and that sustain the force and authority of the state. If workers withhold their labor, production stops; if they withhold their votes, regimes fall. And, of course, the one set of relations is deeply intertwined with the other. States define and enforce property rights, regulate money and credit, and regulate the relations between employer and employees, for example. The relations between class-based interest groups and state authorities inevitably focus importantly on these economic policies. And the broadly parallel evolution of industrial capitalism and electoral-representative institutions in the twentieth-century means that working-class economic challenges are systematically transported into the relations between voting publics and the state.

This emphasis on power capacities shaped by the interdependent relations which constitute economy and polity is clearly consistent with the Marxist view of working-class power as rooted in the role of the proletariat as a force in capitalist production…. And it fits Schumpeter’s model characterizing the capitalist state as the “tax state” which, because it depends on economic resources it does not control, ties state authorities in close interdependence with the owners of private property who do control those resources.

The left confidence in working-class power was also expressed in the belief that working-class power would grow. Marx had rooted the growth of proletarian power in the development of industrial capitalism; Bernstein saw roughly parallel possibilities for working-class power in the development of electoral-representative arrangements. Social democratic perspectives later melded the power yielded workers by industrial capitalism with the power generated by electoral representative arrangements, so that working-class power resources were said to grow in tandem with both industrial capitalism and electoral democracy. In the happiest variants, these power resources resulted in a welfare state compact which promoted the “decommodification” of labor, and therefore a fundamental empowerment of labor in market relations.

…With these points made, it is clear that the globalization thesis cuts to the core of left political conviction. The effective exercise of labor power has always been premised on the limited ability of capital to exit or threaten to exit from economic relations. Globalization, together with postfordist production methods, seems to open unlimited opportunities for exit, whether through the relocation of production, accelerated trade, worker replacement, or capital flight, all of which seems to radically reduce the dependence of capital on labor. Workers, for their part, tied as they are by their merely human fear of change and rupture, can never match these exit options. And while working-class voters may still be able to make regimes topple, the significance of voting power depends on the significance of state power. But, so the argument goes, states whose sovereignty is confined to fixed territories also must knuckle under to the whims of a mobile capital. Economic globalization thus presumably eviscerates both economic and political forms of working-class power. As a result, workers and voters in the mother countries of capitalism are now pitted against low-wage workers and feeble governments everywhere, and pitted against technological advances as well. So, if the globalization thesis is true, it is devastating to the left as we have known it.

No wonder the determination with which MR authors (and we as well) scrutinize and challenge the argument. But scrutinizing and disputing the extent of global trade or capital movement does not quite grapple with the realities of class power under new conditions. What is at issue is not simply whether it is still capitalism, or whether capital is still dependent on labor in the abstract, or whether nation states still matter, but whether economic changes have undermined the conditions which once made at least the partial actualization of economic and political power from the bottom possible.

…since the relevant contributions to ongoing economic and political activities typically involve numerous individuals, people must develop a sense of solidarity and some capacity for concerted action so that their collective leverage can be deployed against those who depend on them, for work, votes, or acquiescence in the rules of civic life. This is the classical problem of organizing, whether workers, or voters, or community residents. And finally, the threat of exit, including the threat that employers will turn to replacement workers or that politicians will court alternative voter blocs must be limited, or at least the prospect of exit must not be so frightening that people cannot imagine enduring it.

… Meanwhile, economic change also creates concrete new possibilities for worker power. People work at new and different occupations, they have different skills, and in time they will see the power potential inherent in the interdependencies of a new and fabulously complex and precarious communications-driven economy that is as vulnerable to mass disruption as the manufacturing-driven economy was. In time, maybe only a little time, they will develop the awareness of commonalities and capacities for joint action which will make working-class power possible again. And they are also likely to find the imagination and the daring to break the new rules governing communications which are even now being promulgated to criminalize the exercise of power from below.

It is the end of a power era. It is also the beginning of a power era.

For More understanding of  Marxist and Maoist theology, I recommend the Definitions page on angelfire.com . 

Guess Who is visiting the White House?

To see the list of who is visiting the White House click here .

Unions have become catalysts for Marxist Change. That being said, from the National Education Association Website:

Recommended Reading: Saul Alinsky, The American Organizer


Reveille for Radicals
by Saul Alinsky
Vintage; Reissue edition (October 23, 1989)

Rules for Radicals
by Saul Alinsky
Vintage; Reissue edition (October 23, 1989)

An inspiration to anyone contemplating action in their community! And to every organizer!

… Alinsky practiced what he preached. He said, “Tactics means doing what you can with what you have … tactics is the art of how to take and how to give.”

He uses eyes, ears and nose for examples…

“If you have a vast organization, parade it before the enemy, openly show your power.”

“If your organization is small, do what Gideon did: conceal the members in the dark but raise a clamor that will make the listener believe that your organization numbers many more that it does.”

“If your organization is too tiny even for noise, stink up the place.”

Alinsky devised and proved thirteen tactical rules for use against opponents vastly superior in power and wealth.

   1. “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
   2. “Never go outside the experience of your people.
   3. “Wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy.
   4. “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
   5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
   6. “A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
   7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
   8. “Keep the pressure on.
   9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
  10. “Major premise for tactics is development of operations that will maintain constant pressure upon the opposition.
  11. “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.
  12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
  13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

“The real action is in the enemy’s reaction. The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength. Tactics, like life, require that you move with the action.”

Alinsky was hated and defamed by powerful enemies, proof that his tactics worked. His simple formula for success… “Agitate + Aggravate + Educate + Organize”

This should illustrate to you how important it is you get involved. On every level, they are attacking our values, our morals, our decency.

One such place to start is the 9.12 Project  – check out your local branch today.




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H1N1 Power.gov – Flu in the Age of Obama:This Flu May Take Your Freedom

Posted on November 2, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , , , |


On October 24, 2009, President Obama signed a proclamation declaring the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic a National Emergency to facilitate our ability to respond to the pandemic by enabling – if warranted – the waiver of certain statutory Federal requirements for medical treatment facilities. In particular, this proclamation is aimed at providing HHS the ability to waive legal requirements that could otherwise limit the ability of our nation’s health care system to respond to the surge of patients with the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus. Here is the official declaration . 

Does this mean anything? I can not answer that question. It does illicit curiosity, however. Due to the government’s power grab over the past several years, and exacerbated by the fact the “H1N1” flu does not seem important enough at this point to illicit such a powerful response, I became interested in learning more.  

I have noted a brief summary of the National Emergency Powers Act, a report to Congress on Martial Law and National Emergency, and listed the Executive Orders that brought us to a place where, by the stroke of the President’s pen, our rights, our property, our freedom could be gone without due process or consideration of the Constitution.  

At one point in life I had trust in my government. Those days are long gone. Our government no longer deserves our trust. We must stay vigilant and look to the future from a base of knowledge. It is to that end I present the following information.  


The National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601-1651) is a United States federal law passed in 1976 to stop open-ended states of national emergency and formalize the power of Congress to provide certain checks and balances on the emergency powers of the President. The act sets a limit of two years on states of national emergency. It also imposes certain “procedural formalities” on the President when invoking such powers. 

The perceived need for the law arose from the scope and number of laws granting special powers to the executive in times of national emergency (or public danger). 

At least two constitutional rights are subject to revocation during a state of emergency: 

  • The right of habeas corpus, under Article 1, Section 9;  
  • The right to a grand jury for members of the National Guard when in actual service, under Fifth Amendment.  

In addition, many provisions of statutory law are contingent on a state of national emergency, as many as 500 by one count. 

It was due in part to concern that a declaration of “emergency” for one purpose should not invoke every possible executive emergency power that Congress in 1976 passed the National Emergencies Act. Among other provisions, this act requires the President to declare formally a national emergency and to specify the statutory authorities to be used under such a declaration. 

There were 32 declared national emergencies between 1976 and 2001.  Most of these were for the purpose of restricting trade with certain foreign entities under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) (50 U.S.C. 1701-1707). 

CRS Report for Congress: Martial Law and National Emergency 


Crises in public order, both real and potential, often evoke comments concerning a resort to martial law. While some ambiguity exists regarding the conditions of a martial law setting, such a prospect, nonetheless, is disturbing to many Americans who cherish their liberties, expect civilian law enforcement to prevail, and support civilian control of military authority. An overview of the concept of, exercise of, and authority underlying martial law is provided in this report, which will be updated as events warrant.  

Here are the executive orders I could identify by scouring the web. There may be more and if you know of any, please leave a comment with the information.


EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows government to seize control of communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows government to take control of all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows government to take control over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows government to mobilize civilians for work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows government to take control over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows government to take control over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows government to take control over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.


EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.


EXECUTIVE ORDER 11490 assigns emergency preparedness functions to federal departments and agencies, combining EOs 11001-11005 and 11051 into a single executive order.


EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. 


Executive Orders 12127 & 12148 creating FEMA :

(from wikipedia)

FEMA was established under the 1978 Reorganization Plan No. 3, and activated April 1, 1979 by Jimmy Carter in his Executive Order 12127. In July, Carter signed Executive Order 12148 shifting disaster relief efforts to the new federal level agency. FEMA absorbed the Federal Insurance Administration, the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, the National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program, the Federal Preparedness Agency of the General Services Administration and the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration activities from HUD. FEMA was also given the responsibility for overseeing the nation’s Civil Defense, a function which had previously been performed by the Department of Defense’s Defense Civil Preparedness Agency.


Executive Order 12656 gives National Security Council authority to determine use of requisite emergency powers


Executive Order 13010 gives FEMA control over all government agencies in cases of national emergency.


Recently I came across an article which tied all this together:


Remember President Obama’s Executive Order basing 80,000 active troops at home for the first time in the history of the peacetime military establishment to “help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack….”
Now connect that information to the recent announcement that the military has established regional deployment locations all across the United States to “assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.”
Civil unrest and crowd control?  Significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall?  What do they know that we don’t?
Swine flu has been made into a crisis in the minds of the public, even though swine flu, or H1N1, is the most non-lethal “killer” virus ever uncovered.   As a cataclysmic event demanding military assistance, it ranks near zero.  It is doubtful whether swine flu could even be classified as an “epidemic,” much less a “pandemic.”
Regular influenza, the common flu, kills 36,000 people every year. The 1918 flu pandemic killed an estimated 50-100 million people worldwide over a period of two years, approximately one-third the population of
Europe at that time.  Global swine flu deaths topped just 1,000 this year.
But President Obama is predicting death tolls of 90,000 and possible infection of up to half the
US population.
While every life matters, in statistical terms swine flu is a comparatively minor problem, which makes the hype by those in government and the military all the more suspicious.
Washington certainly seems to be looking for some rationale for enhanced domestic military involvement, whether credible or not.US military at home—in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  With impeccable timing, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has gone before Congress asking for the unprecedented authority to base 400,000 soldiers in communities all across the United States.
A recent US Army War College Report even outlined the conditions under which martial law could be introduced, listing:


…unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters are all paths to disruptive domestic shock. [Emphasis added.]


The CDC is finalizing quarantine regulations formulated during the Bush years that provide for quarantining “a large group of persons” suspected of having swine flu or other illnesses listed in an executive order. This means that President Obama can quarantine anyone as long as they have an illness he determines to be dangerous.  These new regulations even permit “provisional” quarantine of persons not actually carrying any virus.   In one section, the regulations empower the president to quarantine anyone that does not agree to be vaccinated, an ominous condition since recent investigations have revealed that swine flu vaccines can cause serious medical complications. Thousands of doctors have voiced strong opposition to the proposed swine flu vaccine, due to its association with neurological disorders. No matter, a bill before the Massachusetts State Senate would permit authorities to enter homes and detain without warrant citizens who do not agree to be forcibly vaccinated.  Iowa just released a new Orwellian quarantine policy directive that states in the event of a swine flu outbreak, “your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable.”  These moves appear to be the result of federal incentives advancing mandatory vaccination.


The Army hasn’t missed a step, putting out ads for “Internment/Resettlement Specialists.”  And, though most of the wild claims about “FEMA camps” have been appropriately and properly discredited, the fact remains that the Homeland Security Department has signed a $385 million contract with Halliburton subsidiary KBR Construction to build such facilities on an “as-needed” basis.
If you’re not already feeling nervous, revisit President Obama’s spine-chilling campaign pledge:



We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

With the Serve America Act, this alarming proposition has become reality.  The broad authority given to this force is staggering.  Section 1505 gives the newly created National Civilian Community Corps the power to address national “needs” related to “natural and other disasters,” “infrastructure improvement,” “environmental stewardship and conservation,” “energy conservation,” and “urban and rural development.”  The legislation reiterates that the corps will “combine the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service.”


Nowhere have these two spheres ever been combined that tyranny has not resulted. 


We need to all pay attention and know what Martial Law entails. We will keep an eye on events and declarations from the government and from what I call “State TV”.  We should not panic at this point over the flu or over the declaration of National Emergency. Keep your eyes and ears open and know going forward suspicion may be warranted.

Lastly, here is what I found through Dept of Health and Human Services:



HHS will be guided by the following principles in initiating and directing its response activities:


1) In advance of an influenza pandemic, HHS will work with federal, state, and local government partners and the private sector to coordinate pandemic influenza preparedness activities and to achieve interoperable response capabilities.


2) In advance of an influenza pandemic, HHS will encourage all Americans to be active partners in preparing their states, local communities, workplaces, and homes for pandemic influenza and will emphasize that a pandemic will require Americans to make difficult choices. An informed and responsive public is essential to minimizing the health effects of a pandemic and the resulting consequences to society.


3) In advance of an influenza pandemic, HHS, in concert with federal partners, will work with the

pharmaceutical industry to develop domestic vaccine production capacity sufficient to provide vaccine for the entire U.S. population as soon as possible after the onset of a pandemic and, during the pre-pandemic period, to produce up to 20 million courses of vaccine against each circulating influenza virus with pandemic potential and to expand seasonal influenza domestic vaccine production to cover all Americans for whom vaccine is recommended through normal commercial transactions.


4) In advance of an influenza pandemic, HHS, in concert with federal partners and in collaboration with the States, will procure sufficient quantities of antiviral drugs to treat 25% of the U.S. population and, in so doing, stimulate development of expanded domestic production capacity sufficient to accommodate subsequent needs through normal commercial transactions. HHS will stockpile antiviral medications in the Strategic National Stockpile, and states will create and maintain local stockpiles.


5) Sustained human-to-human transmission anywhere in the world will be the triggering event to initiate a pandemic response by the United States. Because we live in a global community, a human outbreak anywhere means risk everywhere.


6) The US will attempt to prevent an influenza pandemic or delay its emergence by striving to arrest isolated outbreaks of a novel influenza wherever circumstances suggest that such an attempt might be successful, acting in concert with WHO and other nations as appropriate. At the core of this strategy will be basic public health measures to reduce person-to-person transmission.


7) At the onset of an influenza pandemic, HHS, in concert with federal partners, will work with the

pharmaceutical industry to procure vaccine directed against the pandemic strain and to distribute vaccine to state and local public health departments for pre-determined priority groups based on pre-approved state plans.


8 ) At the onset of an influenza pandemic, HHS, in collaboration with the states, will begin to distribute and deliver antiviral drugs from public stockpiles to healthcare facilities and others with direct patient care responsibility for administration to pre-determined priority groups.


HHS will follow the WHO published guidance for national pandemic planning, which defines pandemic

activities in six phases. WHO Phases 1 and 2 are the Interpandemic Period, which includes phases where no

new influenza virus subtypes have been detected in humans.


The Pandemic Alert Period includes a phase when human infection with a novel influenza strain has been identified but no evidence has been found of transmission between people or at most rare instances of spread to a close contact (WHO Phase 3) and includes phases where person-to-person transmission is occurring in clusters with limited human-to-human transmission (WHO Phases 4 and 5). WHO Phase 6 is the Pandemic

Period, in which there is increased and sustained transmission in the general population. (Appendix C describes the WHO pandemic phases in detail.)


Each pandemic phase is associated with a range of preparedness and response activities directed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, after consultation with international authorities and others, as necessary. Given that an influenza pandemic may not unfold in a completely predictable way, decision-makers must regularly reassess their strategies and actions and make adjustments as necessary. This section highlights

critical pandemic preparedness and response activities to be implemented by HHS.


Table C-1: Summary of WHO Global Pandemic Phases (WHO Global Influenza

Preparedness Plan, 2005) – As of April, we are at Phase 5

Interpandemic Period

Phase 1. No new influenza virus subtypes have been detected in humans. An influenza virus subtype that has caused human infection may be present in animals. If present in animals, the risk of human infection or disease is considered to be low


Phase 2. No new influenza virus subtypes have been detected in humans. However, a circulating animal influenza virus subtype poses a substantial risk of human disease


Pandemic Alert Period


Phase 3. Human infection(s) with a new subtype but no human-to-human spread or at most rare instances of spread to a close contact


Phase 4. Small cluster(s) with limited human-to-human transmission but spread is highly localized, suggesting that the virus is not well adapted to humans


Phase 5. Larger cluster(s) but human-to-human spread is still localized, suggesting that the virus is becoming increasingly better adapted to humans but may not yet be fully transmissible (substantial pandemic risk)

Pandemic Period


Phase 6. Pandemic phase: increased and sustained transmission in the general population


An influenza pandemic may require activation of the National Response Plan (NRP), especially if the first

appearance of the disease in the United States occurs in one or a few isolated communities and an intense multi-party containment effort led by the federal government seems feasible. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in collaboration with HHS and other response partners, developed the NRP and the associated

National Incident Management System (NIMS) pursuant to the requirements of Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) #5 – Management of Domestic Incidents. Full descriptions of the NRP and the NIMS, respectively, are available at  www.dhs.gov/interweb/assetlibrary/NRP_FullText.pdf  and



The intent of the NRP is to reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, major disasters, and other emergencies;

to minimize the damage resulting from these emergencies; and to facilitate recovery. The NIMS aligns the special-purpose incident management and emergency response plans of federal government agencies into a unitary structure. Together, the NRP and the NIMS provide a conceptual and operational framework to

integrate the capabilities and resources of various governmental jurisdictions, incident management and emergency response disciplines, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector into a cohesive, coordinated, and seamless national framework for domestic incident management. The federal government can invoke the NRP partially or fully in the context of a threat, anticipation of a significant event, or the response to a significant event.


Other sources you may want to consult:

Selected Executive Orders on National Security


Federal Registry Database on Executive Orders





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Death by Injection or By Legislation ?

Posted on October 30, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

In attempt to research the H1N1 vaccine, due to the number of people showing concern on the issue, I uncovered things I did not want to see.

I will not draw conclusions for you, but rather present the materials in order for you to make your own decisions. I am not advising you to get or not to get the vaccine. It is my feeling, however, you are not being presented with all of the facts. To that end I submit the following:

 A week ago I assembled a compilation of news articles I have found on the subject of the vaccine and published it here and updated here. There you will find a treasure trove of articles, including those discussing the fact Baxter, a pharmaceutical company, developed a vaccine for the Avian flu before incidence of the flu had occurred. In the process of distributing the vaccine it was learned Baxter had somehow contaminated a large percentage of the vaccine as detailed here in an article from infowars:

As reported by multiple sources last month, including the Times of India, vaccines contaminated with deadly live H5N1 avian flu virus were distributed to 18 countries last December by a lab at an Austrian branch of Baxter.

It was only by providence that the batch was first tested on ferrets in the Czech Republic, before being shipped out for injection into humans. The ferrets all died and the shocking discovery was made.

Czech newspapers immediately questioned whether the events were part of a conspiracy to deliberately provoke a pandemic, following up on accusations already made by health officials in other countries.

Initially, Baxter attempted to stonewall questions by invoking “trade secrets” and refused to reveal how the vaccines were contaminated with H5N1. After increased pressure they then claimed that pure H5N1 batches were sent by accident.

Since the probability of mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually impossible, this leaves no other explanation than that the contamination was a deliberate attempt to weaponize the H5N1 virus to its most potent extreme and distribute it via conventional flu vaccines to the population who would then infect others to a devastating degree as the disease went airborne.

 The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses is the smoking gun. The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne and more restricted in the ease with which it can spread. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses, which as everyone knows are super-airborne and easily spread, the effect is a potent, super-airbone, super deadly biological weapon.

Indeed, some have already suggested that the current scare could represent the use of such a weapon.

Now it has been announced that Baxter is seeking a sample of the potentially lethal never before seen form of swine/avian/human flu virus in order to assist the World Health Organization in developing a new vaccine, reaping billions in the process.

Why should Baxter be trusted, when they have already been proven to be at the very least criminally negligent, and at worst a prime suspect in attempting to carry off one of the most heinous crimes in the history of mankind?

There are also concerns with other manufacturers of vaccines. Also discussed is the fact some, if not all, of the various vaccine preparations are believed to contain toxins, including mercury, strengthening additive adjuvants, and Triton X100. Brand names throughout the world noted are Celvapan, Pandemrix, Focetria, Peramvir, and others. 

There are many concerns based on these facts and others. The FDA has not tested this vaccine. The government can in no way be held responsible for any harm done from the vaccines.  There have been deaths reported due to the vaccines. The German government had soldiers take vaccinations different from what was purchased for the general public, namely versions of the vaccine that do not contain mercury or other toxic substances contained in the adjuvants.

 George W. Bush, at the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza at the United Nations General Assembly on September 14, 2005, placed the US under UN and WHO law in the event of a pandemic “emergency”. In April, WHO declared Swine Flu a Level 5 Emergency. At Level 6 the WHO is permitted to call the shots worldwide. Our sovereignty, our Constitution – no matter.   He also released these directives, deemed unconstitutional by many, altering the channels of government and giving extra constitutional powers to the President in an emergency:

Details are spelled out in NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51 and HOMELAND SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/HSPD-20 :  , but here is a snippet from Wikipedia on the subject:

The presidential directive says that, when the president considers an emergency to have occurred, an “Enduring Constitutional Government” comprising “a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President,” will take the place of the nation’s regular government, presumably without the oversight of Congress. Conservative activist Jerome Corsi and Marjorie Cohn of the National Lawyers Guild have said that this is a violation of the Constitution of the United States in that the three branches of government are separate and equal, with no single branch coordinating the others. The directive, created by the president, claims that the president has the power to declare a catastrophic emergency. It does not specify who has the power to declare the emergency over.

 The directive further says that, in the case of such an emergency, the new position of “National Continuity Coordinator” would be filled by the assistant to the president for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (this position was held by Frances Townsend until her resignation on November 19, 2007 then by Kenneth L. Wainstein, and now John Brennan) The directive also specifies that a “Continuity Policy Coordination Committee”, to be chaired by a senior director of the Homeland Security Council staff, and selected by the National Continuity Coordinator, shall be “the main day-to-day forum for such policy coordination”.

The MODEL STATE EMERGENCY HEALTH POWERS ACT was passed in many states in 2002 and others after that point.


The National Vaccine Information Center, along with the ACLU and other organizations concerned about lack of informed consent protections and other threats to civil liberties, opposed the legislation. NVIC took the position that, while it is critical for the U.S. to have a sound, workable plan to respond to an act of bioterrorism, as well as enough safe and effective vaccines stockpiled for every American who wants to use them, there are legitimate concerns about a plan which forces citizens to use vaccines without voluntary, informed consent. 
The MSEHPA, which was passed by many states in 2002, included provisions that would allow state health officials to use the state militia to:

  • take control of all roads leading into and out of cities and states; 
  • seize homes, cars, telephones, computers, food, fuel, clothing, firearms and alcoholic beverages for their own use (and not be held liable if these actions result in the destruction of  personal property); 
  • arrest, imprison and forcibly examine, vaccinate and medicate citizens without consent (and not be held liable if these actions result in your death or injury).

As well I have noted the following web site:


Transformational Medical Technologies Initiative (TMTI) was pioneered by The Department of Defense (DoD) in 2006 to better prepare and protect the warfighter and the nation from emerging, genetically engineered, and unknown biothreat agents.

President Obama Declares A National Health Emergency Due to Swine Flu

From Fox News last week:


President Obama signed a proclamation declaring the H1N1 influenza a national emergency, giving doctors and medical facilities greater leeway in responding to the flu pandemic.

Obama signed the declaration late Friday, which the White House said allows medical treatment facilities to better handle a surge in flu patients by waiving federal requirements on a case-by-case basis.

 “The foundation of our national approach to the H1N1 flu has been preparedness at all levels — personal, business, and government — and this proclamation helps that effort by advancing our overall response capability,” the White House said in a statement.

In the proclamation, Obama said the pandemic keeps evolving, the rates of illness are rising rapidly in many areas and there’s a potential “to overburden health care resources.”

Because of vaccine production delays, the government has backed off initial, optimistic estimates that as many as 120 million doses would be available by mid-October. As of Wednesday, only 11 million doses had been shipped to health departments, doctor’s offices and other providers, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…..

 Worldwide, more than 5,000 people have reportedly died from swine flu since it emerged this year and developed into a global epidemic, the World Health Organization said Friday. Since most countries have stopped counting individual swine flu cases, the figure is considered an underestimate.

The flu has infected millions of Americans and killed nearly 100 children in the U.S. The chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday that over a thousand people have died as a result, with 46 states reporting widespread H1N1 activity.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen more than 1,000 deaths and 20,000 hospitalizations,” Frieden said. “We expect it to occur in waves, but we can’t predict when those waves will happen.”

In a normal year, according to CDC, 36,000 Americans die from the flu. That is an average of 1 in every 8500 citizens. Our first case was sometime late this spring I believe. Since that point, the number of deaths has not reached anywhere near that number. The report stated over 20,000 people have been hospitalized with the flu and also states millions have been infected, killing one thousand.The article above says there have been 5000 deaths worldwide  CDC reports between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths occur from flu in a typical year worldwide. I’m not a mathematical genius, but this does not even seem as bad as the normal run of the mill flu.   Supposedly it will get worse, but until then why subject citizens to the risk involved? In the United States or anywhere else. Globally, citizens are up in arms about this. They feel, as I do, there is no reasonable cause for mandatory injections, governmental panic, etc..

Here is a map updating you to the number of cases worldwide. Be certain to use the check boxes on the left side of site to mark for H1N1.

I have never been a conspiracy theorist. Over the past several weeks, however, I have become aware and laid out for you the perilous United Nations Agenda 21. I have pointed out the names and statements made by the people involved. I have shown you quote after quote illustrating what they mean by Sustainable Development and the contempt they have for God and the human race. I have shown you reports, paid for by our own government, where thousands of noted scientists refute the bogus claims made by the U.N. about “global warming”.  I have told you of the grab for control of our lives this “agenda” proposes. Now allow me to introduce you to another of their “terms”.


In a paper written by Dr. Madeleine Cosman, entitled Sustainable Medicine and Sustainable Development ,  Dr. Cosman states:

….Sustainable Medicine is central to the concept of Sustainable Development of the world’s landmasses, air, and water.

Sustainable Development esteems the planet’s intrinsically valuable environment. In that bio-diverse environment human beings are a dangerous, capricious burden. In the Agenda 21 worldview, people, especially rich intelligent people, consume too much and they make too many of themselves. Their effects must be curbed and their numbers reduced.

Sustainable Development is a private property land grab. It is justified in the name of global equity, overcoming economic disparities, and assuring global integrity of the environment. Sustainable Medicine is a body grab. It is justified in the name of achieving global medical equity, overcoming health disparities, and assuring an enduring global environment free of too many people.

Sustainable Medicine makes decisions through visioning councils that determine what shall be done or not done to each body in its group in its native habitat. Sustainable Medicine experts do not refer to citizens in sovereign nations but to “humans” in their “settlements.”

Sustainable Medicine uses two classes of public actions to affect the largest numbers of people worldwide most efficiently. The first class of actions attacks high technology products. The method is to create a public health crisis that forces government or industry to eliminate a valuable medical or surgical technology that because of its expense and inequitable distribution makes it medically “unsustainable.” Sustainable Medicine therefore clamors to eliminate such important, life-saving and life-extending medical devices as flexible polyvinylchloride plastic tubings treated with phthalates. During the past 50 years, flexible medical tubing has revolutionized breathing machines, intravenous medicating and blood transfusing, kidney dialysis, parenteral feeding, and neonatal medicine and surgery.

Sustainable Medicine’s second class of public action attacks ideas of high technology scientific progress. The method is to revise people’s expectations for health, for medical care, and for long life “in harmony with the environment”. Sustainable Medicine devotees celebrate human death as natural, inevitable, and environmentally beneficial. Rather than a mere right to die, Sustainable Medicine inculcates a duty to die.

Sustainable Medicine is the pivot around which all other Sustainable Development revolves. Principle #1 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992) states: Human beings are at the center of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature. Few Americans know the meaning of Sustainable Medicine, or worse, the implications of healthy life in harmony with nature. However, an Internet Google search for Sustainable Medicine yielded (in May, 2005) a total of 5,850,000 English language references. Germans, English, Canadians, and Scandinavians under socialized medicine appreciate Sustainable Medicine for they daily deal with its rationing, long waiting times for care, low technology, and emphasis on medical caring, not medical curing.

Who decides what shall be done or not done to your body whether healthy, diseased, injured, or fatally ill? Sustainable Medicine uses identical protocols for human body ownership as Sustainable Development proposes for private land ownership.


PEEVE is a valuable acronym for remembering the basic concepts than animate Sustainable Medicine and Sustainable Development. PEEVE incorporates the infamous three “E”s of Sustainable Development: equity, economy, and environment. Sustainable
Medicine is guided by:

P = Precautionary Principle. If any risk, stop. If evidence is inconclusive, stop absolutely. If no proof, stop anyway. The prudent “Better safe than sorry” is perverted to “Safe sorrow for all!”

The pernicious Precautionary Principle destroys risk-benefit analysis. It hinders experiment and innovation. It impedes progress and requires reversion to simpler, more “natural” products. In land use, it requires removing “invasive species” and beneficial genetically manipulated seeds that could harm some plant, insect, or person. In medicine, the Precautionary Principle deprives courageous masses of people of necessary, life-sustaining medication and equipment because of potential harm to a few. The Precautionary Principle propels it proponents beyond intellectual cowardice to anti-technology, anti-progress, Luddite primitivism.

In both land use and medicine, the Precautionary Principle almost always is paired with its craven corollary, the Irreversability Principle. In landscape, the Irreversability Principle requires that rather than mine a precious resource that once extracted is irreversibly used, better save it than spend it on today’s life-sustaining necessities even if people will pay and legally own the resource. In bodyscape, the Precautionary Principle plus Irreversibility Principle withhold beneficial, aggressive, high technology diagnostics and medical therapies that might harm someone or something now or later.

E = Environment over all. Its “intrinsic value” is necessary for future generations on the globe.
Of what value to whom is never explained. Mystical inherent goodness, importance, and protection-worthy vulnerability of the environment make the environment trump all other needs of people and societies. It is better to force people to starve by insect-destroyed crops and to die of malaria than to use the pesticide DDT that potentially might harm birds, fish, polar bears, or human infant reflexes.

E = Equity demands no “disparities” among all people globally, among all people inter-generationally, and among all species of life and non-life: human, animal, plant, and inanimate rock.
Equity between current and future generations requires prudent use, no squandering, and abstaining from use of available assets. Equity among rich and poor requires no greedy group abusing the “carrying capacity” of the world’s natural resources. Species-equity is more important than equity among peoples. In the contest between preserving habitat for spotted owls, long-fingered salamanders, salmon, and fairy shrimp versus habitat and livelihoods of ranchers, loggers, and mineral miners, the “natural needs” and “value” power of animals are superior to those of people. The Sustainable Medicine documents quote the U.N. Biodiversity Treaty’s inscrutable rule: “Nature has an integral set of different values (cultural, spiritual, and material) where humans are one strand in nature’s web and all living things are considered equal. Therefore the natural way is the right way, and human activities should be molded along Nature’s rhythms.”

V = Visioning councils for stakeholders
Sustainable Medicine uses the same “visioning,” vision councils, vision language, vision consensus-building techniques, and vision incentives, bribes, prohibitions, protocols, and principles that facilitate the Sustainable Development land grabs of private property. Local Agenda 21 groups impose laws and regulations on localities that bypass votes of state legislatures and of the U.S. Congress. Depredations of the Endangered Species Act and the Environmental Protection Agency derive from international treaties, and work of non-governmental organizations such as ICLEI, the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives.

The vision is the cluster of global community ideas. Agenda 21 outsiders impose these concepts upon local citizens and their leaders while encouraging locals to believe they themselves initiated the ideas of the vision. Regulations and restrictions inevitably follow the implanted vision in order to implement it. The implanted vision is viewed as prophecy and revelation of future global peace. Actually, the vision is a tenacious Marxist apparition from old, surly, nihilistic Fabian socialism.
The Wye River Group On Healthcare, for instance, held its National Summit at the University Club in Washington, DC, on September 23rd 2003, attended by the elite of academic medicine, pharmacology, and government including Dr. Mark McClelland, then head of the FDA, now Director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. The meeting topic was “Communities Shaping a Vision for America’s 21st Century Health & Healthcare.” Experts answered such questions as: Why create a shared vision based on principles and values in America? How best connect community leaders with the vision and enable them to advance change? Is this the right time to spring the vision?

Wye River Group on Healthcare promotes the Sustainable Medicine vision for the future by working in 12 selected cities that have active Sustainable Development visioning groups: Albuquerque, NM, Chicago, IL, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Hanover, NH, Jackson, MS, Muncie, IN, Portland, OR, Raleigh/Durham, NC, Salt Lake City, UT, San Diego, CA, San Antonio, TX, and Spokane, WA. Wye River Group’s separate Foundation for American Health Care Leadership addresses “lack of healthcare infrastructure…health disparities… unique demands of an aging population, unrealistic public expectations, and appropriate use of burgeoning technology” that require “visionary leadership focused on a shared vision” for American health and healthcare.

E = Economic equity. High technology is too expensive and inequitably distributed. Whatever everyone cannot have, no one shall have.

Under Sustainable Development, the use of waterpower or fossil fuel for generating electricity in the Third World will pollute the environment as well as distract the native population from its indigenous culture in harmony with the environment. Wind-power is cleaner and more sustainable, even if not dependable nor adequate for modern progress. Likewise, under Sustainable Medicine, medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs) for diagnostics, and organ-transplant techniques for life-extending treatments are unsustainable. People must revise their expectations for long life and good health, and reject ever more sophisticated medicine and surgery dedicated to curing rather than to caring. We must reach a level sustainable plateau in medicine, says medical ethicist Dr. Daniel Callahan. As the natural world has its predictable cycles of birth and death, so people, especially Americans, must accept natural limits to life and reject interventions that unnaturally extend life at its beginnings, such as neonatal medicine, and at life’s ends. We must not expect progress, we must not waste, and we must not spend on futile care.


The original documents that enunciate Sustainable Medicine are astonishing in their theory and in their calls for implementation. Few physicians, surgeons, or lawyers have access to the materials that I first reviewed in August 2003. I obtained them directly from their source in Switzerland, the office of Dr. Jasmin von Schirnding, World Health Organization, Geneva.

Documents in English and French are not issued to the general public (and may not be “reviewed, abstracted, quoted, reproduced or translated, in part or in whole, without the prior written permission of WHO”). Some of these texts are available electronically from WHO: http://www.who.int/wssd/resources/en/.

What gives further credence to Dr. Cosman’s paper can be found by a simple “google” for “population control”. It is a well established fact the U.N. has mandated a decrease in world population, of up to 93% by some charges. It is well documented, that aided by funds from the United States, they have gone on a decades long mission to offer abortion and other types of birth control to women in third world countries. Our own  government has funded the deaths of an untold number of infants here in the United States. I never really understood it was all related until recently. Had I investigated, I would have understood.

Once again, a simple consultation with Wikipedia will tell you of a Brittish clergyman, Thomas Malthus, who in 1798 (not a typo) published An Essay on the Principle of population. He assigns two categories to population control. Positive checks (disease, war, disaster, famine, poverty) and Preventive checks (factors believe to affect the birth rate such as moral restraint, abstinence and birth control).  He proclaims positive checks would ultimately save humanity from itself and human misery was an absolute necessary consequence.  

Paul R. Ehrlich, a US biologist and environmentalist published The Population Bomb in 1968. Many of the ideas in that book we’ve heard of recently in speaking of President Obama’s own staff. To quote:

 A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. Treating only the symptoms of cancer may make the victim more comfortable at first, but eventually he dies- often horribly. A similar fate awaits a world with a population explosion if only the symptoms are treated. We must shift our efforts from treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparent brutal and heartless decisions. The pain may be intense. But the disease is so far advanced that only with radical surgery does the patient have a chance to survive.

 … compulsory birth regulation…the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food. Doses of the antidote would be carefully rationed by the government to produce the desired family size.

This spawned the ecology movement of the 1970s and the “Global Cooling” panic ensued. As did the race to scale down the human race in favor of “Gaia”.  In a follow up book, released in 1990, he continued to sound the population alarm.

In 1974, the US National Security Council, under the direction of Henry Kissinger, did a study entitled National Security Study Memorandum 200, which stressed the fact that 13 countries would make up 47% of world population by 2050, which would adversely effect the welfare and progress of those countries. It goes on to say this would be a threat to our national security.

The National Research Institute on Food and Nutrition proclaimed in a study entitled, Food, Land, Population and the US Economy that the US could not achieve a sustainable economy beyond a population of 200 million and the effects of overpopulation would impact the country after 2020. Have they never driven across the US in a vehicle? We have over 300 million people and there are plenty of open spaces to grow food in. They emphatically state we must reduce US population by at least one third and world population by two thirds.

The National Audobon Society released a study recently called Population and Habitat: Making the Connection, also supporting population control measures.

 The head of the UN Millennium Project, Jeffrey Sachs, is a proponent of population control as well. He was even opposed to mosquito nets for children in third world countries, as that would interfere with population reduction.

There is a global agenda to take control of the human race. Our Congress and our President are complicit in this assault. The Health Care Bill now being forced down our throats, in my opinion, also falls into play with all this. One only has to read Dr. Cosman’s paper above to see the connection.

Do I know any of this is true? No. My gut tells me it is all true. I don’t want to believe it. When bills are being created 1990 pages in length, in secret, and without permission of the American people; when our white house is full of communist sympathizers and nut jobs that look up to Mao Tse Tung and down upon God and the Constitution; when nothing can be discussed and they try to interfere with free speech and the right to assemble; when they refuse to answer questions and launch personal attacks instead?????? You must admit, they have given us no reason to trust, only reason to fear.

 I will take no vaccine. I will not be silent. I will fight tooth and nail to see none of this anti-American, anti-human agenda is passed. You must make your own decision.

National interactive map to find out the laws in your state.

 Swine Flue facts

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Council of Foreign Relations- Complicit in the Death of US Sovereignty

Posted on October 27, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , |

The Council on Foreign relations makes no secret of propelling us headlong and on purpose toward the end of our sovereignty. I have presented here items taken from their website. It is of the utmost importance you make yourself familiar with their agenda and the names of members who have taken us to this place and time. Members here are government officials, past and present, as well as business leaders, media figures, and many you do not know. Watchdogs will find this list valuable. After studying Agenda 21, Bilderburg, Trilateral Commission, and now Council on Foreign Relations, I can tell you without hesitation it is a David and Goliath battle for our freedom and our liberty. It’s us against them with no time to spare. Please call your representatives and senators and tell them you know and you will not permit them to give our sovereignty away. The joke is on us. It seems while we were working to be good citizens and good parents, they were laughing at us and plotting behind our back. The problem is we are now on the brink and about to fall into the crevasse of one world order. 

Items of interest found on their website: 

Crisis Guide:Global Governance Monitor

The link above includes a short, but interesting, video telling us the challenge of global governance has never been more imperative. We need to adapt current institutions or develop new ones, integrating new players. It says the interactive player will show you how they are doing in advancing the cause of global governance. 

The Program on International Institutions and Global Governance (IIGG) at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is supported by a generous grant from the Robina Foundation. It aims to identify the institutional requirements for effective multilateral cooperation in the twenty-first century. The program is motivated by recognition that the architecture of global governance-largely reflecting the world as it existed in 1945-has not kept pace with fundamental changes in the international system. These shifts include the spread of transnational challenges, the rise of new powers, and the mounting influence of nonstate actors. Existing multilateral arrangements thus provide an inadequate foundation for addressing many of today’s most pressing threats and opportunities and for advancing U.S. national and broader global interests. 

Given these trends, U.S. policymakers and other interested actors require rigorous, independent analysis of current structures of multilateral cooperation, and of the promises and pitfalls of alternative institutional arrangements. The IIGG program meets these needs by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of existing multilateral institutions and proposing reforms tailored to new international circumstances. 

The IIGG fulfills its mandate by: 

·         Engaging CFR fellows in research on improving existing and building new frameworks to address specific global challenges-including climate change, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, transnational terrorism, and global health-and disseminating the research through books, articles, Council Special Reports, and other outlets;

·         Bringing together influential foreign policymakers, scholars, and CFR members to debate the merits of international regimes and frameworks at meetings in New York, Washington, DC, and other select cities;

·         Hosting roundtable series whose objectives are to inform the foreign policy community of today’s international governance challenges and breed inventive solutions to strengthen the world’s multilateral bodies; and

·         Providing a state-of-the-art Web presence as a resource to the wider foreign policy community on issues related to the future of global governance.

The attached concept note summarizes the rationale for the program on global governance, describes potential areas of research and policy engagement, and outlines the envisioned products and activities. We believe that the research and policy agenda outlined here constitutes a significant contribution to U.S. and international deliberations on the requirements for world order in the twenty-first century. 

Other interactive video programs through the Council on Foreign Relations you will find equally as interesting are:

Crisis Guide: Climate Change

Crisis Guide:The Global Economy

Council on Foreign Relations Official Documents for your personal library:

United Nations Climate Change Science Compendium, 2009

G20: Present at the Creation of a New Economic Order

UN Security Council Resolution 1887, Non-proliferation


Corporate Membership

The Council on Foreign Relations is a national membership organization. There are two groups of members, life and term members. Term members must be between the ages of 30 and 36 at the time of their application, and term memberships are limited to five years. Here is a summary of the membership process:

  • A candidate for life membership must be nominated in writing by one Council member and supported by a minimum of three other individuals (maximum of four supporting letters). The supporting letters do not need to be from Council members, but letters from members are strongly encouraged.
  • A term membership candidate must be nominated by one Council member and supported by a minimum of two other individuals (maximum of three supporting letters). Candidates applying for the November 1, 2009 deadline must be between the ages of 30 and 36 on January 1, 2010.
  • Prospective candidates should contact the Membership Office to receive a link to the online application program, where they can enter biographical information and a curriculum vitae or chronological resume.
  • Each candidate will be prompted to enter the email addresses of his or her nominator and supporters. All nominators and supporters will be emailed a link to the website where letters can be posted securely and will only be visible to the Membership Committee. Letters will also be accepted via applications@cfr.org.
  • Membership is restricted to U.S. citizens (native-born or naturalized) and permanent residents who have applied to become citizens. If foreign born, a candidate must submit a statement that he or she has been naturalized or is a permanent resident who has made formal application for citizenship.
  • Deadlines for receipt of all materials for prospective life members are March 1 and October 1. For prospective term members, the deadline is November 1.

Members of the Council’s Board of Directors and Membership Committee are precluded from nominating, seconding, and writing supporting letters on any candidate’s behalf.

Life Membership

Quality, diversity, and balance are the key objectives sought by the Council in the composition of its membership. New members are named twice a year by the Board of Directors, which invites individuals to join based on recommendations by the Membership Committee. To be considered by the Membership Committee, candidates must be nominated for membership by a Council member. Please contact the Membership Office for a roster of current members.

In each round of membership selection, the Membership Committee considers significantly more candidates than there are vacancies; therefore, it is inevitable that the names of some candidates will appear before the committee on several occasions. Given the high level of the competition, some candidates may never be elected even though they may exemplify the individual qualifications outlined below.

For further information about applying for life membership, please contact Scott Bradbury, Program Coordinator, Membership Affairs, +1-212-434-9484 or sbradbury@cfr.org.

Term Membership

The Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program encourages promising young leaders to engage in a sustained conversation on international affairs and U.S. foreign policy. The program allows younger members to interact with seasoned foreign-policy experts and participate in a wide variety of events designed especially for them. Each year a new class of term members, between the ages of 30 and 36, is elected to a five-year membership term. Committees of term members in New York and Washington, DC, advise the Council leadership on the programs that are of particular interest to younger members.

The term members enjoy a full range of activities, including events with high-profile speakers, an annual Term Member Conference, roundtables, trips to financial and governmental institutions around the country, and one week-long study trip abroad every two years.

For further information about applying for term membership, please contact M. Kristy Clark, Program Associate, Membership Affairs, +1-212-434-9491 or mclark@cfr.org.

Application Requirements

  • Completion of online application (nominee information and curriculum vitae or chronological resume).
  • Letter of nomination from a Council member.
  • Three supporting letters (two supporting letters for term membership applications).
  • The Membership office will accept letters through the online application program as well as via applications@cfr.org. Emailed letters must include electronic signature/letterhead or must be supplemented with a signed hardcopy sent via mail or fax.

Rules and Regulations to Keep in Mind

A candidate’s nominator bears the chief responsibility for seeing to it that filing deadlines for a candidacy are met and that all required documents are submitted to the Council’s Membership Office in a timely manner. Candidates and/or their nominators are responsible for securing seconding letters within the content guidelines below. Council members are advised to commit themselves to supporting a candidacy only when they can fairly meet the requirements of the process and the expectations of the candidates who depend on them for assistance. Please also note:

  • Council membership is restricted to United States citizens or permanent residents of the United States who have made application to become citizens. If foreign-born, the candidate must submit a statement that he or she has been naturalized or is a permanent resident who has made a formal application for citizenship.
  • Members of the Council’s Board of Directors and Membership Committee are precluded from nominating, seconding, and writing supporting letters on any candidate’s behalf.
  • A member who is a spouse, close relative (such as parent, brother or sister, cousin, etc.) or near in-law of a candidate may not nominate or second that candidate for membership in the Council. Members should also refrain from writing on behalf of clients.
  • Members should write only in support of candidates whom they know well. Additionally, members are encouraged to make comparative judgments about candidates, where appropriate. The Membership Committee also advises members to write no more than two letters per round (either one nominating letter and one seconding letter, or two seconding letters).
  • Council visiting fellows are prohibited from applying for membership until they have completed their fellowship tenure.
  • The seconding letters do not need to be from Council members, but letters from members are strongly encouraged. It is recommended that at least one letter from a current or former professional colleague be included.

We would like to salute the Australian website Biblebelievers for compiling the following list of members: The list can be found at:

  Members A-L

  Members M-Z

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Council of Foreign Relations Members M-Z

Posted on October 27, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, Watchdog Tools | Tags: |

We would like to salute the Australian website Biblebelievers for compiling the following list of members: The list can be found at:


Christopher Yi-Wen Ma                    CFR/92
Marcus Mabry                             CFR
Raymond Edwin Mabus, Jr.                 CFR
David McAdams                            CFR/92
William Gage McAfee                      CFR/92
Jeff Olivarius McAllister                CFR/92
Singleton B. McAllister                  CFR
Douglas MacArthur II                     CFR/84
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur         CFR/92
John R. MacArthur                        CFR/21
Jennifer Toolin McAuliffe                CFR/92
Thomas Bayard McCabe                     CFR
Barry R. McCaffrey                       CFR
Cynthia Lillian McCaffrey                CFR
John S. McCain III (R-Az)                CFR
H. Carl McCall                           CFR
Thomas McCance                           CFR
Edward McCann                            CFR
Patrick F. McCartan                      CFR
John W. McCarter Jr.                     CFR
James P. McCarthy (Gen)                  CFR/92
John G. McCarthy                         CFR/92
Paul B. McCarthy                         CFR
Robert E. McCarthy                       CFR/84
John F. McCauley                         CFR
A. Brunson MacChesney III                CFR
Stanley A. McChrystal                    CFR
Tonya D. McClary                         CFR
John H. McClement                        CFR/21
Robert M. McClintock                     CFR
John J. McCloy                           CFR/92
John Jay McCloy II                       CFR/BB/53
Charles Peter McColough                  CFR/85
John Alex McCone                         CFR
Michael W. McConnel                      CFR/92
Charles F. MacCormack                    CFR/92
Elizabeth J. McCormack                   CFR/85
James McCormack, Jr.                     BB/CFR
Brooks McCormick                         CFR/85
David H. McCormick                       CFR
Vance C. McCormick                       CFR/21
Donald G. McCouch                        CFR/92
Paul Winston McCracken                   CFR/BB/TC/88
Dave K. McCurdy (D-Ok)                   CFR/92
John D. McCutcheon                       CFR
Joseph M. McDaniel, Jr.                  CFR
James A. McDermott (D-Wa)                CFR
Walsh McDermott                          CFR
Sean Daniel McDevitt                     CFR
J. Carlisle MacDonald                    CFR
Gordon J. F. MacDonald                   CFR/85
Shawn A. MacDonald                       CFR
Alonzo L. McDonald                       CFR/85
James G. McDonald                        CFR/21
Randal B. McDonald                       CFR/92
Tom McDonald                             CFR
William J. McDonough                     CFR/BB/92
Gary E. MacDougal                        CFR
Edward D. McDougal, Jr.                  CFR
Myres S. McDougal                        CFR
Gay J. McDougall                         CFR/85
David W. MacEachron                      CFR/92
Joan M. McEntee                          CFR
Kathleen Troia McFarland                 CFR/88
Ross A. McFarland                        CFR
Jennifer A. McFarlane                    CFR
Robert C. McFarlane (Bud)                CFR/92
Emily MacFarquhar                        CFR/TC/87
Roderick MacFarquhar                     CFR/92
Patricia Ann McFate                      CFR/85
Michael A. McFaul                        CFR
Cappy R. McGarr                          CFR
Gates White McGarrah                     CFR/21
Gale W. McGee                            CFR/BB/88
George C. McGee                          CFR/BB
George Crews McGhee                      CFR/BB/92
David E. McGiffert                       CFR/92
John F. McGillicuddy                     CFR
Adrien MacGillivray                      CFR
George Stanley McGovern                  CFR/92
Alan McGowan                             CFR/92
Eugene R. McGrath                        CFR/92
Margaret McGrath                         CFR/92
James H, McGraw, Jr.                     CFR
James H. McGraw                          CFR/21
Douglas MacGregor                        CFR/92
Ian K. MacGregor                         CFR/TC/84
Constantine E. McGuire                   CFR/21
Raymond J. McGuire                       CFR/92
William McGurn                           CFR
Thomas R. McHale                         CFR/88
Gracia Machel                            CFR
Donald F. McHenry                        CFR/BB/85
Fritz Machlup                            CFR
William F. Machold                       CFR
John McHugh                              CFR/21
Malcolm A. MacIntyre                     CFR
Frank Cary Macioce                       CFR
Murdoch MacIver                          CFR
Kathryn S. Mack                          CFR
Leo S. MacKay Jr.                        CFR
Vernon McKay                             CFR
James W. McKee Jr                        CFR/85
Katharine W. Mckee                       CFR/85
Porter McKeever                          CFR/92
Elizabeth A. McKeon                      CFR/92
Eileen R. Mackevich                      CFR
John K. McKinley                         CFR
Robert M. McKinney                       CFR/84
Myra S. McKitrick                        CFR/92
Thomas H. McKitrick                      CFR
Roy MacLaren                             CFR/92
Thomas F. McLarty III                    CFR
Charles James McLaughlin                 CFR
David T. McLaughlin                      CFR/84
Donald H. McLaughlin                     CFR
Dore Ann McLaughlin                      CFR/92
John E. McLaughlin                       CFR
Bruce K. MacLaury                        CFR/TC/84
Donald H. McLean, Jr.                    CFR
Mora L. McLean                           CFR
Sheila Avrin McLean                      CFR/92
Jon Blythe McLin                         CFR/84
Darrin Michael McMahon                   CFR
Kit McMahon                              CFR/88
Doyle McManus                            CFR
Jason D. McManus                         CFR/88
Whitney MacMillan                        CFR/92
Douglas McMinn                           CFR
Kathleen R. McNamara                     CFR
Robert Strange McNamara                  CFR/BB/TC/84
Thomas McNamara                          CFR
Thomas L. McNaugher                      CFR
John T. McNaughton                       CFR/BB
Francis J. McNeil                        CFR/92
John H. McNeill                          CFR/92
Robert McNeill                           CFR/84
Michael J. McNerney                      CFR
John D. Macomber                         CFR/92
William Butts Macomber                   CFR
Merrill A. McPeak (Gen)                  CFR/88
Brian C. McPeek                          CFR
Harry C. McPherson Jr                    CFR/92
M. Peter McPherson                       CFR/92
Lawrence C. McQuade                      CFR/92
Samuel McRoberts                         CFR/21
Ewen Cameron MacVeagh                    CFR
Lincoln MacVeagh                         CFR
Robert S.McWade                          CFR
Robert M. Macy Jr.                       CFR/92
William P. Maddox                        CFR
H.R. Maddux                              CFR
Arturo Madrid                            CFR/88
Nieto Rodrigo Madrigal                   CFR/TC/92
Mark Maeda                               CFR/92
Shonosuke Maeda                          CFR/92
August Maffry                            CFR/92
Peter A. Magowan                         CFR/92
John D. Maguire                          CFR/85
Walter N. Maguire                        CFR
Fred K. Mahaffey                         CFR/84
Mark S. Mahaney                          CFR
Kishore Mahbubani                        CFR/92
Thomas G. Mahnken                        CFR
Catherine F. Mahoney                     CFR
Margaret E. Mahoney                      CFR/92
Thomas H. Mahoney IV                     CFR/92
Vincent A. Mai                           CFR
Charles S. Maier                         CFR/88
Scott Mainwaring                         CFR/TC/87
Minoru Makihara                          CFR/92
Christopher J. Makins                    CFR/92
William P. Mako                          CFR/92
Pedro Malan                              CFR
Frederic V. Malek                        CFR/88
Clement B. Malin                         CFR/92
Tom Malinowski                           CFR
Richard Mallery                          CFR/84
Severo Mallet-Prevost                    CFR/21
Robert L. Mallett                        CFR
Robert Malley                            CFR
Harry Mallinson                          CFR
George W. Mallory                        CFR
Walter H. Mallory                        CFR/45
Harald B. Malmgren                       CFR/84
Philippa Malmgren                        CFR
Peoli Isidoro Malmierca                  CFR/85
Kim Malone                               CFR
Peter Malone                             CFR/92
David R. Malpass                         CFR
Mahmoud A. Mamdani                       CFR
Charles T. Manatt                        CFR
Marie Antoinette Manca                   CFR/85
Michael E. Mandelbaum                    CFR
John D. Mangels                          CFR/92
Lewis Manilow                            CFR/92
Audrey Forbes Manley                     CFR
Hillary P. Mann                          CFR
James H. Mann                            CFR
Michael D. Mann                          CFR/92
Thomas C. Mann                           CFR/88
Bayless Manning                          CFR/88
Robert J Manning                         CFR
Irwin Manoim                             CFR/85
Felix N. Mansager                        CFR/85
Edward Deering Mansfield                 CFR
Warren Demian Manshel                    CFR/92
Jim Manzi                                CFR
J. Eugene Marans                         CFR/87
Louis C. Marburg                         CFR/21
Delgado Carlos March                     CFR/88
David Marchick                           CFR
John E. Marcom                           CFR/88
Anna Patricia Marcucci                   CFR
John Arthur Marcum                       CFR/85
Stanley Marcus                           CFR
Carl Marcy                               CFR/92
Murrey Marder                            CFR
John J. Maresca                          CFR
Luis Munoz Marin                         CFR
David I. Margolis                        CFR/87
Roger A. Marinzoli                       CFR
Caputo Dante Mario                       CFR/92
David Everett Mark                       CFR/85
Hans Micheal Mark                        CFR
Julius Mark                              CFR
Rebecca P. Mark                          CFR
Lester Markel                            CFR
Michele G. Markoff                       CFR/85
Andrew Marks                             CFR/92
Jonathan B. Marks                        CFR
Leonard H. Marks                         CFR/92
Paul A. Marks                            CFR/92
Russell E. Marks Jr.                     CFR/84
Ann Roell Markusen                       CFR
Alice Tepper Marlin                      CFR/92
Theodore R. Marmor                       CFR/85
John C. Marous                           CFR/92
Phebe A. Marr                            CFR/88
Stephen Marris                           CFR/92
Donald Baird Marron                      CFR/92
Tom F. Marsh                             CFR
Robert E. Marshak                        CFR
Andrew W. Marshall                       CFR/92
Anthony D. Marshall                      CFR/92
Charles Burton Marshall                  CFR/92
Clifford B. Marshall                     CFR
Dale Rogers Marshall                     CFR
Catherine Marshall                       CFR/92
F. Ray Marshall                          CFR/90
Katherine Marshall                       CFR
Zachary Blake Marshall                   CFR
Elizabeth Martella                       CFR/92
Daniel R. Martin                         CFR/92
Edwin M. Martin                          CFR/92
Joan Martin-Brown                        CFR/TC/92
Lisa L. Martin                           CFR
Lynn M. Martin                           CFR
Malcolm W. Martin                        CFR/92
Mary Ellen Martin                        CFR/92
Susan Forbes Martin                      CFR
William F. Martin                        CFR/92
William McChesney Martin, Jr.            CFR/84
Gilles Martinet                          CFR/92
Armando Bravo Martinez                   CFR
Vilma S. Martinez                        CFR/TC/84
Ebehard Martini                          CFR/92
Joseph A. Martino                        CFR
Leo S. Martinuzzi Jr.                    CFR/92
Kati Marton                              CFR/92
William W. Marvel                        CFR
Anthony William Marx                     CFR/88
Mpho Mashinini                           CFR/92
Michael T. Masin                         CFR/92
John W. Masland                          CFR/92
Edward S. Mason                          CFR/BB
Elvis L. Mason                           CFR/84
Gregory Mason                            CFR/21
L. Camille Massey                        CFR/92
Walter E. Massey                         CFR
Suzanne Massie                           CFR/88
Elisa C. Massimino                       CFR
Michael Mastanduno                       CFR/85
John E. Masten                           CFR/TC/84
Carlton A. Masters                       CFR
Rui Mateus                               CFR/92
Michael J. Matheson                      CFR
Edward J. Mathews                        CFR
Jessica (Tuchman) Mathews                CFR/92
Michael S. Mathews                       CFR/88
Sylvia M. Mathews                        CFR
William R. Mathews                       CFR
Charles McCormick Mathias, Jr. (R-Md)    CFR/BB/92
Edward J. Mathias                        CFR
Brian Pierre Mathis                      CFR
Jack F. Matlock Jr.                      CFR/88
Robert T. Matsui (D-Ca)                  CFR/TC/92
Naotaka Matsukata                        CFR
Michiya Matsukawa                        CFR/88
Tama Matsuoka                            CFR/92
William B. Matteson                      CFR/92
Eugene A. Matthews                       CFR/92
John C. Matthews                         CFR
Markel Matthews                          CFR
Graham D. Mattison                       CFR
Gale A. Mattox                           CFR/TC/92
Albrecht Matuschka                       CFR/TC/92
Daniel C. Matuszewski                    CFR
Hanns W. Maull                           CFR/85
Carlyle E. Maw                           CFR/92
Andre Maximov                            CFR
Kenneth Robert Maxwell                   CFR/85
A. Wilfred May                           CFR
Clifford D. May                          CFR/88
Ernest R. May                            CFR/84
George 0. May                            CFR/27
Michael M. May                           CFR/88
Oliver May                               CFR
Stacy May                                CFR
Claudette M. Mayer                       CFR/92
Ferdinand L. Mayer                       CFR
Gerald M. Mayer                          CFR
Gerald M. Mayer, Jr.                     CFR/84
Lawrence A. Mayer                        CFR/92
Alice E. Mayhew                          CFR/92
C. William Maynes, Jr.                   CFR
Charles William Maynes                   CFR/BB
Robert C. Maynard                        CFR/88
Charles William Maynes                   CFR/84
Frederico Zaragoza Mayor                 CFR/TC/92
Michael J. Mazarr                        CFR
Jay Mazur                                CFR/TC/92
Jon Meacham                              CFR
Dana G. Mead                             CFR/85
Walter Russell Mead                      CFR
Dennis L. Meadows                        CFR/92
Donella H. Meadows                       CFR
Jeanne Terry Meadows                     CFR
Robert F. Meagher                        CFR/92
John J. Mearsheimer                      CFR
John F. Meck                             CFR
David S. Medina                          CFR
Kathryn B. Medina                        CFR
Mark C. Medish                           CFR
Richard Medley                           CFR
Sharon I. Meers                          CFR/88
Ahmed Esmat Abedel Meguid                CFR/92
Ghebre Selassie Mehreteab                CFR/92
Ved Mehta                                CFR/92
Charles F. Meissner                      CFR/92
Doris M. Meissner                        CFR/92
Irene W. Meister                         CFR/92
James E. Mejia                           CFR
Eric D. K. Melby                         CFR
Judy Hendren Mello                       CFR/92
George R. Melloan                        CFR/92
Richard A. Melville                      CFR/92
Sarah E. Mendelson                       CFR
Jose F. Mendez                           CFR
Saul H. Mendlovitz                       CFR/92
Roberto G. Mendoza                       CFR
Carl Braun Menges                        CFR
John Roger Menke                         CFR/84
S. Stanwood Menken                       CFR/21
Rajan Menon                              CFR/92
Livingston T. Merchant                   CFR/TC/84
H. C. L. Merillat                        CFR
Claire Sechler Merkel                    CFR
Christian Merkling                       CFR
Cesare Merlini                           CFR/88
Theodor Meron                            CFR/92
John E. Merow                            CFR/88
Philip Merrill                           CFR/88
Jack Neil Merritt (Gen)                  CFR/92
Duncan Merriwether                       CFR
Zoltan Merszei                           CFR/92
Julie Ann Mertus                         CFR
Charles Merz                             CFR
Carmelo Mesa-Lago                        CFR/92
Matthew S. Meselson                      CFR/90
Richard A. Meserve                       CFR/92
F. Andy Messing  Jr.                     CFR
Zach P. Messitte                         CFR
William Curtis Messner Jr.               CFR/92
Ricardo A. Mestres, Jr.                  CFR
George Rich Metcalf                      CFR/88
Ruben F. Mettler                         CFR/85
Herman A. Metz                           CFR/21
Barry Metzger                            CFR
Herman A. Metzger                        CFR
Jamie Frederic Metzl                     CFR
Carl J. Meyer                            CFR
Charles A. Meyer                         CFR/92
Charles Q. Meyer                         CFR/84
Cord Meyer, Jr.                          CFR/92
Edward C. Meyer (Shy)                    CFR/88
Eugene Meyer                             CFR
John Robert Meyer Jr.                    CFR/21
John M. Meyer Jr.                        CFR
Karl E. Meyer                            CFR
Katherine Meyer                          CFR/BB/TC
Laurence H. Meyer                        CFR
Michael Ryder Meyer                      CFR
Andreas Meyerlandrut                     CFR/92
Harold J. Meyerman                       CFR/85
Adam Meyerson                            CFR/92
Martin Meyerson                          CFR
Sidney E. Mezes                          CFR/21
Marguerite Michaels                      CFR
Sig Mickelson                            CFR/92
Ellen P. Mickiewicz                      CFR/85
Drew Middleton                           CFR/92
Elizabeth Midgley                        CFR/88
John Midgley                             CFR/92
Harold Midtbo                            CFR
Eugene B. Mihaly                         CFR/92
Robbins Milbank                          CFR
John G. Milburn                          CFR/21
Gwendolyn Mikell                         CFR/92
Edward L. Miles                          CFR/92
Judith B. Milestone                      CFR
D. G. Millar                             CFR
Mark J. Millard                          CFR/84
Anja Miller                              CFR
Arjay Miller                             CFR/TC
Barbara Miller                           CFR/90
Benjamin R. Miller                       CFR
Charles D. Miller                        CFR/92
Christopher D. Miller                    CFR/92
David Charles Miller Jr.                 CFR/92
David Hunter Miller                      CFR/21
Debra L. Miller                          CFR
Edward G. Miller, Jr.                    CFR
Francis P. Miller                        CFR
Franklin C. Miller                       CFR/85
Frederic A. Miller                       CFR/92
J. Irwin Miller                          CFR/85
Judith Miller (NYT)                      CFR/92
Judith A. Miller                         CFR/92
Ken Miller (Credit Suisse First Boston)  CFR
Layli Miller                             CFR
Linda B. Miller                          CFR/92
Marcia E. Miller                         CFR
Matthew L. Miller                        CFR
Paul David Miller                        CFR/92
Paul  L. Miller                          CFR/84
Paul R. Miller, Jr.                      CFR
Roberta Balstad Miller                   CFR
Scott L. Miller                          CFR
Steven E. Miller                         CFR/92
William B. Miller                        CFR
William Green Miller                     CFR/84
William J. Miller                        CFR
Michelle Beth Miller-Adams               CFR
Allan R. Millett                         CFR/88
John A. Millington                       CFR/92
Clark B. Millikan                        CFR
Max F. Millikan                          CFR
John S. Millis                           CFR
Walter Millis                            CFR
Bradford Mills                           CFR/92
Karen Gordon Mills                       CFR
Susan Linda Mills                        CFR/88
Helen Milner                             CFR/92
Valerie A. Mims                          CFR
Nancy-Ann Min                            CFR/92
Steven M. Miner                          CFR/88
Clark H. Minor                           CFR
Harold B. Minor                          CFR
Newton Norman Minow                      CFR/92
Daniel R. Mintz                          CFR
Lourdes R. Miranda                       CFR
Frank J. Mirkow                          CFR
Yehudah Mirsky                           CFR
Alexander V. Mishkin                     CFR
Arthur M. Mitchell III                   CFR
Charles E. Mitchell                      CFR
George H. Mitchell Jr.                   CFR
George J. Mitchell (D-Me)                CFR/92
Jacquelyn A. Mitchell                    CFR/88
James P. Mitchell                        CFR
Sidney A. Mitchell                       CFR
Wandra Mitchell                          CFR
Wesley C. Mitchell                       CFR/TC/27
David M. Mize                            CFR/TC
Isamu Miyazaki                           CFR/TC/92
Kiichi Miyazawa                          CFR/TC/92
Masaya Miyoshi                           CFR/85
Jan V. Mladek                            CFR/92
Kiichi Mochizuki                         CFR/85
Mike Masato Mochizuki                    CFR/92
Leo Model                                CFR
Sherwood G. Moe                          CFR/TC/84
George D. Moffett                        CFR
Yuzaburo Mogi                            CFR/88
Dominique Moisi                          CFR/88
Walter Thomas Molano                     CFR
Lisa Molho                               CFR/92
Edgar R. Molina                          CFR
Susan K. Molinari                        CFR
John V Moller Jr.                        CFR/92
Thomas E. Monaghan                       CFR
Walter Fritz Mondale                     CFR/BB/TC/84
Steven Monde                             CFR/92
Ernest J. Moniz                          CFR
Hunter K. Monroe                         CFR/92
George Cranwell Montgomery               CFR
Mark C. Montgomery                       CFR
Parker G. Montgomery                     CFR/92
Philip O'Bryan Montgomery III            CFR/TC/84
Robert H. Montgomery                     CFR/21
Mario Monti                              CFR/92
John M. Montias                          CFR
Joyce Lewinger Moock                     CFR/92
Carol Baldwin Moody                      CFR
Jim Moody                                CFR/92
William S. Moody                         CFR/84
Ben T. Moore                             CFR
Edward C. Moore                          CFR/21
Edward F. Moore                          CFR
George S. Moore                          CFR
Hugh Moore                               CFR
John J. Moore, Jr.                       CFR
John M. Moore                            CFR/92
John Norton Moore                        CFR/92
Jonathan Moore                           CFR/85
Julia A. Moore                           CFR
Paul Moore Jr. (Bishop)                  CFR
Maurice T. Moore                         CFR/92
Robert A. Moore                          CFR
Paul Moore, Jr.                          CFR/92
Walden Moore                             CFR
William T. Moore                         CFR
Thomas S. Moorman Jr. (Gen)              CFR
George E. Moose                          CFR/88
Richard M. Moose                         CFR/92
Alberto J. Mora                          CFR
Antonio G. Mora                          CFR
Milinda Moragoda                         CFR
Theodore H. Moran                        CFR/84
William E. Moran, Jr.                    CFR
Andrew M. Moravcsik                      CFR/88
Edwina Moreton                           CFR/92
David E. Morey                           CFR/85
Cecil Morgan                             CFR/92
D. P. Morgan                             CFR
George A. Morgan                         CFR
Henry Sturgis Morgan                     CFR
Lee L. Morgan                            CFR/84
Shepard Morgan                           CFR
Thomas E. Morgan D-PA                    CFR/84
Morgan Guaranty Trust                    CFR/92
Oskar Morgenstern                        CFR
Hans J. Morgenthau                       CFR
Lucinda L. Franks Morgenthau	         CFR/TC/84
Henry Morgenthau, Sr.                    CFR/21
Akio Morita                              CFR/92
James William Morley                     CFR/92
Gene P. Morrell                          CFR/92
Bailey Morris-Eck                        CFR/92
Grinnell Morris                          CFR/92
Max K. Morris                            CFR/92
Milton D. Morris                         CFR/92
Roland S. Morris                         CFR/21
Lloyd N. Morrisett                       CFR/85
Arthur C. Morrissey                      CFR
David A. Morse                           CFR
Edward L. Morse                          CFR/92
F. Bradford Morse                        CFR/92
Kenneth P. Morse                         CFR/87
Gene P. Morrell                          CFR
David H. Mortimer                        CFR
Louis Morton                             CFR
Robert Adam Mosbacher                    CFR
Teed Michael Moseley                     CFR
Philip E. Mosely                         CFR/92
Alfred H. Moses                          CFR/88
Michael David Mosettig                   CFR/92
Kenneth A. Moskow                        CFR
Michael H. Moskow                        CFR
James N. Moskowitz                       CFR
Ambler H. Moss Jr.                       CFR/90
David A. Moss                            CFR
Richard H. Moss                          CFR/88
Joel W. Motley                           CFR/TC/87
Moriyuki Motono                          CFR/92
John L. Mott                             CFR/90
Roy P. Mottahedeh                        CFR
Daniel T. Motulsky                       CFR
Lucia Mouat                              CFR/90
Alexander Motyl                          CFR/88
David C. Mowery                          CFR/85
Bill D. Moyers                           CFR/BB/92
Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)           CFR/92
John Edwin Mroz                          CFR/88
Daniel H. Mudd                           CFR
Henry T. Mudd                            CFR
Margaret Farris Mudd                     CFR/87
Steven J. Mufson                         CFR/88
Robert G. Mugabe                         CFR/92
Malcolm Muir                             CFR/TC/84
Eusebio M. Mujal-Leon                    CFR/TC/84
Takashi Mukaibo                          CFR/92
David C. Mulford                         CFR/90
William David Mulholland Jr.             CFR
Henry Muller (Time Magazine)             CFR/84
Steven Muller                            CFR/92
James C. Mulvenon                        CFR
Carl E. Mundy Jr.                        CFR/92
Edwin S. Munger                          CFR/88
George Munoz                             CFR
Marin Luis Munoz                         CFR
Dana G. Munro                            CFR
Richard J Munro                          CFR/88
George B. Munroe                         CFR/92
Vernon Munroe, Jr.                       CFR/TC/84
Henry Lee Munson                         CFR
Preben Munthe                            CFR/92
Winthrop R. Munyan                       CFR/TC/84
Emily Moto Murase                        CFR
Jiro Murase                              CFR/TC/92
Joshua Muravchik                         CFR/TC
Forrest D. Murden, Jr.                   CFR
Rupert Murdoch                           CFR
Deroy Murdock                            CFR
William F. Murdy                         CFR
Klaus Murmann                            CFR/TC/92
George Murnane                           CFR/21
Minoru Murofushi                         CFR/92
Caryle Marie Murphy                      CFR
Donald R. Murphy                         CFR
Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.                     CFR
Franklin D. Murphy                       CFR
Grayson M. P. Murphy                     CFR/84
Joseph S. Murphy                         CFR/92
Richard W. Murphy                        CFR/92
Robert Daniel Murphy                     CFR/BB
Sean David Murphy                        CFR/92
Thomas S. Murphy                         CFR
Allan E. Murray (Mobil)                  CFR/TC/84
Douglas P. Murray                        CFR/92
Ian P. Murray                            CFR
Janice L. Murray                         CFR/TC/92
Leonard Murray II                        CFR
Lori Esposito Murray                     CFR/TC/87
Lowell Murray                            CFR/92
Robert J. Murray                         CFR
Edward R. Murrow                         CFR
Martha Twitchell Muse                    CFR/84
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni                   CFR/92
Edmund S. Muskie                         CFR/92
Denys P. Myers                           CFR
Toby S. Myerson                          CFR         

Arnold Nachmanoff                        CFR/92
Michael L. Nacht                         CFR/88
M. Ishaq Nadiri                          CFR/TC/87
John A. Nagl                             CFR
Arnold Nachmanoff                        CFR/92
Michael L. Nacht                         CFR/88
Ishaq M. Nadiri                          CFR/87
Yonosuke Nagai                           CFR/TC/92
Elichi Nagasue                           CFR/92
Andrew Nagorski                          CFR/92
Zygmunt Nagoriski                        CFR/92
Mitri J. Najjar                          CFR/TC/92
Kaneo Nakmura                            CFR/TC/92
Toshio Nakamura                          CFR/92
K. A. Namkung                            CFR/TC/92
Karl-Heniz Narjes                        CFR/85
Raymond Donald Nasher                    CFR
John W. Nason                            CFR/84
Salim Nasr                               CFR/88
Marlis Nast                              CFR/92
Andrew J. Nathan                         CFR
James A. Nathan                          CFR/92
Robert R. Nathan                         CFR/92
Marc B. Nathanson                        CFR
Raffiq A. Nathoo                         CFR
Ted M. Natt                              CFR/92
Henry R. Nau                             CFR/92
Alexander Navab                          CFR
Rosamond Lee Naylor                      CFR/88
Hisham M. Nazer                          CFR/85
Haleh Nazeri                             CFR
Alfred C. Neal                           CFR/BB/84
Stephen L. Neal (D-NC)                   CFR
Thomas H. Neary                          CFR/92
Kevin G. Nealer                          CFR
Thomas H. Neary                          CFR
John D. Negroponte                       CFR/92
Aryeh Neier                              CFR/85
William A. Neilson                       CFR/21
Anne  Nelson                             CFR
Clifford C. Nelson                       CFR/92
Daniel N. Nelson                         CFR/92
Fred M. Nelson                           CFR/92
Jack H. Nelson (L. A. Times)             CFR
Jerry Nelson                             CFR/88
Marie E. Nelson                          CFR
Mark A. Nelson                           CFR/92
Merlin E. Nelson                         CFR/84
Robert L. Nelson, Jr.                    CFR
Steven C. Nelson                         CFR
Richard A. Nenneman                      CFR
Stephanie G. Neuman                      CFR/88
Benjamin Netanyahu                       CFR/88
Norman Neureiter                         CFR
Sigmund Neumann                          CFR
Richard E. Neustadt                      CFR/85
Esther R. Newberg                        CFR
Andre W. G. Newburg                      CFR/92
Nancy S. Newcomb                         CFR/92
Barbara W. Newell                        CFR/92
John Newhouse                            CFR/BB/92
Constance Barry Newman                   CFR
Frank N. Newman                          CFR
Jay H. Newman                            CFR
Priscilla A. Newman                      CFR/92
Richard T. Newman                        CFR/92
David Dunlop Newsom                      CFR/92
M. Diana H. Newton                       CFR
Quigg Newton, Jr.                        CFR/85
Edward N. Ney                            CFR/92
Nick J. Nicholas Jr.                     CFR/92
Calvin J. Nichols                        CFR
Carole Nichols                           CFR
Nancy Stephenson Nichols                 CFR
Rodney W. Nichols                        CFR/92
Thomas S. Nichols                        CFR
William I. Nichols                       CFR
Jamie E. Nicholson                       CFR/88
Jan Nicholson                            CFR
Herman W. Nickel                         CFR/92
A. L. Nickerson                          CFR
Eugene H. Nickerson                      CFR
Reinhold Niebuhr                         CFR
John M. Niehuss                          CFR/92
Rosemary Neaher Niehuss                  CFR/92
Nancy Nielsen                            CFR/85
Waldemar August Nielsert                 CFR
Claudia Nierenberg                       CFR
William A. Nierenberg                    CFR/92
A. Kenneth Nilsson                       CFR/92
Matthew Nimetz                           CFR/TC/84
Masashi Nishihara                        CFR/88
William A. Niskanen                      CFR/TC/92
Paul Henry Nitze                         CFR/BB
William A. Nitze                         CFR/92
Crystal Nix                              CFR
Edwin Nixon                              CFR/TC/92
Richard M. Nixon                         CFR
Ivana Astrid Nizich                      CFR
Eli M. Noam                              CFR
Luis G. Nogales                          CFR
Teruo Noguchi                            CFR/88
Janne Emilie Nolan                       CFR/88
Kimberly Nolan                           CFR/87
Marcus Noland                            CFR/92
Richard H. Nolte                         CFR/92
Frederick E. Nolting, Jr.                CFR
Eric S. Nonacs                           CFR
Robert Harry Nooter                      CFR/92
William S. Norman                        CFR/TC/84
Grover Glenn Norquist                    CFR
Humphrey Norrington                      CFR/85
Lauris Norstad                           CFR/BB/92
Michael F. Northrop                      CFR/92
Augustus Richard Norton                  CFR/87
Charles Dyer Norton                      CFR/21
Eleanor Holmes Norton                    CFR/87
W. W. Norton                             CFR/21
Kim Richard Nossal                       CFR/85
Suzanne F. Nossel                        CFR
Berrnard D. Nossiter                     CFR/92
Frank W. Notestein                       CFR
Lucio A. Noto                            CFR
Michael Novak                            CFR/92
Barnet Nover                             CFR
Margaret A. Novicki                      CFR/85
Charles Phelps Noyes                     CFR/92
Henry R. Noyes                           CFR/21
W. Albert Noyes, Jr.                     CFR
Jeffrey D. Nuechterlein                  CFR/85
Walter Nugent                            CFR/84
Sam Nujoma                               CFR/88
Kazuo Nukazawa                           CFR/TC/88
Bruce Nussbaum                           CFR
John Nuveen                              CFR
J. Benjamin H. Nye                       CFR/92
Joseph S. Nye, Jr.                       CFR/92/RS/TC/BB         

George W. Oakes                          CFR/92
John Bertram Oakes                       CFR
John G. H. Oakes                         CFR
Phyllis Elliott Oakley                   CFR
Robert Bigger Oakley                     CFR/88
Olusegun Obasanjo                        CFR/92
Don Oberdorfer                           CFR/92
Dennis J. O'Brien                        CFR/85
Justin O'Brien                           CFR
David A. Ochmanek                        CFR/88
Carol Ocleireacain                       CFR/92
Mary Ellen Oconnell                      CFR/88
Stephen A. Oconnell                      CFR/92
Roderic L. O'Connor                      CFR
Sandra Day O'Connor                      CFR/92
Walter F. O'Connor                       CFR/88
Philip A. Odeen                          CFR/92
John S. Odell                            CFR/92
R. S. Oelman                             CFR
William E. Odom                          CFR/92
Kevin Odonnell                           CFR/92
Anthony G. Oettinger                     CFR/92
Morris W. Offit                          CFR/92
J. Daniel O'Flaherty                     CFR/TC/84
Toshiaki Ogasawara                       CFR/TC/92
Akira Ogata                              CFR/TC/92
Sadako Ogata                             CFR/88
Alfred Ogden                             CFR/S&B/32
William S. Ogden                         CFR/92
Kongdan Oh                               CFR
Joseph A O'Hare                          CFR/TC/87
Sumio Okahasi                            CFR/TC/92
Mitsuyoshi Okano                         CFR/TC/88
Merle Aiko Okawara                       CFR
Yoshio Okawara                           CFR/88
Hisahiko Okazaki                         CFR/85
Bernard J. Okeefe                        CFR/TC/84
Michael Okennedy                         CFR/85
Daniel I. Okimoto                        CFR/TC/84
Saburd Okita                             CFR/TC/92
Michel Oksenberg                         CFR/TC/84
Ariyoshi Okumura                         CFR/92
Arthur M. Okun                           CFR
Herbert S. Okun                          CFR/92
L. Jay Oliva                             CFR/92
April Oliver                             CFR/92
Covey T. Oliver                          CFR/92
Howard T. Oliver                         CFR/21
Lionel H. Olmer                          CFR
Ehud Olmert                              CFR/92
Cecil J. Olmsted                         CFR/92
Leif Olsen                               CFR/85
Norman Olsen                             CFR
Lawrence J. Olson                        CFR/92
Ronald L. Olson                          CFR
William Clinton Olson                    CFR/92
Lee D. Olvey                             CFR/92
Cormac K. H. O'Malley                    CFR/84
Dato Abu Hassan Omar                     CFR/88
Thomas E. Omestad                        CFR/92
Michael James O'Neill                    CFR/84
Elizabeth Heneghan Ondaatje              CFR/92
John R. Opel                             CFR/92
Franz M. Oppenheimer                     CFR/92
Fritz E. Oppenheimer                     CFR
Harry Frederick Oppenheimer              CFR
J. Robert Oppenheimer                    CFR
Julius Robert Oppenheimer                CFR
Michael F. Oppenheimer                   CFR/92
Kevin P. O'Prey                          CFR
John E. Orchard                          CFR
Diane Orentlicher                        CFR
Stephen A. Orlins                        CFR/92
Norman J. Ornstein                       CFR/TC/84
Robert C. Orr                            CFR
Peter R. Orszag                          CFR
Egidio Ortona                            CFR/88
Marian Orzechowski                       CFR/90
Kent H. Osband                           CFR/92
Earl D. Osborn                           CFR
Frederick H. Osborn                      CFR
Geo. K. Osborn, (Col.)                   CFR/92
John E. Osborn                           CFR
William Church Osborn                    CFR/21
William H. Osborn                        CFR
Lithgow Osborne                          CFR
Richard de J. Osborne                    CFR/85
Stanley de J. Osborne                    CFR
Robert E. Osgood                         CFR/92
Elise O'Shaughnessy                      CFR/92
Elizabeth M. Osisek                      CFR
Margaret Osmer-McQuade                   CFR/84
Peter L. W. Osnos                        CFR/92
Susan Sherer Osnos                       CFR/92
Taylor F. Ostander                       CFR/84
Christian Ostermann                      CFR
William Brian Ostlund                    CFR
F. Taylor Ostrander, Jr.                 CFR
Stephen T. Ostrander                     CFR
Sylvia Ostry                             CFR/92
Joaquin F. Otero                         CFR
Maurice A. Oudin                         CFR/21
Andrew N. Overby                         CFR
Geneva Overholser                        CFR/87
Douglas W. Overton                       CFR
Nina Overton                             CFR/TC/92
Michael S. Ovitz                         CFR
David M. P. Owen                         CFR/92
Garry Owen                               CFR
Henry David Owen                         CFR/92
Robert Bishop Owen                       CFR/TC/84
James W. Owens                           CFR
William A. Owens (Adm.)                  CFR/92
Bernard H. Oxman                         CFR
Stephen Alan Oxman                       CFR/92
Robert B. Oxnam                          CFR/84
Kenneth A. Oye                           CFR/84         

Douglas Haines Paal                      CFR/88
Robert L. Paarlberg                      CFR/88
Pedro Pacavira                           CFR/88
Frank Pace, Jr.                          CFR
Harry P. Pachon                          CFR
George Randolph Packard                  CFR/84
Cynthia Paddock                          CFR/88
Vladimir Padunov                         CFR/85
Leslie Paffrath                          CFR
Carter W. Page                           CFR
Howard W. Page                           CFR/84
John H. Page                             CFR/88
Robert Guthrie Page                      CFR/S&B/22
Walter Hines Page                        CFR/84
Heinz R. Pagels                          CFR/87
Aziz Pahad                               CFR/88
George C. Paine II                       CFR/92
Abraham Pais  (IASP)                     CFR/85
Sara V. Pais                             CFR/92
Hannah C. Pakula                         CFR/85
John Palenberg                           CFR/85
William Samuel Paley                     CFR/J/84
John G. Palfrey                          CFR
Edward S. Pallesen                       CFR
Michael Palliser                         CFR/92
Mark Palmer                              CFR/92
Norman D. Palmer                         CFR/92
Ronald D. Palmer                         CFR/92
April Palmerlee                          CFR
Victor H. Palmieri                       CFR/88
Farah A. Pandith                         CFR
Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky                  CFR/92
Kurt F. Pantzer                          CFR
Stewart J. Paperin                       CFR
Scott Edward Pardee                      CFR
Herbert Pardes                           CFR
James W. Pardew Jr.                      CFR
Alexandra Wood Parent                    CFR
Louise M. Parent                         CFR
H. K. Park                               CFR
Richard L. Park                          CFR
Barrett Parker                           CFR
Barrington Daniels Parker Jr.            CFR/85
Daniel Parker                            CFR/92
Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker               CFR
Jason H. Parker                          CFR/92
Jay M. Parker                            CFR
Karen E. Parker                          CFR
Karen Parker-Feld                        CFR
Maynard M. Parker                        CFR/88
Penny Parker                             CFR
Philo W. Parker                          CFR
Richard Bordeaux Parker                  CFR
George L. Parkhurst                      CFR
Roger P. Parkinson                       CFR/85
Michael Christopher Parks                CFR
Jonathan Paris                           CFR
Mark Robert Parris                       CFR/84
Bruce Parrott                            CFR/92
Gerald L. Parsky                         CFR/92
John C. Parsons                          CFR
Richard Dean Parsons                     CFR/92
William Barclay Parsons                  CFR/21
Carlos E. Pascual                        CFR
Juliette M. Passer-Muslin                CFR
Herbert Passin                           CFR/88
Howard G. Paster                         CFR
Ed Pastor                                CFR
Robert A. Pastor                         CFR
Parag Patel                              CFR
Hugh T. Patrick                          CFR/92
Stewart M. Patrick                       CFR
Thomas Harold Patrick                    CFR
Alan J. Patricof                         CFR
Ernest T. Patrikis                       CFR
Ellmore C. Patterson                     CFR/84
Frederick D. Patterson                   CFR
Gardner Patterson                        CFR/92
Hugh B. Patterson Jr.                    CFR/85
Robert P. Patterson Jr.                  CFR/87
Torkel L. Patterson                      CFR/92
Guy J. Pauker                            CFR/92
Michael G. Paul                          CFR
Norman S. Paul                           CFR
Roland A. Paul                           CFR/84
Henry M. Paulson, Jr.                    CFR
Judith K. Paulus                         CFR
Louis W. Pauly                           CFR/88
Barry Pavel                              CFR
Jean Claude Paye                         CFR/92
Donald M. Payne (D-NJ)                   CFR/85
Frederick B. Payne                       CFR/BB
Frederick H. Payne                       CFR/21
Samuel B. Payne                          CFR/85
Charles Shipman Payson                   CFR
George Foster Peabody                    CFR/21
Philip Dexter Peacock                    CFR/92
William R. Pearce                        CFR/92
Thomas P. Peardon                        CFR
Norman Pearlstine                        CFR/J/92
Andrew C. Pearson                        CFR/21
John E. Pearson                          CFR/92
Scott D. Pearson                         CFR
Michael A. Peck                          CFR/87
Gardner G Peckham                        CFR
Richard Foote Pedersen (State Dept.)     CFR/92
Rena M. Pederson                         CFR/92
Kathryn C. Pelgrift                      CFR/92
Claiborne Pell (D-RI)                    CFR/92
Robert H. Pelletreau Jr.                 CFR/92
Eric J. Pelofsky                         CFR
Victor A. Pelson                         CFR
Karl J. Pelzer                           CFR
Frederico F. Pena                        CFR
James K. Penfield                        CFR/92
Mark Jeffrey Penn                        CFR
Paul G. Pennoyer                         CFR
Robert M. Pennoyer                       CFR/92
Charles H. Percy (R-Il)                  CFR/92
Raul Perea-Henze                         CFR
Joseph Robert Perella                    CFR
Guido R. Perera                          CFR
Richard D. Perea                         CFR
Don Peretz                               CFR/92
Antonio F. Perez                         CFR/88
Carlos Andres Perez                      CFR/88
David Perez                              CFR
Linda J. Perkin                          CFR
Courtland D. Perkins                     CFR
Edward Joseph Perkins                    CFR/88
James Alfred Perkins                     CFR/BB/92
James H. Perkins                         CFR/21
Milo Perkins                             CFR
Roswell B. Perkins                       CFR/92
George R. Perkovich                      CFR
Richard Norman Perle                     CFR/J/92
Janice Elaine Perlman                    CFR/92
Amos Perlmutter                          CFR/85
Louis Perlmutter                         CFR
Henry H. Perritt, Jr.                    CFR
Elizabeth Jean Perry                     CFR
Hart Perry                               CFR/TC/84
Michael Perry                            CFR/92
Robert Ceplias Perry                     CFR
William J. Perry                         CFR
Hillary Kircher Peruzzi                  CFR
Arthur King Peters                       CFR/92
Aulana L. Peters                         CFR/85
C. Brooks Peters                         CFR
Michael P. Peters                        CFR
Donald E. Petersen                       CFR/85
Gustav H. Petersen                       CFR/92
Howard C. Petersen                       CFR/BB/92
Erick R. Peterson                        CFR/92
Holly Peterson                           CFR
Mathew Scott Petersen                    CFR
Peter G. Peterson                        CFR/TC
Rudolph A. Peterson                      CFR/84
S.R. Petersen                            CFR/84
David H. Petraeus                        CFR/92
Richard W. Petree Sr.                    CFR/92
Richard W. Petree Jr.                    CFR
Thomas E. Petri                          CFR/88
Rinaldo Petrignani                       CFR/88
Nicolai N. Petro                         CFR/90
Vladimir F. Petrovsky                    CFR/92
Stephen R. Petschek                      CFR/88
Peter J. Pettibone                       CFR
John R. Petty                            CFR/92
Joseph Peyronnin                         CFR
Lawrence A. Pezzullo                     CFR/92
Robert Louis Pfaltzgraff, Jr.            CFR
Jane Cahill Pfeiffer                     CFR/92
Leon K Pfeiffer                          CFR
Ralph A. Pfeiffer, Jr.                   CFR/92
Steven B. Pfeiffer                       CFR/92
Kien D. Pham                             CFR
Susan J. Pharr                           CFR/92
John J. Phelan, Jr.                      CFR/92
Cecil M. Phillips                        CFR
Christopher H. Phillips                  CFR/85
David L. Phillips                        CFR
Edward E. Philips                        CFR/85
John G. Phillips                         CFR/92
Russell A. Phillips Jr.                  CFR/92
William Phillips                         CFR
Herman Phleger                           CFR
Harvey Picker                            CFR/85
Jean Picker                              CFR/92
James V. Pickering                       CFR
Thomas Reeve Pickering                   CFR/BB/92
Steve R. Pieczenik                       CFR/92
Alberto M. Piedra, Jr.                   CFR
Gerald Piel                              CFR/BB/85
Kerry K.  Pierce                         CFR/92
Lawrence W. Pierce                       CFR
Ponchitta  Pierce                        CFR/92
William C. Pierce                        CFR/92
George Piercy                            CFR/88
Jan Piercy                               CFR
Lewis E. Pieroon                         CFR/21
Roland Pierotti                          CFR/84
Andrew J. Pierre                         CFR/92
Jeffrey D Pierson                        CFR/92
Warren Lee Pierson                       CFR
Alan Jay Parrish Pifer                   CFR/92
Charles McGee Piggott,                   CFR/92
H. Harvey Pike                           CFR
John E. Pike                             CFR/92
Kathryn Pilgrim                          CFR
Russell I. Pillar                        CFR
Donald L. Pilling (R. Adm.)              CFR/92
Charles J. Pilliod Jr.                   CFR/92
Michael Pillsbury                        CFR
Juliana Geran Pilon                      CFR
Lionel I. Pincus                         CFR/92
Walter H. Pincus                         CFR/92
Jeanne Pinder                            CFR/92
W. Stewart Pinkerton, Jr.                CFR/92
John A. Pino                             CFR/85
Joseph J. Pinola                         CFR/TC/84
Balsemao Francisco Pinto                 CFR/88
Daniel Pipes                             CFR/92
Richard E. Pipes                         CFR/84
Howard S. Piquet                         CFR
Alyson Piro                              CFR/88
Jane G. Pisano                           CFR
Joe W. Pitts III                         CFR/85
Louis D. Pizzarello                      CFR
John B. M. Place                         CFR/92
John N. Plank                            CFR/85
E. Raymond Platig                        CFR/92
Alan A. Platt                            CFR/88
Alexander Hartley Platt                  CFR/85
Jonas M. Platt                           CFR/88
Nicholas Platt                           CFR/85
Donald C. Platten                        CFR/92
Marc F. Plattner                         CFR
Stephanie S. Platz                       CFR
Peter G. Plaut                           CFR
Richard L. Plepler                       CFR
Calvin H. Plimpton                       CFR/92
Francis T. P. Plimpton                   CFR
Calvin H. Plirnpton                      CFR
Valerie Ploumpis                         CFR
Joseph J. Plurneri II                    CFR
Rutherford M. Poats                      CFR
Michael N. Pocalyko                      CFR/92
Norman Podhoretz                         CFR/BB/92
L. Welch Pogue                           CFR
Richard W. Pogue                         CFR/92
Charles Poletti                          CFR
Frank L. Polk                            CFR/21
George W. Polk                           CFR/92
Judd Polk                                CFR
William R. Polk                          CFR/84
Gerald A. Pollack                        CFR/92
Jonathan D. Pollack                      CFR
Kenneth M. Pollack                       CFR
Lester Pollack                           CFR
Nelson W. Polsby                         CFR/92
Elizabeth Pond                           CFR/90
Daniel Bruce Poneman                     CFR/92
T. Coleman Du Pont                       CFR/21
Ithiel DeSola Pool                       CFR
Marquita J. Pool-Eckert                  CFR
DeWitt Clinton Poole                     CFR
Marquita J. Pool                         CFR/85
Clara A. Pope                            CFR
Anne Brandeis Popkin                     CFR
Frank P. Popoff                          CFR
J. Sheppard Poor                         CFR/92
Amelia Porges                            CFR/88
Frank P. Popoff                          CFR/92
Carlos Portales                          CFR/88
Gareth D. Porter                         CFR/92
John Edward Porter (R-Il)                CFR/88
Jonathan D. Portes                       CFR
Richard D. Portes                        CFR/92
Arturo C. Porzecanski                    CFR/92
Adam Posen                               CFR
Barry R. Posen                           CFR/92
Micheal H. Posner                        CFR/92
James H. Post                            CFR/21
Wesley W. Posvar                         CFR/92
Robert S. Potter                         CFR/84
William C. Potter                        CFR/92
Catherine Powell                         CFR
Colin L. Powell                          CFR/BB/92
Jerome H. Powell                         CFR
Philip H. Power                          CFR/85
Sarah Goddard Power                      CFR/85
Thomas F. Power, Jr.                     CFR/85
Timothy E. Powers                        CFR
Averill L. Powers                        CFR
Joshua B. Powers                         CFR/92
Thomas Moore Powers                      CFR/88
William F. Powers, Jr.                   CFR/90
Robert C. Pozen                          CFR
Amos Frederick Praeger                   CFR/92
P. F. A. Prance                          CFR
Robert John Pranger                      CFR/85
Sheri Prasso                             CFR
Sheridan T. Prasso                       CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr.                     CFR/92
H. Irving Pratt                          CFR
John T. Pratt                            CFR/21
Henry Precht                             CFR/88
Daryl G. Press                           CFR
Frank Press                              CFR/92
Larry Pressler (R-Sd)                    CFR/92
Jerome Preston                           CFR
Julia Preston                            CFR/90
Lewis Thompson Preston                   CFR/84
Clyde Prestowitz                         CFR/92
Kenneth Prewitt                          CFR/92
Daniel M. Price                          CFR/92
Don K. Price                             CFR/BB
Dorothy Price                            CFR/90
Hugh B. Price                            CFR/92
John R. Price Jr.                        CFR/84
Raymond Price, Jr.                       CFR
Robert Price                             CFR/84
Glenn T. Prickett                        CFR
William W. Priest, Jr.                   CFR
Daniel B. Prieto III                     CFR
William C. Prillaman                     CFR
Yevgeny M. Primakov                      CFR/88
Charles O. Prince III                    CFR
Ross J. Pritchard                        CFR
Penny Pritzker                           CFR
Thomas J. Pritzker                       CFR
John B. Prizer                           CFR
George E. Probst                         CFR
Herbert V. Prochnow                      CFR
Lisa R. Pruitt                           CFR
Jeffrey F. Pryce                         CFR
William T. Pryce                         CFR
Donald James Puchala                     CFR/92
Allen E. Puckett                         CFR/92
Robert H. Puckett                        CFR
Richard C. Pugh                          CFR/88
Edward L. Pulling                        CFR
Thomas L. Pulling                        CFR
Susan Kaufman Purcell                    CFR/92
Robert E. Pursley                        CFR/84
Karen L. Puschel                         CFR/92
Nigel Purvis                             CFR
Nathan M. Pusey                          CFR/92
John S. Pustay (Gen.)                    CFR/85
Patrick A. Putignano                     CFR/85
George E. Putnam                         CFR/TC/92
Robert D. Putnam                         CFR/92
Edwin J. Putzell, Jr.                    CFR
Lucian W. Pye                            CFR/88
Cassandra A. Pyle                        CFR/92
Kenneth B. Pyle                          CFR/88
Francis Pym                              CFR/88         

Qichen Qian                              CFR/92
Anthony C. E. Quainton                   CFR
William B. Quandt                        CFR/92
George H. Quester                        CFR/85
Philip W. Quigg                          CFR/92
Kevin F. F. Quigley                      CFR/90
Leonard V. Quigley                       CFR/84
Jane Bryant Quinn                        CFR
John M. Quinn                            CFR
Moeen A. Qureshi                         CFR/92         

Jennifer J. Raab                         CFR
Bruce Rabb                               CFR
Maxwell M. Rabb                          CFR/85
Isidor Isaac Rabi                     BB/CFR/84
Itamar Rabinovich                        CFR/92
Alexander Rabinowitch                    CFR/92
Victor Rabinowitch                       CFR/92
Gregory N. Racz                          CFR
Stephen G. Rademaker                     CFR/92
Robert W. Radtke                         CFR
Laurence I. Radway                       CFR/92
David V. Ragone                          CFR/84
Jean Bernard Raimond                     CFR/92
Franklin Delano Raines                   CFR/RS/92
John Raisian                             CFR
Regan Elisabeth Ralph                    CFR
Joseph W. Ralston                        CFR
J. Howard Rambin                         CFR
Bruce M. Ramer                           CFR
Lawrence J. Ramer                        CFR
Lilia L. Ramirez                         CFR/88
Mercado Sergio Ramirez                   CFR/92
Joshua Cooper Ramo                       CFR/84
Simon Ramo                               CFR/84
Fidel V. Ramos                           CFR/85
W. Russell Ramsey                        CFR
Sean R. Randolph                         CFR/TC/84
Clark T. Randt, Jr                       CFR
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY)                 CFR/92
Gustav Ranis                             CFR/92
Clyde E. Rankin III                      CFR
Michael Raoul-Dubal                      CFR/88
Robin Lynn Raphel                        CFR
Alan H. Rappaport                        CFR
Myer Rashish                             CFR/88
Nicholas J. Rasmussen                    CFR
J. Thomas Ratchford                      CFR
M. J. Rathbone                           CFR
Dan Rather                               CFR/92
George W. Rathjens                       CFR/TC/84
Steven R. Ratner                         CFR/88
Romesh M. Ratnesar                       CFR
Steven Lawrence Rattner                  CFR
Gregory J. Rattray                       CFR
Rudolph S. Rauch III                     CFR/92
Alan Charles Raul                        CFR/88
Kal L. Raustiala                         CFR
Patricia Ravagi                          CFR/92
Earl C. Ravenal                          CFR/92
Albert  V. Ravenholt                     CFR/92
Richard Ravitch                          CFR
Samantha F. Ravich                       CFR
Lawrence G. Rawl                         CFR/85
Merle R. Rawson                          CFR/92
George W. Ray, Jr.                       CFR
David A. Raymond                         CFR
Jack Raymond (NYT)                       CFR/TC/88
Lee R. Raymond                           CFR/TC/92
Benjamin H. Read                         CFR/92
Claire E. Reade                          CFR
Celina B. Realuyo                        CFR
Harry Reasoner                           CFR
Sanford C. Reback                        CFR/88
Samuel Reber                             CFR
Kristin D. Rechberger                    CFR
Jeffrey Record                           CFR/90
Peter Reddaway                           CFR/92
Charles Edgar Redman                     CFR
Annette Rordon Reed                      CFR
Charles B. Reed                          CFR/88
Jack Reed                                CFR
John Shephard Reed                    BB/CFR/88
Joseph Verner Reed                       CFR/85
Philip Dunham Reed                       CFR/45
Matthew R. Rees                          CFR
William Sears Reese                      CFR
Jay B. L. Reeves                         CFR/85
Donald Thomas Regan                      CFR
Edward V. Regan                          CFR
John M. Regan, Jr.                       CFR/85
Ned Regan                                CFR
James Regens                             CFR
John B Rehm                              CFR/84
Robert B. Reich                          CFR/92
Douglas D. Reichert                      CFR/85
William M. Reichert                      CFR/92
Ogden Rogers Reid                        CFR/92
Whitelaw Reid                            CFR/92
Bruce Reidel                             CFR
Peter A. Reiling                         CFR
Saskia S. Reilly                         CFR
William K. Reilly                        CFR
Dennis Joe Reimer (Gen.)                 CFR
Fernando Miguel Reimers                  CFR
G. Frederick Reinhardt                   CFR
John E. Reinhardt                        CFR/92
Carmen M. Reinhart                       CFR
Jehuda Reinharz                          CFR
Fred W. Reinke                           CFR
Jeffrey A. Reinke                        CFR
Edwin O. Reischauer                      CFR
Michael M. Reisman                       CFR
William Michael Reisman                  CFR/92
Mitchell B. Reiss                        CFR/92
William Reitzel                          CFR
Thomas F. Remington                      CFR
David J. Remnick                         CFR
Elizabeth J. Remick                      CFR
William S. Renchard                      CFR
Charles Byron Renfrew                    CFR/92
Jeannie M. Renné                         CFR
Milbrey Rennie                           CFR
Renate Rennie                            CFR
Wesley F. Rennie                         CFR
Gordon S. Rentschler                     CFR
John C. Reppert                          CFR
Judith V. Reppy                          CFR/92
Arnold E. Resnicoff                      CFR
Stanley Rogers Resor                     CFR
James Barrett Reston                  BB/CFR/85
Henry Reuss                           BB/CFR
Edzard Reuter                            CFR/TC/92
Paul Revay                               CFR/85
Roger Revelle                            CFR/92
Philip S. Revzin                         CFR
Nicholas Andrew Rey                      CFR/92
Carolyn Ann Reynolds                     CFR
Lloyd G. Reynolds                        CFR/92
William A. Reynolds                      CFR/85
Eric Scott Rhind                         CFR
John B. Rhinelander                      CFR/92
Stephen H. Rhinesmith                    CFR/92
Alfred Rheinstein                        CFR
Edward Rhodes                            CFR/92
Frank H. T. Rhodes                       CFR/92
John Bower Rhodes Sr.                    CFR/92
Thomas L. Rhodes                         CFR/90
William R. Rhodes                        CFR/BB/92
Abraham A. Ribicoff (D-Ct)               CFR/J/92
Condoleezza Rice                         CFR/88
Donald Blessing Rice                     CFR/88
Donald S. Rice                           CFR
Emmett J. Rice                           CFR/92
Joseph A. Rice                           CFR/92
Joseph Lee Rice III                      CFR
Susan Elizabeth Rice                     CFR/88
Brian Allen Rich                         CFR
Frederic C. Rich                         CFR/92
John H. Rich, Jr.                        CFR/92
Michael D. Rich                          CFR/85
Anne C. Richard                          CFR
Eric L. Richard                          CFR/92
James J. Richard                         CFR
Ann W. Richards                          CFR
Paul G. Richards                         CFR/92
Stephen H. Richards                      CFR
Arthur Berry Richardson                  CFR
Benjamin F. Richardson                   CFR
David B. Richardson                      CFR/88
Dorsey Richardson                        CFR
Elliot Lee Richardson                    CFR/92
Frank H. Richardson                      CFR/92
Henry J. Richardson III                  CFR/92
John Richardson                          CFR
John Richardson, Jr.                     CFR/92
Richard W. Richardson                    CFR/92
William B. Richardson                    CFR/92
William R. Richardson (Gen.)             CFR92
Yolonda Richardson                       CFR
Keith B. Richburg                        CFR
Joan F. Richman                          CFR/TC/92
Anthony H. Richter                       CFR
Klaus Richter                            CFR/92
Stephen A. Rickard                       CFR/92
Malcolm Riddell                          CFR/TC/90
Rozanne Lejeanne Ridgeway                CFR/BB/TC
Matthew B. Ridgway                       CFR
Rozanne Lejeanne Ridgway                 CFR/BB/TC/84
Julian M P Ridsdale                      CFR/88
David Rieff                              CFR
Winfield W. Riefler                      CFR/45
Harold Riegelman                         CFR
John Edward Rielly                       CFR/TC/92
Hans A. Ries                             CFR/92
Victor Riesel                            CFR/92
Imran Riffat                             CFR
Robert S. Rifkind                        CFR
Roger W. Riis                            CFR/21
Edward C. Riley                          CFR
Elizabeth R. Rindskopf                   CFR/85
Dena Ringold                             CFR
Michael L. Riordan                       CFR
Giovanni Riotta                          CFR
Joseph P. Ripley                         CFR
S. Dillon Ripley II                      CFR/TC/84
Lord Hexham Rippon                       CFR/92
John B. Ritch III                        CFR/85
Robert Rivard                            CFR/92
A. Victoria Rivas-Vazquez                CFR
Richard R. Rivers                        CFR/88
Gloria S. Riviera                        CFR
Arnold Rivkin                            CFR
David B. Rivkin, Jr.                     CFR/88
David W. Rivkin                          CFR
Donald H. Rivkin                         CFR/92
Alice M. Rivlin                          CFR/J/84
Benjamin Rivlin                          CFR/92
Nayla M. Rizk                            CFR/90
Nicholas X. Rizopoulos                   CFR/TC/92
Charles S. Robb                          CFR/TC/92
Carla Anne Robbins                       CFR/92
Donald G. Robbins, Jr.                   CFR
Joseph F. Robert, Jr.                    CFR
Stephen Robert                           CFR
Bradley H. Roberts                       CFR/92
Chalmers M. Roberts                      CFR/92
George Roberts                           CFR
Henry Lithgow Roberts                 BB/CFR
John J. Roberts                          CFR/92
Richard Todd Roberts                     CFR/85
Walter R. Roberts                        CFR/92
Cara W. Robertson                        CFR
Barbara Paul Robinson                    CFR
Charles Wesley Robinson               BB/CFR/TC/92
David Z. Robinson                        CFR/92
Davis R. Robinson                        CFR/92
Donald H. Robinson                       CFR/92
Elizabeth l. Robinson                    CFR/88
Eugene Harold Robinson                   CFR
Geroid T. Robinson                       CFR
James D. Robinson III                    CFR/92
Leland Rex Robinson                      CFR
Leonard H. Robinson, Jr.                 CFR/88
Linda S. Robinson                        CFR/92
Marshall A. Robinson                     CFR/92
Michael Robinson                         CFR/84
Pearl T. Robinson                        CFR/92
Randall Robinson                         CFR/92
Torrance W. Robinson                     CFR
Olin C. Robison                          CFR/TC/84
Duff Roblin                              CFR/88
Michel Rocard                            CFR/TC/92
Christina B. Rocca                       CFR
V. Manuel Rocha                          CFR
Chester J. La Roche                      CFR
James G. Roche                           CFR/92
John P. Roche                            CFR/92
Mark Rocke                               CFR/92
Rockefeller Brothers Fund                CFR/88
Rockefeller Foundation                   CFR/88
David Rockefeller                     BB/CFR/TC
David Rockefeller Jr.                    CFR/49
James Stillman Rockefeller               CFR
John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV)            CFR/TC/92
John Davison Rockefeller III             CFR
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller            BB/CFR
Nicholas Rockefeller                     CFR
Rodman Clark Rockefeller                 CFR/84
Victor E. Rockhill                       CFR
Hays H. Rockwell                         CFR/92
Keith McElroy Rockwell                   CFR
Judith Rodin                             CFR
Peter W. Rodman                          CFR/92
Carlos Rafael Rodiguez                   CFR/88
Rita M. Rodriquez                        CFR/92
Vincent A. Rodriquez                     CFR/84
Dani Rodrik                              CFR
Riordan Roett                            CFR/92
J. Hugh Roff Jr.                         CFR/92
Bernard William Rogers                   CFR/RS/92
David Rogers                             CFR/88
James Grafton Rogers                     CFR
John M. Rogers                           CFR
Lindsay Rogers                           CFR
Natt S. Rogers                           CFR/84
Wallace B. Rogers                        CFR/21
William Dill Rogers                      CFR/92
William Pierce Rogers                    CFR/TC/84
Frederick F. Roggero                     CFR
Kenneth S. Rogoff                        CFR
Natasha Lance Rogoff                     CFR
Virginio Rognoni                         CFR/92
Mitchell Rogovin                         CFR/88
Karen M. Rohan                           CFR
Felix George Rohatyn                     CFR/92
Thomas P. Rohlen                         CFR/85
William Lawrence Rohter                  CFR/92
Ervin J. Rokke                           CFR/TC/87
Eric Lord of Ipsden Roll                 CFR/TC/92
Nancy Ellen Roman                        CFR
Christina M. Romano                      CFR
Sergio Romano                            CFR/88
Alina L. Romanowski                      CFR
Alan D. Romberg                          CFR/92
Philip J. Romero                         CFR
Anthony D. Romero                        CFR
Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo                 CFR/87
Philip Joseph Romero                     CFR/92
Serafino Romualdi                        CFR
Ann E. Rondeau                           CFR
John H. Roney                            CFR/88
Robert Vincent Roosa                  BB/CFR/RS/92
Ruth Amende Roosa                        CFR/92
Kermit Roosevelt                         CFR/85
Nicholas Roosevelt                       CFR
Theodore Roosevelt IV                    CFR
Elihu Root                               CFR/21
Elihu Root, Jr.                          CFR/TC/92
Oren Root                                CFR/84
Elmo Roper                               CFR
John H. Roper                            CFR/92
Eric Alexander Rosand                    CFR
Carl Rosberg                             CFR/88
Charlie Peete Rose, Jr.                  CFR
Daniel Rose                              CFR/88
Elihu Rose                               CFR/TC/92
Frederick P. Rose                        CFR/88
Gideon Rose                              CFR
John P. Rose, (Col.)                     CFR
Joseph B. Rose                           CFR
Marshall Rose                            CFR
Richard Rosecrance                       CFR/92
Andrew A. Rosen                          CFR
Arthur H. Rosen                          CFR/92
Daniel H. Rosen                          CFR
Gary Rosen                               CFR
Jack Rosen                               CFR
Jane K. Rosen                            CFR/92
Jeffrey Allen Rosen                      CFR
Robert L. Rosen                          CFR
Stephen Peter Rosen                      CFR
Mark B. Rosenberg                        CFR
Tina Rosenberg                           CFR/92
David S. Rosenblatt                      CFR
Lionel Rosenblatt                        CFR
Peter R. Rosenblatt                      CFR/92
Walter A. Rosenblith                     CFR/92
Mort Rosenblum                           CFR/85
Robert A. Rosenfeld                      CFR/88
Stephen S. Rosenfeld                     CFR/92
Allan Rosenfield
Patricia L. Rosenfield                   CFR/92
Adolph G. Rosengarten, Jr.               CFR/84
Robert Rosenkranz                        CFR
Samuel I. Rosenman                       CFR
Lewis Rosenstiel                         CFR
Robert B. Rosenstock                     CFR/92
Abraham Michael Rosenthal                CFR/88
Arthur J. Rosenthal                      CFR/21
Douglas Eurico Rosenthal                 CFR/92
Jack Rosenthal                           CFR/85
Joel H. Rosenthal                        CFR
Mitchell S. Rosenthal                    CFR
William Scranton Rosenthal               CFR
Jon Jason Rosenwasser                    CFR
E. John Rosenwald, Jr.                   CFR
Nina Rosenwald                           CFR
Willam Rosenwald                         CFR/92
Carmen R. Rosenweig                      CFR
Jeffrey A. Rosenweig                     CFR
Robert M. Rosenzweig                     CFR/92
Claudia Rosett                           CFR
Axel G. Rosin                            CFR/92
Jeeremy D. Rosner                        CFR
Ronald W. Roskens                        CFR/88
Viktor Rosov                             CFR/TC/88
Henry Rosovsky                           CFR/88
Alison K. Ross                           CFR
Anne Ekstrand Ross                       CFR
Arthur Ross                              CFR/92
Christopher W.S. Ross                    CFR
Dennis B. Ross                           CFR/92
Gary N. Ross                             CFR
Emory Ross                               CFR
James D. Ross                            CFR
Michael Ross                             CFR
Robert S. Ross, Jr."Robin"               CFR
Roger Ross                               CFR/92
Thomas B. Ross                           CFR/92
T. J. Ross                               CFR
David J. Rosso                           CFR/92
Charles O. L. Rossotti                   CFR/92
Elspeth Davies Rostow                    CFR/88
Eugene V. Rostow                         CFR/88
Nicholas C. Rostow                       CFR/92
Walt Whitman Rostow                      CFR/92
Morris Rosswabi                          CFR
Robert I. Rotberg                        CFR/85
Linda S. Rotblatt                        CFR
Katherine L. Roth                        CFR
Kathryn G. Roth                          CFR
Kenneth Roth                             CFR
Richard H. Roth                          CFR/88
Stanley Owen Roth                        CFR/92
William Matson Roth                      CFR/TC/92
William V.Roth (R-DE)                    CFR/92
Kathryn Roth-Douquet                     CFR
David M. Rothenberg                      CFR
Timothy S. Rothermel                     CFR
David Jochanan Rothkopf                  CFR/85
Linda D. Rottenberg                      CFR
James W. Rouse                           CFR/92
Roger G. Rouse                           CFR
Ronald A. Route                          CFR
Richard Halworth Rovere                  CFR
Arthur W. Rovine                         CFR/92
Leo S. Rowe                              CFR/21
Henry S. Rowen                           CFR/92
Edward L. Rowny                          CFR/84
James Stapleton Roy                      CFR/92
Alexander B. Royce                       CFR
David M. Rubenstein                      CFR
Arthur Mark Rubin                        CFR
Barnett R. Rubin                         CFR
Gretchen C. Rubin                        CFR
James P. Rubin                           CFR/92
Nancy H. Rubin                           CFR/85
Nilmini Gunaratne Rubin                  CFR
Robert Edward Rubin                      CFR
Robert M. Rubin                          CFR/92
Seymour Jeffrey Rubin                    CFR/92
Trudy S. Rubin                           CFR/TC/92
William Doyle Ruckelshaus                CFR/TC/88
Philip C. Rudder                         CFR
Neil L. Rudenstine (Harvard Pres.)       CFR/TC/87
Dakota S. Rudesill                       CFR
William Rudin                            CFR
Onno H. Ruding                           CFR/92
Warren B. Rudman (R-NH)                  CFR/92
Barbara Rudolph                          CFR/92
Lloyd I. Rudolph                         CFR/92
Susanne Hoeber Rudolph                   CFR/92
Oscar M. Ruebhausen                      CFR/92
Robert M. Ruenitz                        CFR/92
Raimundo L. Ruga                         CFR
John G. Ruggie                           CFR/TC/92
Renato Ruggiero                          CFR/92
William A. Rugh                          CFR
Jack P. Ruina                            CFR/88
Donald Henry Rumsfeld                 BB/CFR
Carlisle Ford Runge                      CFR/85
George Rupp                              CFR
Barney Rush                              CFR/92
David Kenneth Rush                       CFR
Kenneth Rush                             CFR/92
Dean Rusk                             BB/CFR/RS/92
Donald S. Russell                        CFR
Frank Ford Russell                       CFR/S&B 1926
Harvey C. Russell                        CFR/84
Lindsay Russell                          CFR21
Thomas W. Russell, Jr.                   CFR/88
Elisabeth Russin                         CFR
Dankwart A. Rustow                       CFR/88
David A. Ruth                            CFR/85
Miles N. Ruthbert                        CFR/92
Vernon W. Ruttan                         CFR/85
Douglas Rutzen                           CFR
Josh N. Ruxin                            CFR
Arthur F. Ryan                           CFR
Hewson A. Ryan                           CFR/92
John T. Ryan III                         CFR/88
John T Ryan, Jr.                      BB/CFR/TC/84
Kevin P. Ryan                            CFR
Michael E. Ryan                          CFR
Patrick G. Ryan, Jr.                     CFR
Shoichi Saba                             CFR/88
Sana H. Sabbagh                          CFR/85
Charles Hamilton Sabin                   CFR/21
Peter M. Sacerdote                       CFR
Alexander Sachs                          CFR
Howard J. Sachs                          CFR
Jeffrey D. Sachs                         CFR
Paul M. Sacks                            CFR/88
Ahmed M Saeed                            CFR/88
Nafis Sadik                              CFR/88
Yahya M. Sadowski                        CFR/TC/87
Kiichi Saeki                             CFR/92
Thomas A. Saenz                          CFR
Nadav Safran                             CFR/92
CArl E. Sagan                            CFR/88
Scott D. Sagan                           CFR/85
Mildred D. Sage                          CFR/84
Emile F. Sahliyeh                        CFR/92
Edward W. Said                           CFR/84
Amin Saikal                              CFR/TC/92
Yutaka Saito                             CFR/Tc/92
Carol Knuth Sakoian                      CFR/92
Jeswald W. Salacuse                      CFR/87
Ana Maria Salazar                        CFR
Pablo Salcido                            CFR/87
George R. Salem                          CFR
Frederic V. Salerno                      CFR
Joao Salgueiro                           CFR/92
Harrison Salisbury                       CFR/92
Jonas Salk                               CFR/92
Irving Salomon                           CFR/92
Richard E. Salomon                       CFR
William R. Salomon                       CFR/85
Charles E. Saltzman                   BB/CFR/85
Anthony David Salzman                    CFR
Herbert Salzman                          CFR/92
Gary Samore                              CFR
Steven B. Sample                         CFR/92
Barbara Christie Samuels II              CFR/88
Michael A. Samuels                       CFR/88
Nathaniel Samuels                        CFR/92
Richard J. Samuels                       CFR/92
Michael A. Samway                        CFR
Miguel Antonio Sanchez                   CFR
Nestor D. Sanchez                        CFR/92
Orlando Sanchez                          CFR
David Sandalow                           CFR
Sheryl K. Sandberg                       CFR
Michael J. Sandel                        CFR
Alison B. Sander                         CFR
Barry A. Sanders                         CFR
Edward G. Sanders                        CFR/84
J. Stanley Sanders                       CFR/88
Marlene Sanders                          CFR
Robin Renee Sanders                      CFR
Amy Sands                                CFR
Charles S. Sanford, Jr.                  CFR/92
Terry Sanford (D-NC)                     CFR/92
David E. Sanger                          CFR
Charles Edward Santos                    CFR
Miriam Sapiro                            CFR/TC/92
Harvey M. Sapolsky                       CFR
Antxon Sarasqueta                        CFR/92
Howland H. Sargeant                      CFR
Stephen Thomas Sargeant                  CFR
Noel Sargent                             CFR
David Sarnoff                            CFR/J
Mary Elise Sarotte                       CFR
Dale Sarro                               CFR/92
Saskia Sassen                            CFR
James R. Sasser                          CFR
David Satcher                            CFR
Robert Barry Satloff                     CFR
Kumi Sato                                CFR/88
Seizaburo Sato                           CFR/92
Joseph C. Satterthwaite                  CFR
Ralph Southey Saul                       CFR/88
Harold Henry (Hal) Saunders              CFR/92
Paul J. Saunders                         CFR
Phillip C. Saunders                      CFR
Frank Savage                             CFR/84
Jonas Malheiro Savimbi                   CFR/TC/92
Paolo Savona                             CFR/92
John C. Sawhill                          CFR/TC/90
Peterson John Sawhill                    CFR
Melvin E. Sawin                          CFR/21
Mark Sawoski                             CFR
Diane Sawyer                             CFR/92
John E. Sawyer                           CFR/88
Stephen K. Sawyler                       CFR/84
Lynne S. Saylor                          CFR/88
Robert A. Scalapino                   BB/CFR/92
John A. Scali                            CFR/92
John Scall                               CFR
Henry Brewer Schacht                     CFR/TC/88
Oscar Schachter                          CFR/88
Nadia C. Schadlow                        CFR
John H. Schafer                          CFR/92
Matthew P. Schaefer                      CFR
Howard Bruner Schaffer                   CFR
J. Robert Schaetzel                      CFR/85
Howard B. Schaffer                       CFR/92
Teresita T. Schaffer                     CFR
Joseph Halle Schaffner                   CFR
John H. Schafter                         CFR
Kori Naomi Schake                        CFR/85
Edwin G. Schallert                       CFR/92
J. Salwyn Schapiro                       CFR
William E. Schaufele Jr.                 CFR/92
Jerrold L. Schecter                      CFR/88
Kate S. Schecter                         CFR
David J. Scheffer                        CFR/92
Jacqui Selbst Schein                     CFR
Lawrence Scheinman                       CFR/85
Orville Hickok Schell                    CFR/TC/84
Orville Hickok Schell, Jr.               CFR
Theodore H. Schell                       CFR
Thomas C. Schelling                      CFR
James Raymond Schenck                    CFR
David K. Schenker                        CFR
Robert M. Scher                          CFR
Harry Scherman                           CFR
Rom Willem E. Scherpenhuijsen            CFR/92
Thomas Schick                            CFR
Frank W. Schiff                          CFR/85
John M. Schiff                           CFR/92
Karenna Gore Schiff                      CFR
Mortimer L. Schiff                       CFR21
Richard Schifter                         CFR
A. Arthur Schiller                       CFR
Vivian L. Schiller                       CFR
Warner S. Schilling                      CFR/TC/84
Willem C. Schilthuis                     CFR
Mark P. Schlefer                         CFR
Joergen Schleimann                       CFR/88
Arthur Meier. Schlesinger, Jr.           CFR/88
Helmut Sclesinger                        CFR/92
Jacob M. Schlesinger                     CFR
James Rodney Schlesinger                 CFR/87
Stephen Schlesinger                      CFR
Herbert S. Schlosser                     CFR/92
Anya A. Schmemann                        CFR
Serge Schmemann                          CFR
Herbert Schmertz                         CFR/92
Adolph William Schmidt                BB/CFR
Benno C. Schmidt Jr.                     CFR/87
Helmut Schmidt                           CFR/TC/92
Herman J. Schmidt                        CFR
Bernadotte Everly Schmitt                CFR
Ronaldo Schmitz                          CFR/92
Kurt L. Schmoke                          CFR/85
J. Benjamin Schmoker                     CFR/92
Edward Schmults                          CFR/88
Eric Schnake                             CFR/92
Hubert A. Schneider                      CFR
Jan Schneider                            CFR/88/92
William Schneider (AEI/CNN)              CFR
William Schneider, Jr.                   CFR
Arthur Schneier                          CFR/85
Amanda W. Schnetzer                      CFR
William Schneier                         CFR
Douglas E. Schoen                        CFR/92
Enid C. B. Schoettle                     CFR/88
Daniel L. Schorr                         CFR/J/84
Jeffrey J. Schott                        CFR/92
Elliot J. Schrage                        CFR
Steven Patrick Schrage                   CFR
Carl J. Schramm                          CFR
Brian T. Schreiber                       CFR
William A. Schreyer                      CFR/92
Christopher Matthew Schroeder            CFR
Patricia Schroeder (D-CO)                CFR/92
Richard F. Schubert                      CFR/88
Martin A. Schuedpbach                    CFR
G. Edward Schuh                          CFR/92
Jill A. Schuker                          CFR
Michael P. Schulhof                      CFR/90
Frederick H. Schultz                     CFR/88
Charles L. Schultze                      CFR
William F. Schulz                        CFR
Edward Schumacher                        CFR
John Schumann                            CFR/92
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)                CFR
Cortlandt V. R.Schuyler                  CFR/92
Susan Carroll Schwab                     CFR/92
William B. Schwab                        CFR/85
David Schwartz                           CFR/92
Eric Paul Schwartz                       CFR/92
Ethan Schwartz                           CFR
Frederic A. O. Schwartz                  CFR
Harry Schwartz                           CFR/88
Norton A. Schwartz                       CFR/92
Pedro Schwartz                           CFR/88
Peter Schwartz                           CFR
Thomas Schwartz                          CFR/TC/92
Adam Schwarz                             CFR
Benjamin C. Schwarz                      CFR
Frederick A. O. Schwarz Jr.              CFR/92
William W. Schwarzer                     CFR/92
Stephen A. Schwarzman                    CFR/92
Stephen M. Schwebel                      CFR/92
Theodore U. Schweitzer                   CFR
Samuel L. Schwerin                       CFR
Elaine F. Sciolino                       CFR/85
James Sciutto                            CFR
David Wilson Scott                       CFR
Harold B. Scott                          CFR/84
James Brown Scott                        CFR/21
Jeannine B. Scott                        CFR
John Scott                               CFR
Robert Scott                             CFR
Stuart N. Scott                          CFR
William Ryland Scott                     CFR/85
Herbert Scoville, Jr.                    CFR/TC/88
Brent Scowcraft                       BB/CFR/TC
William W. Scranton                      CFR/TC/85
Nevin S. Scrimshaw                       CFR/85
Brent Scrowcraft                      BB/CFR/TC/92
Timothy R. Scully                        CFR
Glenn T. Seaborg                         CFR/85
Paul Seabury                             CFR/92
Henry R. Seager                          CFR/21
Norman P. Seagrave                       CFR/84
Patrick Seale                            CFR/92
Robert C. Seamans Jr.                    CFR/85
Jonathan E. Sears                        CFR
Mark S. Seasholes                        CFR
James B. Seaton III                      CFR
James K. Sebenius                        CFR/92
Walter J. Sedwitz                        CFR
Carolyn T. Seely                         CFR/92
David R. Segal                           CFR/TC/92
Sheldon J. Segal                         CFR/92
Susan Louise Segal                       CFR/84
Jose Antonio Segurado                    CFR/92
Gerald Seib                              CFR/92
Frederick C. Seibold Jr.                 CFR/92
Ivan Seidenberg                          CFR
Herta Lande Seidman                      CFR.92
John L. Seigenthaler                     CFR
John W. Seigle                           CFR/92
George M. Seignious                      CFR/92
Chris Seiple                             CFR
Frederick Seitz                          CFR/88
Eugene A. Sekulow                        CFR
Norman Selby                             CFR/92
Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman           CFR/21
Eustace Seligman                         CFR
Douglas Selin                            CFR
Ivan Selin                               CFR/92
Robert B. Semple, Jr.                    CFR/84
Simon Serfaty                            CFR/88
Frank W. Sesno                           CFR
Stephen R. Sestanovich                   CFR/92
John K. Setear                           CFR/92
Brad W. Setser                           CFR
Cordenio A. Severance                    CFR/21
Christina R. Sevilla                     CFR
John O. B. Sewall                        CFR/92
Sarah Bulkeley Sewall                    CFR
John W. Sewell                           CFR
John E. Sexton                           CFR
William C. Sexton                        CFR/92
Charles Seymour                          CFR/21/S&B 1908
Forrest W. Seymour                       CFR
Frances J. Seymour                       CFR
Whitney North Seymour                    CFR
D. Michael Shafer                        CFR/85
Jeffrey R. Shafer                        CFR
Raymond Philip Shafer                    CFR/92
Gail S. Shaffer                          CFR/TC/88
Barbara Shailor                          CFR
Beth Shair-Goyer                         CFR
Donna E. Shalala                         CFR/TC
John A. Shalikashvili (Gen.)             CFR/88
David Shambaugh                          CFR
Yitzhak Shamir                           CFR/TC/92
Albert Shanker                           CFR/TC
Thomas Daniel Shanker                    CFR/85
James M. Shannon                         CFR/92
Andrew J. Shapiro                        CFR
Andrew L. Shapiro                        CFR
Daniel B. Shapiro                        CFR
Eli Shapiro                              CFR/85
George M. Shapiro                        CFR/92
Hal Scott Shapiro                        CFR
Harold Tafler Shapiro                    CFR
Irving S. Shapiro                        CFR
Isaac Shapiro                            CFR/85
Judith R. Shapiro                        CFR
Jason T. Shaplen                         CFR
Robert Shaplen                           CFR/85
Hisham Sharabi                           CFR/84
Natan Sharansky                          CFR/92
Daniel A. Sharp                          CFR/92
George C. Sharp                          CFR
James H. Sharp                           CFR
Walter R. Sharp                          CFR
Henry D. Sharpe, Jr.                     CFR
John Shattuck                            CFR
Albert Shaw                              CFR/21
David E. Shaw                            CFR
G. Howland Shaw                          CFR
Herbert M. Shayne                        CFR/85
Andrew B. Shea                           CFR
Dorothy C. Shea                          CFR
Brooke L. Shearer                        CFR
Warren W. Shearer                        CFR/84
Lawrence H. Shearman                     CFR/21
Vincent Sheean                           CFR
Kevin P. Sheehan                         CFR/92
Paul C. Sheeline                         CFR/92
Frederick Sheffield                      CFR
James Sheffield                          CFR/92
Jill W. Sheffield                        CFR/92
Soroush Richard Shehabi                  CFR/92
Stanley K. Sheinbaum                     CFR/92
Jack Sheinkman (Jacob)                BB/CFR
Eleanor Bernert Sheldon                  CFR/92
Sally Swing Shelley                      CFR/88
Eleanor B. Shelp                         CFR
Ronald K. Shelp                          CFR/92
Henry Hug Shelton                        CFR
Joanna Reed Shelton                      CFR/92
Sally A. Shelton-Colby                   CFR/92
George H. Shenk                          CFR/87
Maury David Shenk                        CFR
David A. Shepard                         CFR
Frank Parsons Shepard                    CFR/S&B
Stephen B. Shepard                       CFR
Robert Thomas Shepardson                 CFR
Whitney H. Shepardson                    CFR/21/RS
Howard C. Sheperd                        CFR
William R. Sheperd                       CFR/21
J. Michael Shepherd                      CFR
Karen F. Shepherd                        CFR
Mark Shepherd                            CFR/84
William Shepherd                         CFR/92
Paul C. Sherbert                         CFR
Alan R. Sheriff                          CFR
Wendy R. Sheriff                         CFR
Irving H. Sherman                        CFR
Michael Sherman                          CFR
Wendy R. Sherman                         CFR
George L. Sherry                         CFR/92
Benjamin B Sherwood                      CFR/92
Elizabeth D. Sherwood-Randall            CFR/92
Richard Sherwood                         CFR/92
Jerome J. Shestack                       CFR/88
Eduard A. Shevardnadze                   CFR/TC/92
Masahide Shibusaswa                      CFR/TC/92
Elizabeth Shields                        CFR
Geoffrey B. Shields                      CFR
Lisa Shields                             CFR
Murray Shields                           CFR
W. Clifford Shields                      CFR
Albert Shiels                            CFR/21
Gary M. Shiffman                         CFR
Michael Shifter                          CFR
Motoo Shiina                             CFR/TC/92
Takeo Shiina                             CFR/92
Josette S. Shiner                        CFR/88
James I. Shinn                           CFR/92
Richard R. Shinn                         CFR/92
Eric Shinseki                            CFR
James J. Shinseki                        CFR
Walter Vincent Shipley                   CFR/TC/92
Jacqueline W. Shire                      CFR
William Lawrence Shirer                  CFR/92
Susan L. Shirk                           CFR/92
Faryar Shirzad                           CFR
Boris Shishkin                           CFR
Amity Ruth Shlaes                        CFR/TC/92
Tatsuo Shoda                             CFR/92
Alvin Shoemaker                          CFR/92
Christopher Cole Shoemaker               CFR/92
Don Shoemaker                            CFR/84
Raymond Shonholtz                        CFR
Jennifer A. Shore                        CFR
Peter Shore                              CFR/92
David Shorr                              CFR
Vinca Showalter                          CFR
Donald W. Shiver                         CFR
Donald W. Shriver Jr.                    CFR
Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.              CFR/92
Timothy P. Shriver                       CFR/92
John Shu                                 CFR
Gustave Harry Shubert                    CFR/85
Thomas C Shull                           CFR/88
Colette Shulman                          CFR/88
George Pratt Shultz                      CFR/TC/88
Marshall Darrow Shultz                BB/CFR/88
Susan Kent Fried Shultz                  CFR
Stanley S. Shuman                        CFR
George N. Shuster                        CFR
Benjamin R. Shute                        CFR/84
Gary G. Sick                             CFR/92
Bippy M. Siegal                          CFR
William Siegal                           CFR
Henry Siegbert                           CFR
Henry Siegman                            CFR/92
Sara F. Sievers                          CFR
Elisabeth N. Sifton                      CFR/92
John Sifton                              CFR
Leon V. Sigal                            CFR/84
John H. Sigler                           CFR/TC/92
Sergio Siglienti                         CFR/92
Paul E. Sigmund                          CFR/85
William W. Sihler                        CFR/88
C. J. Silas                              CFR/92
Laura J. Silber                          CFR
Laurence H. Silberman                    CFR/88
Robert S. Silberman                      CFR
Alan M. Silberstein                      CFR
Leonard S. Silk                          CFR/92
James R. Silkenat                        CFR/92
Allison Silver                           CFR
Daniel B. Silver                         CFR
James R. Silver                          CFR
Ron Silver                               CFR
Robert B. Silvers                        CFR/TC/84
Umberto Silvestri                        CFR/88
Dimitri K. Simes                         CFR/92
Adele Smith Simmons                      CFR/85
Jamal N. Simmons                         CFR
Matthew R. Simmons                       CFR
P. J. Simmons                            CFR
Richard S. Simmons                       CFR/92
Ruth J. Simmons                          CFR
Wallace D. Simmons                       CFR/21
Francoise L. Simon                       CFR
Hugh V. Simon, Jr.                       CFR
Jennifer J. Simon                        CFR
Steven Simon                             CFR/TC/92
William Edward Simon                     CFR/84
Henri F. Simonet                         CFR/85
Hans Simons                              CFR
Howard Simons                            CFR/84
Julie A. Simons                          CFR
Mario Herique Simonsen                   CFR/88
Alan K. Simpson                          CFR/92
John Lowery Simpson                      CFR
Albert G. Sims                           CFR/92
Calvin G. Sims                           CFR
Gretchen Crosby Sims                     CFR
Robert B. Sims                           CFR
William J. Sims                          CFR/88
Allen Sinai                              CFR/88
June D. Sinclair                         CFR/92
Paula J. Sinclair                        CFR
Steven W. Sinding                        CFR
Christine Singer                         CFR/88
Peter Warren Singer                      CFR
Manisha Singh                            CFR
Shanker A. Singham                       CFR
Lincoln Cameron Singleton                CFR
Hanna Siniora                            CFR/92
Richard N. Sinkin                        CFR
Joseph John Sisco                        CFR/88
Timothy D. Sisk                          CFR
Francis H. Sisson                        CFR/21
James Baker Sitrick                      CFR/92
Michael P. Skarzynski                    CFR/92
Thomas E. Skidmore                       CFR/85
Elliott P. Skinner                       CFR/92
David E. Skinner                         CFR/92
Kiron Kanina Skinner                     CFR
Jennifer Friedman Sklarew                CFR
Michael M. Skol                          CFR
Eugene B. Skolnikoff                     CFR/88
Alexander J. Skora                       CFR
David J. Skorton                         CFR
David R. Slade                           CFR/85
Jacqueline R. Slater                     CFR/92
John Elliot Slater                       CFR
Joseph E. Slater                         CFR/85
Jim C. Slattery                          CFR
Anne-Marie Slaughter                     CFR
Matthew J. Slaughter                     CFR
Richard A. Slaughter                     CFR
Barbaara Slavin                          CFR
John Slawson                             CFR/92
Paul S. Slawson                          CFR/92
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.                     CFR/88
David M. Slone                           CFR/87
Ann Brownell Sloane                      CFR/92
Margaret Sloane                          CFR
Walter Becker Slocombe                   CFR
John J. Slocum                           CFR/84
Leon Sloss                               CFR/92
Lawrence M. Small                        CFR/92
Kathleen Smalley                         CFR
Patricia T. Smalley                      CFR/92
S. Bruce Smart Jr.                       CFR/92
Christopher Smeall                       CFR
Andrew F. Smith                          CFR
Carleton Smith                           CFR
Carleton Sprague Smith                   CFR/92
Clint E. Smith                           CFR/92
Clint N. Smith                           CFR
Dane F. Smith, Jr.                       CFR
Datus C. Smith, Jr.                      CFR/92
David Shivernick Smith                   CFR/92
Dewitt C. Smith Jr.                      CFR/88
Edwin M. Smith                           CFR/92
Everett R. Smith                         CFR
Fern M. Smith                            CFR
Fred Gary Smith                          CFR
Frederick Wallace Smith                  CFR/S&B
Gaddis Smith                             CFR/92
Gare A. Smith                            CFR/TC/85
Gayle E. Smith                           CFR
Gerard Coad Smith                        CFR/TC/92
H. Alexander Smith                       CFR
Harold Page Smith                        CFR
Hayden N. Smith                          CFR
Hedrick L. Smith                         CFR/92
Horace H. Smith                          CFR
James McCall Smith                       CFR
Jean Kennedy Smith                       CFR
Jeffrey H. Smith                         CFR/92
John T. Smith II                         CFR/92
Larry K. Smith                           CFR/84
Leighton W. Smith Jr. (Snuffy)           CFR/88
Malcolm B. Smith                         CFR/92
Martin Smith                             CFR
Michael B. Smith                         CFR/88
Michael Joseph Smith                     CFR/92
Nicole Venable Smith                     CFR
Perry M. Smith                           CFR/92
Peter Hopkinson Smith                    CFR/88
R. Jeffrey Smith                         CFR/92
Richard M. Smith                         CFR/92
Robert F. Smith                          CFR/87
Robert W. Smith                          CFR
Stephen Grant Smith                      CFR/92
Theodore M. Smith                        CFR/92
Tony Smith                               CFR/92
Sulzberger Smith                         CFR
W. Mason Smith, Jr.                      CFR/84
W. Y. Smith                              CFR/88
Wayne S. Smith                           CFR/TC/85
Winthrop H. Smith Jr.                    CFR
Arthur Smithies                          CFR
Samuel D. Smoots                         CFR
Henry DeW. Smyth                         CFR/92
Mabel M. Smythe                          CFR/85
William S. Sneath                        CFR/85
Richard Lee Sneider                      CFR/85
Don M. Snider                            CFR
L. Britt Snider                          CFR
James C. Snipes                          CFR/88
Robert Anthony Snow                      CFR/92
Olympia J. Snowe (R-Me)                  CFR/92
Craig Snyder                             CFR/87
David M. Snyder                          CFR/92
Jack L. Snyder                           CFR/87
Jed C. Snyder                            CFR/92
Richard C. Snyder                        CFR/J
Richard Edward Snyder                    CFR/88
Timothy D. Snyder                        CFR/92
Dorothy Meadow Sobol                     CFR/88
Nancy E. Soderberg                    BB/CFR
Abraham David Sofaer                     CFR/92
Louis B. Sohn                            CFR/88
Stephen Joshua Solarz                    CFR/92
Peter O. A. Solbert                      CFR/S&B/41
Dorothy Meadow Sobol                     CFR
Nancy E. Soderberg                       CFR
Abraham David Sofaer                     CFR
Louis B. Sohn                            CFR
Stephen J. Solarz (D-NY)                 CFR
Peter O. A. Solbert                      CFR
Steven L. Solnick                        CFR
Adam Solomon                             CFR/92
Andrew W. Solomon                        CFR
Anne G. K. Solomon                       CFR/88
Anthony M. Solomon                       CFR/TC
Joshua N. Solomon                        CFR
Lisa J. Solomon                          CFR
Peter J. Solomon                         CFR/TC/87
Richard H. Solomon                       CFR/92
Robert Solomon                           CFR/84
Theo Sommer                              CFR/85
A. Wing Sommers                          CFR/92
Davidson Sommers                         CFR
H. Marshall Sonenshine                   CFR/92
Tara Diane Sonenshine                    CFR/92
Diana M.H. Song                          CFR
H. Christian Sonne                       CFR/92
Maurice Sonnenberg                       CFR/TC
Helmut Sonnenfeldt                       CFR
Richard W. Sonnenfeidt                   CFR/TC
Helmut Sonnenfeldt                    BB/CFR/TC/88
Richard W. Sonnenfeldt                   CFR
Raymond James Sontag                     CFR
Gillian Martin Sorensen                  CFR
Juliet Suzanne Sorensen                  CFR
Raymond James Sontag                     CFR
Theodore C. Sorensen                     CFR
George Soros                          BB/CFR
Paul Soros                               CFR/92
James R. Sosnicky                        CFR/85
Lauren Kephart Soth                      CFR
E. E. Soubry                             CFR/84
Richard W. Soudriette                    CFR
Frank A. Southard, Jr.                   CFR/TC/84
Ronald D. Southern                       CFR/88
James D. Southwick                       CFR
Michael Ira Sovern                       CFR/88
Carl A. Spaatz                           CFR
Carl B. Spaeth                           CFR
Stephen A. Spagnuolo                     CFR
Blake A. Spahn                           CFR
James William Spain                      CFR/92
Jonathan Spalter                         CFR/92
Kenneth M. Spang                         CFR/92
Scott M. Spangler                        CFR
Debora L. Spar                           CFR
Suzanne Alexandra Spears                 CFR
Leonard S. Spector                       CFR/85
Phillip L. Spector                       CFR/92
David C. Speedie                         CFR/92
David C. Speedie III                     CFR
Theodore C. Speers                       CFR
Kirsten Elizabeth Speidel                CFR
Edson W. Spencer                         CFR/88
John H. Spencer                          CFR/92
Percy C. Spencer                         CFR
William C. Spencer                       CFR/92
William I. Spencer                       CFR/84
Gene B. Sperling                         CFR
Joan Edelman Spero                       CFR/TC/92
Joshua B. Spero                          CFR
James Gustave Speth                      CFR/92
Jerry I. Speyer                          CFR/92
Daniel L. Spiegel                        CFR
Harold R. Spiegel                        CFR
John W. Spiegel                          CFR
Carl Spielvogel                          CFR
Ronald I. Spiers                         CFR/92
J. Andrew Spindler                       CFR
Noseda Spinelli                          CFR
Carlos Javier Spiro                      CFR
Herbert John Spiro                       CFR
David Spiro                              CFR/92
Herbert J. Spiro                         CFR/92
Peter J. Spiro                           CFR/85
Charles Merville Spofford             BB/CFR/S&B/24
Mansfield D. Sprague                     CFR
Robert C. Sprague                        CFR/92
John M. Spratt Jr. (D-SC)                CFR/88
Jenny Springer                           CFR
Allan Sproul                             CFR
Robert G. Sproul                         CFR
Harold Sprout                            CFR
Howard M. Squadron                       CFR/92
Nadine Srossen                           CFR
Alisa M. Stack-O'Connor                  CFR
D. Andrew Stackpole                      CFR
Stephen H. Stackpole                     CFR/92
John Stacks                              CFR92
Donald L. Staheli                        CFR/85
Lesley R. Stahl                          CFR
Eugene Staley                            CFR/92
Helena Stalson                           CFR/92
Allan C Stam                             CFR
Stephen Stamas                           CFR/92
Charles S. Stanford, Jr.                 CFR
Allison Kathrine Stanger                 CFR
Joseph A. Stanislaw                      CFR
Francis X. Stankard                      CFR/92
Elizabeth A. Stanley                     CFR
Peter W. Stanley                         CFR/92
Timothy W. Stanley                       CFR/84
Edwin F. Stanton                         CFR
Frank Stanton                            CFR/92
R. John Stanton, Jr.                     CFR/92
Eugene S. Staples                        CFR
Kristen Staples                          CFR
Herman Starobin                          CFR/92
The Starr Foundation                     CFR/88
Alexandra L. Starr                       CFR
Jeffery M. Starr                         CFR/TC/92
Kenneth I. Starr                         CFR
S. Frederick Starr                       CFR/88
E. Blythe Stason                         CFR
Harold E. Stasson                        CFR/TC/84
Charles B. Stauffacher                   CFR
Myles Staunton                           CFR/85
James G. Stavridis                       CFR/92
Richard C. Steadman                      CFR/92
James H. Stebbins                        CFR/92
Richard P. Stebbins                      CFR
Louellen Stedman                         CFR
Ronald Steel                             CFR/92
Richard J. Stegemeier                    CFR/92
Paul E. Steiger                          CFR/92
David Fred Stein                         CFR
Elliot Stein Jr.                         CFR/92
Eric Stein                               CFR/88
Harold Stein                             CFR
Jonathan B. Stein                        CFR/87
Mark Brian Stein                         CFR
Paul E. Stein                            CFR
Scott Stein                              CFR/88
David Joel Steinberg                     CFR/88
Eric Steinberg                           CFR
James B. Steinberg                       CFR/85
Mark R. Steinberg                        CFR
Richard H. Steinberg                     CFR
John D. Steinbruner                      CFR/92
Daniel Steiner                           CFR/92
Joshua L. Steiner                        CFR
Steven E. Steiner                        CFR
Edward L. Steiniger                      CFR
John D. Stempel                          CFR
Richard Stengel                          CFR/92
Angela E. Stent                          CFR/88
Alfred C.Stepan                          CFR/85
Edmund A. Stephan                        CFR/92
George Stephanopoulos                 BB/CFR/RS/92
Claude O. Stephens                       CFR
J. E. Wallace Sterling                   CFR
David J. Stern                           CFR
Ernest Stern                             CFR/92
Fritz Stern                              CFR/92
H. Peter Stern                           CFR/TC/88
Jeffrey Stern                            CFR
Jessica E. Stern                         CFR
Paula Stern                              CFR/84
Todd D. Stern                            CFR
Walter P. Stern                          CFR
Marc S. Sternberg                        CFR
Seymour Sternberg                        CFR
Michael E. Sterner                       CFR/92
David Sternlight                         CFR/92
Anne Stetson                             CFR
Clarence C. Stetson                      CFR/21
Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.                CFR
Charles R. Stevens                       CFR/92
James W. Stevens                         CFR/92
Norton Stevens                           CFR/92
Paul Schott Stevens                      CFR/92
Robert J. Stevens                        CFR
Adlai Ewing Stevenson                    CFR/92
Adlai Ewing Stevenson III             BB/CFR 1958-
Charles A. Stevenson                     CFR/85
H. L. Stevenson                          CFR/92
John R. Stevenson                        CFR/85
Ruth Carter Stevenson                    CFR/84
William E. Stevenson                     CFR
Brittany D. Stewart                      CFR
Donald M. Stewart                        CFR/92
Evan Stewart                             CFR
George Stewart                           CFR
Gordon C. Stewart                        CFR/92
Jamie B. Stewart, Jr.                    CFR
Patricia Carry Stewart                   CFR
Robert Burgess Stewart                   CFR
Robert McLean Stewart                    CFR
Ruth Ann Stewart                         CFR
J. Paul Sticht                           CFR/88
Daniel D. Stid                           CFR
Judith Hicks Stiehm                      CFR/92
Laurence D. Stifel                       CFR/92
Joseph E. Stiglitz                       CFR
Deborah F. Stiles                        CFR
Ned B. Stiles                            CFR
Chauncey Stillman                        CFR
Ralph S. Stillman                        CFR
Richard G. Stilwell                      CFR/92
Leroy D. Stinebower                      CFR
Kate Stith                               CFR
Robert B. Stobaugh                       CFR/TC/84
Dietrich Stobbe                          CFR/TC/88
David Alan Stockman                      CFR/92
Paul Noble Styockton                     CFR/85
George D. Stoddard                       CFR
Walter J. Stoessel, Jr.                  CFR/92
John G. Stoessinger                      CFR/92
William A. Stofft                        CFR
Alan Stoga                               CFR/88
Bruce Stokes                             CFR/92
Donald Stokes                            CFR/88
Isaac N. P. Stokes                       CFR
Louis Stokes (D-Oh)                      CFR/TC/87
Gerhard Stoltenberg                      CFR/TC/92
Thorvald Stoltenberg                     CFR/92
Donald C. Stone                          CFR
Jeremy J. Stone                          CFR/92
Michael P. W. Stone                      CFR/92
Randall Stone                            CFR
Roger D. Stone                           CFR/85
Shepard Stone                         BB/CFR/92
Patricia Q. Stonesifer                   CFR
John Hoyt Stookey                        CFR/84
Leland Stowe                             CFR
Jerome A. Straka                         CFR
Amnon Straschnow                         CFR/92
Jacqueline Laura Strasser                CFR
Julius A. Straton                        CFR/88
Donald B. Straus                         CFR/85
Jack I. Straus                           CFR/92
Oscar Straus II                          CFR/J
Oscar S. Straus                          CFR/21
Ralph I. Straus                          CFR/92
Robert Kenneth Straus                    CFR/88
Albert Strauss                           CFR/21
Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss               CFR/J
Robert Peter Strauss                     CFR/88
Robert Schwartz Strauss                  CFR/TC/92
Simon D. Strauss                         CFR/92
Robert Strausz-Hupe                      CFR/85
Michael A. Strautmanis                   CFR
Joseph R. Strayer                        CFR/92
Gordan L. Streeb                         CFR
Theodore Cuyler Streibert                CFR
John J. Stremlau                         CFR/92
Howard Stringer                          CFR
Marin J. Strmecki                        CFR
James M. Strock                          CFR
Jane E Stromseth                         CFR/92
Benjamin Strong                          CFR
Thomas F. Stroock                        CFR
Nadine Strossen                          CFR
Joe H. Stroud                            CFR/92
A.D. Struble                             CFR
William O. Studeman (Adm.)               CFR/92
Simeon Strunsky                          CFR/21
Rose Styron                              CFR/92
Michael E. M. Sudarkasa                  CFR/88
Niara Sudarkasa                          CFR/92
Karen M. Sughrue                         CFR
Ryung Suh                                CFR
Christopher D. Suits                     CFR/92
Ezra N. Suleiman                         CFR/85
Seth R. Sulkin                           CFR
Eugene Sullivan                          CFR/92
Gina E. Sullivan                         CFR
Gordon Russell Sullivan                  CFR/88
John D. Sullivan                         CFR
Leon H. Sullivan                         CFR/92
Louis Wade Sullivan                      CFR
Margaret C. Sullivan                     CFR/88
Roger Sullivan                           CFR/92
William Healy Sullivan                   CFR/84
Cromwell Sullivan Law Firm               CFR/92
Arthur Hays Sulzberger                BB/CFR/J
Arthur Ochs ("Punch") Sulzberger         CFR
Cyrus L. Sulzberger                   BB/CFR
Hays Sulzberger                          CFR
Ochs Sulzberger                          CFR
Donald M. Sumlin                         CFR
Harry G. Summers Jr (COL)                CFR/92
Lawrence H. Summers                   BB/CFR/92
Jack B. Sunderland                       CFR/85
Thomas Egbert Sunderland                 CFR
Ibrahim K Sundiata                       CFR
Patrick Moore Supanc                     CFR
Roberto A. Suro                          CFR
Walter Sterling Surrey                   CFR/92
Leo A. Suslow                            CFR/TC/84
Mona K. Sutphen                          CFR
Peter D. Sutherland                      CFR/TC/92
James Smyrl Sutterlin                    CFR/92
Francis X. Sutton                        CFR/88
Percy E. Sutton                          CFR/TC/87
Cedric Suzman                            CFR
Tetsuo Suzuki                            CFR/TC/92
Poul Johan Svanholm                      CFR/88
Milan Svec                               CFR/88
Emory Coblentz Swank                     CFR/92
David H. Swanson                         CFR/85
Howard R. Swearer                        CFR/92
John J. Sweeney                          CFR
Arthur Sweetser                          CFR/21
Julia Ellen Sweig                        CFR
Brandon W. Sweitzer                      CFR/92
Eric P. Swenson                          CFR/92
Sidney A. Swensrud                       CFR
Scott L. Swid                            CFR
Stephen Claar Swid                       CFR/92
Peter Bird Swiers                        CFR/88
James W. Swigert                         CFR/87
James W. Swihart                         CFR
Mark Swilling                            CFR/88
John Temple Swing                        CFR/TC/84
Stanley M. Swinton                       CFR
John A Swire                             CFR/85
Gerard Swope, Jr.                        CFR
W. Stuart Symington (D-MO)               CFR/84
Stephen F. Szabo                         CFR/92
Peter L. Szanton                         CFR/84
Tad Szulc                                CFR/85
Peter L. Szanton                         CFR
Roman Szporluk                           CFR                   
George M. Taber                          CFR/TC/84
Setsuya Tabuchi                          CFR/92
Henry Waters Taft                        CFR/21/S&B 1880
Julia Vadala Taft                        CFR
William Howard Taft IV                   CFR/92
Paul Tagliabue                           CFR
Shirin R. Tahir-Kheli                    CFR/TC/92
Tsuyoshi Takagi                          CFR/92
Phillips Talbot                          CFR/TC/88
Strobe Talbott                           CFR/RS/TC/92
Jeffrey W. Taliaferro                    CFR
Puneet Talwar                            CFR
Kara W.Y. Tan Bhala                      CFR
Angelica Tang                            CFR
David K. Y. Tang                         CFR/92
Kara W. Y. Tang                          CFR
George K. Tanham                         CFR/92
Frank Tannenbaum                         CFR
Theodore Tannewald                       CFR/92
Harold Tanner                            CFR/92
Raymond Tanter                           CFR/92
Raul R. Tapia                            CFR/TC/92
Jesse W. Tapp                            CFR
Peter Tapsell                            CFR/TC/88
Peter Tarnoff                            CFR/TC/J/92
Daniel K. Tarullo                        CFR
Bruce C. Tater                           CFR
Sotoo Tatsumi                            CFR/92
Frank J. Tasco                           CFR
Gligor A. Tashkovich                     CFR
Charles E. Tauber                        CFR
William Taubman                          CFR/85
William P.. Tavoulareas                  CFR/92
Archibald W. Taylor                      CFR/21
Arthur R. Taylor                         CFR
Carl Taylor                              CFR/21
Cathy L. Taylor                          CFR
Diana L. Taylor                          CFR
Geoffrey W. Taylor                       CFR/88
George E. Taylor                         CFR/85
James S. Taylor                          CFR/84
Kathryn Pelgrift Taylor                  CFR
Maxwell D. Taylor                        CFR/92
Myron C. Taylor                          CFR 1943-1959
Wayne Chatfield Taylor                   CFR
William Jesse Taylor Jr.                 CFR/84
John E. Tedstrom                         CFR
David J. Teece                           CFR/92
Peter B. Teeley                          CFR
Robert M. Teeter                         CFR
Nancy H. Teeters                         CFR/85
Erastus T. Tefft                         CFR/21
Howard J. Teicher                        CFR/88
Martha A. Teichner                       CFR
Ruti G. Teitel                           CFR
Michael S. Teitelbaum                    CFR/88
Shibley Telhami                          CFR/88
Edward Teller                            CFR
Ashley J. Tellis                         CFR
Horst Teltschik                          CFR/88
Maurice Tempelsman                       CFR/92
Richard H. Templeton                     CFR
Dina Simone Temple-Raston                CFR
George J. Tenet                          CFR/J
Leonard B. Tennyson                      CFR/92
Anthony P. Terracciano                   CFR/92
Sarah M. Terry                           CFR/87
Shabtai Teveth                           CFR/92
Gregory F. Teverton                      CFR
Archibald G. Thacher                     CFR/21
A. Bronson Thayer                        CFR/87
Charles A. Thayer                        CFR
Robert H. Thayer                         CFR
Patricia Thebaud                         CFR/92
Thomas C. Theobald                       CFR/88
Patrick N. Theros                        CFR
Jane L. Barber Thery                     CFR/TC/87
Jaques Thierry                           CFR/92
Marc A. Thiessen                         CFR
Pamela Beth Thiessen                     CFR
G. Richard Thoman                     BB/CFR/92
Barbara S. Thomas                        CFR/92
Brooks Thomas                            CFR/88
Evan W. Thomas III                       CFR/92
Franklin Augustine Thomas                CFR/92
H. Gregory Thomas                        CFR
James P. Thomas                          CFR
Lee B. Thomas, Jr.                       CFR/92
Lewis Thomas                             CFR/84
Hillary Thomas-Lake                      CFR
Pamela S. Thomas-Graham                  CFR
Troy S. Thomas                           CFR
Max W. Thomburg                          CFR
Earle S. Thompson                        CFR
Edward T. Thompson                       CFR/84
Fred D. Thompson                         CFR
Heather Dawn Thompson                    CFR
Kenneth W. Thompson                      CFR
Llewellyn E. Thompson                    CFR
Nicholas E.S. Thompson                   CFR
Robert Louis Thompson                    CFR
W. Scott Thompson                        CFR/85
William Boyce Thompson                   CFR/21
William Pratt Thompson                   CFR/92
James A. Thomson (Rand Corp.)            CFR/TC/87
James C. Thomson Jr.                     CFR/84
Richard L. ("Dick") Thornburgh           CFR/92
Richard Paul Thornell                    CFR/88
John L. Thornton                         CFR/92
Thomas Perry Thornton                    CFR/92
Louisa Thoron                            CFR/85
Willard L. Thorp                         CFR/88
Allen R. Thrope                          CFR
Cathryn L. Thorup                        CFR/92
Lester C. Thurow                         CFR/TC
John Tibby                               CFR/92
Niels Thygesen                           CFR/TC/92
Charles Tidbury                          CFR/TC/92
Otto Grieg Tidemand                      CFR/92
Chang-Lin Tien                           CFR
John K. Tien, Jr.                        CFR
Marta Tienda                             CFR
Matthew S. Tierney                       CFR
Paul E. Tierney Jr.                      CFR
Ronald Tiersky                           CFR
Ricki Rhodarmer Tigert                   CFR/92
Kimberly Till                            CFR
Charles C. Tillinghast, Jr.              CFR
David R. Tillinghast                     CFR/92
Seth P. Tillman                          CFR/84
Susan Lynne Tillou                       CFR
Andrew Tilton                            CFR
Maria Tilves                             CFR/92
Clare H. Timberlake                      CFR
William H. Timbers                       CFR
Kristen Timothy                          CFR/92
Edward Larocque Tinker                   CFR
Sarah LivingstonTimpson                  CFR/88
Cynthia A. Tindell                       CFR
Tinker Foundation                        CFR/88
Prem Tinsulanonda                        CFR/88
Frederick S. Tipson                      CFR
Amina Tirana                             CFR
Bradley M. Tirpak                        CFR
Andrew Herbert Tisch                     CFR
Laurence Alan Tisch                      CFR/J/87
Claire Marvel Tisne                      CFR
Edward Tivnan                            CFR/92
Randall L. Tobias                        CFR/92
Michael P. Todaro                        CFR/92
Maurice Linwood Todd                     CFR/92
Terence A. Todman                        CFR/92
Terence A. Todman, Jr.                   CFR/84
Monica Duffy Toft                        CFR
Kathryn Tolbert                          CFR/92
Maynard J. Toll Jr.                      CFR/84
Toshihiro Tomabechi                      CFR/92
Alexander C. Tomlinson                   CFR/85
Roy Tomlinson                            CFR/21
Michael R. Tomz                          CFR
Tuong-Vy Ton                             CFR
Lyman M. Tondel, Jr.                     CFR
Alan Tonelson                            CFR/92
Jeffrey R. Toobin                        CFR
Kathleen Elizabeth Toomey                CFR
Audrey Ronning Topping                   CFR
Seymour Topping                          CFR/92
Maria Elena Torano                       CFR
Carlos Del Toro                          CFR
Jonathan P. Torop                        CFR
Art Torres                               CFR/92
Esteban Edward Torres                    CFR
Gerald Torres                            CFR
Raidza M. Torres                         CFR
Robert G. Torricelli                     CFR
Robert C. Toth                           CFR/90
Jeanne Maddox Toungara                   CFR
John Goodwin Tower                       CFR/92
Preston Townley                          CFR/92
Edward Townsand                          CFR/84
Alair Townsend                           CFR/TC/92
Edward Townsend                          CFR
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend                CFR
Oliver Townsend                          CFR
Eiji Toyoda                              CFR/TC/92
Keiya Toyonaga                           CFR/92
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg                CFR/92
Frank N. Trager                          CFR/84
Harry D. Train II                        CFR/92
John Train                               CFR/92
Russell E. Train                         CFR/92
Bernard E. Trainor                       CFR/92
Eugene P. Trani                          CFR/92
J. C. Traphagen                          CFR
James Traub                              CFR
Peter J. Travers                         CFR/92
Martin B. Travis, Jr.                    CFR/92
Stephen J. Treadway                      CFR
Adam J. Treanor                          CFR
John Elting Treat                        CFR/92
Thomas J. Trebat                         CFR/92
Marietta Tree                            CFR/92
Timothy Paul Trenkle                     CFR
Gregory Frye Treverton                   CFR/88
Henry Trewhitt                           CFR/92
Philip Harold Trezise                    CFR/92
Robert H. Trice, Jr.                     CFR
Robert Triffin                           CFR/92
Charles R. Trimble                       CFR
Guy E. Tripp                             CFR/21
Juan Terry Trippe                        CFR
Kathleen Troia                           CFR/84
Vera M. Trojan                           CFR
Peter D. Trooboff                        CFR/85
Carlisle A.H. Trost                      CFR/92
Alexander Buel Trowbridge                CFR/92
Marion Dawson Truitt                     CFR/92
Nancy Sherwood Truitt                    CFR
David Bicknell Truman                    CFR
Edwin M. Truman                          CFR/92
Lucian K. Truscott, Jr.                  CFR
Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Charitable Trust CFR
Svetlana Tsalik                          CFR
Elizabeth G. Tsehai                      CFR
Basilios E. Tsingos                      CFR
Elizabeth G. Tsipis                      CFR
Kosta Tsipis                             CFR/TC/92
Seiji Tsutsumi                           CFR/88
Lawrence P. Tu                           CFR/92
H. Anton Tucher                          CFR/85
Barbara W. Tuchman                       CFR/92
Edward Hallam Tuck                       CFR/88
William Hallam Tuck                      CFR
Jonathan B. Tucker                       CFR
Katherine K. Tucker                      CFR
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker                    CFR/92
Richard Frank Tucker                     CFR/90
Robert W. Tucker (Johns Hopkins)         CFR/84
Richard Frank Tuggle                     CFR
Gabu Tugwana                             CFR/85
Darrow Tully                             CFR/85
Astrid S. Tuminez                        CFR/90
Nina Tumarkin                            CFR/TC/92
Ko-Yung Tung                             CFR/87
James P. Tunkey                          CFR
David Randolph Tunnell                   CFR
Carlos Tunnerman                         CFR/92
Nancy B. Turck                           CFR/92
John Turkevich                           CFR/92
Douglas W. Turner                        CFR
Elisabeth Russin Turner                  CFR
J. Michael Turner                        CFR
James M. Turner                          CFR
Robert F. Turner                         CFR/88
Stansfield Turner                        CFR/TC/84
William C. Turner                        CFR/92
Michael D. Tusiani                       CFR
John Wills Tuthill                       CFR/92
Gordon B. Tweedy                         CFR/84
William R. Tyler                         CFR
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr (BOB)               CFR/92
Laura Dandrea Tyson                      CFR/85                   

Abraham L. Udovitch                      CFR/TC/92
Hisamitsu Uetani                         CFR/90
Mark A. Uhlig                            CFR/84
Jorge Ulla                               CFR/84
Richard H. Ullman                        CFR/92
Cornelius M. Ulman                       CFR/85
Alfred C. Ulmer, Jr.                     CFR/TC/84
Shoji Umemura                            CFR/88
Marybeth Peterson Ulrich                 CFR
Sanford J. Ungar                         CFR/92
Frederick Ungeheuer                      CFR/88
David C. Unger                           CFR
Leonard Unger (AMB)                      CFR
Sandford Unger                           CFR/92
Guillermo Ungo                           CFR/88
Mimio Uno                                CFR/92
Arthur R. Upgren                         CFR
Maureen T. Upton                         CFR
Thomas N. Urban                          CFR
Richard P. Urfer                         CFR/84
Robert M. Uriu                           CFR
William L. Ury                           CFR/92
William R. Usher                         CFR/92
Victor A. Utgoff                         CFR/88
Garrick Utley                            CFR/92
Albert E. Utton                          CFR/92
Jamie Ernesto Uzeta                      CFR
Giorgio Uzielli                          CFR/84                   

Alexander M. Vagliano                    CFR/92
Sara Vagliano                            CFR/92
Detlev F. Vagts                          CFR
Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran                   CFR
Viron Peter Vaky                         CFR/88
Abelardo Lopez Valdez                    CFR/92
Jiri Valenta                             CFR/92
Jack Valenti                             CFR/88
Alan Chester Valentine                   CFR
Debra A. Valentine                       CFR
Arturo A. Valenzuela                     CFR/92
Thomas C. Van Cleve                      CFR
Donna Lee Van Cott                       CFR
Brian Van De Mark                        CFR
Ernest Van Den Haag                      CFR/84
Max Van Der Stoel                        CFR/92
Gregory E. Van Der Vink                  CFR/TC/92
Arie Van Der Zwan                        CFR/92
Henry Pitney Van Dusen                   CFR
Michael H. Van Dusen                     CFR/92
Ted Van Dyk                              CFR/92
Stephen W. Van Evera                     CFR/92
James A. Van Fleet (Gen.)                CFR/TC/87
John Van Oudenaren                       CFR/TC/84
Gerard Van Schaik                        CFR/85
DeForest Van Slyck                       CFR/TC/S&B 1920
John Van Stirum                          CFR
Maarten Van Traa                         CFR/92
Constant M. Van Vlierden                 CFR/92
David Edgar Van Zandt                    CFR
Slabbert Frederik Van Zyl                CFR/88
L. Bruce Van Voorst                      CFR/84
Cyrus Roberts Vance                      CFR/TC/92
Marsha Vande Berg                        CFR
Katrina Vanden Heuvel                    CFR/92
William J. Vanden Heuvel                 CFR/87
Martina E. Vandenberg                    CFR
Jon Vanden Heuvel                        CFR
Katrina Vanden Heuvel                    CFR
William J. Vanden Heuvel                 CFR
Robert D. Vander  Lugt                   CFR
Frank Arthur Vanderlip                   CFR
Jeffrey Paul Varanini                    CFR
Marta B. Varela                          CFR
Peter Varkonyi                           CFR/TC/92
Harold E. Varmus                         CFR
Antonio Vasco De Mello                   CFR/88
George Vassiliou                         CFR/TC/92
Michel Vauzelle                          CFR/92
Ian Vasquez                              CFR
Veblen Tom C.                            CFR/92
Sesto E. Vecchi                          CFR
Mark S. Vecchio                          CFR/TC/92
Simone Veil                              CFR/92
Carol Michele Veit                       CFR/92
Lawrence A. Veit                         CFR/92
Nicholas A. Veliotes                     CFR/84
William F. Vendley                       CFR
Ann M. Veneman                           CFR
William C. Verity                        CFR/92
Philip K. Verleger, Jr.                  CFR
Richard R. Verma                         CFR
Peter H. Vermilye                        CFR/88
Raymond Vernon                        BB/CFR/85
Alexander R. Vershbow                    CFR/92
Toni Grant Verstandig                    CFR
Elizabeth G. Verville                    CFR/88
Afanasy Veselitsky                       CFR/92
John W. Jr (Gen.) Vessey                 CFR/92
George Vest                              CFR/92
Linda Vester                             CFR
Henry Viccellio                          CFR
Henry Viccellio, Jr.                     CFR
David J. Vidal                           CFR
Pote P. Videt                            CFR
Curtis G. Viebranz                       CFR
Stephen Viederman                        CFR/92
Richard Noyes Viets                      CFR/92
Adis Maria Vila                          CFR/TC/87
George R. Vila                           CFR
Marsans Jose Vila                        CFR/92
Arturo Villar                            CFR/88
Bernardo Malvar Villegas                 CFR/92
Jacob Viner                              CFR
Leslie Vinjamuri                         CFR
Milton Viorst                            CFR/88
Enzo Viscusi                             CFR/92
Alberto Vitale                           CFR/88
David J. Vitale                          CFR
Michael Vlahos                           CFR/92
Richard A. Voell                         CFR/92
Ezra F. Vogel                            CFR/92
Sandra Louise Vogelgesang                CFR/TC/84
Jay M. Vogelson                          CFR
Karston Voigt                            CFR/92
Stephen R. Volk                          CFR
George J. Vojta                          CFR/TC/90
Paul Adolph Volcker                   BB/CFR/TC/84
Stephen R. Volk                          CFR
Volvo North America                      CFR/88
Andreas Von Buelow                       CFR/92
K. Gayle Rose Von Eckartsberg            CFR
Mark Louis Von Hagen                     CFR
Frank N. Von Hippel                      CFR
Alfred H. Von Klemperer                  CFR/92
Roderick K. Von Lipsey                   CFR
Robert B. Von Mehren                     CFR/92
Joris Voorhoeve                          CFR/92
Tracy S. Voorhees                        CFR
Carmen Delgado Votaw                     CFR/92
Carl E. Vuono                            CFR/88                   

Linda Joy Wachner                        CFR/92
Andrew Baruch Wachtel                    CFR
Rick Waddell                             CFR/92
Caroline P. Wadhams                      CFR
James J. Wadsworth                       CFR
Mary Wadsworth-Darby                     CFR/84
Robert C. Waggoner                       CFR
Charles W. Wagley                        CFR
Allan Wagner                             CFR/92
Nicholas Wahl                            CFR/92
Marshall Ivan Wais Jr.                   CFR
Jarett F. Wait                           CFR
Richard Wait                             CFR
Frederic E. Wakeman Jr.                  CFR/92
Arthur Nelson Waldron                    CFR
Jane M. Wales                            CFR/92
Adam Walinsky                            CFR/92
A. Lightfoot Walker                      CFR
Anna Rachael Walker                      CFR
Charles Edward Walker                    CFR/92
George G. Walker                         CFR
George R. Walker                         CFR/92
Gregg Alexander Walker                   CFR
Jacques P. Walker                        CFR
Jenonne Walker                           CFR/85
John L. Walker                           CFR/92
Joseph Walker, Jr.                       CFR/92
Nancy J. Walker                          CFR
William Nickerson Walker                 CFR/84
Mary Lynn Walker-Huntley                 CFR
Sarah K. Walkling                        CFR
T. F. Walkowicz                          CFR
Christopher R. Wall                      CFR/85
Martha Redfield Wallace                  CFR/88
Roger Windham Wallace                    CFR
Schuyler C. Wallace                      CFR
Kenneth L. Wallach                       CFR
Celeste A. Wallander                     CFR/92
Mitchel B. Wallerstein                   CFR/85
Henry C. Wallich                         CFR/92
Christine  I. Wallich                    CFR/85
Henry Wallich                            CFR/92
Peter J. Wallison                        CFR/92
Walter N. Walmsley                       CFR
Ian Kennard Walsh                        CFR
Michaela Walsh                           CFR
Stephen M. Walt                          CFR/88
Barbara Walters                          CFR/J/84
Anthony John Walton                      CFR/92
Reginald Kieth Walton                    CFR
Kenneth N.Waltz                          CFR/85
Leah Zell Wanger                         CFR
Walter Wanger                            CFR
Eric M. Warburg                       BB/CFR
Felix Moritz Warburg                     CFR/21/J
Frederick Marcus Warburg                 CFR
Gerald F. Warburg II                     CFR/87
James Paul Warburg                       CFR
Paul Mortiz Warburg                      CFR/21/J 1921-1932
Chester Ward                             CFR
F. Champion Ward                         CFR/92
Harry E. Ward                            CFR/21
Jennifer C. Ward                         CFR
Hohn W. Ward                             CFR/92
Katherine T. Ward                        CFR
L. Celeste Johnson Ward                  CFR
Patrick Joseph Ward                      CFR
Thomas E. Ward                           CFR
Allen Wardwell                           CFR/21
Carl Ware                                CFR/88
Bharat Wariavwala                        CFR/88
Ethelbert Warfield                       CFR
Edward L. Warner III                     CFR/40
John William Warner                      CFR
Margaret G. Warner                       CFR
Mark R. Warner                           CFR
Rawleigh Warner, Jr.                     CFR/84
Volney James Warner                      CFR
Paul C. Warnke                           CFR/92
Gerald L. Warren                         CFR/TC/92
J.H. Warren                              CFR/92
John Edwin Warren                        CFR
Lewis M. Warren, Jr.                     CFR
Rick Warren                              CFR
Shields Warren                           CFR
Abbott McConnell Washburn                CFR/92
John L. Washburn                         CFR/TC/92
Etsuya Washio                            CFR/92
Debra L. Wasserman                       CFR
Bruce Wasserstein                        CFR/84
Donald Wasson                            CFR
R. Gordon Wasson                         CFR
Michio Watanabe                          CFR/92
Takeshi Watanabe                         CFR/92
John Isaac Waterbury                     CFR/21
Cherri D. Waters                         CFR/85
James F. Waters                          CFR/92
Ralph J. Watkins                         CFR
Alexander F. Watson                      CFR/85
Arthur Kittrege Watson                   CFR
Burl S. Watson                           CFR
Peter S. Watson                          CFR
Thomas John Watson                       CFR
Thomas John Watson, Jr.                  CFR
Thomas Watson, Jr.                       CFR
Ben J. Wattenberg                        CFR/TC/88
Glenn E. Watts                           CFR/TC/92
John H. Watts                            CFR/92
William Watts                            CFR/92
George Wauchope                          CFR
Matthew C. Waxman                        CFR
Alva O. Way                              CFR/92
Dennis Weatherstone                      CFR/92
David R. Weaver                          CFR/92
George L. Weaver                         CFR/90
Sylvester L. Weaver, Jr.                 CFR
Hoyt K. Webb                             CFR
James H. Webb                            CFR/85
Vanderbilt Webb                          CFR/21
Doron Weber                              CFR
Vin Weber (R-Mn)                         CFR
Bethuel M. Webster                       CFR/88
William Hedgcock Webster                 CFR/92
William F. Wechsler                      CFR
Steven Weddle                            CFR
Ruth n. Glushien Wedgewood               CFR/84
Ruth Wedgwood                            CFR
Gillian Wedonlumer                       CFR/92
Edward Weeks                             CFR
Jennifer R. Weeks                        CFR
Leroy S. Wehrle                          CFR/85
Lowell P. Weichker                       CFR/92
Murray L. Weidenbaum                     CFR/92
George Weigel                            CFR/92
George B. Weiksner Jr.                   CFR/88
Frank A. Weil                            CFR/88
Sanford I. Weill                         CFR
David B. Weinberg                        CFR
John L. Weinberg                         CFR/88
Steven Weinberg                          CFR
Caspar W. Weinberger                     CFR/TC/92
Myron Weiner                             CFR/92
Richard S. Weinert                       CFR/88
W. Bruce Weinrod                         CFR/92
David E. Weinstein                       CFR
Michael M. Weinstein                     CFR/92
Davis Weinstock II                       CFR
Sidney Weintraub                         CFR/92
Jacob Weisberg                           CFR
Steven R. Weisman                        CFR
Andrew Scott Weiss                       CFR
Charles Weiss Jr.                        CFR//TC/92
Cora Weiss                               CFR/92
Edith Brown Weiss                        CFR/92
Elizabeth Anne Weiss                     CFR
Henrich Weiss                            CFR/92
Juleanna Ruth Glover Weiss               CFR
Seymour Weiss  (Adm.)                    CFR/87
Stanley A. Weiss                         CFR/87
Thomas G. Weiss                          CFR/88
Ivan S. Weissman                         CFR
Victor F. Weisskopf                      CFR
Peter R. Weitz                           CFR
Ezer Weizman                             CFR/92
Dav id A. Welch                          CFR/92
C. David Welch                           CFR
Jasper A. Welch, Jr. (Gen.)              CFR/88
John Francis Welch, Jr.                  CFR/87
Larry D. Welch (Gen.)                    CFR/92
Leo Dewey Welch                          CFR
Susan R. Weld                            CFR
William F. Weld                          CFR
David P. Welker                          CFR
Charles Wellborn, Jr.                    CFR
George W. Wellde, Jr.                    CFR
David L. Weller                          CFR
Ralph Weller                             CFR/92
Alena Wels                               CFR/92
Damon Wells Jr.                          CFR/92
Herman B. Wells                          CFR/92
Louis T. Wells Jr.                       CFR/92
Samuel F. Wells Jr.                      CFR/84
Walter N. Wells                          CFR
Ira T. Wender                            CFR/TC/88
E. Allan Wendt                           CFR/92
Henry Wendt                              CFR/TC/92
Kenneth Wernimont                        CFR
Mitzi M. Wertheim                        CFR/92
Stephan D. Wesbrook                      CFR
Joanna Weschler                          CFR
Edwin J. Wesely                          CFR/85
Albert C. F. Wesphal                     CFR
Michael R. Wessel                        CFR/92
Nils Wessell                             CFR/92
Francis J. West                          CFR
J. Robinson West                         CFR/92
Owen O'Driscoll West                     CFR
Robert LeRoy West                        CFR/84
Togo Dennis West Jr.                     CFR/92
Elisa M. Westfield                       CFR
David L. Westin                          CFR
Steven P. Westin                         CFR
William C. Westmoreland                  CFR
Burns H. Weston                          CFR
Albert C. F. Westphal                    CFR
Olin L. Wethington                       CFR
Anne L. Wexler                           CFR
George Hunt Weyerhaeuser                 CFR
Lally Graham (Elizabeth) Weymouth        CFR/92
Charles W. Whalen, Jr.                   CFR
Richard J. Whalen                        CFR
Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.                  CFR/TC
Francis M. Wheat                         CFR/85
John K. Wheeler                          CFR/85
John P. Wheeler III                      CFR/92
Oliver P. Wheeler                        CFR
Richard W. Wheeler                       CFR/92
Albert Dewell Wheelon                    CFR/92
Walter H. Wheeler, Jr.                   CFR
Howard P. Whidden                        CFR
Taggart Whipple                          CFR/88
William Whipple                          CFR
Arthur P. Whitaker                       CFR
C. S. Whitaker                           CFR/92
Jennifer Seymour Whitaker                CFR/85
Mark Whitaker                            CFR/84
Barbara White                            CFR/84
Barton White                             CFR
Betty Buttril White                      CFR/92
Frank X. White                           CFR/92
Gilbert F. White                         CFR
H. Lee White                             CFR
James G. White                           CFR/21
John Campbell White                      CFR
John P. White                            CFR/92
John P. White III                        CFR
Julia A. White                           CFR/92
Laura J. White                           CFR
Mary Jo White                            CFR
Maureen White                            CFR/92
Peter C. White                           CFR/84
Robert John White                        CFR
Robert M. White                          CFR/85
Theodore H. White                        CFR/J/84
Timothy J. White                         CFR
William H. White                         CFR
Walter H. White Jr.                      CFR
William K. Whiteford                     CFR
John Cunningham Whitehead             BB/CFR/TC/92
Charles Sheldon Whitehouse               CFR/S&B 1947
Allen S. Whiting                         CFR/92
Christina B. Todd Whitman                CFR
Marina Von Neumann Whitman               CFR/TC/84
Russell R. Whitman                       CFR/21
Craig R. Whitney                         CFR/84
Christopher B. Whitney                   CFR
John Hay Whitney                         CFR
Arnold Whitridge                         CFR/88
Andreas Smith Whittam                    CFR/92
Frederick B. Whittemore                  CFR/87
William E. Whyman                        CFR
Howard J. Wiarda                         CFR/88
Charles Z. Wick                          CFR/92
George Woodward Wickersham               CFR/21-1936
John Adams Wickham, Jr.                  CFR/TC/87
Jennifer Widner                          CFR/88
Norbert Wieczorek                        CFR/87
Anita Volz Wien                          CFR
Carolyn Seely Wiener                     CFR
Jonathan Baert Wiener                    CFR
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener                    CFR/92
Elie Wiesel                              CFR/92
Elisha Wiesel                            CFR
Torsten Nils Wiesel                      CFR
Leon Wieseltier                          CFR/92
Jerome Bert Wiesner                      CFR/J/85
Albert H. Wiggin                         CFR/21
Charles A. Wight                         CFR
Brayton Wilbur, Jr.                   BB/CFR/92
C. Martin Wilbur                         CFR
Peter Wilby                              CFR
Elizabeth Roberts Wilcox                 CFR
Francis O. Wilcox                     BB/CFR/84
Robert B. Wilcox                         CFR/92
Payson S. Wild, Jr.                      CFR
Aaron Wildavsky                          CFR/92
Frazar B. Wilde                       BB/CFR
Claud Kern Wildenthal                    CFR
Walter W. Wilds                          CFR/92
Richard Arthur Wiley                     CFR/92
Maya D. Wiley                            CFR
Richard A. Wiley                         CFR
W. Bradford Wiley                        CFR/92
Harry E. Wilhelm                         CFR/92
Robert E. Wilhelm                        CFR/92
Thomas Lloyd Wilkerson                   CFR
Edith B. Wilkie                          CFR/85
Roger W. Wilkins                         CFR/92
Amy M. Wilkinson                         CFR
Dag Wilkinson                            CFR/85
Daniel C. Wilkinson                      CFR
Sharon P. Wilkinson                      CFR/85
Theodore L. Wilkinson                    CFR
George Will                              CFR/TC/92
Serena B. Wille                          CFR
Fay Willey                               CFR
Aaron S. Williams                        CFR
Avon N. Williams III                     CFR
Brian D. Williams                        CFR
Christine Williams                       CFR
Cindy Williams                           CFR
Dave H. Williams                         CFR
Earl Carter Williams                     CFR
Eddie Nathan Williams                    CFR
Elizabeth Helen Williams                 CFR
Harold M. Williams                       CFR
Franklin Hayden Williams                 CFR
Harold Marvin Williams                   CFR
Howard Roy Williams                      CFR
Haydn Williams                           CFR
James B. Williams                        CFR/92
John H. Williams                         CFR 1937-
Joseph Hill Williams                     CFR/84
Karen Hastie Williams                    CFR/92
Langbourne M. Williams                   CFR
Lawrence H. Williams                     CFR
Margaret Douglas Williams                CFR
Maurice Jacoutot Williams                CFR/TC/92
Melvin F. Williams, Jr.                  CFR
Michael J. Williams                      CFR
Paul R. Williams                         CFR
Reba White Williams                      CFR
Thomas R. Williams II                    CFR
William H. Williams                      CFR/21
William J. Williams, Jr.                 CFR
Edwin D. Williamson                      CFR
Irving A. Williamson                     CFR/92
Richard Salisbury Williamson             CFR
Samuel Gates Williamson                  CFR
Thomas Samuel Williamson, Jr.            CFR/92
Joseph H. Willits                        CFR
Mason Willrich                           CFR/92
Lucius Wilmerding, Jr.                   CFR
Robert George Wilmers                    CFR/92
Caroll L. Wilson                         CFR/92
Don M. Wilson III                        CFR
Donald Malcolm Wilson                    CFR/88
Ernest James Wilson III                  CFR/85
Gretchen Wilson                          CFR
Heather A. Wilson                        CFR/92
Howard E. Wilson                         CFR
James Q. Wilson                          CFR/84
John Donald Wilson                       CFR/88
Karen E. Wilson                          CFR
Margaret Scarbrough Wilson               CFR
Michael Wilson                        BB/CFR/85
O. Meredith Wilson                       CFR
Percy C. Wilson                          CFR
Serena Lynn Wilson                       CFR
Jacques D. Wimpfheimer                   CFR/85
Steven D. Winch                          CFR
Andrew W. Winden                         CFR
Bayly Winder                             CFR/TC/84
Thomas S. Windmuller                     CFR/85
William C. Winegard                      CFR/88
Montague W. Winfield                     CFR
Adrien Katherine Wing                    CFR/85
Henry S. Wingate                         CFR
Jay Winik                                CFR/92
Matthew A. Winkler                       CFR
Robin W. Winks                           CFR/92
Andrew C. Winner                         CFR
Herbert S. Winokur, Jr.                  CFR/92
Thomas Winship                           CFR/92
Richard S. Winslow                       CFR/92
Michael Russell Winston                  CFR/92
Philip Steele Winterer                   CFR/92
Francis X. Winters                       CFR/92
Laura Winters                            CFR
David J. Winton                          CFR
David A. Wirth                           CFR/92
John D. Wirth                            CFR/92
Timothy Endicott Wirth                   CFR/84
Steven J. Wisch                          CFR
Carol Wise                               CFR
Louise Holly B. Wise                     CFR
Frank G. Wisner II                    BB/CFR/85
Graham G. Wisner                         CFR
Joel S. Wit                              CFR/92
Anne A. Witkowsky                        CFR
Edward Witten                            CFR/90
Tamara Cofman Wittes                     CFR
Michael Witunski                         CFR/92
Fred F. Woerner                          CFR/92
James D. Wofensohn                    BB/CFR
Harris Llewellyn Wofford                 CFR/92
Elmer P. Wohl                            CFR
Richard H. Wohl                          CFR
William C. Wohlforth                     CFR/92
Albert Wohlstetter                    BB/CFR/84
Roberta Wohlstetter                      CFR/92
Anne E. Wojcicki                         CFR
Goshu Wolde                              CFR/92
Charles Wolf Jr.                         CFR/88
Ira Wolf                                 CFR
Milton Albert Wolf                       CFR/92
Adam R. Wofensohn                        CFR
James David Wolfensohn                BB/CFR/TC/84
Arnold Wolfers                           CFR
Alan William Wolff                       CFR/92
Jason R. Wolff                           CFR
Otto Von Amerongen Wolff                 CFR/88
Peter I. Wolff                           CFR
Paul D. Wolfowitz                     BB/CFR/TC/85
Jon B. Wolfsthal                         CFR
Neal S. Wolin                            CFR
Lee S. Wolosky                           CFR
Howard E. Wolpe (D-Mi)                   CFR
Howard E. Wolpe                          CFR/J
Tracy R. Wolstencroft                    CFR
Meredith Woo-Cummings                    CFR
Bryce Wood                               CFR
Harleston R. Wood                        CFR
Jack B. Wood, (Col.)                     CFR
Joseph R. Wood                           CFR
Richard D. Wood                          CFR
Robert C. Wood                           CFR
Suzanne Wood                             CFR
David Woodbridge                         CFR/84
Henry S. Woodbridge                      CFR
William H. Woodin                        CFR21
Herbert B. Woodman                       CFR
Judy C. Woodruff                         CFR
Ward W. Woods                            CFR
Ward W. Woods, Jr.                       CFR
William S. Woodside                      CFR/92
Donald B. Woodward                       CFR
Robert Upshur Woodward                   CFR/84
Susan L. Woodward                        CFR
Harry Woolf                              CFR/88
Clarence M. Woolley                      CFR 1932-1935
Knight Woolley                           CFR/S&B 1917
R. James Woolsey, Jr.                    CFR/RS/92
Suzanne H. Woolsey                       CFR
Eden Y. Woon                             CFR
Minky Worden                             CFR
Jacob J. Worenklein                      CFR
Christine E. Wormuth                     CFR
Denis Worrall                            CFR/92
Christian Fritz Wortman                  CFR
Larry M. Wortzel                         CFR
Kent Wosepka                             CFR
Cecil Wray, Jr.                          CFR/90
Walter B. Wreston                        CFR
W. Howard Wriggins                       CFR/92
Abi E. Wright                            CFR
Jerauld Wright                           CFR/92
Joseph R. Wright, Jr.                    CFR
L. Patrick Wright                        CFR
Lawrence G. Wright                       CFR
Matice J. Wright                         CFR
Quincy Wright                            CFR
Robin Wright                             CFR/85
Theodore P. Wright                       CFR
Paolo G. Wright-Carozza                  CFR/84
William H. Wright II                     CFR
Henry Merritt Wriston                    CFR 1943-
Walter Bigelow Wriston                BB/CFR/88
Timothy Wu                               CFR
Xueqian Wu                               CFR/92
Norman A. Wulf                           CFR
Holly Wyatt-Walter                       CFR
Frederick S. Wyle                        CFR/84
Andrew Wylie                             CFR
Thomas H. Wyman                          CFR/88
Guy Patrick Wyser-Pratte                 CFR
Charles Edward Wyzanski, Jr.             CFR                   

Xerox Foundation                         CFR/88
Mcebisi Xundu                            CFR/92                   

Gad Yaacobi                              CFR/88
Mona Yacoubian                           CFR
Nur Yalman                               CFR/TC/87
Tamotsu Yamaguchi                        CFR/88
Tadashi Yamamoto                         CFR/TC/92
Ahmed Zaki Yamani                        CFR/88
Isamu Yamashita                          CFR/85
Toru Yanagihara                          CFR/92
Chen Ning Yang                           CFR/84
James Ting-Yeh Yang                      CFR/S&B 1982
Linda Tsao Yang                          CFR
Phoebe L. Yang                           CFR
Daniel Yankelovich                       CFR/92
Michael B. Yanney                        CFR
Nancy Yao Massbach                       CFR
Adam Yarmolinsky                         CFR
Khan Sahabzada Yaqub                     CFR/84
Adam Yarmolinsky                         CFR/TC/92
Deborah Yarsike                          CFR/90
Masamoto Yashiro                         CFR/TC/92
Stephen Jerome Yates                     CFR
Dmitri Yazov                             CFR/92
Churruca Emilio Ybarra                   CFR/92
Christian C. Yegen                       CFR
Melinda C. Yee                           CFR
Janet Louise Yellen                      CFR
Edwin H Yeo III                          CFR/85
Daniel H. Yergin                         CFR/92
Theodore O. Yntema                       CFR/92
John N. Yochelson                        CFR
David B. Yoffie                          CFR/88
Catherine Lotrionte Yoran                CFR
Jaime Ernesto Yordan                     CFR
Herbert F. York                          CFR
Nancy Akemi Yoshihara                    CFR
Bunroku Yoshino                          CFR/92
Masaru Yoshitomi                         CFR/88
Casimir A. Yost                       BB/CFR/88
Charles W. Yost                          CFR
Alice Young (CSIS)                       CFR/92
Allyn A. Young                           CFR21
Andrew Young                             CFR/TC/92
C. G. Young                              CFR21
Donna Ecton Young                        CFR
Edgar B. Young                           CFR/85
George H. Young III                      CFR
Gwen Kathleen Young                      CFR
Jay T. Young                             CFR
Kenneth T. Young, Jr.                    CFR
M. Crawford Young                        CFR/88
Michael K. Young                         CFR
Nancy Young                              CFR/92
Owen D. Young                            CFR21, 1927-1940
Richard Young                            CFR/84
Stephen B. Young                         CFR/88
T. Cuyler Young                          CFR
Kneeland C. Youngblood                   CFR
William S. Youngman                      CFR'92
Alfred D. Youngwood                      CFR
Frederick T. C. Yu                       CFR/92
Peter M. Yu                              CFR
Richard A. Yudkin (Gen.)                 CFR/92
Philip W. Yun                            CFR
Raul H. Yzaguirre                        CFR                   

William D. Zabel                         CFR
Donna A. Zaccaro                         CFR
Donald S. Zagoria                        CFR/84
Paula A. Zahn                            CFR
Arshad R. Zakaria                        CFR/92
Fareed Zakaria                           CFR
Florence S. N. Zake                      CFR
Dov S. Zakheim                           CFR/92
Andres A. Zaldivar                       CFR/88
Michel Zaleski                           CFR
William E. Zamagni, Jr.                  CFR
Robert Lawrence Zangrillo                CFR
Vahan B. Zanoyan                         CFR
Frank G. Zarb                            CFR/92
I. William Zartman                       CFR/92
Brett I. W. Zarb                         CFR
Amy B. Zegart                            CFR
George Zeidenstein                       CFR/88
Arthur Zeikel                            CFR
Philip D. Zelikow                        CFR
J. D. Zellerbach                         CFR
Philip D. Zelikow                        CFR/84
C. Robert Zelnick                        CFR/88
Jonathan I. Zemmol                       CFR/88
Ezra Khedouri Zilkha                     CFR/88
Edwin M. Zimmerman                       CFR/92
Peter D. Zimmerman                       CFR/92
William Zimmerman (Pic 'n Save)          CFR/92
Warren Zimmermann                        CFR/84
Dorothy Shore Zinberg                    CFR/92
Norton Donald Zinder                     CFR/92
Anthony Charles Zinni                    CFR
Alan Z. J. Zinser                        CFR
Brian R. Zipp                            CFR
James d. Zirin                           CFR
Kimberly Marten Zisk                     CFR
Jonathan L. Zittrain                     CFR
Robert B. Zoellick                    BB/CFR/TC/92
James J. Zogby                           CFR/92
Joseph R. Zogby                          CFR
Aristide Rodolphe Zolberg                CFR/92
Marvin Zonis                             CFR/84
Iva Zoric                                CFR
Barry Zorthian                           CFR/S&B 1941
Alexander Zotov                          CFR/92
Charles A. Zraket                        CFR/88
Howard Alan Zucker                       CFR
Harriet Zuckerman                        CFR/92
Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman           BB/CFR/J/84
Elmo Russell Zumwalt, Jr. (Adm.)         CFR/92
Arnold J. Zurcher                        CFR
Mikhail Zvanetsky                        CFR/88
Charles John Zwick                       CFR/84
Daniel B. Zwirn                          CFR
John Zysman                              CFR/87

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Council of Foreign Relations Members A-L

Posted on October 27, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, Watchdog Tools | Tags: |

We would like to salute the Australian website Biblebelievers for compiling the following list of members: The list can be found at:






David L. Aaron                           CFR/92
Charles Spencer Abbot                    CFR/96
Wilder K. Abbott                         CFR
A. Robert Abboud                         CFR/92
Labeeb M. Abboud                         CFR/92
James C. Abegglen                        CFR/92
Tarek Abdel-Meguid                       CFR/92
Rawi Abdelal                             CFR
Elie Abel                                CFR/92
Keith W. Abell                           CFR
Philip Hauge Abelson                     CFR
Joseph F. Abely                          CFR/85
Cara L. Abercrombie                      CFR
Gina Kay Abercrombie-Winstanley          CFR
Robert John Abernethy                    CFR/96
John P. Abizaid                          CFR/85
Mona Aboelnaga                           CFR
Morris Berthod Abram                     CFR/RS/92
John P. Abizaid                          CFR
Michael J. Abramowitz                    CFR
Morton Isaac Abramowitz                  CFR/92
Elliott Abrams                           CFR/96
Stacey Y. Abrams                         CFR/92
David M. Abshire                      AC/CFR/TC/92
Odeh Felix Aburdene                      CFR/88
Democratica Accion                       CFR/88
Dean Gooderham Acheson                BB/CFR
Theodore C. Achilles               AC/BB/CFR/85
Peter Ackerman                           CFR/87
John F. Ackers                           CFR
Ray Adam                                 CFR/85
Gordon M. Adams                          CFR/92
Michael F. Adams                         CFR
Robert McCormick Adams                   CFR/92
Ruth Salzman Adams                       CFR/92
Timothy Dees Adams                       CFR
David M. Adamson                         CFR/84
Carol C. Adelman                      AC/CFR/96
Kenneth L. Adelman                       CFR/88
Allen R. Adler                           CFR
Herbert Agar                          AC/CFR
William Agee                             CFR/85
Vinod K. Aggarwal                        CFR/88
Umberto Agnelli                          CFR/TC/92
Harold M. Agnew                          CFR/96
Robert F. Agostinelli                    CFR/96
Martin Agronsky                          CFR/92
Zinser Adolfo Aguilar                    CFR/88
Horacio Aguirre                          CFR/92
William Edward Ahearn                    CFR
Stephanie R. Ahern                       CFR
Kamal Ahmad                              CFR
Laura Ahn                                CFR
Woodrow Ahn                              CFR
C. Michael Aho                           CFR/88
Alfred L. Aiken                          CFR/21
Bernard M Aidinoff                       CFR/92
Nurith Aizenman                          CFR
Fouad Ajami                              CFR/92
Shoichi Akazawa                          CFR/88
Anthony B. Akers                         CFR
John F. Akers                            CFR/92
Ameen Akhalwaya                          CFR/88
Sergei F. Akhromeyev                     CFR/90
James Elmer Akins                        CFR/92
Judith Albert                            CFR/84
Micel Albert                             CFR/TC/92
Alexis K. Albion                         CFR
Alice Patterson Albright                 CFR
Archie Earl Albright, Jr.                CFR/92
Rene Albrecht-Carrie                     CFR
Madeleine Korbel Albright                CFR/J/92
Michael H. Alderman                      CFR/92
Peter Belmont Alderman                   CFR
George H. Aldrich                        CFR/92
Winthrop Williams Aldrich                CFR
T. Alexander Aleinikoff                  CFR/88
Archibald S. Alexander                   CFR
Henry C. Alexander                       CFR
James Strange Alexander                  CFR21/S&B 1882
Margo N. Alexander                       CFR
Robert J. Alexander                      CFR/92
Michael Alexander                        CFR/88
Sarah Elizabeth Alexander                CFR
Roger P. Alford                          CFR
William P Alford                         CFR/92
Mustafa Javed Ali                        CFR
Paul Arthur Allaire                   BB/CFR/TC/92
F. Aley Allan                            CFR/92
Scott Hazzard Allan, Jr.                 CFR
Nicholas Allard                          CFR/92
Joe L. Allbritton                        CFR/88
Charles E. Allen                         CFR
Charles Edward Allen II                  CFR/S&B 1958
F. Aley Allen                            CFR
Frederick Hobbes Allen                   CFR21
J. Michael Allen III                     CFR
Jodi T. Allen                            CFR
John Allen                               CFR/87
Lew Allen Jr (Gen.)                      CFR/92
Philip E. Allen                          CFR/85
Raymond B. Allen                         CFR
Richard V. Allen                         CFR
Robert E. Allen                          CFR/TC
William L. Allen                         CFR
James B. Alley                           CFR
Joseph F. Allibrandi                     CFR/84
Graham Tillety Allison, Jr.           BB/CFR/TC/88
Richard C. Allison                       CFR/92
Alexander W. Allport                     CFR/84
S. C. Allyn                              CFR
Michael Almond                           CFR
Anne L. Alonzo                           CFR
Alan N. Alpern                           CFR/92
Jonathan Alter                           CFR
Karen J. Alter                           CFR
Jon B. Alterman                          CFR
Emily Altman                             CFR/88
Roger Altman                             CFR/92
Sidney Altman                            CFR/88
William C. Altman                        CFR
Arthur Goodhart Altschul                 CFR/84
Frank Altschul                           CFR/21
David Altshuler                          CFR
Donna Maria Alvarado                     CFR/88
Jose E. Alvarez                          CFR/TC/92
Kira M. Alvarez                          CFR
Amy E. Alving                            CFR
Angelo I. Amador                         CFR
Isao Amagi                               CFR/TC/92
Omar S. Amanat                           CFR
Naohiro Amaya                            CFR/92
Jason L. Amerine                         CFR
Amyas Ames                               CFR
Oakes Ames                               CFR/88
Morris J. Amitay                         CFR/92
Hoyt Ammidon                             CFR
Ajay K. Amlani                           CFR
Robert Amory, Jr.                        CFR
Deborah Susan Amos                       CFR/92
Hady A. Amr                              CFR
David A. Andelman                        CFR/92
Arthur M. Anderson                       CFR
Barbara Ann Anderson                     CFR
Craig B. Anderson                        CFR
Desaix Anderson                          CFR
Dillon Anderson                          CFR
Edward G. Anderson, III                  CFR
George W. Anderson, Jr.                  CFR
Gloria B. Anderson                       CFR
Harold F. Anderson                       CFR/92
Harold W. Anderson                       CFR/92
John Bayard Anderson (R-IL)              CFR/TC/92
Joseph A. Anderson                       CFR
Lisa Anderson                            CFR/92
Marcus A. Anderson (Gen.)                CFR/92
Paul F. Anderson                         CFR/88
Robert Bruce Anderson                    CFR/84
Robert Orville Anderson               BB/CFR/88
Roger E. Anderson                        CFR
Roy Anderson                             CFR/84
Wendy R. Anderson                        CFR
Charles N. Andreae III                   CFR/TC/88
Dwayne Orville Andreas             AC/BB/CFR/TC/87
Terry Andreas                            CFR
Stacy Andres                             CFR/92
David R. Andrews                         CFR/88
Michael A. Andrews                       CFR
John S. Andrews                          CFR
Georgi Andzhaparidze                     CFR/85
James Waterhouse Angell                  CFR/84
Wayne D. Angell                          CFR/85
Mark A. Angelson                         CFR
Hans H. Angermueller                     CFR/92
Manual R. Angulo                         CFR/85
Manuel R. Angulo                         CFR
Norbert L. Anschuetz                     CFR/92
M Michael Ansour                         CFR/92
Robert Anthoine                          CFR/88
John Duke Anthony                        CFR/92
Nancy A. Aossey                          CFR
David Pushel Apgar                       CFR/92
Jerry Apodaca                            CFR/92
Mari Carmen Aponte                       CFR
Kwame Anthony Appiah                     CFR
Anne E. Applebaum                        CFR
David Ernest Apter                       CFR/84
Paul A. Aquino                           CFR/88
Moshe Arad                               CFR/TC/92
Rand Vincent Araskog                     CFR/TC/84
Georgi A. Arbatov                        CFR/88
Carlos J. Arboleya                       CFR/87
Arca Foundation                          CFR/92
Shellye L. Archambeau                    CFR
Tomas A. Arciniega                       CFR/92
Cresencio S. Arcos                       CFR/88
Athony Clark Arend                       CFR
Calderon Ricardo Arias                   CFR/88
Sanchez Oscar Arias                      CFR/92
Stanley S. Arkin                         CFR
Roone Arledge                            CFR/92
Michael Hayden Armacost               BB/CFR/TC/85
Samuel H. Armacost                       CFR/84
Giovanni Auletta Armenise                CFR/92
Norman Armour                            CFR
Anne Legendre Armstrong               AC/CFR/92
C. Michael Armstrong                     CFR/92
DeWitt C. Armstrong III                  CFR/92
Hamilton Fish Armstrong                  CFR/TC/21 1928
John A. Armstrong                        CFR/92
Lloyd Armstrong, Jr.                     CFR
Lord Ilminster Armstrong                 CFR/92
Henry H. Armstrong                       CFR/85
Willis C. Armstrong                      CFR/84
Gustavo Arnavat                          CFR
Henry H. Arnhold                         CFR
Daniel Clay Arnold                       CFR/92
Millard W. Arnold                        CFR/92
Adam M. Aron                             CFR/88
Bernard W. Aronson                       CFR
Jonathan David Aronson                   CFR/92
Michael Aronson                          CFR
Fabiola R. Arredondo                     CFR
Deana Arsenia                            CFR
Adrienne Arsht                           CFR
Robert J. Art                            CFR/92
Alberta Arthurs                          CFR/92
Carole Artigiani                         CFR
Edwin Lewis Artzt                        CFR/92
Max Ascoli                               CFR
Diego C. Asencio                         CFR/92
Robert E. Asher                          CFR/84
Sarah Scott Ashton                       CFR
Asia Foundation                          CFR/88
Asia Society                             CFR/85
Reubin Askew                             CFR/92
Reza Aslan                               CFR
Ronald D. Asmus                          CFR/92
Les Aspin  (D-WI)                        CFR/92
Vicki-Ann E. Assevero                    CFR/88
Harold Pratt Associates                  CFR
Association Radio TV News Analysts       CFR/92
George E. Assousa                        CFR/88
Alfred Leroy Atherton Jr.                CFR/85
Bama Athreya                             CFR
Benjamin A. Atkins                       CFR
Betsy S. Atkins                          CFR
Caroline Atkinson                        CFR
Sidney Atman                             CFR
William Wallace Atterbury                CFR/21
William Attwood                          CFR/92
J. Brian Atwood                          CFR/92
M. Genevieve Atwood                      CFR
Henry G. Aubrey                          CFR
James E. Auer                            CFR
Stuart C. Auerbach                       CFR
David D. Aufhauser                       CFR
Norman R. Augustine                      CFR
Bromwell Ault                            CFR
Michael R. Auslin                        CFR
Josiah Lee Auspitz                       CFR/92
B. L. Austin                             CFR
Paul Austin                              CFR
Jesse H. Ausubel                         CFR/92
John F. Avedon                           CFR/88
John E. Avery                            CFR
Patrick G. Awuah, Jr.                    CFR
Frerderick W. Axelgard                   CFR/88
Robert M. Axelrod                        CFR
Hermann Axen                             CFR/92
H. Brandt Ayers                          CFR/87
Azocar Patricio Aylwin                   CFR/88
Alyssa C. Ayres                          CFR
Khalid Azim                              CFR
Tariq Aziz                               CFR/92         
Bruce E. Babbitt                         CFR/TC/84
Eileen F. Babbitt                        CFR
Harriet C. Babbitt                       CFR
C. Stanton Babcock                       CFR
James L. Bacchus                         CFR
Andrew J. Bacevich                       CFR
Edmar Bacha                              CFR/88
Jules S. Bache                           CFR/21
David Mark Bachman                       CFR/92
George Backer                            CFR
Robert Low Bacon                         CFR/21
Kenneth H. Bacon                         CFR
John Carter Bacot                        CFR/92
John S. Badeau                           CFR
William B. Bader                         CFR/92
Donald A. Baer                           CFR/92
M. Delal Baer                            CFR/92
Mario L. Baeza                           CFR92
Elizabeth Frawley Bagley                 CFR
Charles Waldo Bailey                     CFR/92
Ronald Lewis Bailey                      CFR
Leslie Elizabeth Bains                   CFR
Charles F. Baird                         CFR
Peter W. Baird                           CFR
Zoe Baird                                CFR/88
Edgar R. Baker                           CFR
George Barr Baker                        CFR/21
George P. Baker                          CFR
Howard H. Baker, Jr. (R-Tn)              CFR/92
James Edgar Baker                        CFR
James Addison Baker III               AC/CFR/92
John R. Baker                            CFR
Nancy Kassebaum Baker                    CFR
Pauline H. Baker                         CFR/84
Ray Stannard Baker                       CFR/21
Stewart A. Baker (NSA General Counsel)   CFR
Thurbert E. Baker                        CFR
Shaul Bakhash                            CFR
Peter Bakstansky                         CFR
Paul Balaran                             CFR/85
Malcolm Baldridge                        CFR/92
Carol Baldwin Moody                      CFR
David A. Baldwin                         CFR/92
Hanson W. Baldwin                        CFR
Henry Furlong Baldwin                    CFR/92
Richard Edward Baldwin                   CFR/92
Robert Edwear Baldwin                    CFR/88
Robert H. B. Baldwin                     CFR/92
Sherman Baldwin                          CFR
Carter F. Bales                          CFR/92
Kenneth D. Balick                        CFR/92
Gerald L. Baliles                     AC/CFR
David George Ball                        CFR/S&B 1960
George Wildman Ball                   BB/CFR
George T. Ballou                         CFR/92
Roberta Balstad                          CFR
David Baltimore                          CFR/88
Harding F. Bancroft                      CFR/84
Laurence Merrill Band                    CFR
Stephen H. Band                          CFR/88
Bin Sultan Bandar                        CFR/85
Donald K. Bandler                        CFR
Doug Bandow                              CFR/92
Louis L. Banks                           CFR/84
Kenneth W. Banta                         CFR/92
Benjamin R. Barber                       CFR
Charles F. Barber                        CFR/88
James Alden Barber, Jr.                  CFR/92
Joseph Barber                            CFR
Perry O. Barber, Jr.                     CFR/92
James W. Barco                           CFR
William G. Bardel                        CFR
Teresa C. Barger                         CFR/85
Thomas C. Barger                         CFR/84
Frederick C. Barghoorn                   CFR/92
Joel D. Barkan                           CFR
James M. Barker                          CFR
John P Barker                            CFR
Robert R. Barker                         CFR/85
Henri J. Barkey                          CFR
Solomon Barkin                           CFR/92
Erica Jean Barks-Ruggles                 CFR
William E. Barlow                        CFR/85
Joyce Barnathan
William J. Barnds                        CFR/88
Joseph Fels Barnes                       CFR
Harry G. Barnes Jr.                      CFR/92
Julius H. Barnes                         CFR/21
Michael D. Barnes (D-Md)                 CFR/92
Richard J. Barnet                        CFR/92
A. Doak Barnett                          CFR
Edward W. Barnett                        CFR
F.William Barnett                        CFR
Frank R. Barnett                         CFR/88
Marguerite R. Barnett                    CFR/92
Michael N. Barnett                       CFR/92
Robert W. Barnett                        CFR/92
Vicent M. Barnett, Jr.                   CFR
F. William Barnett                       CFR
Raenu Barod                              CFR
William Joseph Baroody, Jr.              CFR/92
Michael S. Barr                          CFR
Robert I. Barr                           CFR/21
Thomas D. Barr                           CFR/TC/84
Harry P. Barrand, Jr.                    CFR/84
Raymond Barre                            CFR/88
Ernesto Barreiro                         CFR/85
Barbara McConnell Barrett                CFR
Edward W. Barrett                     AC/CFR/92
John Adams Barrett                       CFR/92
Nancy Smith Barrett                      CFR/92
Thomas A. Barron                         CFR/85
Leland Barrows                           CFR
Grace Barry                              CFR/92
John L. Barry                            CFR
Lisa B. Barry                            CFR
Nancy M Barry                            CFR
Thomas Corcoran Barry                    CFR/TC/92
Jill Barshay                             CFR
Charlene Barshefsky                      CFR
Johannes Bartelds                        CFR/90
Andrew Bartels                           FR/92
Reginald Bartholomew                  AC/CFR/92
Joseph W. Bartlett                       CFR/92
Thomas A. Bartlett                       CFR
Timothy J. Bartlett                      CFR/92
Robert Leroy Bartley                  BB/CFR/TC/92
Kristen Leigh Bartok                     CFR
Christopher Barton                       CFR/92
David A. Bartsch                         CFR
Michael Barzelay                         CFR/92
Jacques Barzun                           CFR
Albert C. Bashawaty                      CFR/85
John T. Basek                            CFR/92
Jeremy B. Bash                           CFR
Bo Baskin                                CFR/92
Adrian Anthony Basora                    CFR/92
Gary J. Bass                             CFR
James Edward Bass                        CFR/S&B/TC/82
Peter E. Bass                            CFR
Robert P. Bass, Jr.                      CFR
Warren Bass                              CFR
Piero Bassetti                           CFR/88
Michelle Bassin                          CFR/92
Francis Keith Bassolino                  CFR
Whitman Bassow                           CFR/85
Philip Bastedo                           CFR/90
William H. Bateman                       CFR
Marston Bates                            CFR
Pamela M. Bates                          CFR
Dana T. Batholomew                       CFR
Allan R. Batkin                          CFR/88
Francis M. Bator                         CFR/92
Peter A. Bator                           CFR
Charles Battaglia                        CFR
Lucius D. Battle                         CFR/92
Joanne R. Bauer                          CFR
Carol Edler Baumann                      CFR/92
Roger R. Bauman                          CFR/85
William H. Baumer                        CFR
James P. Baxter III                      CFR
Randolph. Baxter                         CFR
Richard R. Baxter                        CFR
Birch E. Bayh, Jr.                       CFR
Edward Ashley Bayne                      CFR/84
Osama El Baz                             CFR/88
Hugh Beach                               CFR/85
Gerald F. Beal                           CFR
Jacob D. Beam                            CFR/92
Atherton Bean                            CFR/92
Frank D. Bean                            CFR
Ronald S. Beard                          CFR/85
Nancy Bearg-Dyke                         CFR
William Howard Beasley III               CFR/92
Richard I. Beattie                       CFR/92
Warren Beatty                            CFR
Amos L. Beaty                            CFR/21
Hans W. Becherer                         CFR/92
Lovell E. Becker                         CFR/84
Perry S. Bechky                          CFR
Stephen Davison Bechtel, Jr.             CFR
Steven Davison Bechtel                   CFR
Elizabeth H. Becker                      CFR
Loftus E. Becker                         CFR
Benjamin H. Beckhart                     CFR
David Z. Beckler                         CFR
Pierre Bedard                            CFR
Gregory R. Bedrosian                     CFR
Frederick Sessions Beebe              BB/CFR
Richard E. Beeman                        CFR/92
Samuel H. Beer                           CFR
Andrea D. Begel                          CFR
Louis Begley                             CFR/92
Michael P.Behringer                      CFR
Jack N. Behrman                          CFR/92
Thomas C. Beierle                        CFR
David O. Beim                            CFR/88
Nicholas F. Beim                         CFR
William S. Beinecke                      CFR/85
Ruth Margolies Beitler                   CFR
Nancy Yavor Bekavac                      CFR
Robert A. Belfer                         CFR
Peter I. Belk                            CFR
Burwell B. Bell                          CFR
Daniel W. Bell                           CFR/92
David Elliot Bell                     BB/CFR/92
Elliott Vance Bell                    BB/CFR/53
Gordon P. Bell                           CFR
Holley Mack Bell                         CFR/92
J. Bowyer Bell                           CFR/88
Jonathan N. Bell                         CFR
Joseph C. Bell                           CFR
Mack Bell                                CFR
Peter Dexter Bell                        CFR/92
Robert G. Bell                           CFR
Ruth Greenspan Bell                      CFR
Stephanie Bell-Rose                      CFR/92
Stephen E. Bell                          CFR/85
Travers J. Bell, Jr.                     CFR/84
Thomas D. Bell                           CFR
Carol Bellamy                            CFR/92
John B. Bellinger III                    CFR
Judith Hippler Bello                     CFR/92
Terence H. Benbow                        CFR/92
Matthew J .V. Bencke                     CFR
Harry J. Benda                           CFR
Gerald J. Bender                         CFR/92
Bertha Benedict                          CFR
Harry E. Benedict                     AC/CFR
Kennette M. Benedict                     CFR
Mae Benet                                CFR/88
Marc R.Benioff                           CFR
Esther T. Benjamin                       CFR
Robert S. Benjamin                       CFR
Robert H. Benmosche                      CFR
Douglas J. Bennet Jr.                    CFR
Andrew Bennett                           CFR/90
Christina Anne Bennett                   CFR/92
Donald V. Bennett                        CFR
Jack F. Bennett                          CFR/92
John C. Bennett                          CFR
Martin Toscan Bennett                    CFR
Susan J. Bennett                         CFR/92
W. Tapley Bennett, Jr.                   CFR/84
William B. Bennett                       CFR
Nora J. Bensahel                         CFR
Ahmed Bensalah                           CFR/88
Janet Benshoof                           CFR
Lucy Peters Wilson Benson             AC/CFR/TC/84
William B. Benton                        CFR
Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr.                 BB/CFR
Meron Benvenisti                         CFR/92
Tristan E. Beplat                        CFR/84
Bernard R. Berelson                      CFR
Douglas K. Bereuter                      CFR
Rober J. Berg                            CFR/88
Margaret Bergen                          CFR
Peter Bergen                             CFR
Joshua A. Berger                         CFR
Marilyn Berger                           CFR/92
Morroe Berger                            CFR
Peter Lampert Berger                     CFR
Samuel Richard ("Sandy") Berger       BB/CFR/J
Suzanne Berger                           CFR/92
Lowell A. Bergman                        CFR
Harry E. Bergold, Jr.                    CFR/TC/84
Jean Bergougnoux                         CFR/88
Abram Bergson                            CFR
C. Fred Bergsten                      BB/CFR/TC/88
Helle Bering                             CFR
Seth F. Berkley                          CFR
L. V. Berkner                            CFR
Bruce D. Berkowitz                       CFR/92
Pamela B. Berkowsky                      CFR
Adolf A. Berle, Jr.                      CFR
Adolf Augustus Berle                     CFR
Howard L. Berman (D-Ca)                  CFR/92
John S. Berman                           CFR
Jonathan Berman                          CFR
Kenneth W. Bernard                       CFR
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin                CFR/92
John E. Berndt                           CFR/88
David S. Bernstein                       CFR
Edward M. Bernstein                      CFR
Peter W. Bernstein                       CFR/92
Robert L. Bernstein                      CFR/92
Tom A. Bernstein                         CFR
John G. Berquist                         CFR/21
Susan Vail Berresford                    CFR/TC/88
Scott D. Berrie                          CFR
Martinez Ruben Berrios                   CFR/92
Jan Carol Berris                         CFR/85
Elizabeth Clay Berry                     CFR
Sidney B. Berry                          CFR/TC/84
Alan D. Bersin                           CFR
Edward M. Berstein                       CFR
Robert L. Berstein                       CFR
George Berthoin                          CFR/92
Catherine Ann Bertini                    CFR
Samuel Reading Bertron                   CFR/21/S&B 1885
Gary K. Bertsch                          CFR
Michael R. Beschloss                     CFR/92
Peter Justus Beshar                      CFR
Simon Michael Bessie                     CFR/92
William A. Best III                      CFR/92
Robert M. Bestani                        CFR/92
Theodore C. Bestor                       CFR
Robert M. Bestani                        CFR
Richard K. Betts                         CFR/92
Thomas J. Betts                          CFR
Austin M. Beutner                        CFR
Herman W. Bevis                          CFR
Jeffrey Bewkes                           CFR
John C. Beyer                            CFR/88
Kian Beyzavi                             CFR
Raj Bhala                                CFR
Karan K. Bhatia                          CFR
Seweryn Bialer                           CFR/88
Kenneth J. Bialkin                       CFR/88
Jeffrey P. Bialos                        CFR/92
Nicole M. Bibbins                        CFR
Jewelle Bickford                         CFR
Barbara Bicksler                         CFR/88
George C. Biddle                         CFR
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.                     CFR/88
Percy W. Bidwell                         CFR/TC/92
Kurt H. Biedenkopf                       CFR/92
Stephen E. Biegun                        CFR
Eric R. Biel                             CFR/92
Betsy Biemann                            CFR/88
Henry S. Bienen                          CFR/92
Abraham L. Bienstock                     CFR
John C. Bierley                          CFR/88
John Bierwirth                           CFR/84
David J. Biggs                           CFR
John H. Biggs                            CFR
Peter I. Bijur                           CFR
Richard B. Bilder                        CFR
Michelle Billig                          CFR
Lucy C. Billingsley                      CFR
James H. Billington                      CFR/88
James D. Bindenagel                      CFR
James Henry Binger                       CFR/85
Jonathan Brewster Bingham                CFR/S&B 1936
Nicholas Burns Binkley                   CFR/88
Hans Binnendijk                          CFR/85
Nancy Birdsall                           CFR
Roger E. Birk                            CFR/92
John P. Birkelund                        CFR/88
David E. Birenbaum                       CFR/
Eugene A. Birnbaum                       CFR/85
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.                   CFR
William B. Bishop                        CFR
Mark C. Bisnow                           CFR/92
Richard E. Bissell                       CFR/92
Richard M. Bissell, Jr.                  CFR/TC/84
Ritt Bjerregaard                         CFR/85
Eric C. Bjornlund                        CFR
Cathleen P. Black                        CFR
Conrad M. Black                          CFR/88
Cyril E. Black                           CFR/92
Edwin F. Black                           CFR
Eugene Robert Black                   BB/CFR
Joseph E. Black                          CFR/85
Leon D. Black                            CFR/92
Peter Black                              CFR
Shirley Temple Black                     CFR/92
Stanley Warren Black                     CFR/TC/92
Leigh J. Blackburn                       CFR
Coit Dennis Blacker                      CFR/92
William Blackie                          CFR
Donald L. M. Blackmer                    CFR/92
J. Kenneth Blackwell                     CFR
James A Blackwell Jr.                    CFR/88
Robert D. Blackwill                      CFR/92
Norman P. Blake                          CFR
Robert O. Blake                          CFR
Charles P. Blahous III                   CFR
Floyd G. Blair                           CFR
Sally Onesti Blair                       CFR/88
Herbert A. Blaize                        CFR/92
Robert Orris Blake                       CFR/92
Vaughn Blake                             CFR/90
Wing Sommers Blake                       CFR/92
Jonah Blank                              CFR
Stephen Blank                            CFR/92
Andrew Blauvelt                          CFR
Barry M. Blechman                        CFR/92
Jeffrey L. Bleich                        CFR
Edward Bleier                            CFR/92
Robert Jay Blendon                       CFR/84
James G. Blight                          CFR/92
Alan Stuart Blinder                      CFR
Alan John Blinken                        CFR
Antony J. Blinken                        CFR/92
Donald M. Blinken                        CFR
C. I. Bliss                              CFR
Katherine E. Bliss                    AC/CFR
Richard M. Bliss                         CFR/85
Bruce Bliven                             CFR/21
Henry Simon Bloch                        CFR/88
Julia Chang Bloch                        CFR/92
Alyse Nelson Bloom                       CFR
David A. Bloom                           CFR
Evan Todd Bloom                          CFR/92
Mia M. Bloom                             CFR
Michael R. Bloomberg                     CFR
Lincoln P. Bloomfield                    CFR/92
Richard Joseph Bloomfield                CFR/92
Kathy Finn Bloomgarden                   CFR
Roger M. Blough                          CFR
Roy Blough                               CFR
John A. Blum                             CFR/84
Richard C. Blum                          CFR
George Blumenthal                        CFR/21
Richard Blumenthal                       CFR
Sidney S. Blumenthal                     CFR/88
Werner Michael Blumenthal                CFR/TC/J/84
Alexander Bernet Blumrosen               CFR
Christopher Bluth                        CFR/TC/92
Vilalonga Claudio Boada                  CFR/92
Arthur G. Boardman, Jr.                  CFR
Harry Boardman                           CFR/92
Daniel E. Bob                            CFR
Philip Chase Bobbitt                     CFR/85
Louis Boccardi                           CFR/92
Daniel M. Bodansky                       CFR
Ken A. Bode                              CFR
Andy Sorin Bodea                         CFR
Paul H. Boeker                           CFR/85
William C. Bodie                         CFR
Nancy Bodurtha                           CFR
Paul H. Boeker                           CFR
Pieter James Alexander Boelhouwer        CFR
Harold Boeschenstein                     CFR
William W. Boeschenstein                 CFR/85
Carroll R. Bogert                        CFR
Norbert A. Bogdan                        CFR/92
Michael D. Boggs                         CFR/92
Frederick M. Bohen                       CFR/92
Avis T. Bohlen                           CFR/92
Charles E. Bohlen                        CFR
Mrs. Avis T. Bohlen                      CFR
John Augustus Bohn                       CFR/TC/92
Marcel Boiteux                           CFR/92
Landrum R. Bolling                       CFR/92
Lee C. Bollinger                         CFR
Martin J. Bollinger                      CFR
Charles G. Bolte                         CFR
Joshua B. Bolten                         CFR/87
John R. Bolton                           CFR
David Bonbright                          CFR/92
William P. Bonbright                     CFR/21
George Clement Bond                      CFR
Jean Carey Bond                          CFR
Robert D. Bond                           CFR/88
Amy L. Bondurant                         CFR
C. H. Bonesteel III                      CFR
Andrea Bonime-Blanc                      CFR/TC/87
Margherita Boniver                       CFR/92
Rober C. Bonner                          CFR
Dennis J. Bonney                         CFR/92
Dudley B. Bonsal                         CFR/92
Philip W. Bonsal                         CFR/92
Cory A. Booker                           CFR
Salih Booker                             CFR/92
John F. Bookout                          CFR/92
Theodore S. Boone                        CFR/92
Howard L. Boorman                        CFR/84
Max Boot                                 CFR
Carter Booth                             CFR
Albert C. Boothby                        CFR
Arnaud De Borchgrave                     CFR
David Lyle Boren (D-Ok)                  CFR/S&B/88
Christopher J. Borgen                    CFR
Luciana L. Borio                         CFR
Ellen Bork                               CFR
Gary B. Born                             CFR/85
Hugh Borton                              CFR/92
Rudy Boschwitz (R-Mn)                    CFR/87
David Lyndon Bosco                       CFR
Meena Bose                               CFR
John Boshe                               CFR/90
Michael J. Boskin                        CFR/TC/92
John Bosley                              CFR/88
Philip A. Bossert Jr.                    CFR
Alfred C. Bossom                         CFR/21
Stephen W. Bosworth                      CFR/88
Luis J. Botifoll                         CFR/92
John C. Botts                            CFR/TC/92
Peter N. Bouckaert                       CFR
Gerald K. Bouey                          CFR/92
Jo Ivey Boufford                         CFR
Antonina W. Bouis                        CFR/88
Kay Boulware-Miller                      CFR
Marshall M. Bouton                       CFR/92
Denis A. Bovin                           CFR/92
Vincent E. Bowen III                     CFR
William Gordon Bowen                     CFR/92
Joseph Lyon Bower                        CFR/92
Whitney A. Bower                         CFR
John C. Bowers                           CFR
John Z. Bowers                           CFR
Robert Richardson Bowie               BB/CFR/TC/92
David William Bowker                     CFR
Chester ("Chet") Bliss Bowles         AC/CFR
Erskine B. Bowles                        CFR
Frank Bowles                             CFR
Mike R. Bowlin                           CFR/92
Frank Lee Bowman                         CFR
Isaiah Bowman                            CFR/21
Bradley L. Bowman                        CFR/92
Richard C. Bowman                        CFR
Charles G. Boyd                          CFR/85
Hugh N. Boyd                             CFR
William M. Boyd II                       CFR/92
Ernest L. Boyer                          CFR/92
Spencer Phipps Boyer                     CFR
Delia M. Boylan                          CFR
Paul Bracken                             CFR/88
Richard S. Braddock                      CFR/TC/88
John Brademas                         BB/CFR/RS/TC/92
Spruille Braden                          CFR
Thomas W. Braden                         CFR
Richard Bradfield                        CFR
Amory Howe Bradford                      CFR/S&B 1934
Zeb B. Bradford                          CFR/92
David G. Bradley                         CFR
Edward R. Bradley                        CFR/92
Tom Bradley                              CFR/TC/92
William ("Bill") Bradley                 CFR/RS
William L. Bradley                       CFR/85
Sonnefeldt Bradshaw                      CFR
Thorton F. Bradshaw                      CFR/TC/92
Jacqueline V. Brady                      CFR
Linda Parrish Brady                      CFR/88
Nicholas Frederick Brady              BB/CFR/TC/84
William Gage Brady, Jr.                  CFR
Rose Brady                               CFR
Jorge De Macedo Braga                    CFR/92
Lawrence J. Brainard                     CFR/92
S. Lael Brainard                         CFR/88
Paul J. Braisted                         CFR/92
David A. Bramlett                        CFR
Jeff G. Bramlett                         CFR
W. F. Bramstedt                          CFR
Elizabeth R. Bramwell                    CFR
Daniel H. Branch                         CFR
Laurie A. Brand                          CFR/85
Carter J. Brandon                        CFR/84
Richard Brandon                          CFR/92
Lewis M. Branscomb                       CFR/92
Louise Branson                           CFR/84
William H. Branson                       CFR
Marcus W. Brauchli                       CFR
David Braunschvig                        CFR
Deborah A. Brautigam                     CFR/85
Kimberly G. Braswell                     CFR
Carter M. Braxton                        CFR
Charles W. Bray III                      CFR/92
Aurelia E. Brazeal                       CFR
Henry C. Breck                           CFR
Henry Reynolds Breck                     CFR/92
Henry Eltinge Breed                      CFR
Eric M. Breindel                         CFR/92
L. Paul Bremer III                       CFR/88
Ian A. Bremmer                           CFR
Donald G. Brennan                        CFR
Jeremy Brenner                           CFR/90
Charles H. Brent                         CFR/21
George W. Breslauer                      CFR/84
Pereira Luiz Carlos Bresser              CFR/85
John J. Bresnan                          CFR
Albert Breton                            CFR/21
Gretchen Wilson Brevnov                  CFR
John D. Brewer                           CFR
Kingman Brewster, Jr.                 BB/CFR/92
Chloe A. Breyer                          CFR
Steve G. Breyer                          CFR/92
Norman Bridge                            CFR/21
Sudaa Ayo Bridgett                       CFR
Peter L. Briger, Jr.                     CFR
Reuben E. Brigety II                     CFR
Everett Ellis Briggs                     CFR
Andrew Felton Brimmer                    CFR/92
Esther Diane Brimmer                     CFR/92
Charles M. Brinckerhoff                  CFR
David Brinkley                           CFR/92
Douglas G. Brinkley                      CFR/84
George A. Brinkley                       CFR
Crane Brinton                            CFR
William M. Bristol                       CFR
Bristol Myers Company                    CFR/85
David V.B. Britt                         CFR
Glenn A. Gritt                           CFR
Alfred Brittain III                      CFR/92
Raymond L. Brittenham                    CFR/88
Dennis a. Britton                        CFR/92
Robin Broad                              CFR/92
Harry G. Broadman                        CFR
Mitchell Brock                           CFR/92
Steven V. Brock                          CFR
William E. Brock III                     CFR/TC/92
Laura M. Brod                            CFR
Frederick C. Broda                       CFR/88
William J. Brodsky                       CFR
Christopher W. Brody                     CFR
Kenneth D. Brody                         CFR
Elana Broitman                           CFR
Thomas John ("Tom") Brokaw               CFR/92
Randolph W. Bromery                      CFR/84
Adam Bromke                              CFR/92
D. Allen Bromley                         CFR/88
Edgar Miles Bronfman                     CFR/85
Detlev Wulf Bronk                     AC/CFR
Ethan S. Bronner                         CFR
Rachel Bronson                           CFR
Arthur Bronwell                          CFR/84
Edward W. Brooke                      BB/CFR/88
James B. Brooke                          CFR/85
Richard Brookhiser                       CFR/92
Carol L. Brookins                     AC/CFR/92
Harvey Brooks                            CFR/85
John W. Brooks                           CFR
Karen B. Brooks                          CFR/84
Risa A. Brooks                           CFR
Sidney Brooks                            CFR/85
Stephen G. Brooks                        CFR
Melvin Brorby                            CFR/85
John A. Bross                            CFR/92
Charles N. Brower                        CFR/92
Alice L. Brown                           CFR
Bartram S. Brown                         CFR
Brian A. Brown                           CFR
Carroll Michael Brown                    CFR/92
Courtney C. Brown                        CFR
Cynthia Brown                            CFR
Dallas C. Brown III                      CFR/88
David D Brown IV                         CFR/92
Elmer E. Brown                           CFR/21
Francis Brown                            CFR
Frederic J. Brown                        CFR/92
Gwendolyn A. Brown                       CFR/TC/88
Harold Brown                          AC/CFR/TC/J/85
Harrison Scott Brown                     CFR/85
Irving Brown                          BB/CFR/92
John Mason Brown                         CFR
Katherine A. Brown                       CFR
Kathleen Brown                           CFR
L. Carl Brown                            CFR/92
L. Dean Brown                            CFR/88
Lester R. Brown                          CFR/92
Michael Arrington Brown                  CFR
Michael E. Brown                         CFR
Philip Marshall Brown                    CFR/21
Phoebe W. Brown                          CFR
Richard P. Brown Jr.                     CFR/92
Sevellon Brown                           CFR
Seyom Brown                              CFR/92
Tobias Josef Brown                       CFR
Walter Lyman Brown                       CFR/84
William O. Brown                         CFR
Robert S. Browne                         CFR/92
George A. Brownell                       CFR
Lincoln C. Brownell                      CFR
David S. Browning                        CFR
David K. E. Bruce                     BB/CFR
James Bruce                              CFR
Judith Bruce                             CFR/88
Lawrence E Bruce, Jr.                    CFR/92
Melissa L. S. Bruemmer                   CFR/92
Russell J. Bruemmer                      CFR/92
Leslie A. Brun                           CFR
Percival F. Brundage                  AC/CFR
Gro Harlem Bruntland                     CFR
Henry J. Bruton                          CFR
Greyson L. Bryan                         CFR
Michael E. Bryant                        CFR
Ralph C. Bryant                          CFR/92
John E. Bryson                           CFR/TC/88
Lyman Bryson                          AC/CFR
Ian J. Brzezinski                        CFR
Mark F. Brzezinski                       CFR
Zbigniew Brzezinski                   BB/CFR/TC/92
Roberto Buaron                           CFR
Paul W. Bucha                            CFR
Robert W. Buchheim                       CFR/88
Mark E. Buchman                          CFR/88
Elaine Buckberg                          CFR
William Frank Buckley, Jr.            BB/CFR/S&B/50
J. Fred Bucy                             CFR/92
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita                  CFR
Thomas Buergenthal                       CFR/92
William B. Buffum                        CFR
Arthur Bullard                           CFR/21
George Bugliarello                       CFR/92
Edward P. Bullard                        CFR/85
Harry A. Bullis                          CFR
John C. Bullitt                          CFR/92
Hugh Bullock                             CFR/92
Mary Brown Bullock                       CFR/88
Stuart Maryman Bumpas                    CFR/88
Ralph Johnson Bunche                     CFR
McGeorge Bundy                        BB/CFR/S&B/40
William Putman Bundy                  BB/CFR/39
Arthur H. Bunker                      AC/CFR
Ellsworth Bunker                      AC/CFR/84
C. Sterling Bunnell                      CFR
John R. Bunting, Jr.                     CFR/84
Josiah Bunting                           CFR
Jeffrey H. Bunzel                        CFR
Deborah K. Burand                        CFR
David A. Burchinal                       CFR
William A. Burck                         CFR
William Burden                           CFR/85
William Armestead Moale Burden        AC/CFR/45
Carter L. Burgess                        CFR/92
Geoffrey P. Burgess                      CFR
John A. Burgess                          CFR/TC/88
W. Randolph Burgess                AC/BB/CFR/TC
James Eugene Burke III                   CFR/S&B/TC/75
Holly J. Burkhalter                      CFR/92
Frederick Burkhardt                      CFR
Anne Marie Burley                        CFR/92
Edward L. Burlingame                     CFR/85
Christopher J. Burn                      CFR
John G. Burnett                          CFR
Christopher Burnham                      CFR
James H. Burnley IV                      CFR
Arthur F. Burns                       AC/CFR/J/84
Haywood Burns                            CFR/92
James MacGregor Burns                    CFR
Patrick Owen Burns                       CFR/92
R. Nicholas Burns                        CFR
William F. Burns (Gen.)                  CFR/88
William J. Burns (State Dept.)           CFR/88
Mathew Burrows                           CFR
Burrylu Inc.                             CFR/88
Richard Burt                             CFR/92
Daniel Farrell Burton Jr.                CFR/85
Rodgers Christopher Busbee               CFR
Joshua W. Busby                          CFR/84
Donald F. Bush                           CFR
George Herbert Walker Bush            AC/CFR/S&B/TC/48
Jonathan S. Bush                         CFR
Mary K. Bush                             CFR
Richard C. Bush III                      CFR
Rolland H. Bushner                       CFR/92
Donald S. Bussey                         CFR
John Bussey                              CFR/92
George L. Bustin                         CFR
James Busuttil                           CFR/92
Goler Teal Butcher                       CFR/85
Willard C. Butcher                       CFR/92
George Lee Butler (Gen.)                 CFR/92
Paul W. Butler                           CFR
Samuel C. Butler                         CFR/92
William Joseph Butler                    CFR/92
William F. Butler                        CFR
Lisa M. Buttenheim                       CFR/85
Benjamin J. Buttenwieser                 CFR/J/92
W. Walton Butterworth                    CFR
William Butterworth                      CFR/21
Ralph Buultjens                          CFR
Richard M. Buxbaum                       CFR
Gail Buyske                              CFR
Kahlil J. Byrd                           CFR
James MacGregor Byrne                    CFR/21
Patrick M. Byrne                         CFR/92
Robert F. Byrnes                         CFR
Henry A. Byroade                         CFR
Fletcher L. Byrom                        CFR/92             
Richard A. Cabell                        CFR
Elizabeth Cabot                          CFR
Henry B. Cabot                        AC/CFR
John M. Cabot                            CFR
Louis Wellington Cabot                BB/CFR/92
Thomas Dudley Cabot                      CFR/92
Jose A. Cabranes                         CFR/92
Diane Alleva Caceres                     CFR
Camille M. Caesar                        CFR
Jane Cahill                              CFR
Kevin M. Cahill                          CFR/92
Anne Hessing Cahn                        CFR/92
Frank V. Cahouet                         CFR/92
Charles Cain, Jr.                        CFR
Kenneth L. Cain                          CFR
Dawn T. Calabia                          CFR/90
F. Christopher Calabia                   CFR
Massimo Calabresi                        CFR
Carlos M. Calcopietro                    CFR/85
Alexander Calder,Jr.                     CFR/92
Kent Eyring Calder                       CFR/92
Louis E. Caldera                         CFR
Dan Caldwell                             CFR/92
Philip Caldwell                          CFR/87
Robert G. Caldwell                       CFR
Robert J. Caldwell                       CFR/21
Adolfo Calero                            CFR/92
Alexander D. Calhoun                     CFR
Craig J. Calhoun                         CFR
Michael J. Calhoun                       CFR/92
Joseph A. Califano Jr.                   CFR/92
Daniel Calingaert                        CFR/92
Hugh Calkins                             CFR
Samuel L. Calkins                        CFR
Thomas M. Callaghy                       CFR
David L. Callahan                        CFR
Robert J. Callander                      CFR/TC/84
Pierre Callebaut                         CFR/92
Michael A. Callen                        CFR/88
David Patrick Calleo                     CFR/TC/84
D. Wayne Calloway                        CFR/92
Kevin Callwood                           CFR/88
Salvatore F. Cambria                     CFR
Michel Camdessus                         CFR/92
Damielle D. Camner                       CFR
Hugh D. Camp                             CFR
Roderic Ai Camp                          CFR
Carolyn Margaret Campbell                CFR/88
Colin Goetze Campbell                    CFR
David Authur Campbell                    CFR
F. Gregory Campbell                      CFR
H. Donald Campbell                       CFR
John C. Campbell                         CFR/88
Kurt M. Campbell                         CFR/92
Thomas J. Campbell                       CFR/84
W. Glenn Campbell                        CFR
William Campbell                         CFR
Maria De Souza Campello                  CFR/88
Miriam Camps                             CFR/92
Casrlos M. Canal, Jr.                    CFR/92
Christopher Canavan                      CFR/90
Gregory H. Canavan                       CFR/88
Steven Canby                             CFR/85
Cass Canfield                         AC/CFR
Franklin O. Canfield                     CFR/92
Margaret Cannella                        CFR
James M. Cannon                          CFR/92
Jonathan Capehart                        CFR
William Gaston Caperton III              CFR
Juan C. Cappello                         CFR/TC/92
David A. Caputo                          CFR
Lisa M. Caputo                           CFR
Umberto Capuzzo                          CFR/92
Paul W. Caraway                          CFR
Nestor T. Carbonell                      CFR/92
Andrew G. Carey                          CFR
Hugh L. Carey                            CFR/92
John L. Carey                            CFR/92
Sarah C. Carey                        AC/CFR/92
William Daniel Carey                     CFR/92
William F. Carey                         CFR/21
Joseph A. Cari, Jr.                      CFR
Maria L. Carl                            CFR
Manuel Luis Carlos                       CFR/92
Robert J. Carlson                        CFR/92
Scott Alexander Carlson                  CFR
Steven E. Carlson                        CFR/88
Ingvar Carlsson                          CFR/TC/88
Frank Charles Carlucci III            AC/CFR/TC/92
David A. Carmel                          CFR
William D. Carmichael                    CFR/84
Carnegie Corp.                           CFR/92
Albert Carnesale                         CFR/88
David D. Caron                           CFR/88
Christa B. Carone                        CFR
Thomas Carothers                         CFR/92
Paolo G. Carozza                         CFR
Michael Andrew Carpendale                CFR/92
W. Samuel Carpenter III                  CFR
Ted Galen Carpenter                      CFR
John W. Carr                             CFR
Marion M. Dawson Carr                    CFR
Lord Peter Rupert Carrington             CFR/92
Walter C. Carrington                     CFR/84
Richard L. Carrion-Rexach                CFR
J. Speed Carroll                         CFR/85
Katherine Mooney Carroll                 CFR
Mitchell B. Carroll                      CFR/88
Reba Anne Carruth                        CFR/92
Charles William Carson, Jr.              CFR/92
Edward M. Carson                         CFR/92
Johnnie Carson                           CFR
Ralph M. Carson                          CFR
Robert Carswell                          CFR/92
Ashton B. Carter                         CFR/92
Barry Edward Carter                      CFR/92
Edward William Carter                    CFR/92
George E. Carter                         CFR/88
Hodding Carter III                       CFR/92
James Earl Carter, Jr. (Pres.)           CFR/TC/92
James H. Carter                          CFR
Mark Andrew Carter                       CFR
Marshall Nichols Carter                  CFR/85
Robert L. Carter                         CFR/84
Theodore N. Carter                       CFR/TC/84
William D. Carter                        CFR
Urquijo Jaime Carvajal                   CFR/85
Frank T. Cary                            CFR/TC/84
John B. Cary                             CFR
William L. Cary                          CFR
Clifford Philip Case                  BB/CFR
Everett N. Case                          CFR
James H. Case,Jr.                        CFR
John C. Case                             CFR
Robert A. Case                           CFR/85
William David Casebeer                   CFR
William Joseph Casey                     CFR/92
Gerhard Casper                           CFR/87
Douglass W. Cassel, Jr.                  CFR
Eileen E. Cassidy                        CFR
David Castelblanco                       CFR
Jorge Castenada                          CFR/85
Leonel J. Castillo                       CFR/85
Walter S. Catlow                         CFR
Douglass Cater                           CFR/85
John M. Cates, Jr.                       CFR/92
Elliot R. Cattarulla                     CFR/92
Jean Cattier                             CFR
Henry E. Catto Jr.                    AC/CFR/92
Frank J. Caufield                        CFR
Matthew P. Caulfield                     CFR/92
Richard Edward Cavanagh                  CFR
Carey Cavanaugh                          CFR
Ray Charles Cave                         CFR/87
Arthur Karl Cebrowski                    CFR
Gina Celcis-Concepcion                   CFR/92
Richard ("Dick") F. Celeste              CFR/RS/TC/92
Fausto Cereti                            CFR/88
Paul G. Cerjan                           CFR/TC/92
Jose Luis Ceron                          CFR/88
Victor D. Cha                            CFR
James C. Chace                        BB/CFR/TC/92
Tania Marie Chacho                       CFR
Thomas L. Chadbourne                     CFR/21
William M. Chadbourne                    CFR/21
Maya Chadda                              CFR
John H. Chafee (R-Ri)                    CFR/TC/85
Maya Chadda                              CFR
Sol Chick Chaikin                        CFR/92
John T. Chain, Jr.                       CFR/84
Lynda Chalker                            CFR/92
Herschelle S. Challenor                  CFR
Joseph P. Chamberlain                    CFR/21
Anne Cox Chambers                        CFR/92
Liza B. Chambers                         CFR
Joseph Chamie                            CFR
Walid Georges Chamoun                    CFR
George Champion                          CFR
Gerald L. Chan                           CFR
Ronnie C. Chan                           CFR
Tung Chan                                CFR
John Chancellor                          CFR/90
Colby H. Chandler                        CFR/92
Rajiv A. Chandrasekaran                  CFR
David C. Chang                           CFR
Gareth C. C. Chang                    AC/CFR
Joyce Chang-Robbins                      CFR
Juju Chang                               CFR
Clifford Chanin                          CFR
Jonathan A. Chanis                       CFR/92
Amy L. Chao                              CFR
Angela A. Chao                           CFR
Elaine L. Chao                           CFR/85
Victor Tzu-Ping Chao                     CFR
John F. Chapman                          CFR/92
Margaret Holt Chapman                    CFR/88
Cory Charles                             CFR
Robert Bruce Charles                     CFR/92
Jonathan Isa Charney                     CFR
Steve Charnovitz                         CFR
Robert Alan Charpie                      CFR/92
Robert Chartener                         CFR
Anthony R. Chase                         CFR
W. Howard Chase                          CFR
Dana Chasin                              CFR/92
Purnendu Chatterjee                      CFR
Kiren Aziz Chaudhry                      CFR/92
Robert J. Chaves                         CFR
Linda Chavez (Reagan Aide)               CFR
Ricardo Chavira                          CFR
Abram J. Chayes                          CFR/92
Antonia Handler Chayes                   CFR/92
Terrence J. Checki                       CFR
Daniel S. Cheever                        CFR/92
John S. Chen                             CFR
Kimball C. Chen                          CFR/92
Philip D. Chen                           CFR
Kenneth I. Chenault                      CFR/92
Elizabeth L. Cheney                      CFR/92
Richard B. Cheney                        CFR/92
Stephen A. Cheney                        CFR
Ward Cheney                              CFR
Purnendu Chatterjee                      CFR
Terence J. Checki                        CFR
Daniel S. Cheever                        CFR
Richard B. Cheney                        CFR/TC
Stephen A. Cheney                        CFR
Kyra Cheremeteff                         CFR/92
Saj Cherian                              CFR
Leo Cherne                               CFR/84
Ben M. Cherrington                       CFR
Pedro P. Cherry                          CFR
Ellen Chesler                            CFR
Sheila C. Cheston                        CFR
Jean Pierre Chevenement                  CFR/92
A. Lawrence Chickering                   CFR/84
G. Chiepe                                CFR/88
Frank Chikane                            CFR/85
Richard T. Childress                     CFR
Marquis Childs                           CFR/TC/84
Thomas W. Childs                         CFR
Yositoki Chino                           CFR/85
Susan D. Chira                           CFR/84
Joaquim Alberto Chissano                 CFR/88
George Hastings Chittenden               CFR/S&B/39
Audrey Choi                              CFR
Kwang Soo Choi                           CFR/92
Stephen J. Choi                          CFR
Peter Charles Choharis                   CFR
Derek H. Chollet                         CFR
Paula H. J. Cholmondeley                 CFR/92
Theodora Bohachevsky Chomiak             CFR
Marjorie Ann Chorlins                    CFR
Nazli Choucri                            CFR/88
Jack C. Chow                             CFR
Aime R. Christensen                      CFR
Guillermo Santiago Christensen           CFR
John F. Christiansen                     CFR
Patricia Hewitt Christensen              CFR
Thomas J. Christensen                    CFR
Michael J. Christenson                   CFR
Geryld Bradley Christianson              CFR/92
Lansdell K. Christie                     CFR
Ronald Irvin Christie                    CFR
Daniel William Christman                 CFR/92
Walter L. Christman                      CFR/92
Robert Christopher                       CFR/88
Warren Christopher                    AC/CFR/92
Hendon Chubb II                          CFR/84
Percy Chubb II                           CFR/84
Shahram Chubin                           CFR/88
Doo Hwan Chun                            CFR/92
Christine K. Chung                       CFR
Edgar M. Church                          CFR
Frank Church                             CFR
Buntzie Ellis Churchill                  CFR/92
James W. Cicconi                         CFR/92
Frank Cilluffo                           CFR
Jeffrey L. Cimbalo                       CFR
Joseph Cirincione                        CFR
Walker L. Cisler                      AC/CFR/92
Henry G. Cisneros                        CFR/TC/92
Marc A. Cisneros                         CFR
Gordon R. Clapp                          CFR
Priscilla A. Clapp                       CFR/88
Richard H. Clarida                       CFR
Lynda M. Clarizio                        CFR/85
Dick Clark (D-Ia)                        CFR/88
Edwin N. Clark                           CFR
Howard Longstreth Clark                  CFR/88
James F. Clark                           CFR
J. H. Cullum Clark                       CFR
Kenneth Bancroft Clark                   CFR/92
Mark Edmond Clark                        CFR
Noreen M. Clark                          CFR/92
Ralph L. Clark                           CFR/92
Stephen Clark                            CFR/92
Susan Lesley Clark                       CFR/92
Wesley Kanne Clark                       CFR/92
William Clark, Jr.                       CFR
Branson Clarke                           CFR/92
Donald C. Clarke                         CFR
Jack G. Clarke, Sr.                      CFR/84
Lewis L. Clarke                          CFR/21
Teresa Hillary Clarke                    CFR
Susan J. Clark-Johnson                   CFR
Lawrence William Clarkson                CFR
Lucius D. Clay                           CFR
William L. Clayton                    AC/CFR
Clayton M. Clemens                       CFR/90
Peter A. Clement                         CFR/92
Lynette Clemetson                        CFR
John L. Clendenin                        CFR/92
Harlan B. Cleveland                AC/BB/CFR/RS/88
Harold Van B. Cleveland               BB/CFR/92
Peter Matthews Cleveland                 CFR
Clark McAdams Clifford                   CFR/92
Donald K. Clifford Jr.                   CFR/84
Mark Lambert Clifford                    CFR
Everett R. Clinchy                       CFR
Ray Steiner Cline                        CFR/92
William R. Cline                         CFR/TC/92
William F. Clinger Jr. (R-Pa)            CFR
William Jefferson Clinton (Pres.)     BB/CFR/RS/TC
Patricia M. Cloherty                     CFR/92
Edward T. Cloonan                        CFR
Stanley Wills Cloud                      CFR/88
Ernest T. Clough                         CFR
Michael Clough                           CFR/92
Richard M. Clurman                       CFR/92
John H. Coatsworth                       CFR
Charles E. Cobb Jr.                      CFR
Paul Whitlock Cobb                       CFR/88
Sue McCourt Cobb                         CFR
Tyrus W. Cobb                            CFR
Barbara S. Cochran                       CFR
Molly M. Cochran                         CFR
Lord Cockfield                           CFR/88
Karen Coe                                CFR/92
C. Shelby Coffey                         CFR/92
Joseph Irving Coffey                     CFR/92
Charles Albert Coffin                    CFR/21
Edmund Coffin                            CFR
Vance Coffman                            CFR
Charles G. Cogan                         CFR
Jacob Katz Cogan                         CFR
John P. Cogbill                          CFR
Abby Joseph Cohen                        CFR
Ariel Cohen                              CFR
Barbara Cohen                            CFR/92
Benjamin J. Cohen                        CFR/85
Benjamin V. Cohen                        CFR
Betsy H. Cohen                           CFR
Eliot A. Cohen                           CFR/92
Herman Jay Cohen                         CFR/92
Jerome Alan Cohen                        CFR/85
Jerome B. Cohen                          CFR/92
Joel E. Cohen                            CFR/92
Marshall A. Cohen                        CFR/92
Patricia Cohen                           CFR/92
Paul H. Cohen                            CFR
Richard M. Cohen                         CFR
Roberta Jane Cohen                       CFR/92
Stephen Bruce Cohen                      CFR/92
Stephen Frand Cohen                      CFR/88
Stephen S. Cohen                         CFR/TC/92
Warren I. Cohen                          CFR
William S. "Bill" Cohen  (R-ME)          CFR/TC/84
Evelyn Speyer Colbert                    CFR/92
Elizabeth L. Colagiuri                   CFR
Jonathan E. Colby                        CFR/88
William Egan Colby                       CFR/92
Charles W. Cole                          CFR
Johnnetta B. Cole                        CFR/92
Jonathan E. Colby                        CFR
Samuel A. Cole                           CFR
Thomas Winston Jr. Cole                  CFR
Isobel Coleman                           CFR/TC/88
Lewis W. Coleman                         CFR
William T. Coleman Jr.                   CFR
William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr.            CFR/TC
Isobel Coles                             CFR
James S. Coles                           CFR/92
Julius E. Coles                          CFR
Alberto R. Coll                          CFR
Emilio G. Collado                  AC/BB/CFR/92
F. R. Collbohm                           CFR
David E. Collier                         CFR/85
L. V. Collings                           CFR
Charles C. Collingwood                   CFR/RS/92
Charles P. Collingwood                   CFR
Manetta Tree Collingwood                 CFR
Jay Collins                              CFR
Joseph J. Collins                        CFR/92
Mark M. Collins, Jr.                     CFR
Paula J. Collins                         CFR/88
Timothy C. Collins                       CFR
Wayne Dale Collins                       CFR/TC/87
Umberto Colombo                          CFR/88
Timothy J. Colton                        CFR/92
Kent G. Colwell                          CFR
Richard E. Combs Jr.                     CFR/92
Philip E. Comstock Jr.                   CFR/84
Barber B. Conable, Jr.                   CFR/85
James B. Conant                          CFR
Melvin Conant                            CFR/84
Erin C. Conaton                          CFR
Nancy Condee                             CFR/88
Philip M. Condit                         CFR
Joseph F. Condon                         CFR/92
Sydney M. Cone III                       CFR/85
Dalton Conley                            CFR
Richard P. Conlon                        CFR/92
James L. Connaughton                     CFR
Matthew James Connelly                   CFR
Leila Anne Conners Petersen              CFR
Gerald E. Connolly                       CFR/92
John T. Connor                           CFR/92
John Thomas Connor, Jr.                  CFR/87
Joseph E. Connor                         CFR/TC/84
Bryan Conrad                             CFR
Richard Conroy                           CFR/92
Jill M. Considine                        CFR/92
John J. Considine                        CFR
Pamela Constable                         CFR/92
Jill Conway                              CFR/84
Patrick J. Conways                       CFR/92
Donald C. Cook                        BB/CFR/87
Frances D. Cook                          CFR/92
Gary M. Cook                             CFR/92
Gretchen R. Cook                         CFR
Gretchen Rachelle Cook-Anderson          CFR
Goodwin Cooke                            CFR/92
Howard A. Cook                           CFR/92
John F. Cooke                            CFR/85
Frank Coolbaugh                          CFR
Alexander Anthony Cooley                 CFR
Archibald Cary Coolidge                  CFR/21
Richard Pierce Cooley                    CFR/92
Jefferson T. Coolidge, Jr.               CFR.84
Nicholas J. Coolidge                     CFR/92
George William Coombe Jr.                CFR/92
Charles A. Coombs                        CFR
Philip H. Coombs                         CFR/92
Jane Abell Coon                          CFR/92
Kiersten Todt Coon                       CFR
Joan Ganz Cooney                         CFR/92
Arthur Gardiner Coons                 AC/CFR
Charles A. Cooper                        CFR/92
Chester L. Cooper                        CFR/92
Franklin S. Cooper                       CFR
James H. S. Cooper                       CFR
John Milton Cooper                       CFR/92
John Sherman Cooper                      CFR/S&B/23
Kathleen B. Cooper                       CFR
Kerry Cooper                             CFR/92
Laura K. Cooper                          CFR
Rebecca J. Cooper                        CFR
Richard Newell Cooper                 BB/CFR/TC/84
Scott A. Cooper                          CFR
Lammont du Pont Copeland              BB/CFR
Kathleen A. Corbet                       CFR
Carole A. Corcoran                       CFR
Anthony H. Cordesman                     CFR
Andrew Wellington Cordier             BB/CFR
Diego Cordovez                           CFR/92
Wayne A. Cornelius Jr.                   CFR/90
Henry Cornell                            CFR/90
Baltasar Corrada                         CFR/92
E. Gerald Corrigan                    BB/CFR/TC/88
Kevin Corrigan                           CFR/TC/84
Dale R. Corson                           CFR
G. A. Costanzo                        AC/CFR
Philippe Coste                           CFR/92
William A. Costello                      CFR
Christopher Cortez                       CFR
Suzanne Cott                             CFR/TC/84
Alain Cotta                              CFR/92
William R. Cotter                        CFR/84
Charles E. Cotting                       CFR
Joseph P. Cotton                         CFR/21
Frederic R. Coudert                      CFR/21
Moira Coughlin                           CFR/92
Tom B. Coughran                          CFR
Katherine A. "Katie" Couric              CFR
William H. Courtney                      CFR/85
Elizabeth M. Cousens                     CFR
Norman Cousins                           CFR
Jock Covey                               CFR/92
Sally Grooms Cowal                       CFR/92
Geoffrey Cowan                           CFR
L. Gray Cowan                            CFR/92
Louis Gray Cowan                         CFR/85
Peter F. Cowhey                          CFR
Gardner Cowles                     AC/BB/CFR/92
John Cowles                              CFR/92
John Cowles, Jr.                         CFR
Charles R. Cox                        AC/CFR
Edward Finch Cox                         CFR/85
Howard E. Cox Jr.                        CFR
Pamela M. J. Cox                         CFR/92
Robert G. Cox                            CFR/92
Robert W. Cox                            CFR
Craig P. Coy                             CFR
Thomas A. Coyne                          CFR/92
Margaret E. Crahan                       CFR/85
Earl D Craig, Jr.                        CFR/85
Russell C. Crandall                      CFR
Winthrop Murray Crane III                CFR/85
Lorne W. Craner                          CFR
Robert D. Crasswellert                   CFR/84
Paul D. Cravath                          CFR/21
Anne Whitehead Crawford                  CFR/92
John F. Crawford                         CFR/85
Timothy W. Crawford                      CFR
Heidi E. Crebo-Rediker                   CFR
Marion V. Creekmore Jr.                  CFR
Dana S. Creel                            CFR/85
Lawrence A. Cremin                       CFR/TC/84
Roger W. Cressey Jr.                     CFR
Robert Crichton-Brown                    CFR/84
Kyle Crichton                            CFR
George Crile III                         CFR/88
Dan L. Crippen                           CFR
George B. Crist                          CFR/92
Ann Crittenden                           CFR/92
Bathsheba N. Crocker                     CFR
Chester A. Crocker                       CFR/92
Helima L. Croft                          CFR
Adelaide McGuinn Cromwell                CFR/92
Audrey Kurth Cronin                      CFR/85
William H. Crook                         CFR/92
Devon G. Cross                        BB/CFR/88
James E. Cross                           CFR
June V. Cross                            CFR/92
Mary S. Cross                            CFR
Sam Y. Cross                             CFR/92
Theodore Cross                           CFR
Barbara Crossette                        CFR
Homer D. Crotty                          CFR
Gordon Crovitz                           CFR/92
Michael M. Crow                          CFR
Trammell Crow                            CFR/TC/92
Philip K. Crowe                          CFR
William J. Crowe, Jr.                    CFR/TC/85
Monica Elizabeth                         CFR
Lester Crown                             CFR
Daniel Lester Cruise                     CFR
James R. Crumley                         CFR/88
Heidi S. Cruz                            CFR
Santa De Ossa Lucia Cruz                 CFR/92
Lester M. Crystal                        CFR/TC/88
Kenneth Neil Cukier                      CFR
Lee Cullum                               CFR/92
John C. Culver (D-Ia)                    CFR/92
Alfred Cumming                           CFR
Christine M. Cumming                     CFR/92
Alexander B. Cummings, Jr.               CFR
Craig P. Cummings                        CFR
Robert L. Cummings                       CFR/92
Robert L. Cummings, Jr.                  CFR
Frank J. Cummiskey                       CFR/88
Donald Cuneo                             CFR
James B. Cunningham                      CFR
Nelson W. Cunningham                     CFR
Walter J. P. Curley Jr.                  CFR
Kerry Kennedy Cuomo                      CFR
Mario M. Cuomo                           CFR/92
Flavio Curnpiano                         CFR
Jean A. Curran, Jr.                      CFR
Robert Theodore Curran                   CFR/85
Timothy J.Curran                         CFR/92
Kelley E. Currie                         CFR
Malcolm R. Currie                        CFR/TC/92
Charles B. Curtis                        CFR
Edward P. Curtis                         CFR
Gerald L. Curtis                         CFR/88
F. Kingsbury Curtis                      CFR21
Gerald L. Curtis                         CFR/TC
Peter Cusick                             CFR
Maryann K. Cusimano-Love                 CFR
Lloyd N. Cutler                          CFR/92
Walter L. Cutler                         CFR/92
Kenneth A. Cutshaw                       CFR
Ana Grier Cutter                         CFR
Walter L. Bowman Cutter                  CFR/92
Fulton Cutting                        AC/CFR
Arthur I. Cyr                            CFR/92
Russell J. Da Silva                      CFR/88
Ivo H. Daalder                           CFR
Geoffrey D. Dabelko                      CFR
Alfonse M. D' Amato                      CFR
Teresa Gail Dady                         CFR
Michael K. Dahlman                       CFR
Evelyn Pignatari Dahm                    CFR
Ralf Dahrendorf                          CFR/88
Rene d'Harnoncourt                       CFR
Brian D. Dailey                          CFR
Dalai Lama                               CFR/88
William B. Dale                          CFR/92
Brian D. Dailey                          CFR
Omar M. Dajani                           CFR
Michael A. Dal Bello                     CFR
Helle Dale                               CFR
William B. Dale                          CFR/92
William M. Daley                         CFR
Charles H. Dallara                    BB/CFR
George Albert Dalley                     CFR/92
Alexander Dallin                         CFR/92
Dorinda G. Dallmeyer                     CFR/92
Gregory Dalton                           CFR
James E. Dalton                          CFR/88
Kenneth W. Dam                        BB/CFR/92
Marcia Wachs Dam                         CFR
Lori Fisler Damrosch                     CFR/92
John A. G. Dancy                         CFR
William H. Danforth                      CFR/94
Rodney Dangerfield                       CFR
Ana R. Daniel                            CFR/92
Donald C. F. Daniel                      CFR
D. Ronald Daniel                         CFR/88
Nomsa Daniels                            CFR
John J. Danilovich                       CFR
Robert M. Danin                          CFR
Arthur V. Danner                         CFR
Mark D. Danner                           CFR/87
Abdulwahab Darawshe                      CFR/85
Charles F. Darlington                    CFR/TC/92
Richard Gordon Darman                    CFR/TC/85
Norris Darrell                           CFR
Michele Samantha Dash                    CFR
Russell J. Da Silva                      CFR
Earl C. Daum                             CFR
James W. Davant                          CFR/92
John A. Davenport                        CFR/S&B/26
Donald K. David                          CFR
Jack David                               CFR/TC/92
Michel David-Weill                       CFR/92
Alfred E. Davidson                       CFR
Daniel I. Davidson                       CFR/92
Ralph K. Davidson                        CFR/92
Ralph Parsons Davidson                   CFR/TC/84
Fred A. Davies                           CFR
Rodger P. Davies                         CFR
Etienne Davignon                         CFR/92
Allison S. Davis                         CFR/92
Christina L. Davis                       CFR
Dorothy M. Davis                         CFR/92
Evan A. Davis                            CFR
Florence A. Davis                        CFR
Geoffrey Clark Davis                     CFR
Jacquelyn K. Davis                       CFR/92
Jerome Davis                             CFR/92
John A. Davis                            CFR/92
John William Davis                       CFR/21
Kathryn W. Davis                         CFR/TC/88
Kim Gordon Davis                         CFR
Lynn E. Davis                         BB/CFR/TC/88
Maceo N. Davis                           CFR/88
Malcolm W. Davis                         CFR/21
Marion Thomas Davis                      CFR
Marvin H. Davis                          CFR
Nathanael V. Davis                       CFR/92
Norman Hezekiah Davis                    CFR/21
Shelby Cullom Davis                      CFR/92
Stephen B. Davis                         CFR
Vincent Davis                            CFR
William H. Davis                      AC/CFR/84
Daniel P. Davison                        CFR/92
Frederick Trubee Davison                 CFR21/S&B 1918
Kristina Perkin Davison                  CFR
W. Phillips Davison                      CFR/92
Adeed Dawisha                            CFR/88
Karen Lea Dawisha                        CFR/88
Peter M. Dawkins                         CFR/92
Christine L. Dawson                      CFR/88
Horace G. Dawson III                     CFR/92
Horace G. Dawson Jr.                     CFR/90
Marion M. Dawson Carr                    CFR/92
Anthony Day                              CFR/88
Arthur Raymond Day                       CFR/84
Clive Day                                CFR/21/S&B 1892
Robert Addison Day Jr.                   CFR
Drew Saunders Days III                   CFR
Rajesh De                                CFR
Edwin A. Deagle, Jr.                     CFR
Arthur Hobson Dean                    BB/CFR/21-1955
Edgar P. Dean                            CFR
Jonathan Dean                            CFR
Robert William Dean                      CFR
Alice M. Dear                            CFR
Carlo De Benedetti                       CFR/85
Eli Whitney De Bevoise                   CFR/92
Eli Wshitney De Bevoise II               CFR/84
Arnaud De Borchgrave                     CFR/TC/87
F. Amanda De Busk                        CFR
Herve De Carmoy                          CFR/TC/92
Willy De Clercq                          CFR/92
Jose De Cubas                            CFR/92
Barbara Knowles Debs                     CFR
Alfred C. De Crane Jr.                   CFR
Roxanne J. Decyk                         CFR
Fred T. Dedrick                          CFR
Ashley S. Deeks                          CFR
Ralston H. Deffenbaugh, Jr.              CFR
Henry Wheeler De Forest                  CFR/21
Christian de Guigne III                  CFR
Inmaculada de Habsburgo                  CFR/85
Alex O. Dehgan                           CFR
Terry L. Deibel                          CFR
Peter E. De Janosi                       CFR/85
Rodolfo O. De La Garza                   CFR
C.W. de Kiewiet                       AC/CFR
Jose M. de Lasa                          CFR/84
Oscar A. de Lima                         CFR/92
Paul Delouvrier                          CFR/92
Stephen J. Del Rosso                     CFR
George De Menil                          CFR
Joy A. de Menil                          CFR/TC/84
Lois Pattison de Menil                   CFR/84
Frederick L. Deming                      CFR/92
Rust Macpherson Deming                   CFR
Thierry De Montbrial                     CFR/92
Jason K. Dempsey                         CFR
Francis M. Deng                          CFR
Robert E. Denham                         CFR
Robert J. Denison                        CFR/92
Cleveland L. Dennard                     CFR/92
Everette E. Dennis                       CFR/85
Charles S. Dennison                      CFR/92
Brewster C. Denny                        CFR/92
David B. H. Denoon                       CFR/92
Hazel Denton                             CFR/92
Susan Dentzer                            CFR
Samuel De Palma                          CFR/TC/84
Ilidio De Pinho                          CFR/TC/92
Phil E. DePoy                            CFR
Raghida Dergham                          CFR/92
Christopher Alan Deri                    CFR
Patricia Murphy Derian                   CFR/92
Francois De Rose                         CFR/85
Kenneth T. Derr                          CFR
James V. Derrick, Jr.                    CFR
Vivian Lowery Derryck                    CFR/88
Alphonse De Rosso                        CFR/92
John De Rubeis                           CFR/92
Lynn Forester de Rothschild              CFR
Luscy Edwards Despard                    CFR/90
Jean-Christophe de Swaan                 CFR
Robert P. De Vecchi                      CFR
Imrie De Vegh                            CFR
Henry P. de Vries                        CFR
Rimmer De Vries                          CFR
Karen De Young                           CFR
Edwin A. Deagle Jr.                      CFR
John V. Deaver                           CFR
Barbara Knowles Debs                     CFR
Richard A. Debs                          CFR
F. Amanda DeBusk                         CFR
William C. Decker                        CFR
Alfred C. DeCrane                        CFR
Midge Decter                             CFR
Roxanne J. Decyk                         CFR
Fred T. Dedrick                          CFR
Ralston H. Deffenbaugh Jr.               CFR
Terry L. Deibel                          CFR
Frank Del Olmo                           CFR
Andrew John Delaney                      CFR
Stephen J. Del Rosso                     CFR
Carlos Deltoro                           CFR
Marisa J. Demeo                          CFR
Frederick Lewis Deming                BB/CFR
Rust MacPherson Deming                   CFR
Robert E. Denham                         CFR
Robert J. Denison                        CFR
Alfred L. P. Dennis                      CFR/21
Everette E. Dennis                       CFR
Brewster C. Denny                        CFR
David B. H. Denoon                       CFR
E. Hazel Denton                          CFR
James S. Denton                          CFR
Phil E. DePoy                            CFR
Raghida Dergham                          CFR
Patricia Murphy Derian                   CFR
Kenneth Tindall Derr                     CFR
James V. Derrick Jr.                     CFR
Vivian Lowery Derryck                    CFR
Michael L. Dertouzos                     CFR
Padma Desai                              CFR
Rohit M. Desai                           CFR
Vishakha n. Desai                        CFR
MacArthur DeShazer                       CFR
Patrick J. DeSouza                       CFR
Emile Despres                            CFR
Gina H. Despres                          CFR
John Despres                             CFR/92
I.M. Destler                             CFR/TC/92
Wallace R. Deuel                         CFR
John Mark Deutch                         CFR/92
Michael J. Deutch                        CFR/85
Phillip J. Deutch                        CFR
Shelley Deutch                           CFR
Robert P. DeVecchi                       CFR
Caroline Maury Devine                    CFR
John J. Devine                           CFR
M. Colette Devine                        CFR
Robert Carol Devine                      CFR/92
Thomas J. Devine                         CFR
Rimmer DeVries                           CFR
Thomas Edmund Dewey                   BB/CFR
J. Frederic Dewhurst                  AC/CFR
Byron Dexter                             CFR
Karen J. DeYoung                         CFR
Rene D'Hamoncourt                        CFR
Michael W. Diamond                       CFR
Carlos F. Alejandro Diaz                 CFR/88
Charley L. Diaz                          CFR
Rita L. DiCasagrande                     CFR
Christopher S. Dickey                    CFR/92
John Sloan Dickey                        CFR
Laura A. Dickinson                       CFR
Norman D. Dicks (D-Wa)                   CFR
R. Russell Dickson, Jr.                  CFR/92
Valerie L. Dickson-Horton                CFR
Joan Didion                              CFR
John Diebold                          BB/CFR/88
William Diebold, Jr.                     CFR/92
Jackson K. Diehl (Washington Post)       CFR
William Dietel                           CFR/85
Shaheen F. Dil                           CFR/92
Robert L. Dilenschneider                 CFR/88
C. Douglas Dillon                     BB/CFR/85
Clarence Dillon                          CFR/21
Douglas Dillon                           CFR/85
J. Richardson Dilworth                   CFR/92
Joseph (Dick) Richardson Dilworth        CFR/S&B/38
Rita Di Martino                          CFR/88
James Dimon                              CFR
Thomas Alan Dine                         CFR/85
Robert C. Dinerstein                     CFR
Viet D. Dinh                             CFR
David Norman Dinkins                     CFR
Joseph Di Paola Jr.                      CFR
Paula DiPerna                            CFR
Nicholas Bernard Dirks                   CFR
Linda M. Distlerath                      CFR
Guido Di Tella                           CFR/85
Nadia Diuk                               CFR
George H. Dixon                          CFR/92
Edward P. Djerejian                      CFR/88
Gregory Djerejian                        CFR
Milovan Djilas                           CFR/TC/92
James F. Dobbins                         CFR
Peter C. Dobell                          CFR/85
Paula J. Dobriansky                      CFR/92
Daniel L. Doctoroff                      CFR
Christopher J. Dodd (D-Ct)               CFR/87
Thomas J. Dodd                           CFR
Harold Willis Dodds                      CFR/35
Cleveland E. Dodge                    AC/CFR
William S Dodge                          CFR
Justin W. Doebele                        CFR
David J. Doerge                          CFR
Douglas A. Doetsch                       CFR/92
William C. Doherty, Jr.                  CFR/84
Tayako Doi                               CFR/85
Harold E. Jr. Doley                      CFR
Arnold Dolin                             CFR/92
Charles Dollard                          CFR
Jorge I. Dominguez                       CFR/85
Virginia R. Dominguez                    CFR/92
Donald J. Donahue                        CFR/92
Thomas R. Donahue                        CFR/92
Robert H. Donaldson                      CFR/92
William Henry Donaldson                  CFR/S&B/53
John E. Donatich                         CFR
Stephen C. Donehoo                       CFR
Karen Erika Donfried                     CFR
Thomas E. Donilon                     BB/CFR
McKay Donkin                             CFR
Edward S. Donnell                        CFR
Ellsworth Donnell                        CFR/92
James C. Donnell II                      CFR
April Kanne Donnellan                    CFR
Harold C. Donnelly                       CFR/92
Sally B. Donnelly                        CFR/90
Frederic G. Donner                       CFR
Douglas S. Donohue                       CFR
Joan E. Donoghue                         CFR/85
Laura K. Donohue                         CFR
Thomas J. Donohue, Sr.                   CFR
Hedley Williams Donovan               BB/CFR/RS/TC/88
Charles F.Doran                          CFR/88
Patricia Dorff                           CFR/88
Xenia B. M. Dormandy                     CFR
Comte Michel Dornano                     CFR/92
Rudiger Dornbusch                        CFR
Goldthwaite H. Dorr                      CFR
Russell H. Dorr                          CFR
Norman Dorsen                            CFR
Oscar John Dorwin                        CFR
Amanda Jean Dory                         CFR
Grant R. Doty                            CFR
Paul M. Doty, Jr.                        CFR/85
Frank N. Doubleday                       CFR/21
Russell Doubleday                        CFR/21
William C. Douce                         CFR/92
Diana Lady Dougan                        CFR/92
James P. Dougherty                       CFR
Donald W. Douglas, Jr.                   CFR
Lewis W. Douglas                         CFR/40
Michael Douglas                          CFR/92
Paul W. Douglas                          CFR/84
Percy L. Douglas                         CFR
Loren Douglass                           CFR
Robert R. Douglass                       CFR/92
John Nicholas Dowling                    CFR
Walter Dowling                           CFR
Leonard Downie, Jr.                      CFR/92
James S. Doyle                           CFR/92
Michael William Doyle                    CFR/88
Noreen Doyle                             CFR
Anne G. Drabek                           CFR/85
Theodore Draper                          CFR/92
William H. Draper, Jr.                   CFR/88
William Drayton, Jr.                     CFR/85
William Drayton                          CFR
David T. Dreier                          CFR
John C. Dreier                           CFR/88
Sidney David Drell                       CFR/84
William M. Drennan, Jr. (Col.)           CFR/88
Elizabeth Drew                           CFR/92
Joel Dreyfuss                            CFR/92
Richard S. Dreyfuss                      CFR
Daniel W. Drezner                        CFR
Jonathan Drimmer                         CFR
Peter Marc Drittel                       CFR/TC/92
Richard Lee Drobnick                     CFR
Jean P Dromer                            CFR/TC/92
Marie Josee Drouin                       CFR/92
William M. Drozdiak                      CFR
Joy E. Drucker                           CFR
Richard A. Drucker                       CFR
Pamela Druckerman                        CFR
Roscoe Drummond                          CFR
J.R. Drumwright                          CFR/84
Barend Du Plessis                        CFR/92
Ann Druyan                               CFR
Ray N. Dryden, Jr.                       CFR
Orvil E. Dryfoos                         CFR
Kenneth M. Duberstein                    CFR/92
Seth H. Dubin                            CFR
David Dubinsky                           CFR
J. Delafield DuBois                      CFR
Arthur m. Dubow                          CFR/92
Stephen M. DuBrul, Jr.                   CFR/92
Robert Ducas                             CFR
David Adams Duckenfield                  CFR
James J. Duderstadt                      CFR/92
Johnita P. Due                           CFR
Charles A. Duelfer                       CFR
Althea L. Duersten                       CFR/92
Joseph Daniel Duffey                     CFR/92
David A. Duffie                          CFR
Gloria Charmian Duffy                    CFR/92
James H. Duffy                           CFR/90
Gordon F. DuGan                          CFR
Michael J. Dugan (Gen.)                  CFR
Stephen P. Duggan                        CFR/21
Timothy E. Duggan                        CFR/88
Michael S. Dukakis                       CFR/92
Angier Biddle Duke                       CFR/85
Robin Chandler Duke                      CFR
Margaret Dulany                          CFR/88
Peggy Dulany                             CFR/92
Allen Welsh Dulles                    BB/CFR/27
John Foster Dulles                       CFR/21
Charles F. Dunbar                        CFR
Charles William Dunbar, Jr.              CFR/92
Graham A. Duncan                         CFR
John C. Duncan                           CFR/92
Peter J.S. Duncan                        CFR/92
Richard L. Duncan                        CFR/87
Andrew Dunigan                           CFR
Patrick Andrew Dunigan                   CFR
Craig G. Dunkerley                       CFR/92
Joan Banks Dunlop                        CFR/92
Kempton Dunn                             CFR/88
Lewis A. Dunn                            CFR/88
Michael M. Dunn                          CFR
Philip A. Dur                            CFR
F. Tillman Durdin                        CFR
G. Robert Durham                         CFR/92
Patrick J. Durkin                        CFR
Frederick Gary Dutton                    CFR/85
Michael Raoul Duval                      CFR/92
Douglas A. Dworkin                       CFR
James W. Dyer                            CFR
Nancy Bearg Dyke                         CFR/92
Mervyn M. Dymally (D-CA)                 CFR/88
Ester Dyson                              CFR
Paul A. Dyster                           CFR/TC/88

Vernon A. Eagle CFR Lawrence S. Eagleburger CFR/92 Gordon Earle CFR/92 Ralph Earle III CFR/92 William A. Earner CFR Maurice A. East CFR John Lindner Eastman CFR Michael R. Eastman CFR Donald B. Easum CFR/92 Frederick M. Eaton CFR Leonard J. Eaton CFR/84 Abba Eban CFR/84 Ralph E. Eberhart CFR/88 William D. Eberle CFR/92 Ferdinand Eberstadt CFR Mary Eberstadt CFR/85 Nicholas N. Eberstadt CFR/85 Marsha A. Echols CFR Bailey Morris Eck CFR Erik P. Eckholm CFR/88 Alexander Eckstein CFR Elizabeth C. Economy CFR/92 Donna R. Ecton CFR Linda Hiniker Eddleman CFR Randolph P. Eddy CFR Albert I. Edelman CFR/85 Erik S. Edelman CFR/92 Gerald M. Edelman CFR/92 Marian Wright Edelman CFR/92 Richard Winston Edelman CFR Julius C. C. Edelstein CFR/85 Phanor J. Eder CFR Wallace B. Edgerton CFR/92 Mark D. W. Edington CFR Christopher Edley Jr. CFR/88 Gary R. Edson CFR/92 A. R. Edwards CFR George C. Edwards III CFR Howard L. Edwards CFR/92 Mickey Edwards CFR Robert H. Edwards CFR/92 William H. Edwards CFR Blair Effron CFR Laura L. Efros CFR Thomas E. Eggers CFR Rosa Ehrenreich CFR Thomas Ehrlich CFR/90 Christine A. Eibs CFR/92 Clark M. Eichelberger CFR Richard C. Eichenberg CFR/92 Barry J. Eichengreen CFR/88 Otto M. Eidlitz CFR/21 Karl Eikenberry CFR Karl Eilers CFR/21 Hermann Frederick Eilts CFR/92 Luigi R. Einaudi CFR/92 Mario Einaudi CFR/84 Jessica P. Einhorn CFR/TC/92 Robert J. Einhorn CFR Lewis Einstein CFR Keri Eisenbeis CFR Charles R. Eisendrath CFR/87 Dwight D. Eisenhower CFR/52 Roberto Eisenmann CFR/TC/92 Stuart E. Eizenstat CFR/J Michael Eisner CFR Koichiro Ejiri CFR/85 Jaime A. El Koury CFR/84 Sukru Elekdag CFR/88 Richard Elden CFR Christine A. Elder CFR Leslie Carol Eliason CFR Paul H. Elicker CFR/88 Thdeodore L. Eliot, Jr. CFR/92 Abram I. Elkus CFR/21 Susan K. Ellingwood CFR Byron K. Elliott CFR/92 Dorinda Elliott CFR Inger McCabe Elliott CFR/88 L. W. Elliott CFR Osborne Elliot CFR Randle Elliott CFR/84 William Y. Elliott CFR James Reed Ellis CFR/92 Mark S. Ellis CFR Patricia Ellis CFR/92 Richard Ellis CFR/84 Rodney Ellis CFR Keith Paty Ellison CFR Daniel Ellsberg CFR/92 Robert Fred Ellsworth CFR/88 George Elsey CFR Edward E. Elson CFR Robert T. Elson CFR John Hart Ely CFR/92 Nancy Halliday Ely-Raphel CFR/92 Ainslie T. Embree CFR/92 Brooks Emeny CFR Alice F. Emerson CFR/92 E. A. Emerson CFR John B. Emerson CFR Steven A Emerson CFR/88 Rupert Emerson CFR Donald K. Emmerson CFR/88 Christopher Emmet CFR Barbara Pillsbury Enders CFR Thomas Ostrom Enders CFR/85 Gordon Eng CFR/88 Irving M. Engel CFR Robert D. English CFR/92 David B. Ensor CFR Alain Charles Enthoven CFR/92 L. Brooks Entwistle CFR Ray R. Eppert CFR Barbara Epstein CFR David B. Epstein CFR/92 Jason Epstein CFR/88 Jeffrey E. Epstein CFR/TC/92 Joshua M. Epstein CFR/92 Guy Feliz Erb CFR/92 Richard D. Erb CFR/92 Claude E. Erbsen CFR/88 Robert F. Erburu CFR/TC/88 Alexander T. Ercklentz CFR/90 Andrew P.N. Erdmann CFR Fritz W. Ermarth CFR/92 Haleh Esfandiari CFR Charisse Espy CFR Albert E. Ernst CFR Armand G. Erpf CFR Matthew Scott Erskine CFR Clark Kent Ervin CFR William Erwing, Jr. CFR Haleh Esfandiari CFR Charisse Espy CFR Susan G. Esserman CFR Robert H. Estabrook CFR/88 Alfredo Estrada CFR/87 Daniel C. Esty CFR Mark Ethridge CFR Virginia Etheridge CFR/TC/92 Shinkichi Eto CFR/85 Amitai Etzioni (a.k.a. Werner Falk) CFR/84 Matthew Evangelista CFR/92 Carol V. Evans CFR/92 Gail H. Evans CFR Gordon W. Evans CFR/92 Harold M. Evans CFR John C. Evans CFR/85 John K. Evans CFR/92 Robert Evans (British Gas Corp.) CFR/88 Roger F. Evans CFR Rowland Evans Jr. CFR/TC/87 Tatjana H. Evans CFR Susan M. S. Everingham CFR John Scott Everton CFR Kenan Evren CFR/92 Anthony P. Ewing CFR Sherman Ewing CFR/S&B 1924 William Ewing, Jr. CFR/92 John Exter CFR/TC/84 Marc Eyskens CFR/TC/92 Trevor Eyton CFR/92

Larry L. Fabian                          CFR/85
Elizabeth Factor                         CFR
Mallory Factor                           CFR
Charles B. Fahs                          CFR
Merle Fainsod                            CFR
John King Fairbank                       CFR/RS/92
Charles H. Fairbanks Jr.                 CFR
Douglas Fairbanks                        CFR
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.                    CFR/92
Richard M. Fairbanks III                 CFR/88
David M. Fairman                         CFR
Mathea Falco                             CFR/87
Mark Falcoff                             CFR/92
Pamela S. Falk                           CFR/92
Richard A. Falk                          CFR/85
Richard A. Falkenrath                    CFR
Robert E. Fallon                         CFR
James Mackenzie Fallows                  CFR/TC/84
Oscar Fanjul                             CFR/92
Katherine W. Fanning                     CFR/92
Francis W. La Farge                      CFR/92
Jonathan Foster Fanton                   CFR
J. Rodney Faraon                         CFR/92
Tom J. Farer                             CFR
Evelyn N. Farkas                         CFR
Maggie M. Farley                         CFR
Elizabeth Worley Farman-Farmaian         CFR
Garland R. Farmer, Jr.                   CFR
Thomas L. Farmer                         CFR/92
Eric P. Farnsworth                       CFR
Jay C. Farrar                            CFR
Stephen Prescott Farrar                  CFR
Diana Farrell                            CFR
Thomas A. Farrington                     CFR/88
Dante B. Fascell (D-Fl)                  CFR/92
Irina A. Faskianos                       CFR
Matthew J. Fassler                       CFR
William H. P. Faunce                     CFR/21
Leila Fawaz                              CFR/92
Sidney B. Fay                            CFR
Tanisha M. Fazal                         CFR
Peter D. Feaver                          CFR/85
Edward F. Feely                          CFR
Mark C. Feer                             CFR/92
Mark Feierstein                          CFR/84
Evan A. Feigenbaum                       CFR
Jared A. Feinberg                        CFR
Richard E. Feinberg                      CFR/88
Ava S. Feiner                            CFR/TC/84
Catherine Lynne Feingold                 CFR
Dianne Feinstein                         CFR/92
Lee Feinstein                            CFR
Herbert Feis                             CFR
Gustave Feissel                          CFR/92
Samuel H. Feist                          CFR
Douglas J. Feith                         CFR/92
Bernard T. Feld                          CFR
Mark B. Feldman                          CFR/92
Noah Feldman                             CFR
Sandra Feldman                           CFR
Martin Stuart Feldste                 BB/CFR/TC/84
Florentino P. Feliciano                  CFR/92
Jeffrey Feltman                          CFR/88
William P. Fenn                          CFR
Doris Fennell                            CFR/88
Steven R. Fenster                        CFR/TC/84
Michael R. Fenzel                        CFR
Charles Henry Ferguson                   CFR/92
Glenn Walker Ferguson                    CFR/92
James Lord Ferguson                      CFR/S&B/44
John Henry Ferguson                   BB/CFR
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.                   CFR
Ronald E. Ferguson                       CFR
Tim W. Ferguson                          CFR/87
Suzanne R. Ferlic                        CFR
Anthony C. Fernandes                     CFR
Eduardo Fernandez                        CFR/88
Jose W. Fernandez                        CFR
Julio Feo                                CFR/92
Frank E. Ferrari                         CFR/92
Geraldine Anne Ferraro                   CFR/88
Keith E. Ferrazzi                        CFR
Antonio Luis Ferre                       CFR/92
Helen Aguirre Ferre                      CFR/TC/84
Maurice A. Ferre                         CFR
Salat Carlos Ferre                       CFR.92
Lisa Carolyn Ferrell                     CFR
Fereidun Fesharaki                       CFR/92
Murray Feshbach                          CFR/92
Hart Fessenden                           CFR/92
Helen Fessenden                          CFR
Steve Fetter                             CFR/92
Jeffrey L. Fiedler                       CFR
William Osgood Field, Jr.                CFR
Bertram M. Fields                        CFR
Craig I. Fields                          CFR
Milfred C. Fierce                        CFR/92
Eugene V. Fife                           CFR
Russell Hunt Fifield                     CFR/84
Ana Figueras                             CFR/88
Maria C. Figueroa                        CFR
John H. Filer                            CFR/84
Desiree Geneva Filippone                 CFR
Robert J. Filippone                      CFR
Francios Fillon                          CFR/92
Barbara Denning Finberg                  CFR/92
Hani K. Findakly                         CFR
Joshua Adam Fine                         CFR
Bernard I. Finel                         CFR
Francis A. Finelli                       CFR
Seymour Maxwell Finger                   CFR/84
Thomas Finger                            CFR/92
Sheri L. Fink                            CFR
Lawrence S. Finkelstein                  CFR/92
Luke W. Finlay                           CFR
Grant Ellis Finlayson                    CFR
Thomas Knight Finletter               BB/CFR/44
John H. Finley                           CFR/21
Murray H. Finley                         CFR/84
Sonya L. Finley                          CFR
Edwin A. Jr. Finn                        CFR/92
James Finn                               CFR
Martha Finnemore                         CFR
John B. Finney                           CFR
Paul B. Finney                           CFR/92
Charles M. Firestone                     CFR
James A. Firestone                       CFR/92
Harvey S. Firestone, Jr.                 CFR
Leonard K. Firestone                     CFR/92
Edwin B. Firmage                         CFR
Mark Fisch                               CFR
Gerald D. Fischbach                      CFR
Betsy Fischer                            CFR
Cathleen S. Fisher                       CFR/92
Daniel S. Fisher                         CFR/85
David Joseph Fischer                     CFR/92
George Fischer                           CFR
Peter A. Fisher                          CFR/92
John S. Fischer                          CFR
Stanley Fischer                          CFR
Richard W. Fisher                        CFR/92
Roger D. Fisher                          CFR/92
Wesley R. Fishel                         CFR
Annie Fisher                             CFR
Cathleen S. Fisher                       CFR
Edgar J. Fisher                          CFR
Julie Ann Fisher                         CFR
Peter Ryerson Fisher                     CFR
Richard W. Fisher                        CFR
Roger D. Fisher                          CFR
Pieter Fisher                            CFR
Albert Fishlow                           CFR/92
Daniel W. Fisk                           CFR
James Brown Fisk                         CFR
Mercedes Carmela Fitchett                CFR
Sarah A. W. Fitts                        CFR
Lauri J. Fitz-pegado                     CFR/92
Frances Fitzgerald                       CFR/TC/84
Garret Fitzgerald                        CFR/92
Harold E. Fitzgibbons                    CFR/92
John B. Fitzgibbons                      CFR
Martin S. Flaherty                       CFR
Pamela Flaherty                          CFR
Peter T. Flaherty                        CFR/88
L. Gordon Flake                          CFR
Peter L. Flanagan                        CFR/92
Stephen J. Flanagan                      CFR/88
Stephanie H. Flanders                    CFR
Peter M. Flanigan                        CFR
G. Peter Fleck                           CFR
Alan H. Fleischmann                      CFR
Julius Fleischmann                       CFR
Manly Fleischmann                        CFR
Rachel Fleishman                         CFR
Gregory J. Fleming                       CFR
Lamar Fleming, Jr.                       CFR
Henry Fletcher                           CFR/21
Phillip Douglas Fletcher                 CFR/90
Joseph H. Flom                           CFR
Michael T. Florinsky                     CFR
Michele A. Flournoy                      CFR
George J. Flynn                          CFR
Gregory Flynn                            CFR/92
Stephen E. Flynn                         CFR
Patrick John Fn'Piere                    CFR
William H. Foege                         CFR
Ronald R. Fogleman                       CFR/92
Robert H. Foglesong                      CFR
C. Fritz Foley                           CFR
James B. Foley                           CFF/TC/88
S. R. Foley Jr. (Adm.)                   CFR/84
Thomas Stephen Foley (D-Wa)           BB/CFR/TC/84
R. G. Follis                             CFR
George A. Folsom                         CFR
Victor Folsom                            CFR
William J. Foltz                         CFR/92
Richard H. Fontaine, Jr.                 CFR
Carlos E. Fonts                          CFR
Edward T. Foote II                       CFR/92
William Fulbright Foote                  CFR
Allen B. Forbes                          CFR/21
Kristin J. Forbes                        CFR
Carl W. Ford, Jr.                        CFR
Ford Foundation                          CFR/88
Gerald Rudolph Ford (US Pres)         BB/CFR/84
Guy Stanton Ford                         CFR
Nevil Ford                               CFR
Paul B. Ford Jr.                         CFR
Thomas K. Ford                           CFR
Henrietta Holsman Fore                   CFR
Foreign Affairs Magazine                 CFR/92
Claude E. Forkner                        CFR
Shepard L. Forman                        CFR/85
Michelle R. Forrest                      CFR
Michael V. Forrestal                     CFR/92
Robert P. Forrestal                      CFR/92
Lynn Forester                            CFR
Anne Forrester                           CFR/92
Shepard Forman                           CFR
Theodore J. Forstmann                    CFR
Raymond Blaine Fosdick                   CFR/21
Rosemarie Forsythe                       CFR
Randall M. Fort                          CFR/92
L. Yves Fortier                          CFR/92
V. Page Fortna                           CFR
Gail Fosler                              CFR
Michelle Michot Foss                     CFR
Austin T. Foster                         CFR
Badi Garrett Foster                      CFR
Brenda Lei Foster                        CFR/88
Charles C. Foster                        CFR
Richard N. Foster                        CFR
William Chapman Foster                BB/CFR/59
Mark Foulon                              CFR/85
Philip D. Reed Foundation, Inc.          CFR
The Ahmanson Foundation                  CFR
The Marc Haas Foundation                 CFR
The Starr Foundation                     CFR
The William and Mary Greve Foundation    CFR
Jose A. Fourquet                         CFR
Peter Fousek                             CFR/92
Henry Hamill Fowler                      CFR/92
Jeffrey L. Fowler                        CFR
Wyche Jr. Fowler                         CFR
Donald M. Fox                            CFR
Donald T. Fox                            CFR/85
JOhn D. Fox                              CFR/85
Eleanor M.C. Fox                         CFR
Joseph Carrere Fox                       CFR/S&B/38
Merritt Baker Fox                        CFR
William T. R. Fox                        CFR/92
Abraham H. Foxman                        CFR
Fred C. Foy                              CFR
Arthur B. Foye                           CFR
Arminio Fraga                            CFR
Thomas M. Franck                         CFR/92
Albert Francke III                       CFR/92
Susan Fraker                             CFR
Andrew D. Frank                          CFR
Barney Frank (D-Ma)                      CFR
Brian L. Frank                           CFR
Charles R. Frank Jr.                     CFR/92
Isaiah Frank                             CFR/92
Joseph A. Frank                          CFR
Melinda Yee Franklin                     CFR
Richard A. Frank                         CFR/84
Victor H. Frank                          CFR/88
Adam B. Frankel                          CFR
Andrew V. Frankel                        CFR/92
Charles Frankel                          CFR
Francine R. Frankel                      CFR/92
Jeffrey A. Frankel                       CFR
Marvin E. Frankel                        CFR/92
Max Frankel                           BB/CFR/J/92
Felix Frankfurter                     BB/CFR/J
Barbara Hackman Franklin                 CFR/88
George S. Franklin, Jr.                  CFR/85
John M. Franklin                         CFR
P. A. S. Franklin                        CFR/21
William E. Franklin                      CFR
Dean F. Frasche                          CFR
Donald M Fraser (D-MN)                   CFR/84
Leon Fraser                              CFR/36
M. Taylor Fravel                         CFR/85
Jendayi E. Frazer                        CFR
Kenneth C. Frazier                       CFR
Myra M. Frazier                          CFR
Leopold Frederick                        CFR/21
Pauline Frederick                        CFR/92
Robert Frederick                         CFR/92
J. Wayne Fredericks                      CFR/92
Jonathan M. Fredman                      CFR
Lloyd A. Free                            CFR
Alix M. Freedman                         CFR
Emanuel R. Freedman                      CFR
Eugene M. Freedman                       CFR
Bennett Freeman                          CFR/92
Constance J. Freeman                     CFR
Harry L. Freeman                         CFR/92
Orville L. Freeman                       CFR/92
Roger C. Freeman                         CFR/92
Cyrus F. Freidheim Jr.                   CFR
Stephen C. Freidheim                     CFR
Ladeene A. Freimuth                      CFR
Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen              BB/CFR/92
Marion R. Fremont-smith                  CFR/TC/87
John French                              CFR/84
Paolo Fresco                             CFR/92
Gerald Freund                            CFR/92
Walter Edwin Frew                        CFR/21
Donald N. Frey                           CFR
Howard A. Frey                           CFR/92
Dana H. Freyer                           CFR
Richard A. Freytag                       CFR/92
Michel Fribourg                          CFR/88
Paul J. Fribourg                         CFR/92
Edward R. Fried                          CFR/88
Aaron Louis Friedberg                    CFR/92
Jeffrey A. Frieden                       CFR/92
Alexander Stephen Friedman               CFR
Bart Friedman                            CFR
Benjamin Morton Friedman                 CFR/92
David S. Friedman                        CFR/92
Fredrica S. Friedman                     CFR
Irving S. Friedman                       CFR/TC/92
Jordana Friedman                         CFR
Stephen James Friedman                BB/CFR/TC/87
Thomas L. Friedman                    BB/CFR/TC/85
Berent Friele                            CFR/92
Wendy Frieman                            CFR
Theodore Friend                          CFR/85
Henry J. Friendly                        CFR/92
William Frist                            CFR
Louis D. Froelick                        CFR/21
Michael B. G. Froman                     CFR
David Fromkin                            CFR/92
Joseph Fromm                             CFR
Peter Fromuth                            CFR/92
Kenneth A. Froot                         CFR/88
Daniel F. Frost                          CFR/92
Ellen L. Frost                           CFR/85
Kate I. Frucher                          CFR
David M. Frudenthal                      CFR
Earl H. Fry                              CFR/92
Varian Fry                               CFR
Alton Frye                               CFR/92
William R. Frye                          CFR/84
Ann M. Fudge                             CFR
Otto Fuerbringer                         CFR/TC/84
Leon S. Fuerth                           CFR
Shinji Fukukawa                          CFR/92
Glen S. Fukushima                        CFR
Francis Fukuyama                         CFR/92
Richard S. Fuld, Jr.                     CFR
C. Dale Fuller                           CFR
Carlton P. Fuller                        CFR
Graham Edmund Fuller                     CFR/92
Jacquelline Cobb Fuller                  CFR
Kathryn Scott Fuller                     CFR/92
Keith Fuller                             CFR
Robert G. Fuller                         CFR
William P. Fuller                        CFR/88
William Bewick Fullerton                 CFR/92
Edgar S. Fumiss, Jr.                     CFR
John Funari                              CFR/85
The Dillon Fund                          CFR
Mark T. Fung                             CFR
Victor K. K. Fung                        CFR
E.N. Funkhouser, Jr.                     CFR/92
Holden Furber                            CFR
Richard Mortimer Furlaud                 CFR/88
Gail Furman                              CFR
Ellen V. Futter                          CFR/85
Paul M. Fye                              CFR/92            
Charles A. Gabriel  (Gen.)               CFR/88
Hauge Gabriel                         BB/CFR
John Lewis Gaddis                        CFR/92
John A. Gade                             CFR/21
Orit B. Gadiesh                          CFR
Amy Epstein Gadsden                      CFR
Felice D. Gaer                           CFR/88
Devon Gaffney                            CFR/92
James R. Gaines                          CFR
Evan G. Galbraith                        CFR/92
John Kenneth Galbraith                   CFR
Peter W. Galbraith                       CFR
Charles F. Gallagher                     CFR
Dennis Gallagher                         CFR/92
John F. Gallagher, Jr.                   CFR
Lacey Wingham Gallagher                  CFR
James P. Gallatin                        CFR/92
Robert L. Gallucci                       CFR
Joshua P. Galper                         CFR
Timothy J. Galpin                        CFR/88
John R. Galvin (Gen.)                    CFR/92
Carlos Galvis                            CFR/92
Sandra Galvis                            CFR
Sergio J. Galvis                         CFR/92
Sidney D. Gamble                         CFR
Sumit Ganguly                            CFR
Pamela B. Gann                           CFR/92
Lewis S. Gannett                         CFR
John C. Gannon                           CFR
Charles S. Ganoe                         CFR/88
George F. Gant                           CFR
Nathan Gantcher                          CFR
Larry A. Garber                          CFR/92
Marlen Garcia                            CFR
Ronie Richele Garcia-Johnson             CFR
Passalacqua Juan Manuel Garcia           CFR/92
Robert G. Gard Jr.                       CFR/92
Nathan P. Gardels                        CFR/92
Arthur Z. Gardiner                       CFR
Anthony Laurence Gardner                 CFR
James A. Gardner                         CFR/92
John William Gardner                     CFR
Nina Luzzatto Gardner                    CFR/92
Richard Newton Gardner                   CFR/RS/TC/84
Robert L. Gardner                     BB/CFR
Harry A. Garfield                        CFR/21
Leonard Garment                          CFR/92
Sherman Garnett                          CFR
Suzanne R. Garment                       CFR/85
Anne Garrels                             CFR/85
Albert H. Garretson                      CFR/TC/84
John W. Garrett                          CFR/21
Johnson Garrett                          CFR
Walker Antonio Garrigues                 CFR/85
Lloyd K. Garrison                        CFR/92
Mark J. Garrison                         CFR/92
Murray J. Gart                           CFR/88
Jeffrey E. Garten                        CFR/92
Raymond L. Garthoff                      CFR/92
Clifton C. Garvin, Jr.                   CFR/85
Richard L. Garwin                        CFR/92
George A. Gaston                         CFR/21
Patricia E. Gaston                       CFR
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.                   CFR/92
Philomene A. Gates                       CFR/88
Robert Michael Gates                     CFR/92
Samuel E. Gates                          CFR
Thomas S. Gates                          CFR
Charles Gati                             CFR/92
Toby Trister Gati                        CFR/92
William S. Gaud                          CFR
Claire Lynn Gaudiani                     CFR/92
F. Gregory Gause III                     CFR/92
Francis J. Gavin                         CFR
James M. Gavin                           CFR
Michelle D. Gavin                        CFR
Joseph C. Gawronski                      CFR
Catherine Gay                            CFR/92
Edwin F. Gay                             CFR/Tc/21
Helene D. Gayle                          CFR
Bradley Gaylord                          CFR
Frasscara Giuseppe Gazzoni               CFR/92
Paul R. S. Gebhard                       CFR
Jeffrey Gedmin                           CFR
Inge Gedo                                CFR
Clifford Geertz                          CFR/92
Frederick V. Geier                       CFR
Paul E. Geier                            CFR
Philip O. Geier                          CFR
Theodore Geiger                          CFR/88
Peter F. Geithner                        CFR
Timothy F. Geithner                      CFR
Sam Gejdenson (D-Ct)                     CFR/88
Amos Gelb                                CFR
Bruce S. Gelb                            CFR
Leslie H. Gelb                           CFR/TC/88
Richard Lee Gelb                         CFR/84
Lionel M. Gelber                         CFR
Robert S. Gelbard                        CFR/88
Harry Gelber                             CFR/92
Murray Gell-Mann                         CFR/92
Michael E. Gellert                       CFR
Barton David Gellman                     CFR/87
Anna Gelpern                             CFR
Gemayel Amin                             CFR/88
Harold S. Geneen                         CFR
General Motors Corp.                     CFR/85
Alexander Lawrence George                CFR/85
John M. George                           CFR
Robert P. George                         CFR
W.H. Krome George                        CFR/92
Peter Andrew Georgescu                   CFR
Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo)               CFR/88
Gennadi I. Gerasimov                     CFR/92
Burton L. Gerber                         CFR
Louis Gerber                             CFR/TC/88
David Richmond Gergen                 BB/CFR/TC/92
Gail M. Gerhardt                         CFR/92
H. A. Gerhart                            CFR
John K. Gerhart                          CFR
Adrienne Germain                         CFR/88
German Marshall Fund                     CFR/85
Louis V. Gerschel                        CFR
Patrick A. Gerschel                      CFR
Carl Samuel Gershman                     CFR
Allan Gerson                             CFR/TC/92
Elliot F. Gerson                         CFR/92
Ralph J. Gerson                          CFR/90
Daniel M. Gerstein                       CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.                BB/CFR/TC/84
Louis V. Gerstner III                    CFR
Jakes Gerwel                             CFR/88
Michael Getler                           CFR/92
Max E. Gevers                            CFR
Paul David Gewirtz                       CFR
Henry R. Geyelin                         CFR/88
Phillip Laussat Geyelin                  CFR/92
Georgia Anne Geyer                       CFR/92
Joachim Gfoeller Jr.                     CFR/92
Michael Gfoeller                         CFR
Tatiana C. Gfoeller                      CFR
Loren Ghiglione                          CFR/85
Charles Eugene Gholz                     CFR
Carol Ann Giacomo                        CFR
A. Bartlett Giamatti                     CFR/92
John Howard Gibbons                      CFR/92
Nancy Reid Gibbs                         CFR/92
Frank B. Gibney                          CFR/92
James Suydam Gibney                      CFR/92
Hugh Gibson                              CFR/21
James Henry Giffen                       CFR/88
Gordon D. Giffin                         CFR
James Henry Giffen                       CFR
Harry D. Gideonse                     BB/CFR
Sidney F. Giffin                         CFR
Paul A. Giglot                           CFR/92
Andres V. Gil                            CFR/92
Peter B. Gil                             CFR/85
Carl J. Gilbert                          CFR
H. N. Gilbert                            CFR/92
Jackson B. Gilbert                       CFR/92
Jarobin Gilbert Jr.                      CFR/92
John Gilbert                             CFR/92
S. Parker Gilbert                        CFR/TC/84
Steven J. Gilbert                        CFR
Huntington Gilchrist                     CFR
Bates Gill                               CFR
Michael J. Gillespie                     CFR/85
S. Hazard Gillespie                      CFR/92
Michael James Gillette                   CFR
John P. Gillin                           CFR
James S. Gilmore III                     CFR/98
Kenneth O. Gilmore                       CFR/92
Richard Gilmore                          CFR/92
Chadbourne Gilpatric                     CFR
Roswell Leavitt Gilpatric             BB/CFR/85
Kenneth N. Gilpin III                    CFR/92
Robert G. Gilpin, Jr.                    CFR/92
Newton L. Gingrich (R-Ga)                CFR/92
Gary L. Ginsberg                         CFR
Marc Charles Ginsberg                    CFR
David Ginsburg                           CFR/92
Jane C. Ginsburg                         CFR/92
Ruth Bader Ginsburg                      CFR/J/92
Robert Neville Ginsburgh                 CFR/84
Thomas B. Ginsburg                       CFR
Andre Giraud                             CFR/88
Bonnie S. Glaser                         CFR
Charles Glaser                           CFR/92
Charisse Glassman                        CFR
Robert R. Glauber                        CFR/88
Nathan Glazer                            CFR/92
S. Everett Gleason                       CFR
Mary Ann Glendon                         CFR/88
T. Keith Glennan                         CFR
Michael J. Glennon                       CFR
Peter Gleysteen                          CFR/84
William H. Gleysteen Jr.                 CFR/84
Daniel R. Glickman                       CFR/95
Ernest Glinne                            CFR/88
Maynard W. Glitman                       CFR/92
Norma Globerman                          CFR/92
Carol Gluck                              CFR/92
Frederick W. Gluck                       CFR
Jeffrey Scott Glueck                     CFR
Peter Henry Glusker                      CFR
Frank A. Godchaux III                    CFR/88
I. Lamond Godwin                         CFR/92
Samuel V. Goekjian                       CFR/92
Robert Walton Goelet, Jr.                CFR/21
Richard K. Goeltz                        CFR
Robert F. Goheen                         CFR/92
Charlynn Goins                           CFR/92
Roberto C. Goizueta                      CFR/84
Galia Golan                              CFR/88
Andrew C. Goldberg                       CFR/85
Arthur J. Goldberg                       CFR/J/92
Michael E. Goldberg                      CFR
Ronnie Lee Goldberg                      CFR
Samuel Goldberg                          CFR/88
Susan A. Goldberg                        CFR
Bruce Goldberger                         CFR
Marvin L. Goldberger                     CFR/92
Abigail Golden-Vazquez                   CFR
James R. Golden                          CFR/92
William Theodore Golden                  CFR/92
Harold P. Goldfield                      CFR
James M. Goldgeier                       CFR
Harrison J. Goldin                       CFR/92
Matthew N. Goldin                        CFR
Andrew Goldman                           CFR/88
Charles N. Goldman                       CFR/92
Emily O. Goldman                         CFR/92
Guido Goldman                            CFR/88
Marshall I. Goldman                      CFR/88
Merle D. Goldman                         CFR/92
Neal D. Goldman                          CFR
Samuel P. Goldman                        CFR/J/21
Peter C. Goldmark, Jr.                   CFR/92
Natalie J. Goldring                      CFR/TC/92
James O. Goldsbourough                   CFR/84
Neil Goldschmidt                         CFR/TC/84
Barbara Goldsmith                        CFR
Jack Landman Goldsmith III               CFR
Robert S. Goldsmith                      CFR/92
Russell D. Goldsmith                     CFR
Elizabeth A. Goldstein                   CFR/88
Gordon Goldstein                         CFR
Jeffrey A. Goldstein                     CFR/92
Morris Goldstein                         CFR
Niel L. Golightly                        CFR/88
Harmon H. Goldstone                      CFR
David L. Goldwyn                         CFR
Paul D. Golob                            CFR
Stephanie Ruth Golob                     CFR/92
Ralph E. Gomory                          CFR/92
David C. Gompert                         CFR/85
Gerrit Gong                              CFR/84
Edward Gonzalez                          CFR/92
Nelson Ricardo Gonzalez                  CFR
Robert C. Good                           CFR/84
James E. Goodby                          CFR/85
W. Wilson Goode                          CFR/88
Arthur L. Goodhart                       CFR
Allan E. Goodman                         CFR
Andrea Pierce Goodman                    CFR
George J. W. Goodman                     CFR/92
Herbert I. Goodman                       CFR
John B. Goodman                          CFR/92
Matthew P. Goodman                       CFR
Nancy F. Goodman                         CFR
Roy M. Goodman                           CFR/88
Sherri Wasserman Goodman                 CFR/92
Andrew Jackson Goodpaster (Gen.)      BB/CFR/92
Carter Goodrich                          CFR
Leland M. Goodrich                       CFR
James Nelson Goodsell                    CFR/84
Mikhail S. Gorbachev                     CFR/92
Albert Hamilton Gordon                   CFR
John A. Gordon (Gen.)                    CFR
Kermit Gordon                            CFR
Lincoln Gordon                        BB/CFR/92
Michael R. Gordon                        CFR/92
Philip H. Gordon                         CFR/88
Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty                   CFR
Annette Gordon-Reed                      CFR
Albert  Gore, Jr.                        CFR
David Gore-Booth                         CFR/TC/92
Jamie S. Gorelick                        CFR
Joseph T. Gorman                      BB/CFR/TC/85
Paul F. Gorman                           CFR/92
Alan L. Gornick                          CFR/84
Colleen Gorove                           CFR/88
Wytze Gorter                             CFR
Neil M. Gorsuch                          CFR
Porter J. Goss                           CFR
Victor Gotbaum                           CFR/TC/84
Alan E. Gotlieb                          CFR/90
Gidion Gottlieb                          CFR
Rose E. Gottemoeller                     CFR/92
Kurt Gottfried                           CFR/88
Gidon A. G. Gottlieb                     CFR/88
Stuart Gottlieb                          CFR
Thomas M. Gottlieb                       CFR/92
Peter M. Gottsegen                       CFR/87
Jamie Gough                              CFR/88
George Gould                             CFR/92
Laurence M. Gould                        CFR
Peter G. Gould                           CFR/84
Peter A. Gourevitch                      CFR/92
Philip Gourevitch                        CFR
Pierre Gousseland                        CFR/92
Joseph Peter Grace, Jr.                  CFR/84
Lola Nashashibi Grace                    CFR
William C. Grace                         CFR/21
Timothy J. Graczewski                    CFR
Henry Franklin Graff                     CFR/92
Robert D. Graff                          CFR/92
Bob Graham (D-Fl)                        CFR/TC/88
Carol Lee Graham                         CFR
Katherine Graham                      BB/CFR/TC/J/92
Lawrence Otis Graham                     CFR
Philip Graham                            CFR
Thomas Graham, Jr.                       CFR
Thomas Wallace Graham                    CFR/92
William R. Graham, Jr.                   CFR
James P. Grant                           CFR/92
Michael D. Granoff                       CFR
James P. Grant                           CFR
Stephen A. Grant                         CFR/92
Ulysses S. Grant III                     CFR
Maurice F. Granville                     CFR/92
Stephen R. Graubard                      CFR/92
Howard D. Graves                         CFR
Charles D. Gray                          CFR
David E. Gray                            CFR
Gordon Gray                              CFR
Hanna Holborn Gray                       CFR/85
Harry Jack Gray                          CFR/92
Prentiss N. Gray                         CFR/21
William Latimer Gray                     CFR
Judy S. Grayson                          CFR
Joseph A. Grazier                        CFR
R. Scott Greathead                       CFR
Richard Jr. Greco                        CFR
Bill Green (Washington Post)             CFR/87
Carl J. Green                            CFR/92
Eric F. Green                            CFR
Ernest G. Green                          CFR
Donald Green                             CFR/92
Jerrold D. Green                         CFR/88
Joseph C. Green                          CFR
Michael Jonathan Green                   CFR
Robert Shane Green                       CFR
Alexander Kent Anton Greenawalt          CFR
Arthur N. Greenberg                      CFR/92
Evan G. Greenberg                        CFR
Glenn H. Greenberg                       CFR
Jeffrey W. Greenberg                     CFR
Karen J. Greenberg                       CFR
Lawrence Scott Greenberg                 CFR
Lisa Greenberg                           CFR
Maurice ("Hank") Raymond Greenberg    BB/CFR/TC/92
Sanford D. Greenberg                     CFR/TC/84
Robert Stephen Greenberger               CFR
A. Crawford Greene                       CFR
Fred Greene                              CFR/92
James C. Greene                          CFR/85
James R. Greene                          CFR/92
Jerome D. Greene                         CFR/21
Joseph N. Greene, Jr.                    CFR/92
Margaret L. (Gretchen) Greene            CFR/92
Michelle D. Greene                       CFR
Raymond F. Greene III                    CFR
Wade Greene                              CFR/88
James L. Greenfield                      CFR/92
Meg Greenfield                           CFR/85
Crawford H. Greenewalt                   CFR
James Greenfield                         CFR
Meg Greenfield                           CFR
Robert F. Greenhill                      CFR/85
Beverly Sills Greenough                  CFR
William C. Greenough                     CFR/88
Alan J. Greenspan                        CFR/TC/92
G. Jonathan Greenwald                    CFR
Joseph Adolph Greenwald                  CFR/92
Hugh D.S. Greenway                       CFR/92
Herman Greenwood                         CFR
Ted Greenwood                            CFR/88
Donald P. Gregg                          CFR
Heather S. Gregg                         CFR
Vartan Gregorian                         CFR/84
Wallace C. Gregson                       CFR/92
Richard Grenier                          CFR/84
Louisa Coan Greve                        CFR
William Greve                            CFR/90
Joseph M. Grieco                         CFR/85
Linda Griego                             CFR
Anne-Marea Griffin                       CFR
Brian C. Griffin                         CFR/92
Samuel B. Griffith II                    CFR
Thomas Griffith                          CFR/92
William Edgar Griffith                   CFR/85
Phillip A. Griffiths                     CFR
Alyssa A. Grikscheit                     CFR
Peter Grimm                              CFR
Joseph A. Grimes Jr.                     CFR
Julie M. Grimes                          CFR
Janet Mullins Grissom                    CFR
A. Whitney Griswold                      CFR
Robert T. Grohman                        CFR/84
Anatoly A. Gromyk                        CFR/TC/92
Teg C. Grondahl                          CFR
Robert F. Grondine                       CFR
Gigi Kwik Gronvall                       CFR
Jacques Groothaert                       CFR/88
Peter Bolton Grose                       CFR/92
Ernest A. Gross                          CFR/92
Martin J. Gross                          CFR
Patrick W. Gross                         CFR/88
Alexander Grosset                        CFR/21
Daniel E. Grossman                       CFR
Gene M. Grossman                         CFR/92
Marc Grossman                            CFR
Brandon H. Grove, Jr.                    CFR/92
Curtiss C. Grove                         CFR
Paul C. Grove                            CFR
Allen Grover                             CFR
Katherine Sye Grover                     CFR
Ray J. Groves                            CFR/92
Alfred M. Gruenther                   BB/CFR
Jessie C. Gruman                         CFR
Joseph A. Grundfest                      CFR
George Vincent Grune                     CFR/92
Henry Anatole Grunwald                BB/CFR/92
Sydney Gruson                            CFR
Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon                 CFR/92
Michael E. Guest                         CFR/92
Andrew J. Guff                           CFR
Harry Frank Guggenheim                   CFR
Eugenia Katherine Guilmartin             CFR
Stephen E. Guisinger                     CFR
Sidney L. Gulick                         CFR/21
Edmund Asbury Gullion                    CFR/85
Adelaide Cromwell Gulliver               CFR/85
Agnes Gund                               CFR
Andrew S. Gundlach                       CFR
Hartford Gunn                            CFR/84
John J. Gunther                       BB/CFR
Sanjay K. Gupta                          CFR
Pranay Gupte                             CFR
Murray I. Gurfein                        CFR
Judith Gustafson                         CFR/88
Anne Gustave                             CFR/TC/88
Caroline Stephanie Gustavson             CFR
Lilita V. Gusts                          CFR
John H. Gutfreund                        CFR/TC/92
John H.J. Guth                           CFR/92
Edwin O. Guthman                         CFR
Henning P. Gutmann                       CFR
Nikolas K. Gvosdev                       CFR
Bernard M. Gwetzman                      CFR
Catherine Gwin                           CFR/92            
Joseph Mo Ha                             CFR/92
Lynn Elisa Haaland                       CFR
Ernest van den Haag                      CFR
The Mark Haas Foundation                 CFR
Mimi L. Haas                             CFR
Peter E. Haas                            CFR/TC/92
Robert D. Haas                           CFR/TC/85
Richard N. Haass                         CFR/85
Philip Charles Habib                     CFR/84
Inmaculada Habsburg-Lothringen           CFR
Nina L. Hachigian                        CFR
Clifford P. Hackett                      CFR/92
Craig D. Hackett                         CFR
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad                    CFR
Stephen John Hadley                      CFR
Joseph A. Hafner  Jr.                    CFR/88
Chuck Hagel                              CFR
Katherine A. Hagen                       CFR
Eric H. Hager                            CFR
Stephan M. Haggard                       CFR/92
Keith D. Hahn                            CFR
D. Blake Haider                          CFR
Michael L. Haider                        CFR
Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.                CFR/TC/92
George Winthrop Haight                   CFR/S&B/28
Earl B. Hailston                         CFR
Nisid J. Hajari                          CFR
Roya Hakakian                            CFR
Peter Hakim                              CFR/88
Najeeb E. Halaby                         CFR/84
David Halberstram                        CFR
David D. Hale                            CFR
Lyric Hughes Hale                        CFR
Robert F. Hale                           CFR/92
John Haley                               CFR/82
C. Barrows Hall                          CFR
John P. Hall                             CFR
John W. Hall                             CFR
Kathryn Walt Hall                        CFR
Katherine Hall-Martinez                  CFR
Claus M. Halle                           CFR
Louis J. Halle, Jr.                      CFR
Mark S. Hallerberg                       CFR
Paul Hallingby, Jr.                      CFR/92
David R. Halperin                        CFR
Morton H. Halperin                       CFR/92
Sue M. Halperin                          CFR/92
Ted Halstead                             CFR
Thomas A. Halsted                        CFR/92
Michael H. Haltzel                       CFR/92
David A. Hamburg                         CFR/88
Jill Hamburg                             CFR
Margaret Ann Hamburg                     CFR/87
Jill Hamburg-Coplan                      CFR
Michael A. Hamel                         CFR
Ann O. Hamilton                          CFR/92
Charles V. Hamilton                      CFR/92
Daniel Hamilton                          CFR/92
Doug N. Hamilton                         CFR/88
Edward K. Hamilton                       CFR/TC/92
Fowler Hamilton                          CFR
Hugh Gerard Hamilton, Jr.                CFR
John Maxwell Hamilton                    CFR
J. W. H. Hamilton                        CFR/21
Jonathan C. Hamilton                     CFR
Lee H. Hamilton  (D-In)                  CFR/TC/88
Michael P. Hamilton                      CFR/92
Ruth Simms Hamilton                      CFR/92
Thomas J. Hamilton                       CFR
Armand Hammer                            CFR/87
John Hays Hammond                        CFR/21
John Henry Hammond                       CFR/21
Paul Hammond                             CFR
Rupert J. Hammond-Chambers               CFR
D. Holly Hammonds                        CFR
Oliver W. Hammonds                       CFR
John J. Hamre                            CFR
Sungjoo Han                              CFR/88
Masamichi Hanabusa                       CFR/92
Larry Hanauer                            CFR
William A. Hance                         CFR
Ellen Hancock                            CFR/85
Judith L. Hancock                        CFR/92
Lloyd N. Hand                            CFR
Scott M. Hand                            CFR
Stephen Handelman                        CFR
John W. Hanes, Jr.                       CFR
Wolfram F. Hanrieder                     CFR/92
Patricia L Hanscom                       CFR
Herbert J Hansell                        CFR
Carol Rae Hansen                         CFR/88
Keith Eric Hansen                        CFR/85
Lynn M. Hansen                           CFR/92
Roger Hansen                             CFR/84
John W. Hanes, Jr.                       CFR
Patricia L. Hanscom                      CFR
Haywood S. Hansell, Jr.                  CFR
Herbert J. Hansell                       CFR
Carl Thor Hanson                         CFR/85
Robert A. Hanson                         CFR/92
Giselle P. Hantz                         CFR
Evie Hantzopoulos                        CFR
Paraskeve Hantzopoulos                   CFR
Maurice Harari                           CFR/88
Frederick Harbison                       CFR
Edward J. Hardin                         CFR
Katherine Anderson Hardin                CFR
Deborah A. Harding                       CFR
Harry Harding                            CFR/TC/84
Sir William Harding                      CFR/92
John P. Hardt                            CFR/85
Raymond A. Hare                          CFR/92
John Lawrence Hargrove                   CFR/92
Bernard W. Harleston                     CFR/88
Jane Harman (D-Ca)                       CFR
Sidney Harman                            CFR/92
James A. Harmon                          CFR
Blaire Harms                             CFR
James W. Harpel                          CFR/92
Conrad K. Harper                         CFR/85
Paul Harper                              CFR/92
Zenola Harper                            CFR/92
J. G. Harrar                             CFR
E. Roland Harriman                       CFR
Edward Roland Noel Harriman              CFR/S&B 1917
Pamela C. Harriman                       CFR/85
William Averell Harriman                 CFR/S&B 1913
Elizabeth Harrington                     CFR/92
Maureen Ann Harrington                   CFR
Elisa D. Harris                          CFR/92
David A. Harris                          CFR
Irving B. Harris                         CFR/92
James T. Harris, Jr.                     CFR
Jay T. Harris                            CFR
John M. Harris                           CFR
Joseph E. Harris                         CFR/92
Joshua J. Harris                         CFR
Katherine Harris                         CFR
Martha Caldwell Harris                   CFR/88
Scott Blake Harris                       CFR/88
George Leslie Harrison                   CFR/S&B 1910
Hope M. Harrison                         CFR
Selig S. Harrison                        CFR/TC/84
William B. Harrison Jr.                  CFR
Earl Of Harrowby                         CFR/92
Joseph Close Harsch                   BB/CFR/84
Linda Harsh                              CFR/92
Edward R. Harshberger                    CFR
Augustin S. Hart                         CFR
Augustin S. Hart, Jr.                    CFR/92
Bill Hart, Jr.                           CFR/88
Brett J. Hart                            CFR
Douglas Hart                             CFR/92
Francis R. Hart                          CFR/21
Gary Hart                                CFR
Parker T. Hart (Pete)                    CFR/85
Robert C. Hart                           CFR
Todd C. Hart                             CFR
Fred L. Hartley                          CFR/92
Jane D. Hartley                          CFR
Robert W. Hartley                        CFR
Arthur A. Hartman                     BB/CFR/87
J. Lise Hartman                          CFR/87
Rosemary Hartman                         CFR/85
Carl E. Hartnack                         CFR/85
William Harvin                           CFR/TC/84
Jon K. Hartzell                          CFR
Norishige Hasegawa                       CFR/TC/92
William Alan Haseltine                   CFR
rTaizo Hashida                           CFR/92
Broderick Haskell                        CFR
John H. F. Haskell Jr.                   CFR/92
Caryl Parker Haskins                     CFR/61
Charles H. Haskins                       CFR/21
Pierre Hassner                           CFR/TC/92
Tsutomu Hata                             CFR/92
Robert S. Hatfield                       CFR
Robert M. Hathaway                       CFR
Gina Marie L. Hatheway                   CFR
Arthur A. Hauck                          CFR
Gabriel Hauge                         BB/CFR/88
John Resor Hauge                         CFR/87
Rita E. Hauser                           CFR/92
William Locke Hauser                     CFR/85
Arthur Hauspurg                          CFR/85
Theresa Ann Havell                       CFR
H. Field Haviland, Jr.                   CFR/92
Ashton Hawkins                           CFR/85
F. William Hawley                        CFR
Amy W. Hawthorne                         CFR
Steronica Dunston Hawthorne              CFR
Michael V. Hayden                        CFR
Alexandre P. Hayek                       CFR
Alfred Hayes                             CFR/92
Margaret Daly Hayes                      CFR/92
Rita Derrick Hayes                       CFR
Samuel P. Hayes                          CFR/84
Peter Hayes (Foreign Affairs)            CFR/92
Fred Haynes                              CFR/92
Lukas Harrison Haynes                    CFR
Ulric St.Clair Haynes Jr.                CFR/92
Brooks Hays                           BB/CFR
John T. Hays                             CFR
Thomas B. Hayward (Adm.)                 CFR/85
Oliver G. Haywood                        CFR/92
Heather A. Hazard                        CFR/88
John N. Hazard                           CFR/84
Charles D. Hazen                         CFR/21
Lisa W. Heald                            CFR
Henry T. Heald                           CFR
Harold Harris Healy, Jr.                 CFR/S&B/43
Melissa Healy                            CFR/92
Kerry Murphy Healey                      CFR
Alexander Heard                          CFR/84
Ruby P. Hearn                            CFR
Andrew P. Heaney                         CFR
Ronald R. Heath                          CFR
Dorothea Hecht                           CFR/TC/92
Charles B. Heck                          CFR/TC/92
Siegfried S. Hecker                      CFR
Leila Heckman                            CFR/92
August Heckscher                         CFR
Christopher Lynn Hedges                  CFR
Mitchell W. Hedstrom                     CFR/88
Barbara D. Heep-Richter                  CFR/88
Paul Heer                                CFR
Totton P. Heffelfinger II                CFR
Stanley J. Heginbotham                   CFR/92
J. Bryan Hehir                           CFR/92
Elaine F. Heifetz                        CFR/88
Jacob E. Heilbrunn                       CFR
Samuel Heilner                           CFR/21
Michael A. Heilperin                  BB/CFR
John Gaines Heimann                      CFR
Charles A. Heimbold Jr.                  CFR
James B. Heimowitz                       CFR/92
Benjamin W. Heineman Jr.                 CFR/92
Melvin L. Heineman                       CFR
Stephen B. Heintz                        CFR
Harry Leonard Heintzen                   CFR
Henry John Heinz II                   BB/CFR/S&B/31
Christopher D. Heinz                     CFR/88
Teresa F. Heinz                          CFR
Francois L. Heisbourg                    CFR/88
Dennis J . Hejlik                        CFR
Robert C. Helander                       CFR/92
Frederick Heldring                       CFR/92
David W. Heleniak                        CFR
Ricki Tigert Helfer                      CFR
John L. Helgerson                        CFR
Jane J. Heller                           CFR
Michael A. Heller                        CFR
Richard M. Heller                        CFR
F. Warren Hellman                        CFR/92
Steven E. Hellman                        CFR
Donald Charles Hellmann                  CFR/85
Harold H. Helm                           CFR
Robert W. Helm                           CFR
Suzanne Helm                             CFR
Robert A. Helman                         CFR
Niles Helmboldt                          CFR/85
Christine Moss Helms                     CFR/88
Richard McGarrah Helms                   CFR/92
Mark Helprin                             CFR
Arthur C. Helton                         CFR
James B. Henderson                       CFR/84
Lawrence J. Henderson, Jr.               CFR/92
Loy W. Henderson                         CFR/84
William Henderson                        CFR
David C. Hendrickson                     CFR
Alice H. Henkin                          CFR/88
Louis Henkin                             CFR/92
John M. Hennessy                         CFR/TC/84
David J. Hennigar                        CFR/92
Daniel Paul Henninger                    CFR/92
Alan K. Henrikson                        CFR
David Dodds Henry                        CFR
John B. Henry                            CFR/84
Nancy L. Henry                           CFR
Peter A. Henry                           CFR
Harriet Hentges                          CFR/92
Alexander Herard                         CFR
Roy A. Herberger Jr.                     CFR/92
Jeffrey Herbst                           CFR/92
John Herling                             CFR/92
Charles Frazer Hermann                   CFR/87
Richard K. Hermann                       CFR/92
Antonia Hernandez                        CFR
Colon Rafael Hernandez                   CFR/TC/92
De Minion Miguel Herrero                 CFR/88
Ernesto P. Hernandez III                 CFR
W. Rogers Herod                          CFR
Edwin M. Herr                            CFR/21
Jessica Rae Herrera-Flanigan             CFR
Pendleton Herring                        CFR
Richard K. Herrmann                      CFR/92
Owen Edward Herrnstadt                   CFR
Jean Herskovits                          CFR/92
Christian Archibald Herter            BB/CFR/88
Christian Archibald Herter, Jr.          CFR
Frederic P. Herter                       CFR/92
Rebecca K. C. Hersman                    CFR
Dale R. Herspring                        CFR
Frederic P. Herter                       CFR
Roger Hertog                             CFR
Arthur Hertzberg                         CFR/92
Hendrik Hertzberg                        CFR
Robert M. Hertzberg                      CFR
Barbara Herz                             CFR/92
Charles M. Herzfeld                      CFR/85
Paul M. Herzog                           CFR/92
Jessica A. Herzstein                     CFR/88
Robert E. Herzstein                      CFR
Theodore Martin Hesburgh              BB/CFR/TC/92
Sheila N. Heslin                         CFR
Jerome S. Hess                           CFR
John B. Hess                             CFR/88
Marlene Hess                             CFR
Curtis A. Hessler                        CFR/92
James M. Hester                          CFR/88
Ed A. Hewett                             CFR/88
William Alexander Hewitt              BB/CFR/TC/92
Sylvia Ann Hewlett                       CFR/84
William Redington Hewlett                CFR/92
William H. Heyman                        CFR
Roger W. Heyns                           CFR/92
Fred Hiatt                               CFR
William M. Hickey                        CFR
Irvin Hicks Jr.                          CFR/92
Irvin Hicks Sr.                          CFR
John F. Hicks Sr.                        CFR
Kathleen Holland Hicks                   CFR
Peggy L. Hicks                           CFR
Jack D. Hidary                           CFR
E. Michael Higginbotham                  CFR
Neal Higgins                             CFR
Robert F. Higgins                        CFR/88
Tracy E. Higgins                         CFR
Keith Highet                             CFR/92
B. Boyd Hight                            CFR/92
Edward T. Hightower                      CFR
Catharine B. Hill                        CFR/92
Fiona Hill                               CFR
Forrest F. Hill                          CFR
George Watts Hill                        CFR
J. French Hill                           CFR/85
J. Tomilson Hill                         CFR
James T. Hill, Jr.                       CFR
Janine W. Hill                           CFR
John A. Hill                             CFR
Joseph C. Hill                           CFR
Pamela Hill                              CFR
Raymond D. Hill                          CFR
Velma Murphy Hill                        CFR/88
John Hillen                              CFR
Martin J. Hillenbrand                    CFR/92
Sonja Hillgren                           CFR/92
Carla Anderson Hills                     CFR/TC/88
Laura Hume Hills                         CFR/TC/92
Robert C. Hills                          CFR
Roger Hilsman                            CFR/92
Robert P. Hilton                         CFR/92
James A. Himes                           CFR
Leo J. Hindery, Jr.                      CFR
Ruth J. Hinerfeld                        CFR/92
Gerald Douglas Hines                     CFR/TC/84
Rachel Hines                             CFR
Walker D. Hines                          CFR/21
Jan Hinnekens                            CFR/92
Randall Hinshaw                          CFR/92
Deane Roesch Hinton                      CFR/84
Hinton David B Dickinson Company         CFR/TC/92
Gen Hirose                               CFR/92
John L. Hirsch                           CFR/92
Albert O. Hirschman                      CFR
Charles J. Hitch                         CFR
Frederick P. Hitz                        CFR
Christine M. Y. Ho                       CFR
Jim Hoagland                             CFR/92
Joseph P. Hoar (Gen.)                    CFR
Matthew T. Hobart                        CFR
Tammany D. Hobbs-Miracky                 CFR
William P. Hobby                         CFR
H. Lee Hobson                            CFR
Mellody Hobson                           CFR
Frank W. Hoch                            CFR/84
Harold K. Hochschild                  BB/CFR
Walter Hochschild                        CFR
Jean Pierre Hocke                        CFR/92
James D. Hodgson                         CFR/85
Michael W. Hodin                         CFR/85
Amoretta M. Hoeber                       CFR/92
Andrew R. Hoehn                          CFR/92
William Edwin Hoehn Jr.                  CFR/92
Malcolm I. Hoenlein                      CFR/92
Nancy L. Hoepli                          CFR/92
Philip Hofer                             CFR
Mark R. Hoffenberg                       CFR
Adonis Edward Hoffman                    CFR/92
Auren Hoffman                            CFR
Bruce Hoffman                            CFR/92
Diether Hoffmann                         CFR/88
Michael A. Hoffman                       CFR
Michael L. Hoffman                       CFR/88
Paul Gray Hoffman                     BB/CFR
Stanley H. Hoffman                    BB/CFR/TC/84
Steven I. Hofman                         CFR
James Fulton Hoge, Jr.                BB/CFR/TC/88
Warren M. Hoge                           CFR/92
Elis S. Hoglund                          CFR
George Roberts Hoguet                    CFR/85
Robert L. Hoguet, Jr.                    CFR/92
John Hohenberg                           CFR/92
Mary Elizabeth Hoinkes                   CFR/88
Hajo Holborn                             CFR
Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke      BB/CFR/TC/92
M. Staser Holcomb                        CFR/92
M. Scott Holcomb                         CFR
John L. Holden                           CFR
James B. Holderman                       CFR/92
John P. Holdren                          CFR
Mande N. Holford                         CFR
Laura S. Haynes Holgate                  CFR
Jane E. Holl                             CFR/92
Jerome H. Holland                        CFR/84
Kenneth Holland                          CFR
Mary S. Holland                          CFR/85
William L. Holland                       CFR
Anne Lorraine Hollick                    CFR/TC/84
Stuart W. Holliday                       CFR
James Frank Hollifield                   CFR
Duncan Baker Hollis                      CFR
Anne F. Holloway                         CFR/TC/84
Dwight F. Holloway Jr.                   CFR
Niels Holm                               CFR/85
Alan F. Holmer                           CFR
Alan R. Holmes                           CFR
Henry Allen Holmes                       CFR/92
Julius C. Holmes                         CFR
Kim R. Holmes                            CFR
Stephen T. Holmes                        CFR
Alessandra Griffiths Holowesko           CFR
Eric Allan Holst                         CFR
Johan Jorgen Holst                       CFR/92
Willem Holst                             CFR/84
Hamilton Holt                            CFR/21
L. Emett Holt, Jr.                       CFR
Pat M. Holt                              CFR/92
John D. Holum                            CFR
Douglas Holtz-Eakin                      CFR
John D. Holum                            CFR
Arthur B. Homer                          CFR
Sidney Homer                             CFR
Robert E. Hood                           CFR/92
Benjamin L. Hooks                        CFR/84
George V. Hook                           CFR
Richard D. Hooker Jr.                    CFR
Suzanne Hooper                           CFR/92
Townsend Walter Hoopes II                CFR/S&B/44
Calvin B. Hoover                         CFR
Herbert W. Hoover, Jr.                   CFR/84
Lyman Hoover                             CFR
Judith Richards Hope                     CFR
Richard O. Hope                          CFR/85
Luke D. Hopkins                          CFR
Bruce C. Hopper                          CFR
Arnold L. Horelick                       CFR
Tetsuya Horie                            CFR/92
Gary N. Horlick                          CFR/TC/88
Robert D. Hormats                        CFR/TC/92
John J. Horan                            CFR/92
Garfield H. Horn                         CFR/92
Karen N. Horn                            CFR/92
Miriam Horn                              CFR
Sally K. Horn                            CFR/92
Stanley K. Hornbeck                      CFR
Karl Heinz Hornhues                      CFR/92
Matina Souretis Horner                   CFR/TC/84
Richard H. Hornik                        CFR
James Hornthal                           CFR
Irving Louis Horowitz                    CFR
Alan W. Horton                           CFR/88
Elliott Horton                           CFR/92
Frank B. Horton III                      CFR/92
Philip C. Horton                         CFR
Robert Scott Horton                      CFR
Sharon Freeman Horton                    CFR/92
Halford L. Hoskins                       CFR
Harold B. Hoskins                        CFR
Bradley C. Hosmer                        CFR/TC/84
Takashi Hosomi                           CFR/92
Germaine A. Hoston                       CFR/92
Richard C. Hottelet                      CFR/92
Amory Houghton III (R-NY)                CFR/85
Arthur A. Houghton, Jr.                  CFR/TC/92
James R. Houghton                        CFR/TC/88
Kathleen Houlihan                        CFR
Brett E. House                           CFR
Edward Mandell House 33rd                CFR/21
Karen Elliott House                      CFR/84
David Franklin Houston                   CFR/21
Frank K. Houston                         CFR
Herbert S. Houston                       CFR/21
Frederick L. Hovde                       CFR
Allan Justus Hovey, Jr.                  CFR/92
Graham Hovey                             CFR/92
A. E. Dick Howard                        CFR
Christopher Bernard Howard               CFR
Graeme K. Howard                         CFR
John Brigham Howard                      CFR/92
John R. Howard                           CFR/84
Lyndsay C. Howard                        CFR
Sir Michael Howard                       CFR/92
M. William Howard Jr.                    CFR
John Howe                                CFR
Walter Howe                              CFR
Ernest M. Howell                         CFR/TC/92
John I. Howell                           CFR/84
Peter Howell                             CFR
Charles P. Howland                       CFR/21
Nicholas C. Howson                       CFR
Edwin C. Hoyt, Jr.                       CFR
Mont P. Hoyt                             CFR/TC/84
Palmer Hoyt                              CFR
Donna J. Hrinak                          CFR
Sharon Hemond Hrynkow                    CFR
Ta-Lin Hsu                               CFR
Mala Htun                                CFR
Yanzhong Huang                           CFR
Ludwig Huber                             CFR/92
Richard L. Huber                         CFR/87
Benjamin Huberman                        CFR/88
Jane Huddish                             CFR/92
David E. Hudson                          CFR/21
Manley O. Hudson                         CFR/21
Michael C. Hudson                        CFR/92
Stewart J. Hudson                        CFR
Lee W. Huebner                           CFR/92
John W. Huey                             CFR
Gary C. Hufbauer                         CFR/92
Roy Michael Huffington                   CFR/92
Shirley M. Hufstedler                    CFR/88
Charles Hugel                            CFR/85
Nathan I Huggins                         CFR/92
Duane L. Hughes                          CFR
Jeffrey L. Hughes                        CFR/88
John Chambers Hughes (State Dept.)       CFR/84
Justin Hughes                            CFR
Lynn N. Hughes                           CFR
Lyric M. Hughes                          CFR
R. John Hughes                           CFR
Thomas Lowe Hughes                    BB/CFR/92
Henry C. Huglin                          CFR/92
John W. Huizenga                         CFR/90
Cordell W. Hull                          CFR/90
Edmund J. Hull                           CFR
John C. Hulsman                          CFR
Tamela Hultman                           CFR
Timothy A. Hultquist                     CFR
Cameron R. Hume                          CFR
Ellen H. Hume                            CFR/88
Arthur William Hummel Jr.                CFR/92
Hubert H. Humphrey                       CFR
Jeffrey A. Hunker                        CFR
Warren S. Hunsberger                     CFR/92
James Ramsay Hunt, Jr.                   CFR
Swanee Hunt                              CFR
Clarence E. Hunter                       CFR/42
Robert Edward Hunter                  BB/CFR/88
Shireen T. Hunter                        CFR/88
Thomas Hunter                            CFR
William Curt Hunter                      CFR
Charlayne Hunter-Gault                   CFR/88
David S. Huntington                      CFR
Patricia Skinner Huntington              CFR
Samuel Phillips Huntington               CFR/92
Jon M. Huntsman Jr.                      CFR
Elizabeth Shakman Hurd                   CFR
Joseph Kindall Hurd III                  CFR
Jacob Coleman Hurewitz                   CFR/92
John B. Hurford                          CFR
Edward N. Hurley                         CFR/21
James B. Hurlock                         CFR/84
Matthew Hunter Hurlock                   CFR
Richard A. Hurowitz                      CFR
Robert J. Hurst                          CFR/92
Seth L. Hurwitz                          CFR
Sol Hurwitz                              CFR/92
Robert L. Hutchings                      CFR
Glenn H. Hutchins                        CFR
Charles Hutzler                          CFR
Philip M. Huyck                          CFR/92
Joel Z. Hyatt                            CFR
Henry B. Hyde                            CFR
James N. Hyde                            CFR/88
Richard Hyland                           CFR
William George Hyland                    CFR/TC/84
Allen I. Hyman                           CFR
Hosai Hyuga                              CFR/88            
Alberto Ibarguen                         CFR
IBM World Trade                          CFR/88
Shinichi Ichimura                        CFR/92
Henry L. Ickelheimer                     CFR/21
Robert S. Ingersoll                      CFR
John B. Inglis                           CFR
David R. Ignatius                        CFR/87
Mansoor Ijaz                             CFR
G. John Ikenberry                        CFR/92
Fred Charles Ikle                        CFR/92
Alice Stone Ilchman                      CFR/TC/84
Claude Imbert                            CFR/92
Mel M. Immergut                          CFR
Karl F. Inderfurth (Rick)                CFR/88
Martin S. Indyk                          CFR
Robert Stephen Ingersoll                 CFR/92
Shelley Case Inglis                      CFR
Dwight A. Ink                            CFR/88
Bobby Ray Inman                          CFR/TC/84
Takashi Inoguchi                         CFR/TC/92
Kaoru Inouye                             CFR/88
Charles P. Issawi                        CFR
International Institute Economics        CFR/88
Open Society Institute                   CFR
Michael D. Intriligator                  CFR/92
Ray R. Irani                             CFR
R. L. Ireland III                        CFR/92
Leon E. Irish                            CFR/92
Patricia L. Irvin                        CFR/92
David W. Irwin                           CFR
John N. Irwin II                         CFR/85
John N. Irwin III                        CFR/84
Steven M. Irwin                          CFR
Wallace Irwin                            CFR/88
William G. Irwin                         CFR/21
Maxine Isaacs                            CFR
Norman E. Isaacs                         CFR/84
Walter Seff Isaacson                     CFR/RS
John Jay Iselin                          CFR/92
O'Donnell Iselin                         CFR
Steven L. Isenberg                       CFR/92
Christopher Isham                        CFR/TC/84
Takashi Ishihara                         CFR/TC/92
Rokuro Ishikawa                          CFR/TC/92
Takeru Ishikawa                          CFR/88
Shafiqul Islam                           CFR/92
Adam R. Isles                            CFR
Mahnaz Z. Ispahani                       CFR/92
Charles Issawi                           CFR/92
Deborah H. Isser                         CFR
Yves-Andr Istel                          CFR
William M. Itoh                          CFR
Kenneth R. Iverson                       CFR
M. Douglas Ivester                       CFR
William H. Izlar Jr.                     CFR/88            
Paul Jabber                              CFR/85
Wanda Jablonski                          CFR/92
Henry Jackelen                           CFR/92
Nancy P. Jacklin                         CFR/92
Bruce P. Jackson                         CFR/85
Elmore Jackson                           CFR/85
Eric K. Jackson                          CFR
Eugene D. Jackson                        CFR/90
Henry F. Jackson                         CFR/92
Jesse L. Jackson                         CFR/92
John Howard Jackson                      CFR/92
John R. Jackson                          CFR/92
Lois M. Jackson                          CFR/92
Sarah Jackson                            CFR
Shirley Ann Jackson                      CFR
William E. Jackson                       CFR/S&B/41
William H. Jackson                       CFR
John E. Jacob                            CFR/88
Eli S. Jacobs                            CFR/92
Jack H. Jacobs                           CFR
Jennifer A. Jacobs                       CFR
Nehama Jacobs                            CFR/92
Harold K. Jacobson                       CFR/92
Jerome Jacobson                          CFR/92
Mark R. Jacobson                         CFR
Tamar Jacoby                             CFR/92
Amy Myers Jaffe                          CFR/85
Sam A. Jaffe                             CFR/TC/84
Thorbjorn Jagland                        CFR/85
Robert V.W. Jahrling                     CFR/92
Jay Jakub                                CFR
Amaney A. Jamal                          CFR
Arthur Curtiss James                     CFR/21
Francis J. James                         CFR
George F. James                          CFR
James K. Jamieson                        CFR/92
David P. Janes                           CFR
Jackson Janes                            CFR
Mark Weston Janis                        CFR/88
Morton L. Janklow                        CFR/TC/84
Horst Jannott                            CFR/92
Merit E. Janow                           CFR/92
Marius B. Jansen                         CFR/TC/84
Daniel E. Janssen                        CFR/TC/92
Paul Emmanuel Janssen                    CFR/92
Jane S. Jaquette                         CFR/92
Alfred Jaretzki, Jr.                     CFR
James M. Jarvie                          CFR21
Nancy A. Jarvis                          CFR
Robert E. Jastrow                        CFR/85
Jacob K. Javits                       BB/CFR/J/84
Nelson Dean Jay                       BB/CFR
Cindy R. Jebb                            CFR
Ian Markus Jefferson                     CFR
Bradley C. Jeffries                      CFR
Brian Michael Jenkins                    CFR/88
Bonnie D. Jenkins                        CFR
Jennifer Cecelia Jenkins                 CFR
John K. Jenney                           CFR
Loren Jenkins                            CFR/90
Eric R. Jensen                           CFR/85
John W. Jenson                           CFR/84
Kenneth M. Jensen                        CFR
Bruce W. Jentleson                       CFR/92
Robert L. Jervis                         CFR/92
Alpheus W. Jessup                        CFR/34
Philip C. Jessup, Sr.                    CFR/TC/84
John K. Jessup                           CFR
Philip C. Jessup                         CFR
Howard Franklin Jeter                    CFR
Dennis C. Jett                           CFR
Calvin C. Jillson                        CFR
Reimut Jochimsen                         CFR/92
Robert D. Joffe                          CFR/92
Lionel Skipwith Johns                    CFR/92
Alba B. Johnson                          CFR/21
Chalmers Johnson                         CFR/92
Douglas W. Johnson                       CFR/21
Edward F. Johnson                        CFR
Herschel V. Johnson                      CFR
Howard C. Johnson                        CFR
Howard W. Johnson                        CFR/92
James A. Johnson (Fed. Nat. Mortgage)    CFR
James E. Johnson                         CFR
Jay L. Johnson                           CFR
Jeh Charles Johnson                      CFR
Jerome L. Johnson                        CFR/85
Jerry L. Johnson                         CFR
Karen H. Johnson                         CFR
Joseph Esrey Johnson                  BB/CFR/50
L. Oakley Johnson                        CFR/90
Larry D. Johnson                         CFR/92
Lester B. Johnson                        CFR
Lionel C. Johnson                        CFR
Nancie S. Johnson                        CFR
Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT)                 CFR
Paul G. Johnson                          CFR/90
Robbin S. Johnson                        CFR/92
Robert Henry Johnson                     CFR/92
Robert L. Johnson                        CFR
Robert Wood Johnson, Jr.                 CFR
Robert Wood Johnson IV                   CFR
Scott S. Johnson                         CFR
Suzanne Nora Johnson                     CFR/92
Thomas S. Johnson                        CFR/TC/92
Willard R. Johnson                       CFR/TC/84
Willene A. Johnson                       CFR
Wyatt Thomas Johnson                     CFR/TC/92
Tom Johnson                              CFR
George S. Johnston                       CFR/88
Henry R. Johnston                        CFR
Philip Johnston                          CFR/87
Robert Johnstone                         CFR/TC/92
W. H. Johnstone                          CFR
Alain Joly                               CFR/88
Alan Kent Jones                          CFR
Anita K. Jones                           CFR
Benjamin Felt Jones                      CFR
David C. Jones                           CFR/92
David J. Jones (Gen.)                    CFR
David L. Jones                           CFR
Frederick L. Jones II                    CFR
James R. Jones (D-Ok)                    CFR/85
Jeffrey B. Jones                         CFR
Joseph E. Jones                          CFR/21
Kali Chantelle Jones                     CFR
Kerri-Ann Jones                          CFR
Nigel W. Jones                           CFR
Peter T. Jones                           CFR/92
Sidney R. Jones                          CFR/92
Thomas Victor Jones                      CFR/92
Thomas W. Jones                          CFR
Peter Martin Joost                       CFR
Amos Azariah Jordan                      CFR/TC/92
Eason T. Jordan                          CFR
Robert W. Jordan                         CFR
Vernon Eulion Jordan, Jr.             BB/CFR/TC/92
William J. Jorden                        CFR/92
Geri M. Joseph                           CFR/92
Ira Benjamin Joseph                      CFR
James A. Joseph                          CFR/92
Richard A. Joseph                        CFR/88
Devereux C. Josephs                      CFR/51
William Josephson                        CFR/92
John T. Joyce                            CFR/92
Barbara Thomas Judge                     CFR/TC/87
Christina S. Juhasz                      CFR
Jacques Julliard                         CFR/92
John P. Jumper                           CFR
Helen B. Junz                            CFR/88
Kenneth I. Juster                        CFR/84
Alexander S. Jutkowitz                   CFR            
Margaret Kable                           CFR/85
Eric John Kadel,Jr.                      CFR
Lewis B. Kaden                           CFR
Robert P. Kadlec                         CFR
Donald Kagan                             CFR
Robert W. Kagan                          CFR/92
Jerome H. Kahan                          CFR/92
George McTurnan Kahin                    CFR/92
Miles Kahler                             CFR/92
Harry Kahn                               CFR/92
Herman Kahn                              CFR
Otto Hermann Kahn                        CFR/21
Peter Robert Kahn                     BB/CFR/J
Thomas S. Kahn                           CFR/87
Archibald C. Kains                       CFR/21
Karl Kaiser                              CFR/TC/92
Miranda M. Kaiser                        CFR
Philip M. Kaiser                         CFR/92
Robert Greeley Kaiser                    CFR/85
Walter J. Kaiser                         CFR/TC/84
Motoo Kaji                               CFR/92
Shanthi A. Kalathil                      CFR
Bernard Kalb                             CFR/92
Marvin Kalb                              CFR/92
Jan Kalicki                              CFR/92
Thomas Amadeus Kalil                     CFR
Felix A. Kalinski                        CFR
Andrew Martin Kamarck                    CFR
Elaine Ciulla Kamarck                    CFR
Peter H. Kaminer                         CFR/92
Howard Kaminsky                          CFR/TC/92
Fuji Kamiya                              CFR/TC/92
Kenichi Kamiya                           CFR/92
Max M. Kampelman                         CFR/88
Virginia Ann Kamsky                      CFR/92
Donald Perry Kanak                       CFR/92
Jonathan Kandell                         CFR/92
R. Keith Kane                            CFR
Roger E. Kanet                           CFR/92
C. S. Eliot Kang                         CFR
Richard S. Kang                          CFR
Peter Robert Kann                        CFR/88
Kermit I. Kansner                        CFR
Walter H. Kansteiner III                 CFR
Arnold Kanter                            CFR/92
Rosabeth Ross Kanter                     CFR/92
Mickey Kantor                            CFR
Eloise D. Kaplan                         CFR
Gilbert E. Kaplan                        CFR/92
Harold J. Kaplan                         CFR/92
Helene Lois Kaplan                       CFR/92
Jeffrey A. Kaplan                        CFR
Joel D. Kaplan                           CFR
Mark N. Kaplan                           CFR/92
Richard N. Kaplan                        CFR
Stephen S. Kaplan                        CFR/92
Scott Bancroft Kapnick                   CFR
Robert Alexander Kapp                    CFR/92
Ethan B. Kapstein                        CFR
Zachary Karabell                         CFR
Anne Karalekas                           CFR/92
Susan L. Karamanian                      CFR/92
Adrian Karatnycky                        CFR
Bruce E. Karatz                          CFR
Thomas G. Karis                          CFR/92
Jonathan David Karl                      CFR
Terry Lynn Karl                          CFR/88
Stanley Karnow                           CFR/88
Jonathan D. Karp                         CFR/87
Margaret Padelford Karns                 CFR
Victor P/ Karpov                         CFR/92
Charles Kartman                          CFR
Robert Kasdin                            CFR/TC/92
Yusuke Kashiwagi                         CFR/92
Stephen L. Kass                          CFR/84
Lynne Kassabian                          CFR/88
Nancy Landon Kassebaum (R-Ks)            CFR/92
Jordan S. Kassalow                       CFR
Theodore W. Kassinger                    CFR/92
Allen H. Kassof                          CFR/TC/84
Andrew R. Kassoy                         CFR
Farooq Kathwari                          CFR
Koichi Kato                              CFR/92
Brian M. Katulis                         CFR
Abraham Katz                             CFR/92
Daniel Roger Katz                        CFR
Milton Katz                           BB/CFR/92
Robert J. Katz                           CFR
Ronald S. Katz                           CFR/88
Sherman E. Katz                          CFR
Stanley N. Katz                          CFR
Nicholas de Belleville Katzenbach        CFR/RS/92
Edward L. Katzenback, Jr.                CFR
Peter J. Katzenstein                     CFR/92
Henry J. Kaufman                         CFR/92
James Lee Kauffman                       CFR
Richard L. Kauffman                      CFR
Daniel J. Kaufman                        CFR
Henry J. Kaufman                         CFR
Robert R. Kaufman                        CFR
William Weed Kaufmann                    CFR/84
Kenneth D. Kaunda                        CFR/TC/92
Michael E. Kavoukjian                    CFR
Kenji Kawakatsu                          CFR/92
Kira Kay                                 CFR
Charles Robert Kaye                      CFR
Dalia Dassa Kaye                         CFR
David A. Kaye                            CFR
Carol Kaysen                          BB/CFR/84
Juliette N. Kayyem                       CFR
Farhad Kazemi                            CFR/92
Charlotte G. Kea                         CFR
Christopher Kean                         CFR
Thomas H. Kean                           CFR/92
John M. Keane                            CFR
Jude Kearney                             CFR
David Todd Kearns                        CFR/TC/84
Justin Keating                           CFR/85
Anne G. Keatley                          CFR/92
Alton G. Keel Jr.                        CFR/85
Royal R. Keely                           CFR/21
Edward L. Keenan                         CFR/88
Lonnie S. Keene                          CFR
Spurgeon M. Keeny Jr.                    CFR/92
Dexter Merriam Keezer                    CFR/92
David M. Keiser                          CFR
Catherine McArdle Kelleher               CFR/92
Stephen M. Kellen                        CFR/92
Edmond J. Keller                         CFR/85
George M. Keller                         CFR/90
Kenneth H. Keller                        CFR/92
Barbara L. Kellerman                     CFR/92
Paul Xavier Kelley                       CFR/84
Peter Bicknell Kellner                   CFR/85
David Kellogg                            CFR
Frederic R. Kellogg                      CFR/21
Alfred F. Kelly                          CFR
Arthur L. Kelly                          CFR
Francis J. Kelly                         CFR
George Armstrong Kelly                   CFR/92
James P. Kelly                           CFR/92
John Hubert Kelly                        CFR/92
Herbert C. Kelman                        CFR
A. Donald Kelso                          CFR
Eugenia Kemble                           CFR/88
Geoffrey Kemp                            CFR/90
Frederick S. Kempe                       CFR/92
Frederick C. Kempner                     CFR
Maximillian W. Kempner                   CFR/88
Donald McIntosh Kendall                  CFR/TC/92
Peter B. Kenen                           CFR/92
George F. Kennan                      BB/CFR
Kenneth Keniston                         CFR/92
Christopher J. Kennan                    CFR/92
Elizabeth T. Kennan                      CFR
George Frost Kennan                      CFR/92
Caroline Bouvier Kennedy                 CFR
Craig Kennedy                            CFR
David Matthew Kennedy                    CFR/92
David W. Kennedy                         CFR/85
Donald Stanford Kennedy                  CFR/85
Paul Kennedy                             CFR/92
Randall L. Kennedy                       CFR/84
Robert F. Kennedy                        CFR
Roger G. Kennedy                         CFR
F. Donald Kenney                         CFR/92
Spurgeon M. Kenny, Jr.                   CFR
Fred I. Kent                             CFR/21
William H. Kent                          CFR
Nannerl O. Keohane                       CFR/92
Robert O. Keohane                        CFR/TC/84
Donald R. Keough                         CFR/88
Francis Keough                           CFR/85
Francis Keppel                           CFR/85
Harry F. Kern                            CFR/92
Paul J. Kern                             CFR
Ann Zwicker Kerr                         CFR/92
Clark Kerr                               CFR
Bob Kerrey                               CFR
John Forbes Kerry (D-Md)                 CFR/S&B 1966
Peggy Kerry                              CFR
Martha Neff Kessler                      CFR/92
John G. Kester                           CFR/92
W. Carl Kester                           CFR/92
James L. Ketelsen                        CFR
Francis A. Kettaneh                      CFR
John F. Keydel                           CFR/84
Paul V. Keyser, Jr.                      CFR
Peter Kezirian                           CFR
Rashid I.Khalidi                         CFR/88
Walid Khalidi                            CFR/92
Zalmay M. Khalilzad                      CFR/92
Moushumi M. Khan                         CFR
Neeraj L. Khemlani                       CFR
Cameron Kamran Khosrowshahi              CFR
Nicola N. Khuri                          CFR/TC/84
Herman S. Kiaer                          CFR
WaltherLeisler Kiep                      CFR/92
John W. Kiermaier                        CFR/92
Robert Edward Kiernan III                CFR/85
William S. Kies                          CFR/21
William F. Kieschnick                    CFR/92
Robert R. Kiley                          CFR/85
Adnan Kifayat                            CFR
James R. Killian, Jr.                    CFR
Martin Kilson                            CFR/92
Andrew B. Kim                            CFR
Andrew Byong-Soo Kim                     CFR
Hanya Marie Kim                          CFR
Sukhan Kim                               CFR
John H. Kimberly                         CFR
John R. Kimberly                         CFR
Robert M. Kimmitt                        CFR/88
James V. Kimsey                          CFR
William Patrick Kinane                   CFR
Lawrence John Kinde                      CFR
Charles King                             CFR
Frederic R. King                         CFR
Henry Lawrence King                      CFR/85
James E. King, Jr.                       CFR/92
John A. King, Jr.                        CFR/88
Kay King                                 CFR
Robert R. King                           CFR
Susan Robinson King                      CFR
Willard V. King                          CFR/21
Thomas C. Kinkaid                        CFR
Kevin J. Kinsella                        CFR
William R. Kintner                       CFR/88
Judith Kipper                            CFR/85
Michael Kirby                            CFR/88
Antonios S. Kireopoulos                  CFR
Heather Katherine Kiriakou               CFR
Grayson Louis Kirk                       CFR/50
Joseph Lane Kirkland                     CFR/TC/88
Lane E. Kirkland                         CFR
Richard I. Kirkland, Jr.                 CFR
Jeane Duane Jordan Kirkpatrick           CFR/TC/85
John David Kirkpatrick                   CFR
Melanie M. Kirkpatrick                   CFR
Stephen D. Kiser                         CFR
William S. Kiser                         CFR/92
Leonid Kishkovsky                        CFR
Catherine J. Kissee-Sandoval             CFR/92
Henry Alfred Kissinger                BB/CFR/TC/J/84
George B. Kistiakowsky                   CFR
Toshi Kitamura                           CFR/92
Helen A. Kitchen                         CFR/92
Jeffrey C. Kitchen                       CFR/84
Orde F. Kittrie                          CFR
Karin L. Kizer                           CFR
Monica Vegas Kladakis                    CFR
Curtis M. Klaerner                       CFR/84
Helaine S. Klasky                        CFR
Rosanne Klass                            CFR/92
Robert Kleiman                           CFR/92
David Klein                              CFR/92
Edward Klein (NYT)                       CFR/92
George Klein                             CFR
Jacques Paul Klein                       CFR
Joe A. Klein (Newsweek)                  CFR/92
Stephanie T. Kleine-Ahlbrandt            CFR
Jack Wilbur Klimp                        CFR
Roger C. Kline                           CFR
Nicholas S. Klissas                      CFR/TC/92
Norbert Kloten                           CFR/90
Frank G. Klotz                           CFR/84
James M. Klurfeld                        CFR/92
Gary E. Knell                            CFR
Douglas Knight                           CFR
Edward S. Knight                         CFR
Jessie J. Knight Jr.                     CFR/92
Robert Huntington Knight                 CFR/92
L. Werner Knoke                          CFR
Antonie T. Knoppers                   BB/CFR/92
Klaus Knorr                              CFR
William Allen Knowlton                   CFR/92
Winthrop Knowlton                        CFR/TC/84
John H. Knox                             CFR
William E. Knox                          CFR
Christine M. Knudsen                     CFR
Deborah J. Kobak                         CFR
Koji Kobayashi                           CFR/TC/84
Shoichiro Kobyashi                       CFR/TC/88
Yotaro Kobayashi                         CFR/92
Edward I. Koch                           CFR/85
Jennie M. Koch                           CFR
Wendy M. Koch                            CFR/88
John E. Koehler                          CFR
Robert P. Koenig                         CFR
Richard Jay Kogan                        CFR
Foy D. Kohler                            CFR/TC/84
Walter J. Kohler                         CFR
Hans Kohn                                CFR
Max Kohnstamm                            CFR/85
Andrew Kohut                             CFR
Jeff Kojac                               CFR
Christopher A. Kojm                      CFR/92
Charles E. M. Kolb                       CFR
James Thomas Kolbe (R-Az)                CFR
Edward A. Kolodziej                      CFR/92
George Kolt                              CFR/92
Steven R. Koltai                         CFR/85
Robert William Komer                     CFR/88
Lucy Komisar                             CFR
Morton M. Kondracke                      CFR/85
Ted Koppel                               CFR/J
Wayne A. Koonce                          CFR/92
Steven E. Koonin                         CFR
Lawrence J. Korb                         CFR/92
Josef Korbel                             CFR
Andrzej Korbonski                        CFR/92
Cyril Frederick Kormos                   CFR
Jessica Korn                             CFR
John C. Kornblum                         CFR
Anne E. Kornblut                         CFR
Alexander G. Korol                       CFR
Edward M. Korry                          CFR/TC/84
Masataka Kosaka                          CFR/92
Mike Vincent Kostiw                      CFR
Mahesh K. Kotecha                        CFR/92
Steven Kotler                            CFR
Walter M. Kotschnig                      CFR
Louis Kraar                              CFR/92
Lillian E. Kraemer                       CFR/85
Kirk Kraeutler                           CFR
Joseph Kraft                          BB/CFR/92
Robert K. Kraft                          CFR
Robert E. Kramek                         CFR
David J. Kramer                          CFR
Helen M. Kramer                          CFR/92
J. Reed Kramer                           CFR
Jane Kramer                              CFR/88
Mark Nathan Kramer                       CFR
Michael Kramer                           CFR/92
Orin S. Kramer                           CFR
Steven Philip Kramer                     CFR/92
Hendrik J. Kranenburg                    CFR/88
C. Douglas Kranwinkle                    CFR
Thomas F. Kranz                          CFR
David Kraslow                            CFR/92
Stephen D. Krasner                       CFR/92
Richard M. Krasno                        CFR/92
Lawrence B. Krause                       CFR/84
Charles Krause                           CFR/88
Clifford Krauss                          CFR/92
Charles Krauthammer                      CFR/92
Henry R. Kravis                       BB/CFR/85
Marie-Josee Kravis                       CFR
Fred Krawchuk                            CFR
Alvin W. Krech                           CFR/21
Alan J. Kreczko                          CFR/85
Mary Jeanne Kreek                        CFR
Robert N. Kreidler                       CFR/88
Paul H. Kreisberg                        CFR/84
Victor A. Kremenyuy                      CFR/88
Thomas Krens                             CFR/84
Andrew F. Krepinevich                    CFR
Michael Krepon                           CFR
Juanita Morris Kreps                     CFR/84
Janis Kreslins                           CFR/92
Jay L. Kriegel                           CFR
Victoria Reznik Krikorian                CFR
Bernard Krisher                          CFR/92
Nicholas D. Kristof                      CFR
Sandra Jeanne Kristoff                   CFR
Irving Kristol                           CFR/84
Kate M. J. Kroeger                       CFR
Kroen Chocolatier Inc                    CFR/90
Kroll Associates                         CFR/92
Anthony Townsend Kronman                 CFR
Walter Kross                             CFR
Anne O. Krueger                          CFR/85
Harvey Krueger                        BB/CFR
Paul R. Krugman                          CFR/92
David Kruidenier                         CFR/92
Charles Chandler Krulak                  CFR
Joseph J. Kruzel                         CFR/92
Charlotte Ku                             CFR/88
Roger M. Kubarych                        CFR/92
Jack B. Kubisch                          CFR/88
William Kucewicz                         CFR/87
Andrew Carrigan Kuchins                  CFR
Pedropablo Kuczynski                     CFR/88
Lawrence A. Kudlow                       CFR/88
Nancy Jo. Kuenstner                      CFR
John J. Kulewicz                         CFR/92
Steven G. Kull                           CFR
Bruce Robellet Kuniholm                  CFR/92
Geraldine S. Kunstadter                  CFR
Carol R. Kuntz                           CFR/88
Charles A. Kupchan                       CFR
Clifford A. Kupchan                      CFR/92
Robert H. Kupperman                      CFR/87
Vyacheslav Kupriyanov                    CFR/88
Tadashi Kuranari                         CFR/88
Mokoto Kuroda                            CFR/88
Masaaki Kurokawa                         CFR/92
Daniel C. Kurtzer                        CFR/90
James R. Kurth                           CFR/88
Daniel C. Kurtzer                        CFR
Robert A. Kushen                         CFR
Robert J. Kurz                           CFR/88
Stanley Kwieciak                         CFR/92
Stewart Kwoh                             CFR
Robert D. Kyle                           CFR/88
Miriam H. Labbok                         CFR/92
Jeri L. Laber                            CFR/85
Henry R. Labouisse                       CFR
Thomas G. Labrecque                      CFR/TC/85
Alex Lacy                                CFR/85
Dan B. Lacy                              CFR/92
Edward Ladd                              CFR
Wolf Ladejinsky                          CFR
Philip Lader                             CFR
Joyce A. Ladner                          CFR
Vinca S. Lafleur                         CFR
Oskar La Fontaine                        CFR/92
Mark P. Lagon                            CFR
Nina J. Lahoud                           CFR/85
Stanley R. Laing                         CFR
Ellen Laipson                            CFR
Melvin R. Laird                          CFR
Vanessa Laird                            CFR
Carol C. Laise                           CFR/92
Anthony Lake                             CFR/92
David A. Lake                            CFR/92
William T. Lake                          CFR/92
Betty Goetz Lall                         CFR/92
Stephen E. Lamar                         CFR/92
Denis David Lamb                         CFR/88
Horace R. Lamb                           CFR
Brett B. Lambert                         CFR
Benjamin S. Lambeth                      CFR/TC/92
Otto Graf Lambsdorff                     CFR/92
Donald S. Lamm                           CFR/88
Edward Lamont                            CFR/92
Lansing Lamont                           CFR/85
Peter T. Lamont                          CFR
Thomas Stilwell Lamont                   CFR/Pilgrim Soc.
Thomas William Lamont                    CFR/BB/21
Raymond Lamontagne                       CFR/92
Joseph La Palombara                      CFR/85
James B. Lampert                         CFR
Virginia A. Lampley                      CFR/88
David M. Lampton                         CFR/90
Roy Lamson, Jr.                          CFR/84
Carol J. Lancaster                       CFR/92
George Walter Landau                     CFR/92
Jim Alfred Lande                         CFR
James M. Landers                         CFR/92
Lauren R. Landis                         CFR
Lionel Landry                            CFR/84
Joanne Landy                             CFR/92
Charles M. Lane                          CFR/88
David J. Lane                            CFR/92
James Thomas Laney                       CFR/92
Robert E. Lang                           CFR
George D. Langdon Jr.                    CFR/85
Paul F. Langer                           CFR/92
William L. Langer                        CFR
John D. Langlois                         CFR
Walter Consuelo Langsam                  CFR
Charles T. Lanham                        CFR
Edward G. Lansdale                       CFR
Kermit Lansner                           CFR/92
Joseph Lapalombara                       CFR/92
Lewis H. Lapham                          CFR/92
Gail W. Lapidus                          CFR/85
Walter Z. Laqueur                        CFR/84
Resende Andre Lara                       CFR/88
Nicholas R. Lardy                        CFR
Sigurd S. Larmon                         CFR
F. Stephen Larrabee                      CFR/92
Charles R. Larson                        CFR/92
Hal B. Lary                              CFR/92
Jonathan Lash                            CFR
Lawrence J. Lasser                       CFR
Harold D. Lasswell                       CFR
Noel V. Lateef                           CFR/88
Kenneth S. Latourette                    CFR/21
Owen Lattimore                           CFR
Leonard Alan Lauder                      CFR/92
Ronald S. Lauder                         CFR
Paul A. Laudicina                        CFR/92
Perry Laukhuff                           CFR/84
Philip C. Lauinger Jr.                   CFR/92
Perry Laukhuff                           CFR/84
Salvador H. Laurel                       CFR/88
Jennifer Laurendeau                      CFR/92
Jeffrey Laurenti                         CFR/92
Ned C. Lautenbach                        CFR
David A. Laventhol                       CFR
Franklin L. Lavin                        CFR
Liam Lawlor                              CFR/92
David A. Lawrence                        CFR/TC/84
Richard D. Lawrence                      CFR/92
Robert Z. Lawrence                       CFR
William H. Lawrence                      CFR
Eugene K. Lawson                         CFR/92
Lawrence E. Laybourne                    CFR
John G. Laylin                           CFR
Christopher Layne                        CFR/92
Ralph Lazarus                            CFR/84
Shelly B. Lazarus                        CFR
Steven Lazarus                           CFR/85
Richard K. Le Blond                      CFR/85
A. B. Leach                              CFR
James Albert Smith Leach (R-In)          CFR/TC/92
Jim R. Leach                             CFR/92
Henry Goddard Leach                      CFR
David C. Leavy                           CFR
Eugene LeBaron                           CFR
Joshua Leberberg                         CFR
Paul Leclerc                             CFR
John M. Leddy                            CFR/92
Joshua Lederberg                         CFR/92
Ivo John Lederer                         CFR/92
Gordon Nathaniel Lederman                CFR
Bryce Lee                                CFR
Charles Henry Lee                        CFR
Chong-Moon Lee                           CFR
Elliott H. Lee                           CFR
Ernest S. Lee                            CFR/92
Ivy L. Lee                               CFR
James E.Lee                              CFR/84
Janet Lee                                CFR/92
John M. Lee                              CFR/92
Rensselaer Lee III                       CFR/92
William Alan Lee                         CFR/92
William L. Lee                           CFR/84
Derek Leebaert                           CFR/84
Dinah Lee-Kung                           CFR
David W. Leebron                         CFR
Roger S. Leeds                           CFR
Mildred Robbins Leet                     CFR
Ernest W. Lefever                        CFR/84
LaSalle D. Leffal III                    CFR
Russell Cornell Leffingwell              CFR/92
Richard S. Leghorn                       CFR/88
Jeffrey W. Legro                         CFR
Robert H. Legvold                        CFR/84
Joseph Legwaila                          CFR/92
Herbert Henry Lehman                     CFR/J
John R. Lehman                           CFR/92
John F. Lehman Jr.                       CFR/92
Orin Lehman                              CFR/92
Robert F. Lehman III                     CFR
Ronald Frank Lehman II                   CFR
Deborah M. Lehr                          CFR
James Lehrer                             CFR
Jim Lehrer                               CFR/85
Hal Lehrman                              CFR/92
Lewis E. Lehrman                         CFR
John Foster Leich                        CFR/92
Monroe Leigh                             CFR/TC/84
Klaus Dieter Leister                     CFR/92
Marc E. Leland                           CFR/92
Joseph Lelyveld                          CFR/92
Gerald A. LeMelle                        CFR
Tilden J. LeMelle                        CFR/92
Wilbert J. LeMelle                       CFR/85
J. Stuart Lemle                          CFR
Lyman L. Lemnitzer                       CFR/85
Robert J. Lempert                        CFR/88
James G. Lemoyne                         CFR
Amanda V. Leness                         CFR
Fernando Leniz                           CFR/92
Alexander T. J. Lennon                   CFR
Sarah G. J. Lennon                       CFR
William J. Lennox Jr.                    CFR
Louis C. Lenzen                          CFR/92
William M. LeoGrande                     CFR/92
James Fulton Leonard Jr.                 CFR/84
James G. Leonard                         CFR/92
Kenneth Lynch Leonard                    CFR
William E. Leonhard                      CFR/84
Wolfgang Leonhard                        CFR/92
Richard C. Leone                         CFR/85
Eva Lerner-Lam                           CFR
Norbert G. Leroy                         CFR
Lee Lescaze                              CFR/92
Ann Mosely Lesch                         CFR/85
Donald S. Leslie                         CFR
John C. Leslie                           CFR/92
John W. Leslie Jr.                       CFR
Ian O. Lesser                            CFR/TC/92
Laurence LeSueur                         CFR/TC/84
Marcel J. Lettre II                      CFR
Arrigo Levi                              CFR/92
Gerald M. Levin                          CFR/TC/J
Herbert Levin                            CFR
John A. Levin                            CFR
Michael Stuart Levin                     CFR
Neil D. Levin                            CFR
Irvine Raskin Levine                     CFR/92
Marne L. Levine                          CFR
Mel Levine (D-Ca)                        CFR/92
Herbert Levine                           CFR/88
Susan B. Levine                          CFR/87
Marc Levinson                            CFR/92
Mitchel Levitas                          CFR
Kenneth Joel Levit                       CFR
Mitchel Levitas                          CFR/84
Jonathan E. Levitsky                     CFR
Geoffrey M. Levitt                       CFR/92
Jeremy I. Levitt                         CFR
Marion J. Levy Jr.                       CFR/92
Philip I. Levy                           CFR
Reynold Levy                             CFR/88
Samuel J. Levy                           CFR
Walter James Levy                        CFR/BB/TC/84
Andre Levy-Lang                          CFR/92
Anthony Lewis (NYT)                      CFR
Bernard Lewis                            CFR/92
Clifford M. Lewis                        CFR/88
David A. Lewis                           CFR/92
Drew L. Andrew Lewis                     CFR
Edward T. Lewis                          CFR
Elise Carlson Lewis                      CFR
Flora Lewis                              CFR/TC/92
John P. Lewis                            CFR/92
John Wilson Lewis                        CFR
Herbert Lewis                            CFR
Kevin Lewis                              CFR
Loida Nicolas Lewis                      CFR
Roger Lewis                              CFR
Samuel W. Lewis                          CFR/J/84
Sherman R. Lewis Jr.                     CFR
Stephen R. Lewis Jr. (Carleton College)  CFR/87
W. Walker Lewis                          CFR
Wilmarth S. Lewis                        CFR
Frank Lewisohn                           CFR
Samuel A. Lewisohn                       CFR
Glen S. Lewy                             CFR
Andre Leysen                             CFR/92
Lehmann Li                               CFR
Lu Li                                    CFR
Victor H. Li                             CFR/92
I. Lewis Libby (Scooter)                 CFR/92
John H. Lichtblau                        CFR/92
Cynthia C. Lichtenstein                  CFR/88
Walter Lichtenstein                      CFR
James Edmund Lieber                      CFR
Robert J. Lieber                         CFR/92
Henry R. Lieberman                       CFR/92
Jodi B. Lieberman                        CFR
Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Ct)               CFR/92
Nancy A. Lieberman                       CFR/92
Kenneth G. Lieberthal                    CFR/92
Louise Lief                              CFR/92
William A. Liffers                       CFR/92
Robert K. Lifton                         CFR
Timothy Light                            CFR/92
Robert E. Lightizer                      CFR
Milton C. Lightner                       CFR
David E. Lilienthal                      CFR
Sally L. Lilienthal                      CFR/88
A. N. Lilley                             CFR
James Roderick Lilley                    CFR
Wayne P. Limberg                         CFR/88
Edward J. Lincoln                        CFR/92
George A. Lincoln                        CFR
Michael E. Lind                          CFR
Tod Lindberg                             CFR/92
Harold F. Linder                         CFR
Ernest K. Lindley                        CFR
Warren T. Lindquist                      CFR
Beverly Lindsay                          CFR
Franklin Anthony Lindsay                 CFR/BB/92
George N. Lindsay, Jr.                   CFR/92
James M. Lindsay                         CFR
John V. Lindsay                          CFR/92
Richard C. Lindsay                       CFR
Robert V. Lindsay                        CFR/85
Samuel McCune Lindsay                    CFR/21
Paul M. A. Linebarger                    CFR
James A. Linen                           CFR/88
Jonathan S. Linen                        CFR
William E. Lingelbach                    CFR
Walter L. Lingle, Jr.                    CFR
Troland S. Link                          CFR/92
David F. Linowes                         CFR
Sol M. Linowitz                          CFR/92
Kenneth Lipper                           CFR/88
Tamara Lipper                            CFR/84
Brian C. Lippey                          CFR
Thomas W. Lippman                        CFR
Walter Lippmann                          CFR/88
James S. Lipscomb                        CFR/85
Thomas H. Lipscomb                       CFR/92
Seymour Martin Lipset                    CFR/92
John P. Lipsky                           CFR
Seth Lipsky                              CFR/92
Leon Lipson                              CFR/92
Karin M. Lissakers                       CFR/92
Oliver J. Lissitzyn                      CFR
Robert E. Litan                          CFR
Edward H. Litchfield                     CFR
David G. Litt                            CFR
David Little (USIP)                      CFR/92
Herbert S. Little                        CFR
L. K. Little                             CFR
Milton J. Little Jr.                     CFR
Edmund W. Littlefield                    CFR
Robert S. Litwak                         CFR/92
Betty W. Liu                             CFR
Eric P. Liu                              CFR
Margaret C. Liu                          CFR
Robert Gerald Livingston                 CFR/92
J. Bruce Llewellyn                       CFR/87
Menendez Jose Luis Llovio                CFR/85
Derwood W. Lockard                       CFR
Edwin A. Locke, Jr.                      CFR/92
John E. Lockwood                         CFR/92
Manice de Lockwood III                   CFR
William W. Lockwood                      CFR
Jan M. Lodal                             CFR/92
George Cabot Lodge                       CFR/92
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.                   CFR
John Langeloth Loeb                      CFR
Frances Lehman Loeb                      CFR/92
John Langeloth Loeb                      CFR/92
Marshall Loeb                            CFR/92
George Loft                              CFR/92
Francis D. Logan                         CFR/92
Herbert I. London                        CFR
Charles Edward Long                      CFR
Franklin A. Long                         CFR/92
Jeffrey W. Long                          CFR/92
Susan M. Long                            CFR
William J. Long                          CFR
George Loft                              CFR
Herbert London                           CFR
Victor M. Longstreet                     CFR
Bevis Longstreth                         CFR
Thomas K. Longstreth                     CFR/92
Richard C. Longworth                     CFR
Susan Longworth                          CFR
Alfred L. Loomis                         CFR
Henry Loomis                             CFR/85
Robert H. Loomis                         CFR
A. William Loos                          CFR/92
Donald E. Loranger Jr.                   CFR/92
Bette Bao Lord                           CFR/85
Charles Edwin Lord                       CFR/85
Robert H. Lord                           CFR/21
Winston Lord                             CFR/92
Oivind Lorentzen III                     CFR
Harold H. Loucks                         CFR
William Roger Louis                      CFR
Robert H. Lounsbury                      CFR
Linda S. Lourie                          CFR
Glenn Cartman Loury                      CFR
John Randall Lovdahl                     CFR/92
Ben F. Love                              CFR/84
Thomas E. Lovejoy                        CFR/92
Jon B. Lovelace                          CFR/85
Jay Lovestone                            CFR/85
Robert Ambercrombie Lovett               CFR/S&B/18
Stephen Low                              CFR/92
Andreas F. Lowenfeld                     CFR/85
David Lowenfeld                          CFR/92
Barry F. Lowenkron                       CFR
James G. Lowenstein                      CFR/88
Abraham F. Lowenthal                     CFR/92
Elmer W. Lower                           CFR
Dennis Allen Lowery                      CFR/88
Frank E. Loy                             CFR/92
James Milton Loy                         CFR
Ignacio E. Lozano Jr.                    CFR/85
Monica C. Lozano                         CFR
Donald Lu                                CFR
Robert A. Lubar                          CFR
Isador Lubin                             CFR/BB/92
Nancy Lubin                              CFR/92
Stanley B. Lubman                        CFR/92
C. Payne Lucas                           CFR/92
Claire Boothe Luce                       CFR/85
Charles F. Luce                          CFR/88
Henry Robinson Luce                      BB/CFR/S&B/20
Edward C. Luck                           CFR/85
William Lucy                             CFR/85
E. Hugh Luckey                           CFR/92
Rudolph E. Ludt                          CFR/88
Wendy W. Luers                           CFR
William Henry Luers                      CFR/84
Richard Green Lugar                      CFR/88
J. C. Luitweiler                         CFR
Andrei Lukanov                           CFR/85
David L. Luke III                        CFR/92
John A. Luke Jr.                         CFR/92
Lora Lumpe                               CFR
Samuel D. Lunt                           CFR
Timothy T. Lupfer                        CFR/84
Frieda Luria                             CFR/88
Ian S. Lustick                           CFR/84
Betty Lustig                             CFR/85
Jane Holl Lute                           CFR
Yvonne Luter                             CFR/88
Edward N. Luttwak                        CFR/92
Ky Luu                                   CFR
Anne R. Luzzatto                         CFR
Katharine C. Lyall                       CFR/85
Joseph P. Lyford                         CFR/92
Donald Lyman                             CFR/92
Princeton Nathan Lyman                   CFR/92
Richard Wall Lyman                       CFR/84
Edward S. Lynch                          CFR
Leon Lynch                               CFR/92
Thomas F. Lynch III                      CFR
William Lynch Jr.                        CFR
Myles V. Lynk                            CFR
James Thomas Lynn                        CFR/TC/92
Laurence Edwin Lynn Jr.                  CFR/85
Sean M. Lynn-Jones                       CFR/85
David William Lyon                       CFR
E. Wilson Lyon                           CFR
Gene M. Lyons                            CFR/92
James E. Lyons                           CFR/92
Richard Kent Lyons                       CFR
George I. Lythcott                       CFR/92         




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Soldier for Liberty Exclusive: “Roger” This? Maurice Strong connection to Future of US Healthcare

Posted on October 26, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info, Watchdog Tools | Tags: , , , |

In March, the President held a health-care summit in Washington, DC to help identify programs that would improve health care quality and restrain escalating costs. He said his policies would be based on scientific evidence of benefit. The flagship proposal presented by the president was national adoption of electronic medical records — a computer-based system that would contain every patient’s clinical history, laboratory results, and treatments. President Obama said this would save  $80 billion a year, help prevent medical errors, reduce the number of malpractice lawsuits, and facilitate preventive and ongoing care for the chronically ill.
It’s fairly well known about the government’s issues with securing online data, no matter from foreign countries or dorm students. Our government can not even secure their Homeland Security database when hackers compromised dozens of Department of Homeland Security computers, moving sensitive information to Chinese-language internet sites. Back in February of 2009, the Wall Street Journal reported in one of it’s online blogs that… “In the wake of the Obama administration’s announcement of a 60-day federal review of the government’s initiatives on cyber security, an e-mail obtained by the Project on Government Oversight reveals another embarrassing security breach, this time involving missing computers from the Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory in New Mexico, and “the loss of a Blackberry in a sensitive foreign country.” “The e-mail from Los Alamos National Laboratory senior manager Stephen Blair to several other LANL employees reveals that, within a two-week period in early 2009, three computers were stolen from the Santa Fe home of an employee, and a BlackBerry device was misplaced outside the United States. He warns colleagues, “This is garnering a great deal of attention with senior management as well as [the National Nuclear Security Administration].”
And we’re supposed to trust them with our most personal information?
That’s not even the creepiest part. Allow me to introduce a recent acquaintance of mine:
Introducing “Roger”
“Roger” is Preventive Medicine’s innovative and proprietary health and lifestyle behavioral change model for the health insurance sector. Information on their website says it was “created by physicians, psychologists, IT gurus, health and lifestyle experts, and e-learning wizards. It boasts it meets people where they are in their everyday lives and engages members through fun, visual and 3-D e-learning modalities to improve optimal health, wellbeing and your bottom line…
“Roger” accomplishes it’s wellness goals by applying a browser based preventive care and lifesyle management approach that concentrates on daily personal encouragement, community support, and goal achievement indicators.”
The website says it has a unique interactive intervention method, delivered through a new and innovative behavioral change model based on the Allen Behavioral Change Model, which relies on six key components based on ten processes of change. Research indicates dramatic improvements in recruitment, retention, and progress using stage-matched individualized and interactive interventions. (Wonder if we get a doggie-treat if we do good?- oh,no- that’s food. Maybe they just pat us on the head.)
The system is also enhanced by highly trained call center professionals.
MMM…MMM…MMM… does this seem Orwellian to anyone else? Oh wait, there’s much more.
Dr Allen, of the Allen Behavioral Change model helped co-design the model. It uses something called “the healthy lifestyle index” and serves as a motivator and benchmark for each individual, to help prevent chronic disease and risk factors. “Roger” also offers “group / population” metrics that “track and report changes in the employee community as a whole or in any meaningful desired cohort.”
The system is built for employers , the health insurance sector, but also.. oh, look it says for “government entities” too.
The site also says the model is “based on the well researched fact most humans do not make decisions relating to their lifestyle and health based on cognitive and rational thought, but rather on emotional and social value bases.” It goes on to say “Changing behavior that is automatic takes small incremental nudges”..  Nudges, mmm,,,mmm…mmm… where have we heard that before?
“The key to “Roger” is how the program uses it’s KNOWLEDGE of each individual (gained through access to medical claims, as well as the responses to a series of assessments about psychological motivations and lifestyle behavioral information) to build trust and a relationship before introducing change. 
Is this creeping anyone else out? Oh, I’m just getting started….
“Roger” is sold exclusively to health insurance providers and government plan sponsors and supplies it’s technology on a private-label basis, to be delivered under the provider’s trusted brand. The system is designed to be integrated into the individuals every day life in a supportive and unobtrusive way.
What makes “Roger” tick? The site says, “The answer is simple. “Roger” does not run on data, it runs on knowledge.”
…making “Roger” truly dynamic and effective in facilitating behavior change that is up to the second current in real time.
Always engaging and active and capable of promoting and monitoring incremental changes.. (you know, nudges) The site goes on to say “Roger is usable by all enrollees- regardless of age, gender, education, or cultural background, and reports their progress however you want the data sliced or diced.  (so happy it doesn’t discriminate.. maybe it has to do with it’s knowledge). Here’s the diagram from the website showing how it works:
Roger Diagram
What’s the icing on top of the cake?  Guess who’s on the board of directors for wonderful new friend “Roger”?
Maurice Strong
Oh, and by the way.. not that this necessarily means anything, the company is located in the same building as The National Institute of Health in Bethesda, MD.
“Roger That ?”,… over and out, good buddy.

My epiphany- it all boils down to this!
Maurice Strong Database Vol 1
Maurice Strong Database Vol 2
Maurice Strong and Agenda 21

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LOCAL AGENDA 21 – U.N. and Marxist Practices Alive and Well in Your Community

Posted on October 25, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

My hope is that you will bookmark this column. The information here is valuable to you now. However, if you can not see why as of yet, you will soon come to understand why. I have included several videos, and while I know your time is very scarce, I urge you to watch them. I have attempted to put in 8-10 minute clips with full versions available in my vipod theatre in the column on the right, further down.

How to Brainwash a nation

I ran this earlier in the year. This was made in 1985. Any doubt he is telling the truth? Now that I have your attention, allow me to show you under what guise the marxist agenda is infiltrating YOUR town.


Local Agenda 21

Sustainable development plans are being fostered or propogated in many, many towns throughout this country. Make no mistake, sustainable development is a code word for communisim.


Speaking of Local Agenda 21 – see full version on vipod theatre



Official UN Docmentation and website for Agenda 21 – the global plan for the 21st century



 Official site for  ICLEI  – International Committee on Local Governments for Sustainability



 The Local Agenda 21 (LA21) Campaign promotes a participatory, long-term, strategic planning process that helps municipalities identify local sustainability priorities and implement long-term action plans. It supports good local governance and mobilizes local governments and their citizens to undertake such multi-stakeholder process. The LA21 process leads to the preparation and implementation of a long-term, strategic plan that addresses priority local sustainable development concerns.

The development of Local Agenda 21 and its subsequent endorsement at the Rio Earth Summit as Chapter 28 of Agenda 21.  A 2002 survey found that more than 6,400 local governments in 113 countries have become involved in LA21 activities over a 10-year period. Through LA21, local governments are establishing stakeholder groups, developing local sustainability plans and acting on these plans.


Below is a list of the 1107 cities worldwide which are members, blindly following the communist mandates of ICLEI. Cities from Annapolis, MD to Santa Cruz, CA and from Traverse City, MI to Charlottesville, VA- home of Thomas Jefferson. There are also 53 of ICLEI’s associate members, comprised of 53 associate members, in 24 countries worldwide including  American Public Works Association (APWA), Global Community Initiatives, USA and Neighborhood Network, U.S.A.




ICLEI lists it’s services as:

 As the international sustainable development and environmental agency for local governments, ICLEI provides information, delivers training, organizes conferences, facilitates networking and city-to-city exchanges, carries out research and pilot projects, and offers technical services and consultancy. We also provide software and tools to help local governments achieve their sustainable development goals.

 As a non-profit association, ICLEI receives financial support for its operations and its programs from a modest membership fee and project funders. ICLEI cooperates with global partners to develop its mission and better serve its Members.

Members are the strongest allies of ICLEI by contributing a yearly membership fee, but also by hosting ICLEI offices, financing events or contributing staff time to projects and activities. 

From ICLEI’s origins in 1990 a wide variety of international and regional partners has supported our work. This includes global agencies, national and regional governments, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and other associations.


ICLEI builds partnerships that further our goals and better support our Members.

We have a wide range of international partners that collaborate on our programs and campaigns, including national governments, academic institutions, local project-specific partners such as foundations and non-governmental organizations, and dozens of national, regional, and international associations of local governments. (The list below is not complete) 


United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) , Metropolis ,


World Economic Forum , Clinton Climate Initiative ,                    


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ,


United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) ,


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ,


Climate Group , World Bank , World Conservation Union (IUCN) ,


REEEP – Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership ,


Global Footprint Network , International Centre for Sustainable Cities ,


Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative


ICLEI continuously attracts  funders to effectively deliver our programs and campaigns worldwide.

ICLEI’s work would not be possible without project funding from a variety of agencies.

Our funders include national and subnational governments, international organizations, foundations and associations, and municipal governments. I notice they forgot to list these.

 Allow me now to present a sidebar on Non Government Organizations, many you have heard of (The Ford Foundation, The Tides Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc..) actally have and continue to fund these initiatives and others like them. Please watch these videos to have a full understanding of what has been done, over the last century, all in broad daylight while we were made too busy with our daily lives to be able to pay full attention :


 Above is G. Edward Griffins circa 1982 landmark interview of Norman Dodd, chief investigator for the Reece Committee, charged with the duty to ferret out the anti-American activities of non-profit, tax-exempt foundations, just before his death.  Here is the House Bill referred to in the snippet: http://tinyurl.com/yfohr3d The full hour long video is presented in my Vipod Theatre on the right. G. Edward Griffin has shed sunlight on many of the very things in the forefront of our fight for freedom today. I urge you to visit his websites at  www.freedomforceinternational.org www.realityzone.com  I have provided a link to a free ebook download of G. Edward Griffin’s book Frearful Master- a second look at the United Nations:  http://www.conspiracyresearch.org/forums/index.php?s=a0992a23a1d1c6c2b4a94475bfd4705a&act=attach&type=post&id=265


Alger Hiss is the member of the US Communist Party who founded the United Nations. To learn more about the scandal of Alger Hiss, see http://homepages.nyu.edu/~th15/ .


The Freedom in Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room in the J. Edgar Hoover Building at FBI Headquarters, in Washington, D.C., offers 46,213 pages of released FBI documents about the Hiss case for public inspection. Although many FBI documents from other celebrated cases have been posted at the FBI Web site (www.fbi.gov), no Hiss case documents are available online. To request that the FBI digitize and post these records, you could write to:

Robert S. Mueller, III
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Office Building
935 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001


There is a very good article, written eleven years ago by Berit Kjos called, “The UN Plan for your ‘Sustainable’ Community”


“…current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable. A shift is necessary. which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations…” – Maurice Strong , opening speech at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development

Note: This global contract binds all nations and spreading regions to the the collective vision of “sustainable development.” They must commit to pursue the three E’s of “sustainability”: Environment, Economy and Equity referring to the UN blueprint for environmental regulations, economic regulations, and social equity.

Agenda 21, the UN blueprint for global transformation, sounds good to many well meaning people. Drafted for the purpose of creating “sustainable societies”, it has been welcomed by nations around the world. Political, cultural, and media leaders have embraced its alluring visions of social justice and a healthy planet. They hide the lies behind its doomsday scenarios and fraudulent science. Relatively few consider the contrary facts and colossal costs.

After all, what could be wrong with preserving resources for the next generation? Why not limit consumption and reduce energy use? Why not abolish poverty and establish a global welfare system to train parents, monitor intolerance, and meet all our needs? Why not save the planet by trading cars for bikes, an open market for “self-sustaining communities,” and single dwellings for dense “human settlements” (located on transit lines) where everyone would dialogue, share common ground, and be equal?

The answer is simple. Marxist economics has never worked. Socialism produces poverty, not prosperity. Collectivism creates oppression, not freedom. Trusting environmental “scientists” who depend on government funding and must produce politically useful “information” will lead to economic and social disaster.

Even so, local and national leaders around the world are following the UN blueprint for global management and “sustainable communities,” and President Clinton is leading the way. A letter I received from The President’s Council on Sustainable Development states that –

“In April 1997, President Clinton asked the council to advise him on: next steps in building a new environmental management system for the 21st century… and policies that foster U.S. leadership on sustainable development internationally. The council was also charged to ensure that social equity issues are fully integrated…” (Emphasis added)

Many of our representatives are backing his plan. In a 1997 letter congratulating the Local Agenda 21 Advisory Board in Santa Cruz for completing their Action Plan, Congressman Sam Farr wrote,

“The Local Agenda 21 Action Plan not only has local significance, it also will have regional and national impacts. As you know, the President’s Council on Sustainable Development is beginning Phase III of its work with an emphasis on sustainable communities.” (emphasis added)

This agenda may already be driving your community ís “development”, so be alert to the clues. Notice buzzwords such as “visioning,” “partners,” and “stakeholders.” Know how to resist the consensus process. Ask questions, but don’t always trust the answers. Remember, political activists, like self-proclaimed education “change agents”, have put expediency above integrity. As North Carolina school superintendent Jim Causby said at a 1994 international model school conference, “We have actually been given a course in how not to tell the truth. You’ve had that course in public relations where you learn to put the best spin on things.” ….

Allow me to again point you to quotes from Maurice Strong: For further research :  http://wp.me/pxG9Z-cz

“Strengthening the role the United Nations can play…will require serious examination of the need to extend into the international arena the rule of law and the principle of taxation to finance agreed actions which provide the basis for governance at the national level. But this will not come about easily. Resistance to such changes is deeply entrenched. They will come about not through the embrace of full blown world government, but as a careful and pragmatic response to compelling imperatives and the inadequacies of alternatives.”

 ”The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. What is needed is recognition of the reality that in so many fields, and this is particularly true of environmental issues, it is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security.”

“This interlocking…is the new reality of the century, with profound implications for the shape of our institutions of governance, national and international.  By the year 2012, these changes must be fully integrated into our economic and political life.”

“Developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma.  It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class—involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing—are not sustainable.  A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”

..  “A new Economic Security Council (ESC) would replace the existing Economic and Social Council.  The new ESC would consist of no more than 23 members who would have responsibility for all international financial and development activities.  The IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO—virtually all finance and development activities—would be under the authority of this body.  There would be no veto power by any nation. (Italics CFP’s).  Nor would there be permanent member status for any nation.” 


They are already taking our property and water rights:



The IUCN was created by the UN (Sir Julian Huxley of UNESCO, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, to provide a more scientific base), advises the UN and develops treaties. The IUCN is active in identifying endangered species and one of their members include the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which is the agency that has the power to list endangered species. The IUCN frequently collaborates with the UN World Bank.

Laurance Rockefeller is named on the Board of Trustees of the NRDC. His family and the tax exempt Rockefeller Foundation have created and financed countless UN agencies and programs. The Rockefeller Foundation has gifted grants to the UN Population Council, which has its roots in eugenics, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the UN World Bank. See the video above of Inspector Norm Dodds’ interview with G. Edward Griffin for more information on the traitorous Rockefeller and Ford Foundations.


[The Senate now has enough Democrats to pass] the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty, and there are strong indications that they intend to bring this controversial document up for a vote within days or weeks. Those who favor the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) believe that U.S. security lies in passing a treaty and hiring more lawyers to defend America before an international tribunal, rather than building more ships for the Navy and Coast Guard. The anticipated vote on the treaty follows a strong recent push for ratification from the Council on Foreign Relations and newspaper ads in favor of the treaty from the Pew Charitable Trusts, a $5 billion non-profit entity. Plus, the Obama State Department sent a document to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on May 11 that declared UNCLOS to be a top priority for the administration. In fact, Obama’s submission to the Foreign Relations Committee names 17 treaties that he wants ratified. In addition to UNCLOS, they include the feminist Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the unverifiable Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and the gun rights-destroying Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials. See UN Law of the Sea http://www.un.org/Depts/los/index.htm 

Senate Bill 787 http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-s787/show  Clean Water Restoration Act:

A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to clarify the jurisdiction of the United Sates over waters of the United States.

Clean Water Restoration Act – Amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly known as the Clean Water Act) to replace the term “navigable waters” that are subject to such Act with the term “waters of the United States,” defined to mean all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, the territorial seas, and all interstate and intrastate waters and their tributaries, including lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, natural ponds, and all impoundments of the foregoing, to the fullest extent that these waters, or activities affecting them, are subject to the legislative power of Congress under the Constitution. Declares that nothing in such Act affects the authority of the Secretary of the Army or the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the provisions of the Clean Water Act related to discharges:
(1) composed entirely of return flows from irrigated agriculture;
(2) of stormwater runoff from certain oil, gas, and mining operations composed entirely of flows from precipitation runoff conveyances, which are not contaminated by or in contact with specified materials;
(3) of dredged or fill materials resulting from normal farming, silviculture, and ranching activities, from upland soil and water conservation practices, or from activities with respect to which a state has an approved water quality regulatory program; or
(4) of dredged or fill materials for the maintenance of currently serviceable structures, the construction or maintenance of farm or stock ponds, irrigation ditches and maintenance of drainage ditches, or farm, forest, or temporary roads for moving mining equipment in accordance with best management practices, or the construction of temporary sedimentation basins on construction sites for which discharges do not include placement of fill material into the waters of the United States.


When the well is dry, we know the worth of water. – BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, (1706-1790), Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1746

Water is the best of all things. – PINDAR (C. 522-C. 438 B.C.), Olympian Odes

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. – LORAN EISELY, The Immense Journey, 1957

Now consider that OUR CONGRESS is moving to take control of ALL WATER IN THE UNITED STATES! Yeah, you better pay attention. Oppose S.787 at all costs. Contact your Senators NOW. As of 6/18/2009 this bill was in the Committee on Environment and Public Works and was ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.

The 24 co-sponsors of this bill must be contacted and are:
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA]
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH]
Sen Cantwell, Maria [WA]
Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. [MD]
Sen Carper, Thomas R. [DE]
Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT]
Sen Durbin, Richard [IL]
Sen Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [NY]
Sen Kaufman, Edward E. [DE]
Sen Kerry, John F. [MA]
Sen Kohl, Herb [WI]
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ]
Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT]
Sen Levin, Carl [MI]
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT]
Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ]
Sen Merkley, Jeff [OR]
Sen Reed, Jack [RI]
Sen Sanders, Bernard [VT]
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY]
Sen Shaheen, Jeanne [NH]
Sen Stabenow, Debbie [MI]
Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon [RI]
Sen Wyden, Ron [OR]


I note that many of the sponsors are from areas around the Great Lakes – WHY WOULD ANY SANE, RESPONSIBLE LEGISLATOR GIVE AWAY THE RIGHTS OF THE WATERWAYS OF THEIR STATE and the citizens they are supposed to represent ? 


TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — Cameron Davis, leader of a Chicago-based environmentalist group, has been appointed to oversee President Barack Obama’s initiative to clean up the Great Lakes. Davis is president of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, one of many organizations that have pushed for a restoration program expected to cost more than $20 billion. He was appointed by Lisa Jackson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency….He will coordinate efforts of about a dozen federal agencies working on the administration’s Great Lakes project, which deals with issues such as invasive species, polluted harbors, sewage overflows and degraded wildlife habitat. The Bush administration oversaw development of a wide-ranging strategy for protecting and restoring the lakes that was presented in December 2005, but little funding was provided afterward. Legislation to carry out the plan has been introduced in the U.S. House and Senate.During the campaign last year, Obama pledged $5 billion over a decade toward implementing the plan. His proposed 2010 budget seeks $475 million in new spending on the lakes. Obama also promised to appoint a management “czar” and settled on Davis, a 23-year veteran of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, previously known as the Lake Michigan Federation. The group advocates for improving water quality and land use, conservation, habitat recovery and clean energy. Earlier this year, Obama named J. Charles Fox to a similar post, directing restoration of the Chesapeake Bay.

..Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., sponsor of legislation to implement the Obama initiative, said Davis “has shown a commitment to ensuring our waterways are healthy and safe for drinking, swimming and fishing. He has been a strong advocate for protecting the Great Lakes from harmful diversions by establishing sound water management strategy. He understands water policy and the importance of good policy.” Jack Bails, the alliance’s board chairman, said Davis had helped put the Great Lakes “on the national radar” by taking their case to federal regulators, members of Congress and other policymakers. Davis is “a coalition builder,” said Jeff Skelding, director of a network of advocacy groups known as the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition. “He knows how to talk the languages of the different federal agencies … and the audiences that have a stake in protecting the lakes.” One challenge Davis will face is making sure the federal money is used effectively _ particularly when the government already has about 140 programs dealing with the Great Lakes environment.


* Irvine, California – October 5, 2009 – A recently published administration document outlines a structure that could result in closures of sport fishing in salt and freshwater areas across America. The White House created an Interagency Oceans Policy Task Force in June and gave them only 90 days to develop a comprehensive federal policy for all U.S. coastal, ocean and Great Lakes waters. The task force direction is to develop zoning which may permanently close large areas to fishing throughout the US. Deadline : December 9, 2009, just in time for COP 15.


* The Obama administration and ..Congress are being urged, by a growing number of academics, environmentalists, and lawmakers, to address the country’s water problems, including its dwindling supplies, inadequate environmental protections, and stalled cleanup efforts. At the top of their priority list: reviving federal laws—particularly the Clean Water Act—that have been weakened or narrowly interpreted in recent years; boosting funding for the nation’s faltering and aging water infrastructure; and strengthening the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of water pollution from industry and power plants. http://tinyurl.com/6naxyv US News and World Report


* HR 146- The Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h146/show

A bill to designate certain land as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System, to authorize certain programs and activities in the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, and for other purposes. President Obama’s comments here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/30/us/politics/30lands-text.html


* ..However, the most egregious attack that the Schwarzenegger administration has launched on California’s fisheries was when he allowed the Department of Water Resources, in collaboration with the Bureau of Reclamation under the Bush administration, to export record amounts of water to Westlands, the Kern County Water Bank and southern California at great expense of Delta fish and Central Valley salmon. Record water export levels occurred in 2004 (6.1 MAF), 2005 (6.5 MAF) and 2006 (6.3 MAF). Exports averaged 4.6 MAF annually between 1990 and 1999 and increased to an average of 6 MAF between 2000 and 2007, a rise of almost 30 percent, according the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA). http://www.californiaprogressreport.com/2009/03/schwarzenegger_108.html




HR 748




Just introduced 10/2009.

Recognizing the importance of the property rights granted by the United States Constitution; affirming the duty of each Member of this body to support and defend such rights; and asserting that no public body should unlawfully obtain the property of any citizen of the United States for the benefit of another private citizen or corporation.


HR 575




Expresses the sense of Congress that state and local governments:
(1) should only execute the power of eminent domain for the public good;
(2) must always justly compensate affected individuals in accordance with the Fifth Amendment;
(3) should never use eminent domain to advantage one private party over another; and
(4) should not construe Kelo v. City of New London (Kelo) as justification to abuse the power of eminent domain. Reserves to Congress the right to address through legislation any abuses of eminent domain by state and local government in light of Kelo.

HR 1885




Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2009 – Prohibits a state or political subdivision from exercising its power of eminent domain, or allowing the exercise of such power by delegation, over property to be used for economic development or over property that is used for economic development within seven years after that exercise, if the state or political subdivision receives federal economic development funds during any fiscal year in which the property is so used or intended to be used. Prohibits the federal government from exercising its power of eminent domain for economic development. Establishes a private cause of action for any private property owner or tenant who suffers injury as a result of a violation of this Act. Prohibits state immunity in federal or state court. Sets the statute of limitations at seven years. Requires the Attorney General to bring an action to enforce this Act in certain circumstances, but prohibits an action brought later than seven years following the conclusion of any condemnation proceedings. Requires the Attorney General to disseminate information on:
(1) the rights of property owners and tenants under this Act; and
(2) the federal laws under which federal economic development funds are distributed. Prohibits a state or political subdivision from exercising its power of eminent domain over property of a religious or other nonprofit organization because of the organization's nonprofit or tax-exempt status or any related quality if that state or political subdivision receives federal economic development funds during any fiscal year. Prohibits the federal government from exercising its power of eminent domain over property of a religious or other nonprofit organization because of the organization's nonprofit or tax-exempt status or any related quality.



There will be much more on this issue in the near future. Please bring yourself up to speed on how Agenda 21 is impacting your community, and then fight like hell against it! It’s about much, much more than your property rights and your water rights. This will impact every single thing you do, how you do it and may even impact the length of your life.

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Lord Moncton’s Case Tied Up In A Bow

Posted on October 23, 2009. Filed under: Enemies of The State, General Info | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


Last Friday we had the good fortune to get a head’s up from Lord Christopher Moncton. If you haven’t seen that video yet, start here: http://wp.me/pxG9Z-cf Then we learned from him on Monday Maurice Strong played a vastly important roll in all this http://wp.me/pxG9Z-cn and http://wp.me/pxG9Z-cv  which lead to an epiphany http://wp.me/pxG9Z-cz involving Agenda 21, which was discussed earlier here  http://wp.me/pxG9Z-8X . Thursday we learned about the Club of Rome, a powerful group of people including American ex-presidents and other world leaders, top business people and other “trusted” figures, and saw a video that spelled out their agenda and how it morphed into Agenda 21. You may watch the video here http://wp.me/pxG9Z-cH  Referred to in the video were two books. These books were controversial when published, but over time the authors, The Club of Rome, were able to “mainstream” them through lies, fake science, and indoctrination of our youth. I have provided free copies, as available, for you here:

Limits to Growth (”cliff notes” version – could not find full version in pdf)


Limits to Growth Revisited (30 year update)


The First World Revolution


Other important documents I have offered along the way this week:

Here is the Minority Report, paid for by our own government, and given to our Congressional Members telling them why this science is bogus. Arm yourself with the real facts.  http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Files.View&FileStore_id=83947f5d-d84a-4a84-ad5d-6e2d71db52d9

Here is the UN Document on Agenda 21 : http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/

Here is the Cap & Trade legislation (HR 2454) which passed in the House: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h2454/show 

This is a chart from Liberty For Life detailing how insidious undue influence from these shadow organizations really are. You must print this .pdf chart and refer to it as we go through learning about what’s really going on. http://www.libertyforlife.com/nwo/2009Chart.pdf  This will illustrate the connections between The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderburg Group, showing how much they have infiltrated our government and educational institutions and just who these people are – many of whom, you already know.

Friday we learned about the impact of the Trilateral Commission on Agenda 21 and COP 15: http://wp.me/pxG9Z-d3  where we learned the following:

President George H.W. Bush later talked openly about creating a “New World Order”, which has since become a synonymous phrase. This paper attempts to tell the rest of the story, according to official and unofficial Commission sources and other available documents….  http://tinyurl.com/35vtw2 

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. “  – Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1972, from book ”Between Two Ages” – free pdf of book: http://tinyurl.com/yhsfo3x

Sovereignty.net illustrates the timeline toward Global Governance with clickable links and is a very good resource for learning more about what got us to this point in our history. Timeline to Global Governance  http://www.sovereignty.net/timeline.html

Another of these groups is the Bilderburg Group- Here an introduction from The History Channel:



The Bilderburg meeting for 2008 was held in the US. Remember during the campaign when candidate Barack Obama ditched reporters who he had herded on his plane, then turned up missing along with Hilary Clinton? Well, that is because they wanted to attend the Bilderburg meeting without the press knowing about it. They are both members. From HongPong.com comes the following: http://tinyurl.com/yhry4nf


LiveLeak.com – Bilderberg Attendee List 2008
Chantilly, Virginia, USA
5-8 June 2008


Honorary Chairman
BEL Davignon, Etienne Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel

DEU Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
CAN Adams, John Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
USA Ajami, Fouad Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University
USA Alexander, Keith B. Director, National Security Agency
INT Almunia, Joaquín Commissioner, European Commission
GRC Alogoskoufis, George Minister of Economy and Finance
USA Altman, Roger C. Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.
TUR Babacan, Ali Minister of Foreign Affairs
NLD Balkenende, Jan Peter Prime Minister
PRT Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
FRA Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
ITA Bernabè, Franco CEO, Telecom Italia Spa
USA Bernanke, Ben S. Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
SWE Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs
FIN Blåfield, Antti Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat
DNK Bosse, Stine CEO, TrygVesta
CAN Brodie, Ian Chief of Staff, Prime Minister’s Office
AUT Bronner, Oscar Publisher and Editor, Der Standard
FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA
ESP Cebrián, Juan Luis CEO, PRISA
CAN Clark, Edmund President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
GBR Clarke, Kenneth Member of Parliament
NOR Clemet, Kristin Managing Director, Civita
USA Collins, Timothy C. Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
FRA Collomb, Bertrand Honorary Chairman, Lafarge
PRT Costa, António Mayor of Lisbon
USA Crocker, Chester A. James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies
USA Daschle, Thomas A. Former US Senator and Senate Majority Leader
CAN Desmarais, Jr., Paul Chairman and co-CEO, Power Corporation of Canada
GRC Diamantopoulou, Anna Member of Parliament
USA Donilon, Thomas E. Partner, O’Melveny & Myers
ITA Draghi, Mario Governor, Banca d’Italia
AUT Ederer, Brigitte CEO, Siemens AG Österreich
CAN Edwards, N. Murray Vice Chairman, Candian Natural Resources Limited

DNK Eldrup, Anders President, DONG A/S
ITA Elkann, John Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
USA Farah, Martha J. Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania
USA Feldstein, Martin S. President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research
DEU Fischer, Joschka Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Ford, Jr., Harold E. Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch & Co., Inc.
CHE Forstmoser, Peter Professor for Civil, Corporation and Capital Markets Law, University of Zürich
IRL Gallagher, Paul Attorney General
USA Geithner, Timothy F. President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
USA Gigot, Paul Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal

IRL Gleeson, Dermot Chairman, AIB Group
NLD Goddijn, Harold CEO, TomTom
TUR Gö?ü?, Zeynep Journalist; Founder, EurActiv.com.tr
USA Graham, Donald E. Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company
NLD Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
USA Holbrooke, Richard C. Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
FIN Honkapohja, Seppo Member of the Board, Bank of Finland
INT Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO
USA Hubbard, Allan B. Chairman, E & A Industries, Inc.
BEL Huyghebaert, Jan Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group
DEU Ischinger, Wolfgang Former Ambassador to the UK and US
USA Jacobs, Kenneth Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S., Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
USA Johnson, James A. Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
SWE Johnstone, Tom President and CEO, AB SKF
USA Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
FRA Jouyet, Jean-Pierre Minister of European Affairs
GBR Kerr, John Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
USA Kissinger, Henry A. Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
DEU Klaeden, Eckart von Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU
USA Kleinfeld, Klaus President and COO, Alcoa
TUR Koç, Mustafa Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
FRA Kodmani, Bassma Director, Arab Reform Initiative
USA Kravis, Henry R. Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
INT Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European Commission
POL Kwasniewski, Aleksander Former President
AUT Leitner, Wolfgang CEO, Andritz AG
ESP León Gross, Bernardino Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister
INT Mandelson, Peter Commissioner, European Commission
FRA Margerie, Christophe de CEO, Total
CAN Martin, Roger Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
HUN Martonyi, János Professor of International Trade Law; Partner, Baker & McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Mathews, Jessica T. President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

INT McCreevy, Charlie Commissioner, European Commission
USA McDonough, William J. Vice Chairman and Special Advisor to the Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
CAN McKenna, Frank Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
GBR McKillop, Tom Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
FRA Montbrial, Thierry de President, French Institute for International Relations
ITA Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
USA Mundie, Craig J. Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
NOR Myklebust, Egil Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA
DEU Nass, Matthias Deputy Editor, Die Zeit
NLD Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the
FRA Ockrent, Christine CEO, French television and radio world service
FIN Ollila, Jorma Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc
SWE Olofsson, Maud Minister of Enterprise and Energy; Deputy Prime Minister
NLD Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of
GBR Osborne, George Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
TUR Öztrak, Faik Member of Parliament
ITA Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe
GRC Papahelas, Alexis Journalist, Kathimerini
GRC Papalexopoulos, Dimitris CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A.
USA Paulson, Jr., Henry M. Secretary of the Treasury
USA Pearl, Frank H. Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC
USA Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
FRA Pérol, François Deputy General Secretary in charge of Economic Affairs
DEU Perthes, Volker Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
BEL Philippe, H.R.H. Prince
CAN Prichard, J. Robert S. President and CEO, Torstar Corporation
CAN Reisman, Heather M. Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
USA Rice, Condoleezza Secretary of State
PRT Rio, Rui Mayor of Porto
USA Rockefeller, David Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank
ESP Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander
USA Rose, Charlie Producer, Rose Communications
DNK Rose, Flemming Editor, Jyllands Posten
USA Ross, Dennis B. Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
USA Rubin, Barnett R. Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation, New York University

TUR ?ahenk, Ferit Chairman, Do?u? Holding A.?.
USA Sanford, Mark Governor of South Carolina
USA Schmidt, Eric Chairman of the Executive Committee and CEO, Google

AUT Scholten, Rudolf Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
DNK Schur, Fritz H. Fritz Schur Gruppen
CZE Schwarzenberg, Karel Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA Sebelius, Kathleen Governor of Kansas
USA Shultz, George P. Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

ESP Spain, H.M. the Queen of
CHE Spillmann, Markus Editor-in-Chief and Head Managing Board, Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG
USA Summers, Lawrence H. Charles W. Eliot Professor, Harvard University
GBR Taylor, J. Martin Chairman, Syngenta International AG
USA Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
NLD Timmermans, Frans Minister of European Affairs
RUS Trenin, Dmitri V. Deputy Director and Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center
INT Trichet, Jean-Claude President, European Central Bank
USA Vakil, Sanam Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
FRA Valls, Manuel Member of Parliament
GRC Varvitsiotis, Thomas Co-Founder and President, V + O Communication
CHE Vasella, Daniel L. Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG
FIN Väyrynen, Raimo Director, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs
FRA Védrine, Hubert Hubert Védrine Conseil
NOR Vollebaek, Knut High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE
SWE Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor AB
USA Weber, J. Vin CEO, Clark & Weinstock
USA Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
USA Wolfowitz, Paul Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

INT Zoellick, Robert B. President, The World Bank Group



Shortly after the meetings began, Bilderberg tracker Jim Tucker reported that his inside sources revealed that the group has on its agenda, “the plan for a global department of health, a global treasury and a shortened depression rather than a longer economic downturn.” Tucker reported that Swedish Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister, Carl Bildt, “Made a speech advocating turning the World Health Organization into a world department of health, advocating turning the IMF into a world department of treasury, both of course under the auspices of the United Nations.” Further, Tucker reported that, “Treasury Secretary Geithner and Carl Bildt touted a shorter recession not a 10-year recession … partly because a 10 year recession would damage Bilderberg industrialists themselves, as much as they want to have a global department of labor and a global department of treasury, they still like making money and such a long recession would cost them big bucks industrially because nobody is buying their toys…..the tilt is towards keeping it short.”
After the meetings finished, Daniel Estulin reported that, “One of Bilderberg’s primary concerns according to Estulin is the danger that their zeal to reshape the world by engineering chaos in order to implement their long term agenda could cause the situation to spiral out of control and eventually lead to a scenario where Bilderberg and the global elite in general are overwhelmed by events and end up losing their control over the planet.”
On May 21, the Macedonian International News Agency reported that, “A new Kremlin report on the shadowy Bilderberg Group, who this past week held their annual meeting in Greece, states that the West’s financial, political and corporate elite emerged from their conclave after coming to an agreement that in order to continue their drive towards a New World Order dominated by the Western Powers, the US Dollar has to be ‘totally’ destroyed.” Further, the same Kremlin report apparently stated that, “most of the West’s wealthiest elite convened at an unprecedented secret meeting in New York called for and led by” David Rockefeller, “to plot the demise of the US Dollar.”
Bilderberg’s Plan in Action?
Reorganizing the Federal Reserve
Following the Bilderberg meeting, there were several interesting announcements made by key participants, specifically in regards to reorganizing the Federal Reserve. On May 21, it was reported that US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner “is believed to be leaning heavily towards giving the Federal Reserve a central role in future regulation,” and “it is understood that the Fed would take on some of the work currently undertaken by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.”
On Wednesday, May 20, Geithner spoke before the Senate Banking Committee, at which he stated that, “there are important indications that our financial system is starting to heal.” In regards to regulating the financial system, Geithner stated that, “we must ensure that international rules for financial regulation are consistent with the high standards we will be implementing in the United States.”
Bloomberg reported that, “The Obama administration may call for stripping the Securities and Exchange Commission of some of its powers under a regulatory reorganization,” and that, “The proposal, still being drafted, is likely to give the Federal Reserve more authority to supervise financial firms deemed too big to fail. The Fed may inherit some SEC functions, with others going to other agencies.” Interestingly, “SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro’s agency has been mostly absent from negotiations within the administration on the regulatory overhaul, and she has expressed frustration about not being consulted.”
It was reported that “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was set to discuss proposals to change financial regulations last night at a dinner with National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers [who was also present at Bilderberg], former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker [also at Bilderberg], ex-SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt and Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard University law professor who heads the congressional watchdog group for the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program.” The Federal Reserve is a privately owned central bank, owned by its shareholders, consisting of the major banks the make up each regional Fed bank (the largest of which is JP Morgan Chase and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York). This plan would essentially give a privately owned bank, which has governmental authority, the ability to regulate the banks that own it. It’s the equivalent of getting a Colonel to guard a General to whom he is directly answerable. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house. It is literally granting ownership over the financial regulator to the banks being regulated.


Are things beginning to make a little more sense to you yet? Have you printed the pdf chart from Liberty For Life yet?

Have you seen, then that Barack Obama and Bill Clinton (Hilary too) are members of Bilderberg? Did you notice that Bill Clinton is also Trilateral and Council on Foreign Relations groups as well.  George HW Bush and Jimmy Carter belong to the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations. Gerald Ford was Bilderberg and Council on Foreign Relations.  Those are just the recent presidents complicit in the purposeful demise of our sovereignty.

Are you also aware, that just like the history of the Bilderburg, our Federal Reserve began the same way. Allow me to once again recommend the book Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. Amazing the similarities. And you do know “The Fed” is a banking cartel and not an agency of our federal government, don’t you? More on them in the weeks ahead. Back to the article linked above:


Following the Bilderberg meeting, “President Obama has asked Congress to authorize $100 billion in loans to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help create a $500 billion global bailout fund,” which would give the IMF the essential prerogative of a global treasury, providing bailouts for countries in need around the world. Further, “the bill would allow the IMF to borrow up to $100 billion from the U.S. and increase the U.S. fiscal contribution to the IMF by $8 billion.” Elaborating on the program, it was reported that, “World leaders began on the global bailout initiative, called the New Arrangement for Borrowing (NAB), at the G-20 summit in early April. The president agreed at that time to make the additional funds available.” Obama wrote that, “Treasury Secretary Geithner concluded that the size of the NAB is woefully inadequate to deal with the type of severe economic and financial crisis we are experiencing, and I agree with him.”
With the G20 decision to increase the usage of IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), forming a de facto world currency, it was recently reported that, “Sub-Saharan Africa will receive around $10 billion from the IMF in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to help its economies weather the global financial crisis,” and that, “As part of a $1.1 trillion deal to combat the world economic downturn agreed at April’s G20 summit, the IMF will issue $250 billion worth of SDRs, which can be used to boost foreign currency reserves.”
Recent reports have also indicated that the IMF’s role in issuing SDRs goes hand in hand with the Bilderberg discussion on the potential collapse of the US dollar, and, “Transforming the dollar standard into an SDR-based system would be a major break with a policy that has lasted more than 60 years.” It was reported that, “There are two ways in which the dollar’s role in the international monetary system can be reduced. One possibility is a gradual, market-determined erosion of the dollar as a reserve currency in favor of the euro. But, while the euro’s international role – especially its use in financial markets – has increased since its inception, it is hard to envisage it overtaking the dollar as the dominant reserve currency in the foreseeable future.” However, “With the dollar’s hegemony unlikely to be seriously undermined by market forces, at least in the short and medium-term, the only way to bring about a major reduction in its role as a reserve currency is by international agreement.” This is where the SDRs come into play, as “One way to make the SDR the major reserve currency relatively soon would be to create and allocate a massive amount of new SDRs to the IMF’s members.” This is, interestingly, exactly what is happening with Africa and the IMF now.

In this very recent video, G. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island, explains to us how the Fed is complicit with the demise of the dollar and the reason behind it. As well, he discusses HR 1207 “Audit the Fed” and while noble, may help whitewash the actual goal to abolish the Fed. Bill shown here: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h1207/show  This is pertinent to the discussion of Agenda 21 and One World Order in that all of the layers of betrayal are working together to the demise of our sovereignty.



One website mentioned in the video http://www.realityzone.com/  has a lot of resource and learning material on it and may be of use to you. An hour long free audio synopsis of the book Creature From Jekyll Island can be found here: http://www.rzyoutube.com/  (in seven segments).  

  Now, allow me to introduce you to the Council on Foreign Relations. This portion is to help you understand why the media is complicit. JP Morgan Chase, founding member of the Federal Reserve, and whose chairman, David Rockefeller is on the Trilateral Commission, Bilderburg Group and yes, Council on Foreign Relations. This video will help explain:    



 Want to know why you aren’t hearing about this on FOX? Now you know. Rupert Murdoch owns Fox. You’ve also learned that much of this revolves around a very few central figures. David Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, George Soros (Bilderburg and Council of Foreign Relations).  





 Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations

February 17, 2006
Project Syndicate

The world’s 190-plus states now co-exist with a larger number of powerful non-sovereign and at least partly (and often largely) independent actors, ranging from corporations to non-government organisations (NGOs), from terrorist groups to drug cartels, from regional and global institutions to banks and private equity funds. The sovereign state is influenced by them (for better and for worse) as much as it is able to influence them. The near monopoly of power once enjoyed by sovereign entities is being eroded.
As a result, new mechanisms are needed for regional and global governance that include actors other than states. This is not to argue that Microsoft, Amnesty International, or Goldman Sachs be given seats in the United Nations General Assembly, but it does mean including representatives of such organisations in regional and global deliberations when they have the capacity to affect whether and how regional and global challenges are met.
Moreover, states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function.
This is already taking place in the trade realm. Governments agree to accept the rulings of the World Trade Organisation because on balance they benefit from an international trading order, even if a particular decision requires that they alter a practice that is their sovereign right to carry out.
Some governments are prepared to give up elements of sovereignty to address the threat of global climate change. Under one such arrangement, the Kyoto Protocol, which runs through 2012, signatories agree to cap specific emissions. What is needed now is a successor arrangement in which a larger number of governments, including the United States, China and India, accept emission limits or adopt common standards because they recognise that they would be worse off if no country did.
All of this suggests that sovereignty must be redefined if states are to cope with globalisation.
At its core, globalisation entails the increasing volume, velocity and importance of flows within and across borders of people, ideas, greenhouse gases, goods, dollars, drugs, viruses, emails, weapons, and a good deal else, challenging one of sovereignty’s fundamental principles: the ability to control what crosses borders in either direction. Sovereign states increasingly measure their vulnerability not to one another, but to forces beyond their control.
Globalisation thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves, because they cannot insulate themselves from what goes on elsewhere. Sovereignty is no longer a sanctuary.
This was demonstrated by the American and world reaction to terrorism. Afghanistan’s Taliban government, which provided access and support to al-Qaeda, was removed from power. Similarly, America’s preventive war against an Iraq that ignored the UN and was thought to possess weapons of mass destruction showed that sovereignty no longer provides absolute protection. Imagine how the world would react if some government were known to be planning to use or transfer a nuclear device or had already done so. Many would argue correctly that sovereignty provides no protection for that state.
Necessity may also lead to reducing or even eliminating sovereignty when a government, whether from a lack of capacity or conscious policy, is unable to provide for the basic needs of its citizens. This reflects not simply scruples, but a view that state failure and genocide can lead to destabilising refugee flows and create openings for terrorists to take root.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s intervention in Kosovo was an example where a number of governments chose to violate the sovereignty of another government (Serbia) to stop ethnic cleansing and genocide. By contrast, the mass killing in Rwanda a decade ago and now in Darfur, Sudan, demonstrate the high price of judging sovereignty to be supreme and thus doing little to prevent the slaughter of innocents.
Our notion of sovereignty must therefore be conditional, even contractual, rather than absolute. If a state fails to live up to its side of the bargain by sponsoring terrorism, either transferring or using weapons of mass destruction, or conducting genocide, then it forfeits the normal benefits of sovereignty and opens itself up to attack, removal or occupation. The diplomatic challenge for this era is to gain widespread support for principles of state conduct and a procedure for determining remedies when these principles are violated.
The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalisation, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy.
The basic idea of sovereignty, which still provides a useful constraint on violence between states, needs to be preserved. But the concept needs to be adapted to a world in which the main challenges to order come from what global forces do to states and what governments do to their citizens, rather than from what states do to one another.

A 2008 list of members, along with other details can be found here: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/cfr-members.htm .

You will notice Colin Powell appears on the list. John McCain is a member as well. So you see, we actually had no choice in the last election. Glenn Beck caused quite a stir when he boldly stated there was no difference, other than the speed to which we were hurled into Marxism. Glenn Beck was correct.

We will learn more on this next week. Again, I will post bit by bit daily with a synopsis on the weekend post. There is a lot to absorb here. Take the weekend to go over the information contained in this column and on the links provided. Save the pdf files to your computer as reference material. You will need it to understand what they are doing to us as this progresses.

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